Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hbase.trace.HBaseHTraceConfiguration 实例源码

项目:ditb    文件   
 * Note that all subclasses of this class must provide a public constructor
 * that has the exact same list of arguments.
Test(final Connection con, final TestOptions options, final Status status) {
  this.connection = con;
  this.conf = con == null ? HBaseConfiguration.create() : this.connection.getConfiguration();
  this.opts = options;
  this.status = status;
  this.testName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
  receiverHost = SpanReceiverHost.getInstance(conf);
  if (options.traceRate >= 1.0) {
    this.traceSampler = Sampler.ALWAYS;
  } else if (options.traceRate > 0.0) {
    conf.setDouble("hbase.sampler.fraction", options.traceRate);
    this.traceSampler = new ProbabilitySampler(new HBaseHTraceConfiguration(conf));
  } else {
    this.traceSampler = Sampler.NEVER;
  everyN = (int) (opts.totalRows / (opts.totalRows * opts.sampleRate));
  if (options.isValueZipf()) {
    this.zipf = new RandomDistribution.Zipf(this.rand, 1, options.getValueSize(), 1.1);
  }"Sampling 1 every " + everyN + " out of " + opts.perClientRunRows + " total rows.");
项目:pbase    文件   
 * Note that all subclasses of this class must provide a public constructor
 * that has the exact same list of arguments.
Test(final Connection con, final TestOptions options, final Status status) {
  this.connection = con;
  this.conf = con == null ? HBaseConfiguration.create() : this.connection.getConfiguration();
  this.opts = options;
  this.status = status;
  this.testName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
  receiverHost = SpanReceiverHost.getInstance(conf);
  if (options.traceRate >= 1.0) {
    this.traceSampler = Sampler.ALWAYS;
  } else if (options.traceRate > 0.0) {
    conf.setDouble("hbase.sampler.fraction", options.traceRate);
    this.traceSampler = new ProbabilitySampler(new HBaseHTraceConfiguration(conf));
  } else {
    this.traceSampler = Sampler.NEVER;
  everyN = (int) (opts.totalRows / (opts.totalRows * opts.sampleRate));
  if (options.isValueZipf()) {
    this.zipf = new RandomDistribution.Zipf(this.rand, 1, options.getValueSize(), 1.1);
  }"Sampling 1 every " + everyN + " out of " + opts.perClientRunRows + " total rows.");
项目:hbase    文件   
 * Note that all subclasses of this class must provide a public constructor
 * that has the exact same list of arguments.
TestBase(final Configuration conf, final TestOptions options, final Status status) {
  this.conf = conf;
  this.receiverHost = this.conf == null? null: SpanReceiverHost.getInstance(conf);
  this.opts = options;
  this.status = status;
  this.testName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
  if (options.traceRate >= 1.0) {
    this.traceSampler = Sampler.ALWAYS;
  } else if (options.traceRate > 0.0) {
    conf.setDouble("hbase.sampler.fraction", options.traceRate);
    this.traceSampler = new ProbabilitySampler(new HBaseHTraceConfiguration(conf));
  } else {
    this.traceSampler = Sampler.NEVER;
  everyN = (int) (opts.totalRows / (opts.totalRows * opts.sampleRate));
  if (options.isValueZipf()) {
    this.zipf = new RandomDistribution.Zipf(this.rand, 1, options.getValueSize(), 1.2);
  }"Sampling 1 every " + everyN + " out of " + opts.perClientRunRows + " total rows.");
项目:hbase    文件   
WALPutBenchmark(final HRegion region, final TableDescriptor htd,
    final long numIterations, final boolean noSync, final int syncInterval,
    final double traceFreq) {
  this.numIterations = numIterations;
  this.noSync = noSync;
  this.syncInterval = syncInterval;
  this.numFamilies = htd.getColumnFamilyCount();
  this.region = region;
  scopes = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
  for(byte[] fam : htd.getColumnFamilyNames()) {
    scopes.put(fam, 0);
  String spanReceivers = getConf().get("hbase.trace.spanreceiver.classes");
  if (spanReceivers == null || spanReceivers.isEmpty()) {
    loopSampler = Sampler.NEVER;
  } else {
    if (traceFreq <= 0.0) {
      LOG.warn("Tracing enabled but traceFreq=0.");
      loopSampler = Sampler.NEVER;
    } else if (traceFreq >= 1.0) {
      loopSampler = Sampler.ALWAYS;
      if (numIterations > 1000) {
        LOG.warn("Full tracing of all iterations will produce a lot of data. Be sure your"
          + " SpanReceiver can keep up.");
    } else {
      getConf().setDouble("hbase.sampler.fraction", traceFreq);
      loopSampler = new ProbabilitySampler(new HBaseHTraceConfiguration(getConf()));