Java 类javax.swing.text.Element 实例源码

项目:powertext    文件   
 * Returns the last non-whitespace, non-comment token, before the
 * specified offset.
 * @param doc The document.
 * @param offs The ending offset for the search.
 * @return The last non-whitespace, non-comment token, or <code>null</code>
 *         if there isn't one.
 * @see #getPreviousImportantToken(RSyntaxDocument, int)
 * @see #getNextImportantToken(Token, RSyntaxTextArea, int)
public static Token getPreviousImportantTokenFromOffs(
        RSyntaxDocument doc, int offs) {

    Element root = doc.getDefaultRootElement();
    int line = root.getElementIndex(offs);
    Token t = doc.getTokenListForLine(line);

    // Check line containing offs
    Token target = null;
    while (t!=null && t.isPaintable() && !t.containsPosition(offs)) {
        if (!t.isCommentOrWhitespace()) {
            target = t;
        t = t.getNextToken();

    // Check previous line(s)
    if (target==null) {
        target = RSyntaxUtilities.getPreviousImportantToken(doc, line-1);

    return target;

项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
private static void checkImages() throws Exception {
    SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            HTMLEditorKit c = new HTMLEditorKit();
            HTMLDocument doc = new HTMLDocument();

            try {
       StringReader("<HTML><TITLE>Test</TITLE><BODY><IMG id=test></BODY></HTML>"), doc, 0);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("The test failed", e);

            Element elem = doc.getElement("test");
            ImageView iv = new ImageView(elem);

            if (iv.getLoadingImageIcon() == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("getLoadingImageIcon returns null");

            if (iv.getNoImageIcon() == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("getNoImageIcon returns null");
项目:NB-Thymeleaf-Code-Completion    文件   
 * Gets index of first not space/tab element in line where caret is or caret
 * position if non found before its location
 * @param doc edited document
 * @param caretOffset current caret position
 * @return Integer index of first space or offset passed in if none before
 * it
 * @throws BadLocationException
static int getRowFirstNonWhite(StyledDocument doc, int caretOffset)
        throws BadLocationException {
    Element lineElement = doc.getParagraphElement(caretOffset);//line start&stop offsets

    int start = lineElement.getStartOffset();
    int failsafe = start;
    while (start + 1 < lineElement.getEndOffset()) {
        try {
            if (doc.getText(start, 1).charAt(0) != ' ') {
        } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
            throw (BadLocationException) new BadLocationException(
                    "calling getText(" + start + ", " + (start + 1)
                    + ") on doc of length: " + doc.getLength(), start
    return start > caretOffset ? failsafe : start;
项目:SER316-Aachen    文件   
 * Writes out an end tag for the element.
 * @param elem    an Element
 * @exception IOException on any I/O error
protected void endTag(Element elem) throws IOException {
    if (synthesizedElement(elem)) {
    if (matchNameAttribute(elem.getAttributes(), HTML.Tag.PRE)) {
        inPre = false;

    // write out end tags for item on stack
    if (inContent) {
        if (!newlineOutputed) {
        newlineOutputed = false;
        inContent = false;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
 * Get string representation of an offset for debugging purposes
 * in form "offset[line:column]". Both lines and columns start counting from 1
 * like in the editor's status bar. Tabs are expanded when counting the column.
 * @param sb valid string builder to which text will be appended or null in which case
 *  the method itself will create a string builder and it will return it.
 * @param doc non-null document in which the offset is located.
 * @param offset offset in the document.
 * @return non-null string builder to which the description was added.
 * @since 1.27
public static StringBuilder appendOffset(StringBuilder sb, Document doc, int offset) {
    if (sb == null) {
        sb = new StringBuilder(50);
    if (offset < 0) { // Offset too low
    } else if (offset > doc.getLength() + 1) { // +1 for AbstractDocument-based docs
    } else { // Valid offset
        Element paragraphRoot = getParagraphRootElement(doc);
        int lineIndex = paragraphRoot.getElementIndex(offset);
        Element lineElem = paragraphRoot.getElement(lineIndex);
        sb.append(lineIndex + 1).append(':'); // Line
        sb.append(visualColumn(doc, lineElem.getStartOffset(), offset) + 1); // Column
    return sb;
项目:Dahlem_SER316    文件   
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String trTag = "<tr>";
    Element tr =
    for (int i = 0; i < tr.getElementCount(); i++)
        if (tr.getElement(i).getName().toUpperCase().equals("TD"))
            trTag += "<td><p></p></td>";
    trTag += "</tr>";

     * HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction hta = new
     * HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction("insertTR",trTag,
     * HTML.Tag.TABLE, HTML.Tag.TR);
    try {
        document.insertAfterEnd(tr, trTag);
        //editorKit.insertHTML(document, editor.getCaretPosition(),
        // trTag, 3, 0, HTML.Tag.TR);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public @Override Element getElement(int index) {
    if (index < 0) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid line index=" + index + " < 0"); // NOI18N
    int elementCount = getElementCount();
    if (index >= elementCount) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid line index=" + index // NOI18N
            + " >= lineCount=" + elementCount); // NOI18N

    LineElement elem = (LineElement)super.getElement(index);
    if (elem == null) {
        // if the document is not locked elem may be null even after the initial checks (#159491)
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Can't find element, index=" + index //NOI18N
            + ", count=" + getElementCount() //NOI18N
            + ", documentLocked=" + (DocumentUtilities.isReadLocked(doc) || DocumentUtilities.isWriteLocked(doc))); //NOI18N

    return elem;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public @Override DocumentEvent.ElementChange getChange(Element elem) {
    // Super of getChange()
    if (changeLookup2 != null) {
        return (DocumentEvent.ElementChange) changeLookup2.get(elem);
    int n = edits.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        Object o = edits.elementAt(i);
        if (o instanceof DocumentEvent.ElementChange) {
            DocumentEvent.ElementChange c = (DocumentEvent.ElementChange) o;
            if (c.getElement() == elem) {
                return c;
    return null;
    // End super of getChange()
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
/** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    JTextComponent target = getTextComponent(e);
    if (target != null) {
        Document doc = target.getDocument();
        Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement();
        int offs = target.getCaretPosition();
        int lineIndex = map.getElementIndex(offs);
        int lineEnd = map.getElement(lineIndex).getEndOffset() - 1;

        if (select) {
        } else {
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public static int getRowStart(Document doc, int offset, int lineShift)
throws BadLocationException {

    checkOffsetValid(doc, offset);

    if (lineShift != 0) {
        Element lineRoot = doc.getDefaultRootElement();
        int line = lineRoot.getElementIndex(offset);
        line += lineShift;
        if (line < 0 || line >= lineRoot.getElementCount()) {
            return -1; // invalid line shift
        return lineRoot.getElement(line).getStartOffset();

    } else { // no shift
        return doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElement(
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void testCuriosities() throws Exception {
    // Test position at offset 0 does not move after insert
    Document doc = new PlainDocument();
    doc.insertString(0, "test", null);
    Position pos = doc.createPosition(0);
    assertEquals(0, pos.getOffset());
    doc.insertString(0, "a", null);
    assertEquals(0, pos.getOffset());

    // Test there is an extra newline above doc.getLength()
    assertEquals("\n", doc.getText(doc.getLength(), 1));
    assertEquals("atest\n", doc.getText(0, doc.getLength() + 1));

    // Test the last line element contains the extra newline
    Element lineElem = doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElement(0);
    assertEquals(0, lineElem.getStartOffset());
    assertEquals(doc.getLength() + 1, lineElem.getEndOffset());

    // Test that once position gets to zero it won't go anywhere else (unless undo performed)
    pos = doc.createPosition(1);
    doc.remove(0, 1);
    assertEquals(0, pos.getOffset());
    doc.insertString(0, "b", null);
    assertEquals(0, pos.getOffset());
项目:VASSAL-src    文件   
 * Very basic Attribute handling only. Expand as needed.
public ImageComponentView(Element e) {
  imageName = (String) e.getAttributes()
  srcOp = imageName == null || imageName.trim().length() == 0
        ? null : Op.load(imageName);
项目:VASSAL-src    文件   
public View create(javax.swing.text.Element element) {
  final HTML.Tag kind = (HTML.Tag) (element.getAttributes().getAttribute(javax.swing.text.StyleConstants.NameAttribute));

  if (kind instanceof HTML.Tag && element.getName().equals("img")) {
    final String imageName = (String) element.getAttributes().getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.SRC);
    if (imageName.indexOf("/") < 0) {
      return new ImageComponentView(element);
  return super.create(element);
项目:Wilmersdorf_SER316    文件   
void setElementProperties(Element el, String id, String cls, String sty) {
    ElementDialog dlg = new ElementDialog(null);
    Dimension dlgSize = dlg.getPreferredSize();
    Dimension frmSize = this.getSize();
    Point loc = this.getLocationOnScreen();
        (frmSize.width - dlgSize.width) / 2 + loc.x,
        (frmSize.height - dlgSize.height) / 2 + loc.y);
    dlg.setTitle(Local.getString("Object properties"));
    // Uncommented, returns a simple p into the header... fix needed ?
    if (dlg.CANCELLED)
    SimpleAttributeSet attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet(el.getAttributes());
    if (dlg.idField.getText().length() > 0)
        attrs.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ID, dlg.idField.getText());
    if (dlg.classField.getText().length() > 0)
        attrs.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.CLASS, dlg.classField.getText());
    if (dlg.styleField.getText().length() > 0)
        attrs.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, dlg.styleField.getText());
    document.setParagraphAttributes(el.getStartOffset(), 0, attrs, true);
项目:Neukoelln_SER316    文件   
 * Returns true if the element is a
 * synthesized element.  Currently we are only testing
 * for the p-implied tag.
protected boolean synthesizedElement(Element elem) {
    if (matchNameAttribute(elem.getAttributes(), HTML.Tag.IMPLIED)) {
        return true;
    return false;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
AbstractPositionElement(Element parent, Position startPos, Position endPos) {
    assert (startPos != null);
    assert (endPos != null);

    this.parent = parent;
    this.startPos = startPos;
    this.endPos = endPos;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
public Element[] getRootElements() {
    Element[] elements = this.document.getRootElements();
    Element[] wrappers = new Element[elements.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        wrappers[i] = new MyElement(elements[i]);
    return wrappers;
项目:SER316-Aachen    文件   
void removeIfEmpty(Element elem) {
    if (elem.getEndOffset() - elem.getStartOffset() < 2) {
        try {
            document.remove(elem.getStartOffset(), elem.getEndOffset());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void setVisible(boolean b) {
    if (b) {
        JTextPane pane = (JTextPane) getInvoker();
        StyledDocument doc = pane.getStyledDocument();
        Element elem = doc.getCharacterElement(pane.viewToModel(clickPoint));
        Object l = elem.getAttributes().getAttribute(HyperlinkSupport.LINK_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (l != null && l instanceof AttachmentLink) {
            BugzillaIssue.Attachment attachment = ((AttachmentLink) l).attachment;
            if (attachment != null) {
                add(new JMenuItem(attachment.getOpenAction()));
                add(new JMenuItem(attachment.getSaveAction()));
                Action openInStackAnalyzerAction = attachment.getOpenInStackAnalyzerAction();
                if(openInStackAnalyzerAction != null) {
                    add(new JMenuItem(openInStackAnalyzerAction));
                if (attachment.isPatch()) { 
                    Action a = attachment.getApplyPatchAction();
                    if(a != null) {
    } else {
项目:SER316-Aachen    文件   
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String trTag = "<tr>";
    Element tr =
    for (int i = 0; i < tr.getElementCount(); i++)
        if (tr.getElement(i).getName().toUpperCase().equals("TD"))
            trTag += "<td><p></p></td>";
    trTag += "</tr>";

     * HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction hta = new
     * HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction("insertTR",trTag,
     * HTML.Tag.TABLE, HTML.Tag.TR);
    try {
        document.insertAfterEnd(tr, trTag);
        //editorKit.insertHTML(document, editor.getCaretPosition(),
        // trTag, 3, 0, HTML.Tag.TR);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
项目:Wilmersdorf_SER316    文件   
private void doCopy() {
     * java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard clip =
     * java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); try {
     * String text = editor.getSelectedText();
     * //.getText(editor.getSelectionStart(),
     * editor.getSelectionEnd()-editor.getSelectionStart());
     * clip.setContents(new java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection(text),
     * null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();
    Element el = document.getParagraphElement(editor.getSelectionStart());
    if (el.getName().toUpperCase().equals("P-IMPLIED"))
        el = el.getParentElement();
    String elName = el.getName();
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    String copy;
    java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard clip =
    try {
            editor.getSelectionEnd() - editor.getSelectionStart());
        copy = sw.toString();
        copy = copy.split("<" + elName + "(.*?)>")[1];
        copy = copy.split("</" + elName + ">")[0];
            new java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection(copy.trim()),
    } catch (Exception ex) {
项目:Dahlem_SER316    文件   
 * Returns true if the element is a
 * synthesized element.  Currently we are only testing
 * for the p-implied tag.
protected boolean synthesizedElement(Element elem) {
    if (matchNameAttribute(elem.getAttributes(), HTML.Tag.IMPLIED)) {
        return true;
    return false;
项目:Reinickendorf_SER316    文件   
void removeIfEmpty(Element elem) {
    if (elem.getEndOffset() - elem.getStartOffset() < 2) {
        try {
            document.remove(elem.getStartOffset(), elem.getEndOffset());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Updates the tree based on the event type. This will invoke either
 * updateTree with the root element, or handleChange.
protected void updateTree(DocumentEvent event) {
    updatingSelection = true;
    try {
        TreeModel model = getTreeModel();
        Object root = model.getRoot();

        for (int counter = model.getChildCount(root) - 1; counter >= 0;
                counter--) {
            updateTree(event, (Element) model.getChild(root, counter));
    } finally {
        updatingSelection = false;
项目:SER316-Aachen    文件   
 * Returns true if the element is a
 * synthesized element.  Currently we are only testing
 * for the p-implied tag.
protected boolean synthesizedElement(Element elem) {
    if (matchNameAttribute(elem.getAttributes(), HTML.Tag.IMPLIED)) {
        return true;
    return false;
项目:Dahlem_SER316    文件   
private boolean indentNeedsIncrementing(Element current, Element next) {
    if ((next.getParentElement() == current) && !inPre) {
        if (indentNext) {
            indentNext = false;
            return true;
        else if (synthesizedElement(next)) {
            indentNext = true;
        else if (!synthesizedElement(current)) {
            return true;
    return false;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
private static Element findFirstElement(Element e, String name) {
    String elementName = e.getName();
    if (elementName != null && elementName.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
        return e;
    for (int i = 0; i < e.getElementCount(); i++) {
        Element result = findFirstElement(e.getElement(i), name);
        if (result != null) {
            return result;
    return null;
项目:SER316-Munich    文件   
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String tdTag = "<td><p></p></td>";
    Element td =
    try {
        document.insertAfterEnd(td, tdTag);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Updates the tree based on the event type. This will invoke either
 * updateTree with the root element, or handleChange.
protected void updateTree(DocumentEvent event) {
    updatingSelection = true;
    try {
        TreeModel model = getTreeModel();
        Object root = model.getRoot();

        for (int counter = model.getChildCount(root) - 1; counter >= 0;
                counter--) {
            updateTree(event, (Element) model.getChild(root, counter));
    } finally {
        updatingSelection = false;
项目:Reinickendorf_SER316    文件   
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String tdTag = "<td><p></p></td>";
    Element td =
    try {
        document.insertAfterEnd(td, tdTag);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
项目:powertext    文件   
 * Returns a token list for the specified segment of text representing
 * the specified line number.  This method is basically a wrapper for
 * <code>tokenMaker.getTokenList</code> that takes into account the last
 * token on the previous line to assure token accuracy.
 * @param line The line number of <code>text</code> in the document,
 *        &gt;= 0.
 * @return A token list representing the specified line.
public final Token getTokenListForLine(int line) {

    if (line==lastLine && cachedTokenList!=null) {
        if (DEBUG_TOKEN_CACHING) {
            System.err.println("--- Using cached line; ratio now: " +
                    useCacheCount + "/" + tokenRetrievalCount);
        return cachedTokenList;
    lastLine = line;

    Element map = getDefaultRootElement();
    Element elem = map.getElement(line);
    int startOffset = elem.getStartOffset();
    //int endOffset = (line==map.getElementCount()-1 ? elem.getEndOffset() - 1:
    //                                  elem.getEndOffset() - 1);
    int endOffset = elem.getEndOffset() - 1; // Why always "-1"?
    try {
        getText(startOffset,endOffset-startOffset, s);
    } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
        return null;
    int initialTokenType = line==0 ? Token.NULL :

    //return tokenMaker.getTokenList(s, initialTokenType, startOffset);
    cachedTokenList = tokenMaker.getTokenList(s, initialTokenType, startOffset);
    return cachedTokenList;

项目:SER316-Munich    文件   
 * Returns true if the element is a
 * synthesized element.  Currently we are only testing
 * for the p-implied tag.
protected boolean synthesizedElement(Element elem) {
    if (matchNameAttribute(elem.getAttributes(), HTML.Tag.IMPLIED)) {
        return true;
    return false;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public int getStartOffset() {
    if (view != null) {
        return view.getStartOffset();
    Element elem = getElement();
    return (elem != null) ? elem.getStartOffset() : 0;
项目:VASSAL-src    文件   
 * Determines the color with which to draw a given line of text
 * @return the Color to draw
protected Color getColor(Element elem) {
  Color col = null;
  try {
    final String s = elem.getDocument().getText(
      elem.getStartOffset(), elem.getEndOffset() - elem.getStartOffset()

    if (s.length() > 0) {
      switch (s.charAt(0)) {
        case '*':
          col = gameMsg;
        case '-':
          col = systemMsg;
          if (s.startsWith(formatChat(""))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            col = myChat;
          else {
            col = otherChat;
  catch (BadLocationException e) {

  return col == null ? : col;
项目:powertext    文件   
public void actionPerformedImpl(ActionEvent e, RTextArea textArea) {

    int offs = textArea.getCaretPosition();
    int oldOffs = offs;
    Element curPara = Utilities.getParagraphElement(textArea, offs);

    try {
        offs = getNextWord(textArea, offs);
        if(offs >= curPara.getEndOffset() &&
                    oldOffs != curPara.getEndOffset() - 1) {
            // we should first move to the end of current paragraph
            offs = curPara.getEndOffset() - 1;
    } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
        int end = textArea.getDocument().getLength();
        if (offs != end) {
            if(oldOffs != curPara.getEndOffset() - 1) {
                offs = curPara.getEndOffset() - 1;
            else {
                offs = end;

    if (select) {
    else {

项目:powertext    文件   
private static Element getLineElem(Document d, int offs) {
    Element map = d.getDefaultRootElement();
    int index = map.getElementIndex(offs);
    Element elem = map.getElement(index);
    if ((offs>=elem.getStartOffset()) && (offs<elem.getEndOffset())) {
        return elem;
    return null;
项目:powertext    文件   
public void actionPerformedImpl(ActionEvent e, RTextArea textArea) {

    int offs = textArea.getCaretPosition();
    boolean failed = false;
    try {

        Element curPara = Utilities.getParagraphElement(textArea, offs);
        offs = getPreviousWord(textArea, offs);
        if(offs < curPara.getStartOffset()) {
            offs = Utilities.getParagraphElement(textArea, offs).
                                        getEndOffset() - 1;

    } catch (BadLocationException bl) {
        if (offs != 0) {
            offs = 0;
        else {
            failed = true;

    if (!failed) {
        if (select) {
        else {
    else {

项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Returns a TreePath to the element at <code>position</code>.
protected TreePath getPathForIndex(int position, Object root,
        Element rootElement) {
    TreePath path = new TreePath(root);
    Element child = rootElement.getElement(rootElement.getElementIndex(

    path = path.pathByAddingChild(rootElement);
    path = path.pathByAddingChild(child);
    while (!child.isLeaf()) {
        child = child.getElement(child.getElementIndex(position));
        path = path.pathByAddingChild(child);
    return path;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
/** Return default root element */
public @Override Element getDefaultRootElement() {
    if (defaultRootElem == null) {
        defaultRootElem = lineRootElement;
    return defaultRootElem;
项目:rapidminer    文件   
 * Returns the length of the specified line.
 * @param line
 *            The line
public int getLineLength(int line) {
    Element lineElement = document.getDefaultRootElement().getElement(line);
    if (lineElement == null) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        return lineElement.getEndOffset() - lineElement.getStartOffset() - 1;