Java 类javax.jms.InvalidSelectorException 实例源码

项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
private static BooleanExpression parseSelector(ConsumerInfo info) throws InvalidSelectorException {
    BooleanExpression rc = null;
    if (info.getSelector() != null) {
        rc = SelectorParser.parse(info.getSelector());
    if (info.isNoLocal()) {
        if (rc == null) {
            rc = new NoLocalExpression(info.getConsumerId().getConnectionId());
        } else {
            rc = LogicExpression.createAND(new NoLocalExpression(info.getConsumerId().getConnectionId()), rc);
    if (info.getAdditionalPredicate() != null) {
        if (rc == null) {
            rc = info.getAdditionalPredicate();
        } else {
            rc = LogicExpression.createAND(info.getAdditionalPredicate(), rc);
    return rc;
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
public void onResponse(IAmqpProtocolConverter converter, Response response) throws IOException {
    if (response.isException()) {
        Throwable exception = ((ExceptionResponse) response).getException();
        Symbol condition = AmqpError.INTERNAL_ERROR;
        if (exception instanceof InvalidSelectorException) {
            condition = AmqpError.INVALID_FIELD;
        sender.setCondition(new ErrorCondition(condition, exception.getMessage()));
    } else {
        sessionContext.consumers.put(id, consumerContext);;
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseEscapeExpression() throws InvalidSelectorException
    if (!isEndOfExpression() && currentToken.equalsIgnoreCase("escape"))
        readNextToken(); // skip escape
        SelectorNode escapeNode = parseBaseExpression();
        if (!(escapeNode instanceof StringLiteral))
            throw new InvalidSelectorException("escape operand of LIKE operator should be a string literal");
        String value = (String)((StringLiteral)escapeNode).getValue();
        if (value.length() != 1)
            throw new InvalidSelectorException("escape operand of LIKE operator must contain one and only one character");

        return escapeNode;
    return null;
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseAdditiveExpression() throws InvalidSelectorException
    SelectorNode lNode = parseMultiplicativeExpression();

    while (!isEndOfExpression())
        if (currentToken.equals("+"))
            readNextToken(); // skip '+'
            lNode = new SumOperator(lNode, parseMultiplicativeExpression());
        else if (currentToken.equals("-"))
            readNextToken(); // skip '-'
            lNode = new SubstractOperator(lNode, parseMultiplicativeExpression());
        else break;

    return lNode;
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseMultiplicativeExpression() throws InvalidSelectorException
    SelectorNode lNode = parseUnaryExpression();

    while (!isEndOfExpression())
        if (currentToken.equals("*"))
            readNextToken(); // skip '*'
            lNode = new MultiplyOperator(lNode, parseUnaryExpression());
        else if (currentToken.equals("/"))
            readNextToken(); // skip '/'
            lNode = new DivideOperator(lNode, parseUnaryExpression());
        else break;

    return lNode;
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseUnaryExpression() throws InvalidSelectorException
    if (isEndOfExpression()) 
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("Unexpected end of expression");

    if (currentToken.equals("-"))
        readNextToken(); // skip '-'
        return new MinusOperator(parseBaseExpression());
    else if (currentToken.equalsIgnoreCase("not"))
        readNextToken(); // skip 'not'
        return new NotOperator(parseBaseExpression());

    return parseBaseExpression();
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseIdentifier() throws InvalidSelectorException
    String lName = currentToken;

    // Check headers restrictions
    if (lName.startsWith("JMS"))
        if (!lName.startsWith("JMSX") &&
        if (!(lName.equals("JMSDeliveryMode") ||
              lName.equals("JMSPriority") ||
              lName.equals("JMSMessageID") ||
              lName.equals("JMSTimestamp") ||
              lName.equals("JMSCorrelationID") ||
            throw new InvalidSelectorException("Header property "+lName+" cannot be used in a message selector");

    return new Identifier(lName);
项目:ffmq    文件   
 * Constructor
public BetweenOperator( SelectorNode leftOperand,
                        SelectorNode lowerBoundOperand,
                        SelectorNode upperBoundOperand ) throws InvalidSelectorException
    this.leftOperand = leftOperand;
    this.lowerBoundOperand = lowerBoundOperand;
    this.upperBoundOperand = upperBoundOperand;

    if (!(leftOperand instanceof ArithmeticExpression))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("left operand of BETWEEN operator must be an arithmetic expression");
    if (!(lowerBoundOperand instanceof ArithmeticExpression))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("lower bound of BETWEEN operator must be an arithmetic expression");
    if (!(upperBoundOperand instanceof ArithmeticExpression))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("upper bound of BETWEEN operator must be an arithmetic expression");
项目:ffmq    文件   
 * Parse a number as string
public static Number parseNumber( String numberAsString )  throws InvalidSelectorException
    if (numberAsString == null) return null;
        if (numberAsString.indexOf('.') != -1 || 
            numberAsString.indexOf('e') != -1 ||
            numberAsString.indexOf('E') != -1)
            return new Double(numberAsString);
            return Long.valueOf(numberAsString);
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("Invalid numeric value : "+numberAsString);
项目:ffmq    文件   
public void testInvalidParse() throws Exception
    for (int n = 0 ; n < INVALID_SELECTORS.length; n++)
        System.out.print("TESTING invalid ["+INVALID_SELECTORS[n]+"] ");
            SelectorNode node = new MessageSelectorParser(INVALID_SELECTORS[n]).parse();
         fail("Should have failed : "+INVALID_SELECTORS[n]);
        catch (InvalidSelectorException e)
项目:andes    文件   
protected BasicMessageConsumer_0_8(int channelId, AMQConnection connection, AMQDestination destination,
                                   String messageSelector, boolean noLocal, MessageFactoryRegistry messageFactory, AMQSession session,
                                   AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, FieldTable arguments, int prefetchHigh, int prefetchLow,
                                   boolean exclusive, int acknowledgeMode, boolean noConsume, boolean autoClose) throws JMSException
    super(channelId, connection, destination,messageSelector,noLocal,messageFactory,session,
          protocolHandler, arguments, prefetchHigh, prefetchLow, exclusive,
          acknowledgeMode, noConsume, autoClose);

        if (messageSelector != null && messageSelector.length() > 0)
            JMSSelectorFilter _filter = new JMSSelectorFilter(messageSelector);
    catch (AMQInternalException e)
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("cannot create consumer because of selector issue");
项目:qpid-jms    文件   
@Test(timeout = 20000)
public void testInvalidSelector() throws Exception {
    try (TestAmqpPeer testPeer = new TestAmqpPeer();) {
        Connection connection = testFixture.establishConnecton(testPeer);

        Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

        String topicName = "myTopic";
        Topic destination = session.createTopic(topicName);

        try {
            session.createConsumer(destination, "3+5");
            fail("Should have thrown a invalid selector exception");
        } catch (InvalidSelectorException jmsse) {


项目:org.ops4j.pax.transx    文件   
public static JMSRuntimeException convertToRuntimeException(JMSException e) {
    if (e instanceof javax.jms.IllegalStateException) {
        return new IllegalStateRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    if (e instanceof InvalidClientIDException) {
        return new InvalidClientIDRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    if (e instanceof InvalidDestinationException) {
        return new InvalidDestinationRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    if (e instanceof InvalidSelectorException) {
        return new InvalidSelectorRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    if (e instanceof JMSSecurityException) {
        return new JMSSecurityRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    if (e instanceof MessageFormatException) {
        return new MessageFormatRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    if (e instanceof MessageNotWriteableException) {
        return new MessageNotWriteableRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    if (e instanceof ResourceAllocationException) {
        return new ResourceAllocationRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    if (e instanceof TransactionInProgressException) {
        return new TransactionInProgressRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    if (e instanceof TransactionRolledBackException) {
        return new TransactionRolledBackRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
    return new JMSRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
public static BooleanExpression parse(String sql) throws InvalidSelectorException {
    Object result = cache.get(sql);
    if (result instanceof InvalidSelectorException) {
        throw (InvalidSelectorException) result;
    } else if (result instanceof BooleanExpression) {
        return (BooleanExpression) result;
    } else {

        boolean convertStringExpressions = false;
        if( sql.startsWith(CONVERT_STRING_EXPRESSIONS_PREFIX)) {
            convertStringExpressions = true;
            sql = sql.substring(CONVERT_STRING_EXPRESSIONS_PREFIX.length());

        if( convertStringExpressions ) {
        try {
            BooleanExpression e = new SelectorParser(sql).parse();
            cache.put(sql, e);
            return e;
        } catch (InvalidSelectorException t) {
            cache.put(sql, t);
            throw t;
        } finally {
            if( convertStringExpressions ) {
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
protected BooleanExpression parse() throws InvalidSelectorException {
    try {
        return this.JmsSelector();
    catch (Throwable e) {
        throw (InvalidSelectorException) new InvalidSelectorException(sql).initCause(e);
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
public void setSelector(String selector) throws InvalidSelectorException, UnsupportedOperationException {
    if (subscription != null) {
    } else {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No subscription object");
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
public CompositeData[] browse() throws OpenDataException {
    try {
        return browse(null);
    } catch (InvalidSelectorException e) {
        // should not happen.
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
public CompositeData[] browse(String selector) throws OpenDataException, InvalidSelectorException {
    Message[] messages = destination.browse();
    ArrayList<CompositeData> c = new ArrayList<CompositeData>();

    MessageEvaluationContext ctx = new MessageEvaluationContext();
    BooleanExpression selectorExpression = selector == null ? null : SelectorParser.parse(selector);

    for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
        try {

            if (selectorExpression == null) {
            } else {
                if (selectorExpression.matches(ctx)) {

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // TODO DELETE ME
            // TODO DELETE ME
            LOG.warn("exception browsing destination", e);

    CompositeData rc[] = new CompositeData[c.size()];
    return rc;
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
 * Browses the current destination with the given selector returning a list
 * of messages
public List<Object> browseMessages(String selector) throws InvalidSelectorException {
    Message[] messages = destination.browse();
    ArrayList<Object> answer = new ArrayList<Object>();

    MessageEvaluationContext ctx = new MessageEvaluationContext();
    BooleanExpression selectorExpression = selector == null ? null : SelectorParser.parse(selector);

    for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
        try {
            Message message = messages[i];
            if (selectorExpression == null) {
            } else {
                if (selectorExpression.matches(ctx)) {

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            LOG.warn("exception browsing destination", e);
    return answer;
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
public TabularData browseAsTable() throws OpenDataException {
    try {
        return browseAsTable(null);
    } catch (InvalidSelectorException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
public TabularData browseAsTable(String selector) throws OpenDataException, InvalidSelectorException {
    OpenTypeFactory factory = OpenTypeSupport.getFactory(ActiveMQMessage.class);
    Message[] messages = destination.browse();
    CompositeType ct = factory.getCompositeType();
    TabularType tt = new TabularType("MessageList", "MessageList", ct, new String[] { "JMSMessageID" });
    TabularDataSupport rc = new TabularDataSupport(tt);

    MessageEvaluationContext ctx = new MessageEvaluationContext();
    BooleanExpression selectorExpression = selector == null ? null : SelectorParser.parse(selector);

    for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
        try {
            if (selectorExpression == null) {
                rc.put(new CompositeDataSupport(ct, factory.getFields(messages[i])));
            } else {
                if (selectorExpression.matches(ctx)) {
                    rc.put(new CompositeDataSupport(ct, factory.getFields(messages[i])));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            LOG.warn("exception browsing destination", e);

    return rc;
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
public AbstractSubscription(Broker broker,ConnectionContext context, ConsumerInfo info) throws InvalidSelectorException { = broker;
    this.context = context; = info;
    this.destinationFilter = DestinationFilter.parseFilter(info.getDestination());
    this.selectorExpression = parseSelector(info);
    this.lastAckTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
项目:daq-eclipse    文件   
public void setSelector(String selector) throws InvalidSelectorException {
    ConsumerInfo copy = info.copy();
    BooleanExpression newSelector = parseSelector(copy);
    // its valid so lets actually update it now
    this.selectorExpression = newSelector;
项目:activemq-artemis    文件   
public void testFunctionCall() throws Exception {
   Object filter = parse("REGEX('sales.*', group)");
   assertTrue("expected type", filter instanceof BooleanFunctionCallExpr);"function exp:" + filter);

   // non existent function
   try {
      parse("DoesNotExist('sales.*', group)");
      fail("expect ex on non existent function");
   } catch (InvalidSelectorException expected) {

项目:activemq-artemis    文件   
protected void assertInvalidSelector(Message message, String text) throws JMSException {
   try {
      fail("Created a valid selector");
   } catch (InvalidSelectorException e) {
项目:activemq-artemis    文件   
public void testInvalidSelectorOnSubscription() throws Exception {
   TopicConnection c = createTopicConnection();

   TopicSession s = c.createTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

   try {
      s.createSubscriber(ActiveMQServerTestCase.topic1, "=TEST 'test'", false);"this should fail");
   } catch (InvalidSelectorException e) {
      // OK
项目:activemq-artemis    文件   
public void testInvalidSelectorException() throws Exception {
   Connection c = createConnection();
   Session s = c.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

   try {
      s.createDurableSubscriber(ActiveMQServerTestCase.topic1, "mysubscribption", "=TEST 'test'", true);"this should fail");
   } catch (InvalidSelectorException e) {
      // OK
项目:activemq-artemis    文件   
 * Converts instances of sub-classes of {@link JMSException} into the corresponding sub-class of
 * {@link JMSRuntimeException}.
 * @param e
 * @return
public static JMSRuntimeException convertToRuntimeException(JMSException e) {
   if (e instanceof javax.jms.IllegalStateException) {
      return new IllegalStateRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   if (e instanceof InvalidClientIDException) {
      return new InvalidClientIDRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   if (e instanceof InvalidDestinationException) {
      return new InvalidDestinationRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   if (e instanceof InvalidSelectorException) {
      return new InvalidSelectorRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   if (e instanceof JMSSecurityException) {
      return new JMSSecurityRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   if (e instanceof MessageFormatException) {
      return new MessageFormatRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   if (e instanceof MessageNotWriteableException) {
      return new MessageNotWriteableRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   if (e instanceof ResourceAllocationException) {
      return new ResourceAllocationRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   if (e instanceof TransactionInProgressException) {
      return new TransactionInProgressRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   if (e instanceof TransactionRolledBackException) {
      return new TransactionRolledBackRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
   return new JMSRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e);
项目:ffmq    文件   
 * Parse the given message selector expression into a selector node tree
public SelectorNode parse() throws InvalidSelectorException
    if (isEndOfExpression())
        return null;
    SelectorNode expr = parseExpression();
    if (!isEndOfExpression())
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("Unexpected token : "+currentToken);
    if (!(expr instanceof ConditionalExpression))    
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("Selector expression is not a boolean expression");

    return expr;
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseListConstruct() throws InvalidSelectorException
    if (isEndOfExpression()) 
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("Unexpected end of expression");

    if (!currentToken.equals("("))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("Expected an open parenthesis after IN operator");
    readNextToken(); // Skip (

    List<SelectorNode> items = new ArrayList<>();
    while (!isEndOfExpression() && !currentToken.equals(")"))
        SelectorNode item = parseBaseExpression();

        if (isEndOfExpression()) 
            throw new InvalidSelectorException("Unexpected end of expression");
        if (currentToken.equals(","))
            readNextToken(); // Skip ,
        if (currentToken.equals(")"))
            readNextToken(); // Skip )
            throw new InvalidSelectorException("Unexpected token in list : "+currentToken);

    SelectorNode[] itemList = items.toArray(new SelectorNode[items.size()]);
    return new StringLiteralList(itemList);
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parsePatternExpression() throws InvalidSelectorException
    if (isEndOfExpression())
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("Expected pattern operand after LIKE operator");

    SelectorNode patternNode = parseBaseExpression();
    if (!(patternNode instanceof StringLiteral))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("pattern operand of LIKE operator should be a string literal");

    return patternNode;
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseAndExpression() throws InvalidSelectorException
    SelectorNode lNode = parseSpecialConstructs();

    while (!isEndOfExpression() && currentToken.equalsIgnoreCase("and"))
        readNextToken(); // skip 'and'
        lNode = new AndOperator(lNode, parseSpecialConstructs());

    return lNode;
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseOrExpression() throws InvalidSelectorException
    SelectorNode lNode = parseAndExpression();

    while (!isEndOfExpression() && currentToken.equalsIgnoreCase("or"))
        readNextToken(); // skip 'or'
        lNode = new OrOperator(lNode, parseAndExpression());

    return lNode;
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseComparison() throws InvalidSelectorException
    SelectorNode lNode = parseAdditiveExpression();

    if (!isEndOfExpression() && isComparisonOperator(currentToken))
        if (currentToken.equals("="))
            readNextToken(); // skip comparison operator
            return new EqualsOperator(lNode, parseAdditiveExpression());
        if (currentToken.equals("<>"))
            readNextToken(); // skip comparison operator
            return new NotEqualsOperator(lNode, parseAdditiveExpression());
        if (currentToken.equals("<"))
            readNextToken(); // skip comparison operator
            return new LessThanOperator(lNode, parseAdditiveExpression());
        if (currentToken.equals(">"))
            readNextToken(); // skip comparison operator
            return new GreaterThanOperator(lNode, parseAdditiveExpression());
        if (currentToken.equals("<="))
            readNextToken(); // skip comparison operator
            return new LessThanOrEqualsOperator(lNode, parseAdditiveExpression());
        if (currentToken.equals(">="))
            readNextToken(); // skip comparison operator
            return new GreaterThanOrEqualsOperator(lNode, parseAdditiveExpression());

    return lNode;
项目:ffmq    文件   
private SelectorNode parseGroupExpression() throws InvalidSelectorException
    readNextToken(); // skip '('
    SelectorNode lExpression = parseExpression();

    if (isEndOfExpression())
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("Unexpected end of sub-expression");
    if (!currentToken.equals(")"))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("Unexpected extra token at end of sub-expression : "+currentToken);
    readNextToken(); // skip ')'

    return lExpression;
项目:ffmq    文件   
 * Constructor
public StringLiteralList( SelectorNode[] items ) throws InvalidSelectorException
    this.items = items;
    for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
        if (!(items[i] instanceof StringLiteral))
            throw new InvalidSelectorException("Only string literals are allowed after IN operator");
项目:ffmq    文件   
 * Constructor
public InOperator( SelectorNode leftOperand , SelectorNode rightOperand ) throws InvalidSelectorException
    if (!(leftOperand instanceof Identifier))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("left operand of IN operator must be an identifier");
项目:ffmq    文件   
 * Constructor
public NotBetweenOperator( SelectorNode leftOperand,
                           SelectorNode lowerBoundOperand,
                           SelectorNode upperBoundOperand ) throws InvalidSelectorException
项目:ffmq    文件   
 * Constructor
public AbstractArithmeticBinaryOperator( SelectorNode leftOperand , SelectorNode rightOperand ) throws InvalidSelectorException
    if (!(leftOperand instanceof ArithmeticExpression))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("left operand of arithmetic operator must be an arithmetic expression");
    if (!(rightOperand instanceof ArithmeticExpression))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("right operand of arithmetic operator must be an arithmetic expression");
项目:ffmq    文件   
 * Constructor
public LikeOperator( SelectorNode leftOperand , SelectorNode rightOperand , SelectorNode escapeOperand ) throws InvalidSelectorException
    this.escapeOperand = escapeOperand;
    if (!(leftOperand instanceof Identifier))
        throw new InvalidSelectorException("left operand of LIKE operator must be an identifier");