Python 模块,write_file() 实例源码


项目:jenkins-charm    作者:jenkinsci    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def configure_admin(self):
        """Configure the admin user."""
        hookenv.log("Configuring user for jenkins")

        admin = self._admin_data()
        api = Api()
        api.update_password(admin.username, admin.password)

        # Save the password to a file. It's not used directly by this charm
        # but it's convenient for integration with third-party tools.
            paths.ADMIN_PASSWORD, admin.password.encode("utf-8"),
            owner="root", group="root", perms=0o0600)

        if not os.path.exists(paths.LAST_EXEC):
            # This mean it's the very first time we configure the user,
            # and we want to create this file in order to avoid Jenkins
            # presenting the setup wizard.
                paths.LAST_EXEC, "{}\n".format(api.version()).encode("utf-8"),
                owner="jenkins", group="nogroup", perms=0o0600)
项目:charm-designate    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_key_file(self, unit_name, key):
        """Write rndc keyfile for given unit_name

        @param unit_name: str Name of unit using key
        @param key: str RNDC key
        @returns None
        key_file = '/etc/designate/rndc_{}.key'.format(unit_name)
        template = ('key "rndc-key" {{\n    algorithm hmac-md5;\n    '
                    'secret "{}";\n}};')
项目:charm-helpers    作者:juju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_writes_content_with_default(self, os_, log):
        uid = 0
        gid = 0
        path = '/some/path/{baz}'
        fmtstr = b'what is {juju}'
        perms = 0o444
        fileno = 'some-fileno'

        with patch_open() as (mock_open, mock_file):
            mock_file.fileno.return_value = fileno

            host.write_file(path, fmtstr)

            mock_open.assert_called_with('/some/path/{baz}', 'wb')
            os_.fchown.assert_called_with(fileno, uid, gid)
            os_.fchmod.assert_called_with(fileno, perms)
            mock_file.write.assert_called_with(b'what is {juju}')
项目:jenkins-charm    作者:jenkinsci    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _install_plugin(self, plugins_site, plugin, wget_options):
        """Download and install a given plugin."""
        plugin_filename = "%s.hpi" % plugin
        url = os.path.join(plugins_site, plugin_filename)
        plugin_path = os.path.join(paths.PLUGINS, plugin_filename)
        if not os.path.isfile(plugin_path):
            hookenv.log("Installing plugin %s" % plugin_filename)
            command = ("wget",) + wget_options + ("-q", "-O", "-", url)
            plugin_data = subprocess.check_output(command)
                plugin_path, plugin_data, owner="jenkins", group="jenkins",
            hookenv.log("Plugin %s already installed" % plugin_filename)
        return plugin_path
项目:jenkins-charm    作者:jenkinsci    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def token(self, value=None):
        """Get or set the admin token from/to the local state."""
        if value is not None:
            # Save the token to a file
                paths.ADMIN_TOKEN, value.encode("utf-8"), owner="root",
                group="root", perms=0o0600)
        if not os.path.exists(paths.ADMIN_TOKEN):
            return None
        with open(paths.ADMIN_TOKEN, 'r') as f:
项目:charms.openstack    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def configure_cert(self, cert, key, cn=None):
        """Configure service SSL cert and key

        Write out service SSL certificate and key for Apache.

        @param cert string SSL Certificate
        @param key string SSL Key
        @param cn string Canonical name for service
        if os_utils.snap_install_requested():
            ssl_dir = '/var/snap/{snap_name}/common/etc/nginx/ssl'.format(
            ssl_dir = os.path.join('/etc/apache2/ssl/',

        if not cn:
            cn = os_ip.resolve_address(endpoint_type=os_ip.INTERNAL)
        if cn:
            cert_filename = 'cert_{}'.format(cn)
            key_filename = 'key_{}'.format(cn)
            cert_filename = 'cert'
            key_filename = 'key'

        ch_host.write_file(path=os.path.join(ssl_dir, cert_filename),
        ch_host.write_file(path=os.path.join(ssl_dir, key_filename),
项目:charm-helpers    作者:juju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_writes_content_to_a_file(self, os_, log, getgrnam, getpwnam):
        # Curly brackets here demonstrate that we are *not* rendering
        # these strings with Python's string formatting. This is a
        # change from the original behavior per Bug #1195634.
        uid = 123
        gid = 234
        owner = 'some-user-{foo}'
        group = 'some-group-{bar}'
        path = '/some/path/{baz}'
        contents = b'what is {juju}'
        perms = 0o644
        fileno = 'some-fileno'

        getpwnam.return_value.pw_uid = uid
        getgrnam.return_value.gr_gid = gid

        with patch_open() as (mock_open, mock_file):
            mock_file.fileno.return_value = fileno

            host.write_file(path, contents, owner=owner, group=group,

            mock_open.assert_called_with('/some/path/{baz}', 'wb')
            os_.fchown.assert_called_with(fileno, uid, gid)
            os_.fchmod.assert_called_with(fileno, perms)
            mock_file.write.assert_called_with(b'what is {juju}')
项目:charm-helpers    作者:juju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_writes_binary_contents(self, os_, log):
        path = '/some/path/{baz}'
        fmtstr = six.u('what is {juju}\N{TRADE MARK SIGN}').encode('UTF-8')
        fileno = 'some-fileno'

        with patch_open() as (mock_open, mock_file):
            mock_file.fileno.return_value = fileno

            host.write_file(path, fmtstr)

            mock_open.assert_called_with('/some/path/{baz}', 'wb')
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(source, target, context, owner='root', group='root',
           perms=0o444, templates_dir=None, encoding='UTF-8', template_loader=None):
    Render a template.

    The `source` path, if not absolute, is relative to the `templates_dir`.

    The `target` path should be absolute.  It can also be `None`, in which
    case no file will be written.

    The context should be a dict containing the values to be replaced in the

    The `owner`, `group`, and `perms` options will be passed to `write_file`.

    If omitted, `templates_dir` defaults to the `templates` folder in the charm.

    The rendered template will be written to the file as well as being returned
    as a string.

    Note: Using this requires python-jinja2; if it is not installed, calling
    this will attempt to use charmhelpers.fetch.apt_install to install it.
        from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment, exceptions
    except ImportError:
            from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install
        except ImportError:
            hookenv.log('Could not import jinja2, and could not import '
                        'charmhelpers.fetch to install it',
        apt_install('python-jinja2', fatal=True)
        from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment, exceptions

    if template_loader:
        template_env = Environment(loader=template_loader)
        if templates_dir is None:
            templates_dir = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'templates')
        template_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
        source = source
        template = template_env.get_template(source)
    except exceptions.TemplateNotFound as e:
        hookenv.log('Could not load template %s from %s.' %
                    (source, templates_dir),
        raise e
    content = template.render(context)
    if target is not None:
        target_dir = os.path.dirname(target)
        if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
            # This is a terrible default directory permission, as the file
            # or its siblings will often contain secrets.
            host.mkdir(os.path.dirname(target), owner, group, perms=0o755)
        host.write_file(target, content.encode(encoding), owner, group, perms)
    return content
项目:charm-neutron-api-plumgrid    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(source, target, context, owner='root', group='root',
           perms=0o444, templates_dir=None, encoding='UTF-8', template_loader=None):
    Render a template.

    The `source` path, if not absolute, is relative to the `templates_dir`.

    The `target` path should be absolute.  It can also be `None`, in which
    case no file will be written.

    The context should be a dict containing the values to be replaced in the

    The `owner`, `group`, and `perms` options will be passed to `write_file`.

    If omitted, `templates_dir` defaults to the `templates` folder in the charm.

    The rendered template will be written to the file as well as being returned
    as a string.

    Note: Using this requires python-jinja2; if it is not installed, calling
    this will attempt to use charmhelpers.fetch.apt_install to install it.
        from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment, exceptions
    except ImportError:
            from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install
        except ImportError:
            hookenv.log('Could not import jinja2, and could not import '
                        'charmhelpers.fetch to install it',
        apt_install('python-jinja2', fatal=True)
        from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment, exceptions

    if template_loader:
        template_env = Environment(loader=template_loader)
        if templates_dir is None:
            templates_dir = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'templates')
        template_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
        source = source
        template = template_env.get_template(source)
    except exceptions.TemplateNotFound as e:
        hookenv.log('Could not load template %s from %s.' %
                    (source, templates_dir),
        raise e
    content = template.render(context)
    if target is not None:
        target_dir = os.path.dirname(target)
        if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
            # This is a terrible default directory permission, as the file
            # or its siblings will often contain secrets.
            host.mkdir(os.path.dirname(target), owner, group, perms=0o755)
        host.write_file(target, content.encode(encoding), owner, group, perms)
    return content
项目:charm-plumgrid-director    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(source, target, context, owner='root', group='root',
           perms=0o444, templates_dir=None, encoding='UTF-8', template_loader=None):
    Render a template.

    The `source` path, if not absolute, is relative to the `templates_dir`.

    The `target` path should be absolute.  It can also be `None`, in which
    case no file will be written.

    The context should be a dict containing the values to be replaced in the

    The `owner`, `group`, and `perms` options will be passed to `write_file`.

    If omitted, `templates_dir` defaults to the `templates` folder in the charm.

    The rendered template will be written to the file as well as being returned
    as a string.

    Note: Using this requires python-jinja2; if it is not installed, calling
    this will attempt to use charmhelpers.fetch.apt_install to install it.
        from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment, exceptions
    except ImportError:
            from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install
        except ImportError:
            hookenv.log('Could not import jinja2, and could not import '
                        'charmhelpers.fetch to install it',
        apt_install('python-jinja2', fatal=True)
        from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment, exceptions

    if template_loader:
        template_env = Environment(loader=template_loader)
        if templates_dir is None:
            templates_dir = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'templates')
        template_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
        source = source
        template = template_env.get_template(source)
    except exceptions.TemplateNotFound as e:
        hookenv.log('Could not load template %s from %s.' %
                    (source, templates_dir),
        raise e
    content = template.render(context)
    if target is not None:
        target_dir = os.path.dirname(target)
        if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
            # This is a terrible default directory permission, as the file
            # or its siblings will often contain secrets.
            host.mkdir(os.path.dirname(target), owner, group, perms=0o755)
        host.write_file(target, content.encode(encoding), owner, group, perms)
    return content
项目:charm-plumgrid-edge    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(source, target, context, owner='root', group='root',
           perms=0o444, templates_dir=None, encoding='UTF-8', template_loader=None):
    Render a template.

    The `source` path, if not absolute, is relative to the `templates_dir`.

    The `target` path should be absolute.  It can also be `None`, in which
    case no file will be written.

    The context should be a dict containing the values to be replaced in the

    The `owner`, `group`, and `perms` options will be passed to `write_file`.

    If omitted, `templates_dir` defaults to the `templates` folder in the charm.

    The rendered template will be written to the file as well as being returned
    as a string.

    Note: Using this requires python-jinja2; if it is not installed, calling
    this will attempt to use charmhelpers.fetch.apt_install to install it.
        from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment, exceptions
    except ImportError:
            from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install
        except ImportError:
            hookenv.log('Could not import jinja2, and could not import '
                        'charmhelpers.fetch to install it',
        apt_install('python-jinja2', fatal=True)
        from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment, exceptions

    if template_loader:
        template_env = Environment(loader=template_loader)
        if templates_dir is None:
            templates_dir = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'templates')
        template_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
        source = source
        template = template_env.get_template(source)
    except exceptions.TemplateNotFound as e:
        hookenv.log('Could not load template %s from %s.' %
                    (source, templates_dir),
        raise e
    content = template.render(context)
    if target is not None:
        target_dir = os.path.dirname(target)
        if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
            # This is a terrible default directory permission, as the file
            # or its siblings will often contain secrets.
            host.mkdir(os.path.dirname(target), owner, group, perms=0o755)
        host.write_file(target, content.encode(encoding), owner, group, perms)
    return content