Java 类javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute 实例源码

项目:marathonv5    文件   
@Override public String getAttribute(final String name) {
    if ("text".equals(name)) {
        return getText();
    if ("hRefIndex".equals(name)) {
        return getHRefIndex() + "";
    if ("textIndex".equals(name)) {
        return getTextIndex() + "";
    return EventQueueWait.exec(new Callable<String>() {
        @Override public String call() throws Exception {
            Iterator iterator = findTag((HTMLDocument) ((JEditorPane) parent.getComponent()).getDocument());
            AttributeSet attributes = iterator.getAttributes();
            Attribute attr = findAttribute(name);
            if (attr != null && attributes.isDefined(attr)) {
                return attributes.getAttribute(attr).toString();
            return null;
项目:javify    文件   
 * Get the URL location of the image to render. If this method returns null,
 * the "no image" icon is rendered instead. By defaul, url must be present as
 * the "src" property of the IMG tag. If it is missing, null is returned and
 * the "no image" icon is rendered.
 * @return the URL location of the image to render.
public URL getImageURL()
  Element el = getElement();
  String src = (String) el.getAttributes().getAttribute(Attribute.SRC);
  URL url = null;
  if (src != null)
      URL base = ((HTMLDocument) getDocument()).getBase();
          url = new URL(base, src);
      catch (MalformedURLException ex)
          // Return null.
  return url;
项目:javify    文件   
 * Update all cached properties from the attribute set, returned by the
 * {@link #getAttributes}.
protected void setPropertiesFromAttributes()
  AttributeSet atts = getAttributes();
  StyleSheet ss = getStyleSheet();
  float emBase = ss.getEMBase(atts);
  float exBase = ss.getEXBase(atts);
  spans[X_AXIS] = (Length) atts.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.WIDTH);
  if (spans[X_AXIS] != null)
      spans[X_AXIS].setFontBases(emBase, exBase);
  spans[Y_AXIS] = (Length) atts.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.HEIGHT);
  if (spans[Y_AXIS] != null)
      spans[Y_AXIS].setFontBases(emBase, exBase);
项目:jvm-stm    文件   
 * Get the URL location of the image to render. If this method returns null,
 * the "no image" icon is rendered instead. By defaul, url must be present as
 * the "src" property of the IMG tag. If it is missing, null is returned and
 * the "no image" icon is rendered.
 * @return the URL location of the image to render.
public URL getImageURL()
  Element el = getElement();
  String src = (String) el.getAttributes().getAttribute(Attribute.SRC);
  URL url = null;
  if (src != null)
      URL base = ((HTMLDocument) getDocument()).getBase();
          url = new URL(base, src);
      catch (MalformedURLException ex)
          // Return null.
  return url;
项目:jvm-stm    文件   
 * Update all cached properties from the attribute set, returned by the
 * {@link #getAttributes}.
protected void setPropertiesFromAttributes()
  AttributeSet atts = getAttributes();
  StyleSheet ss = getStyleSheet();
  float emBase = ss.getEMBase(atts);
  float exBase = ss.getEXBase(atts);
  spans[X_AXIS] = (Length) atts.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.WIDTH);
  if (spans[X_AXIS] != null)
      spans[X_AXIS].setFontBases(emBase, exBase);
  spans[Y_AXIS] = (Length) atts.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.HEIGHT);
  if (spans[Y_AXIS] != null)
      spans[Y_AXIS].setFontBases(emBase, exBase);
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Generate DCAT distribution.
 * @param store RDF store
 * @param dataset URI
 * @param access access URL of the dataset
 * @param link link element
 * @param i row sequence
 * @param lang language code
 * @throws MalformedURLException
 * @throws RepositoryException
private void generateDist(Storage store, IRI dataset, URL access,
        Elements link, int i, String lang)
        throws MalformedURLException, RepositoryException {
    String href = link.first().attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
    URL download = makeAbsURL(href);

    URL u = makeDistURL(i + "/" + lang);
    IRI dist = store.getURI(u.toString());
    logger.debug("Generating distribution {}", dist.toString());

    store.add(dataset, DCAT.HAS_DISTRIBUTION, dist);
    store.add(dist, RDF.TYPE, DCAT.DISTRIBUTION);
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.LANGUAGE, MDR_LANG.MAP.get(lang));
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.TITLE, link.first().ownText(), lang);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.ACCESS_URL, access);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.DOWNLOAD_URL, download);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.MEDIA_TYPE, getFileExt(href));
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Get the list of all the downloads (DCAT Dataset).
 * @return List of URLs
 * @throws IOException
protected List<URL> scrapeDatasetList() throws IOException {
    List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<>();

    URL base = getBase();
    String front = makeRequest(base);

    // Get all the main themes
    Elements themes = Jsoup.parse(front).select(LINK_THEME);

    if (themes != null) {
        for (Element theme: themes) {
            String href = theme.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
    } else {
        logger.error("No themes {} found", LINK_THEME);
    return urls;
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Generate DCAT Distribution.
 * @param store RDF store
 * @param dataset dataset URI
 * @param access access URL
 * @param link link element
 * @param lang language code
 * @throws MalformedUrlException
 * @throws RepositoryException
private void generateDist(Storage store, IRI dataset, URL access, Element link,
        String lang) throws MalformedURLException, RepositoryException {
    String href = link.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
    URL download = makeAbsURL(href);

    // important for EDP: does not like different datasets pointing to same distribution
    String id = makeHashId(dataset.toString()) + "/" + makeHashId(download.toString());
    IRI dist = store.getURI(makeDistURL(id).toString() + "/" + lang);
    logger.debug("Generating distribution {}", dist.toString());

    store.add(dataset, DCAT.HAS_DISTRIBUTION, dist);
    store.add(dist, RDF.TYPE, DCAT.DISTRIBUTION);
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.LANGUAGE, MDR_LANG.MAP.get(lang));
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.TITLE, link.ownText(), lang);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.ACCESS_URL, access);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.DOWNLOAD_URL, download);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.MEDIA_TYPE, getFileExt(href));
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Get the list of all the downloads (DCAT Dataset).
 * @return List of URLs
 * @throws IOException
protected List<URL> scrapeDatasetList() throws IOException {
    List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<>();

    URL base = getBase();
    // Go through all the pages
    for(int i = 1; ; i++) {"Scraping page {}", i);
        String page = makeRequest(new URL(base + "?page=" + i));

        Elements links = Jsoup.parse(page).select(VIEW_HREF);
        if (links == null || links.isEmpty()) {
        for (Element link: links) {
            String href = link.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
    return urls;
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Generate DCAT Distribution.
 * @param store RDF store
 * @param dataset dataset URI
 * @param access access URL
 * @param link link element
 * @param lang language code
 * @throws MalformedUrlException
 * @throws RepositoryException
private void generateDist(Storage store, IRI dataset, URL access, Element link,
        String lang) throws MalformedURLException, RepositoryException {
    String href = link.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
    URL download = makeAbsURL(href);

    String id = makeHashId(dataset.toString()) + "/" + makeHashId(download.toString());
    IRI dist = store.getURI(makeDistURL(id).toString() + "/" + lang);
    logger.debug("Generating distribution {}", dist.toString());

    store.add(dataset, DCAT.HAS_DISTRIBUTION, dist);
    store.add(dist, RDF.TYPE, DCAT.DISTRIBUTION);
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.LANGUAGE, MDR_LANG.MAP.get(lang));
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.TITLE, link.ownText(), lang);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.ACCESS_URL, access);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.DOWNLOAD_URL, download);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.MEDIA_TYPE, link.ownText());
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Generate DCAT distribution.
 * @param store RDF store
 * @param dataset URI
 * @param name short name
 * @param access URL of the acess page
 * @param link download link element
 * @param lang language code
 * @throws MalformedURLException
 * @throws RepositoryException
private void generateDist(Storage store, IRI dataset, String name, String access,
        Element link, String lang) throws MalformedURLException, RepositoryException {
    String href = link.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
    String fmt = link.ownText().replaceAll("/", "")
            .replaceAll(" ", "")
            .replaceAll("&nbsp;", "");
    URL u = makeDistURL(name + "/" + fmt);
    IRI dist = store.getURI(u.toString());
    logger.debug("Generating distribution {}", dist.toString());

    store.add(dataset, DCAT.HAS_DISTRIBUTION, dist);
    store.add(dist, RDF.TYPE, DCAT.DISTRIBUTION);
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.LANGUAGE, MDR_LANG.MAP.get(lang));
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.TITLE, fmt, lang);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.ACCESS_URL, makeAbsURL(access));
    store.add(dist, DCAT.DOWNLOAD_URL, makeAbsURL(href));
    store.add(dist, DCAT.MEDIA_TYPE, fmt);
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Generate DCAT distribution.
 * @param store RDF store
 * @param dataset URI
 * @param access access URL of the dataset
 * @param row row element
 * @param link link element
 * @param lang language code
 * @throws MalformedURLException
 * @throws RepositoryException
private void generateDist(Storage store, IRI dataset, URL access,
        String text, Element link, String lang)
        throws MalformedURLException, RepositoryException {
    String href = link.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
    URL download = makeAbsURL(href);

    String id = makeHashId(dataset.toString()) + "/" + makeHashId(download.toString());
    IRI dist = store.getURI(makeDistURL(id).toString());
    logger.debug("Generating distribution {}", dist.toString());

    store.add(dataset, DCAT.HAS_DISTRIBUTION, dist);
    store.add(dist, RDF.TYPE, DCAT.DISTRIBUTION);
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.LANGUAGE, MDR_LANG.MAP.get(lang));
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.TITLE, link.ownText(), lang);
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.DESCRIPTION, text, lang);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.ACCESS_URL, access);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.DOWNLOAD_URL, download);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.MEDIA_TYPE, getFileExt(href));
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Generate DCAT distribution.
 * @param store RDF store
 * @param dataset URI
 * @param access access URL of the dataset
 * @param link link element
 * @param code dataset code
 * @param lang language code
 * @throws MalformedURLException
 * @throws RepositoryException
private void generateDist(Storage store, IRI dataset, URL access,
        Elements link, String code, String lang)
        throws MalformedURLException, RepositoryException {
    String href = link.first().attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
    URL download = makeAbsURL(href);

    // file type e.g. in "Link (pdf)"
    String txt = link.first().text();
    String ftype = txt.replaceAll("(\\w+\\s*\\()(\\w+)\\)", "$2");

    URL u = makeDistURL(code + "/" + lang);
    IRI dist = store.getURI(u.toString());
    logger.debug("Generating distribution {}", dist.toString());

    store.add(dataset, DCAT.HAS_DISTRIBUTION, dist);
    store.add(dist, RDF.TYPE, DCAT.DISTRIBUTION);
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.LANGUAGE, MDR_LANG.MAP.get(lang));
    store.add(dist, DCTERMS.TITLE, link.first().ownText(), lang);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.ACCESS_URL, access);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.DOWNLOAD_URL, download);
    store.add(dist, DCAT.MEDIA_TYPE, ftype.toLowerCase());
项目:JamVM-PH    文件   
 * Get the URL location of the image to render. If this method returns null,
 * the "no image" icon is rendered instead. By defaul, url must be present as
 * the "src" property of the IMG tag. If it is missing, null is returned and
 * the "no image" icon is rendered.
 * @return the URL location of the image to render.
public URL getImageURL()
  Element el = getElement();
  String src = (String) el.getAttributes().getAttribute(Attribute.SRC);
  URL url = null;
  if (src != null)
      URL base = ((HTMLDocument) getDocument()).getBase();
          url = new URL(base, src);
      catch (MalformedURLException ex)
          // Return null.
  return url;
项目:JamVM-PH    文件   
 * Update all cached properties from the attribute set, returned by the
 * {@link #getAttributes}.
protected void setPropertiesFromAttributes()
  AttributeSet atts = getAttributes();
  StyleSheet ss = getStyleSheet();
  float emBase = ss.getEMBase(atts);
  float exBase = ss.getEXBase(atts);
  spans[X_AXIS] = (Length) atts.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.WIDTH);
  if (spans[X_AXIS] != null)
      spans[X_AXIS].setFontBases(emBase, exBase);
  spans[Y_AXIS] = (Length) atts.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.HEIGHT);
  if (spans[Y_AXIS] != null)
      spans[Y_AXIS].setFontBases(emBase, exBase);
项目:jitsi    文件   
 * Inform view creation.
 * @param view the newly created view.
protected void viewCreated(ViewFactory factory, View view)
    if(view instanceof ImageView)
        Element e = findFirstElement(view.getElement(), "img");

        if(e == null)

        Object src = e.getAttributes().getAttribute(Attribute.SRC);
        if(src != null && src instanceof String
            && ((String)src).endsWith("gif"))
项目:classpath    文件   
 * Get the URL location of the image to render. If this method returns null,
 * the "no image" icon is rendered instead. By defaul, url must be present as
 * the "src" property of the IMG tag. If it is missing, null is returned and
 * the "no image" icon is rendered.
 * @return the URL location of the image to render.
public URL getImageURL()
  Element el = getElement();
  String src = (String) el.getAttributes().getAttribute(Attribute.SRC);
  URL url = null;
  if (src != null)
      URL base = ((HTMLDocument) getDocument()).getBase();
          url = new URL(base, src);
      catch (MalformedURLException ex)
          // Return null.
  return url;
项目:classpath    文件   
 * Update all cached properties from the attribute set, returned by the
 * {@link #getAttributes}.
protected void setPropertiesFromAttributes()
  AttributeSet atts = getAttributes();
  StyleSheet ss = getStyleSheet();
  float emBase = ss.getEMBase(atts);
  float exBase = ss.getEXBase(atts);
  spans[X_AXIS] = (Length) atts.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.WIDTH);
  if (spans[X_AXIS] != null)
      spans[X_AXIS].setFontBases(emBase, exBase);
  spans[Y_AXIS] = (Length) atts.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.HEIGHT);
  if (spans[Y_AXIS] != null)
      spans[Y_AXIS].setFontBases(emBase, exBase);
项目:lexml-swing-editorhtml    文件   
private MutableAttributeSet filterAttributeSet(Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a) {
    for(Object aName: Collections.list((Enumeration<Object>)a.getAttributeNames())) {
        List<Attribute> lAttr = acceptedAttributes.get(t);
        if(lAttr == null || !lAttr.contains(aName)) {
        else {
            if(aName == HTML.Attribute.STYLE) {
                //System.out.println(">> " + aName + ": " + a.getAttribute(aName));
                if(t.isBlock()) {
                    a.addAttribute(aName, DocumentUtil.ensureAcceptedCssProperties(
                            (String) a.getAttribute(aName), acceptedBlockCssProperties));
                else {
                    a.addAttribute(aName, DocumentUtil.ensureAcceptedCssProperties(
                            (String) a.getAttribute(aName), acceptedInlineCssProperties));
    return a;
项目:lexml-swing-editorhtml    文件   
public static void corrigePImplied(ExtendedHTMLDocument doc) {
    List<Element> tds = findElementByTag(doc, Tag.TD);
    for(Element td: tds) {
        if(td.getElementCount() > 0) {
            Element p = td.getElement(0);
            AttributeSet attrs = p.getAttributes();
            if(attrs.containsAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, Tag.IMPLIED) &&
                    attrs.isDefined(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN)) {
                SimpleAttributeSet s = new SimpleAttributeSet();
                s.addAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, Tag.P);
                doc.setParagraphAttributes(p.getStartOffset(), p.getEndOffset(), 
                        s, false);
项目:lexml-swing-editorhtml    文件   
public void handleStartTag(Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos) {

    if(t == Tag.TABLE) {

    if(isAccepted(t)) {
        a = filterAttributeSet(t, a);
        if(t == Tag.TABLE) {
            a.addAttribute(Attribute.WIDTH, "100%");
        else if(t == Tag.TD) {
            a.addAttribute(Attribute.VALIGN, "top");
        reader.handleStartTag(t, a, pos);
项目:lexml-swing-editorhtml    文件   
public static boolean hasClass(AttributeSet attr, String className) {

    String classValue = (String) attr.getAttribute(Attribute.CLASS);

    if(classValue == null) {
        return false;

    String[] classNames = classValue.split(" ");
    for(String c: classNames) {
        if(c.equals(className)) {
            return true;

    return false;
项目:jitsi    文件   
 * @param element
 * @param attrName
 * @param matchStrings
 * @return
private Element findFirstElement(   Element element,
                                    HTML.Attribute attrName,
                                    String[] matchStrings)
    String attr = (String) element.getAttributes().getAttribute(attrName);

    if(attr != null)
        for (String matchString : matchStrings)
            if (attr.startsWith(matchString))
                return element;

    Element resultElement = null;

    // Count how many messages we have in the document.
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getElementCount(); i++)
        resultElement = findFirstElement(element.getElement(i),
        if (resultElement != null)
            return resultElement;

    return null;
项目:marathonv5    文件   
private Attribute findAttribute(String attrName) {
    for (Attribute attr : allAttributes) {
        if (attrName.toUpperCase().equals(attr.toString().toUpperCase())) {
            return attr;
    return null;
项目:marathonv5    文件   
public int getHRefIndex() {
    return EventQueueWait.exec(new Callable<Integer>() {
        @Override public Integer call() throws Exception {
            String href = getAttribute("href");
            int hRefIndex = 0;
            int current = 0;
            JEditorPane editor = (JEditorPane) parent.getComponent();
            HTMLDocument document = (HTMLDocument) editor.getDocument();
            Iterator iterator = document.getIterator(Tag.A);
            while (iterator.isValid()) {
                if (current++ >= index) {
                    return hRefIndex;
                AttributeSet attributes = iterator.getAttributes();
                if (attributes != null) {
                    Object attributeObject = attributes.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF);
                    if (attributeObject != null) {
                        String attribute = attributeObject.toString();
                        if (attribute.equals(href)) {
            return -1;
项目:javify    文件   
 * Get the image alignment. This method works handling standart alignment
 * attributes in the HTML IMG tag (align = top bottom middle left right).
 * Depending from the parameter, either horizontal or vertical alingment
 * information is returned.
 * @param axis -
 *          either X_AXIS or Y_AXIS
public float getAlignment(int axis)
  AttributeSet attrs = getAttributes();
  Object al = attrs.getAttribute(Attribute.ALIGN);

  // Default is top left aligned.
  if (al == null)
    return 0.0f;

  String align = al.toString();

  if (axis == View.X_AXIS)
      if (align.equals("middle"))
        return 0.5f;
      else if (align.equals("left"))
        return 0.0f;
      else if (align.equals("right"))
        return 1.0f;
        return 0.0f;
  else if (axis == View.Y_AXIS)
      if (align.equals("middle"))
        return 0.5f;
      else if (align.equals("top"))
        return 0.0f;
      else if (align.equals("bottom"))
        return 1.0f;
        return 0.0f;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("axis " + axis);
项目:javify    文件   
 * Get the text that should be shown as the image replacement and also as the
 * image tool tip text. The method returns the value of the attribute, having
 * the name {@link Attribute#ALT}. If there is no such attribute, the image
 * name from the url is returned. If the URL is not available, the empty
 * string is returned.
public String getAltText()
  Object rt = getAttributes().getAttribute(Attribute.ALT);
  if (rt != null)
    return rt.toString();
      URL u = getImageURL();
      if (u == null)
        return "";
        return u.getFile();
项目:javify    文件   
 * Get the attribute value, matching this key. If not found in this set, the
 * call is delegated to parent.
 * @return the value, matching key (or null if none).
public Object getAttribute(Object key)
  // Null and HTML attributes or tags can be searched by direct comparison.
  if (key == null || key instanceof Attribute || key instanceof Tag)
      for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
          if (keys[i] == key)
            return values[i];

  // Strings are case insensitive. Only string can be match the string.
  else if (key instanceof String)
      String ks = (String) key;
      for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
          if (keys[i] instanceof String)
            if (ks.equalsIgnoreCase((String) keys[i]))
              return values[i];

  // Otherwise, defaults to .equals
      for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
          if (key.equals(keys[i]))
            return values[i];

  if (parent != null)
    return parent.getAttribute(key);
    return null;
项目:jvm-stm    文件   
 * Get the image alignment. This method works handling standart alignment
 * attributes in the HTML IMG tag (align = top bottom middle left right).
 * Depending from the parameter, either horizontal or vertical alingment
 * information is returned.
 * @param axis -
 *          either X_AXIS or Y_AXIS
public float getAlignment(int axis)
  AttributeSet attrs = getAttributes();
  Object al = attrs.getAttribute(Attribute.ALIGN);

  // Default is top left aligned.
  if (al == null)
    return 0.0f;

  String align = al.toString();

  if (axis == View.X_AXIS)
      if (align.equals("middle"))
        return 0.5f;
      else if (align.equals("left"))
        return 0.0f;
      else if (align.equals("right"))
        return 1.0f;
        return 0.0f;
  else if (axis == View.Y_AXIS)
      if (align.equals("middle"))
        return 0.5f;
      else if (align.equals("top"))
        return 0.0f;
      else if (align.equals("bottom"))
        return 1.0f;
        return 0.0f;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("axis " + axis);
项目:jvm-stm    文件   
 * Get the text that should be shown as the image replacement and also as the
 * image tool tip text. The method returns the value of the attribute, having
 * the name {@link Attribute#ALT}. If there is no such attribute, the image
 * name from the url is returned. If the URL is not available, the empty
 * string is returned.
public String getAltText()
  Object rt = getAttributes().getAttribute(Attribute.ALT);
  if (rt != null)
    return rt.toString();
      URL u = getImageURL();
      if (u == null)
        return "";
        return u.getFile();
项目:jvm-stm    文件   
 * Get the attribute value, matching this key. If not found in this set, the
 * call is delegated to parent.
 * @return the value, matching key (or null if none).
public Object getAttribute(Object key)
  // Null and HTML attributes or tags can be searched by direct comparison.
  if (key == null || key instanceof Attribute || key instanceof Tag)
      for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
          if (keys[i] == key)
            return values[i];

  // Strings are case insensitive. Only string can be match the string.
  else if (key instanceof String)
      String ks = (String) key;
      for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
          if (keys[i] instanceof String)
            if (ks.equalsIgnoreCase((String) keys[i]))
              return values[i];

  // Otherwise, defaults to .equals
      for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
          if (key.equals(keys[i]))
            return values[i];

  if (parent != null)
    return parent.getAttribute(key);
    return null;
项目:bixie    文件   
public void initialize(Element elem) {
    synchronized (this) {
        bLoading = true;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    boolean customWidth = false;
    boolean customHeight = false;
    try {
        fElement = elem;
        // request image from document's cache
        AttributeSet attr = elem.getAttributes();

        // get height & width from params or image or defaults
        height = getIntAttr(HTML.Attribute.HEIGHT, -1);
        customHeight = (height > 0);

        width = getIntAttr(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH, -1);
        customWidth = (width > 0);

    } finally {
        synchronized (this) {
            bLoading = false; // NullnessAnaysis fails to show that $this is
                                // non-null
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Switch to another language
 * @param lang
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private URL switchLanguage(String lang) throws IOException {
    URL base = getBase();

    String front = makeRequest(base);

    Elements lis = Jsoup.parse(front).getElementsByClass(HtmlFodMobilit.LANG_LINK);
    for (Element li : lis) {
        if (li.text().equals(lang)) {
            String href = li.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
            return new URL(base, href);
    return base;
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Get the list of all the categories.
 * @return list of category URLs
 * @throws IOException
protected List<URL> scrapeDatasetList() throws IOException {
    List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<>();

    URL base = getBase();
    String front = makeRequest(base);
    Elements links = Jsoup.parse(front).select(LINKS_DATASETS);

    for (Element link : links) {
        String href = link.attr(HTML.Attribute.HREF.toString());
    return urls;
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Generate DCAT Dataset
 * @param store RDF store
 * @param id dataset id
 * @param page
 * @throws MalformedURLException
 * @throws RepositoryException
protected void generateDataset(Storage store, String id, Map<String, Page> page)
        throws MalformedURLException, RepositoryException {
    String lang = getDefaultLang();

    Page p = page.get("");
    String html = p.getContent();
    Elements elements = Jsoup.parse(html).select(LINK_DATASET);

    for (Element element : elements) {
        String anchor =;
        generateDataset(store, id, element, anchor, lang);
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Switch to another language
 * @param page
 * @param lang language code
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private URL switchLanguage(String page, String lang) throws IOException {
    Elements lis = Jsoup.parse(page).getElementsByClass(LANG_LINK);

    for (Element li : lis) {
        if (li.text().equals(lang)) {
            String href = li.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
            if (href != null && !href.isEmpty()) {
                return makeAbsURL(href);
    logger.warn("No {} translation for page {}", lang, page);
    return null;
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Get the list of all the statistics.
 * @return list of category URLs
 * @throws IOException
protected List<URL> scrapeDatasetList() throws IOException {
    List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<>();

    URL base = getBase();
    String front = makeRequest(base);
    Elements links = Jsoup.parse(front).select(LIST_DATASETS);

    for (Element link : links) {
        String href = link.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
    return urls;
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Switch to another language
 * @param lang
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private URL switchLanguage(String lang) throws IOException {
    URL base = getBase();

    String front = makeRequest(base);

    Elements lis = Jsoup.parse(front).getElementsByClass(HtmlFodDiplomatie.LANG_LINK);
    for (Element li : lis) {
        if (li.text().equals(lang)) {
            String href = li.attr(Attribute.HREF.toString());
            return makeAbsURL(href);
    return base;
项目:dcattools    文件   
 * Get the URL of the page in another language
 * @param page
 * @param lang
 * @return URL of the page in another language
 * @throws IOException
private URL switchLanguage(String page, String lang) throws IOException {
    Elements hrefs = Jsoup.parse(page).select(LANG_LINK);

    for (Element href : hrefs) {
        if (href.text().trim().toLowerCase().equals(lang)) {
            String link = href.attr(HTML.Attribute.HREF.toString());
            if (link != null && !link.isEmpty()) {
                return makeAbsURL(link);
    logger.warn("No {} translation for page", lang);
    return null;
项目:cn1    文件   
public void testGetIntegerAttributeValue() {
    MutableAttributeSet attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    attrs.addAttribute(Attribute.COLSPAN, new String("11"));
                                               Attribute.COLSPAN, -1));

    attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    attrs.addAttribute(Attribute.HREF, new String("10101"));
                                               Attribute.HREF, -1));

    attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    attrs.addAttribute(Attribute.HREF, new String("not a number"));
                                               Attribute.HREF, -1));

    attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet();
                                               Attribute.HREF, -1));

    final MutableAttributeSet wrongValue = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    wrongValue.addAttribute(Attribute.HREF, new Integer("10101"));
    testExceptionalCase(new ClassCastCase() {
        public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
            HTML.getIntegerAttributeValue(wrongValue, Attribute.HREF, -1);