
import os

# define the result filename
resultfile = 'result.csv'

# the merge func
def merge():
    """merge csv files to one file"""

    # indicates use of a global variable.
    global resultfile

    # use list save the csv files
    csvfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if f != resultfile  \
    and (len(f.split('.')) >= 2) and f.split('.')[1]=='csv']

    # open file to write
    with open(resultfile,'w') as writefile:
        for csvfile in csvfiles:
            with open(csvfile) as readfile:
                print('File {} readed.'.format(csvfile))

                # do the read and write
    print('\nFile {} wrote.'.format(resultfile))

# the main program

def main():
    print "\t\tMerge\n\n"
    print "This program merges csv-files to one file\n"

if __name__ == '__main__':