def _stats_lottery(self, ctx): """Shows your lottery stats Shows the number of times you have entered and the number of times you have won a lottery.""" author = ctx.message.author settings = self.check_server_settings(author.server) if author.id not in settings["Members"]: return await self.bot.say("You are not a lottery member. Only members can view and " "track stats. Use [p]lottery signup to join.") role = settings["Config"]["Role"] if role not in [r.name for r in author.roles]: return await self.bot.say("You do not have the required role to view stats.") played = settings["Members"][author.id]["Entries"] won = settings["Members"][author.id]["Won"] embed = discord.Embed(description="Lottery Stat Tracker", color=0x50bdfe) embed.set_author(name=author.name) embed.set_thumbnail(url=author.avatar_url) embed.add_field(name="Entries", value=played, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Won", value=won, inline=True) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def about(self, ctx): '''About me''' from clients import application_info changes = os.popen(r'git show -s HEAD~3..HEAD --format="[`%h`](https://github.com/Harmon758/Harmonbot/commit/%H) %s (%cr)"').read().strip() embed = discord.Embed(title = "About Me", color = clients.bot_color) embed.description = "[Changelog (Harmonbot Server)]({})\n[Invite Link]({})".format(clients.changelog, discord.utils.oauth_url(application_info.id)) # avatar = ctx.message.author.avatar_url or ctx.message.author.default_avatar_url # embed.set_author(name = ctx.message.author.display_name, icon_url = avatar) avatar = self.bot.user.avatar_url or self.bot.user.default_avatar_url # embed.set_thumbnail(url = avatar) embed.set_author(name = "Harmonbot (Discord ID: {})".format(self.bot.user.id), icon_url = avatar) if changes: embed.add_field(name = "Latest Changes:", value = changes, inline = False) embed.add_field(name = "Created on:", value = "February 10th, 2016") embed.add_field(name = "Version", value = clients.version) embed.add_field(name = "Library", value = "[discord.py](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py) v{0}\n([Python](https://www.python.org/) v{1.major}.{1.minor}.{1.micro})".format(discord.__version__, sys.version_info)) me = discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_all_members(), id = clients.owner_id) avatar = me.default_avatar_url if not me.avatar else me.avatar_url embed.set_footer(text = "Developer/Owner: {0} (Discord ID: {0.id})".format(me), icon_url = avatar) await self.bot.reply("", embed = embed) await self.bot.say("Changelog (Harmonbot Server): {}".format(clients.changelog))
def mazer_processr(self, player, reaction, user): if user == player and reaction.emoji in tuple(self.arrows.keys()) + ("\N{PRINTER}",): maze_instance = self.mazes[reaction.message.id] if reaction.emoji == "\N{PRINTER}": with open("data/temp/maze.txt", 'w') as maze_file: maze_file.write('\n'.join(maze_instance.visible)) await self.bot.send_file(reaction.message.channel, "data/temp/maze.txt", content = "{}:\nYour maze is attached".format(player.display_name)) return embed = discord.Embed(color = clients.bot_color) avatar = player.avatar_url or player.default_avatar_url embed.set_author(name = player.display_name, icon_url = avatar) moved = maze_instance.move(self.arrows[reaction.emoji].lower()) embed.set_footer(text = "Your current position: {}, {}".format(maze_instance.column + 1, maze_instance.row + 1)) if moved: if maze_instance.reached_end(): embed.description = "{}\nCongratulations! You reached the end of the maze in {} moves".format(clients.code_block.format(maze_instance.print_visible()), maze_instance.move_counter) del self.reaction_messages[reaction.message.id] else: embed.description = "{}".format(clients.code_block.format(maze_instance.print_visible())) else: embed.description = "{}\n:no_entry: You can't go that way".format(clients.code_block.format(maze_instance.print_visible())) await self.bot.edit_message(reaction.message, embed = embed)
def process_twitch_streams(self, streams, type, match = None): for stream in streams: if stream["_id"] in self.old_streams_announced: for announcement in self.old_streams_announced[stream["_id"]]: embed = announcement[1] embed.set_author(name = embed.author.name.replace("was", "just went"), url = embed.author.url, icon_url = embed.author.icon_url) await self.bot.edit_message(announcement[0], embed = embed) self.streams_announced[stream["_id"]] = self.old_streams_announced[stream["_id"]] del self.old_streams_announced[stream["_id"]] elif stream["_id"] not in self.streams_announced: for channel_id, channel_info in self.streams_info["channels"].items(): if (match in channel_info[type] or \ not match and stream["channel"]["name"] in [s.lower() for s in channel_info[type]]) and \ all(filter in stream["channel"]["status"] for filter in channel_info["filters"]): embed = discord.Embed(title = stream["channel"]["status"] if len(stream["channel"]["status"]) <= 256 else stream["channel"]["status"][:253] + "...", description = "{0[channel][display_name]} is playing {0[game]}".format(stream) if stream["channel"]["game"] else discord.Embed.Empty, url = stream["channel"]["url"], timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(stream["created_at"]).replace(tzinfo = None), color = clients.twitch_color) embed.set_author(name = "{} just went live on Twitch".format(stream["channel"]["display_name"]), icon_url = clients.twitch_icon_url) if stream["channel"]["logo"]: embed.set_thumbnail(url = stream["channel"]["logo"]) embed.add_field(name = "Followers", value = stream["channel"]["followers"]) embed.add_field(name = "Views", value = stream["channel"]["views"]) text_channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if not text_channel: # TODO: Remove text channel data if now non-existent continue message = await self.bot.send_message(text_channel, embed = embed) self.streams_announced[stream["_id"]] = self.streams_announced.get(stream["_id"], []) + [[message, embed]]
def runescape_monster(self, ctx, *, monster : str): '''Runescape bestiary''' url = "http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/bestiary/beastSearch.json?term={}".format(monster.replace(' ', '+')) async with clients.aiohttp_session.get(url) as resp: data = await resp.json() if data[0] == "none": await self.bot.embed_reply(":no_entry: Monster not found") return url = "http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/bestiary/beastData.json?beastid={}".format(data[0]["value"]) async with clients.aiohttp_session.get(url) as resp: data = await resp.json() embed = discord.Embed(title = data["name"], description = data["description"], color = clients.bot_color) avatar = ctx.message.author.avatar_url or ctx.message.author.default_avatar_url embed.set_author(name = ctx.message.author.display_name, icon_url = avatar) embed.add_field(name = "Level", value = data["level"]) embed.add_field(name = "Weakness", value = data["weakness"]) embed.add_field(name = "XP/Kill", value = data["xp"]) embed.add_field(name = "Lifepoints", value = data["lifepoints"]) embed.add_field(name = "Members", value = "Yes" if data["members"] else "No") embed.add_field(name = "Aggressive", value = "Yes" if data["aggressive"] else "No") await self.bot.say(embed = embed) # add other? - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/RuneScape_Bestiary#beastData
def match_task(self): self.match_message = await self.bot.send_embed(self.text_channel, "Loading..") await self.update_match_embed() while True: player = [self.black_player, self.white_player][int(self.turn)] if player == self.bot.user: await self.bot.edit_message(self.match_message, embed = self.match_embed.set_footer(text = "I'm thinking..")) self.chess_engine.position(self) self.chess_engine.go(movetime = 2000, async_callback = self.process_chess_engine_command) await self.generated_move.wait() self.generated_move.clear() self.push(self.best_move) await self.update_match_embed(footer_text = "I moved {}".format(self.best_move)) else: message = await self.bot.wait_for_message(author = player, channel = self.text_channel, check = lambda msg: self.valid_move(msg.content)) await self.bot.edit_message(self.match_message, embed = self.match_embed.set_footer(text = "Processing move..")) self.make_move(message.content) footer_text = discord.Embed.Empty if self.is_game_over() else "It is {}'s ({}'s) turn to move".format(["black", "white"][int(self.turn)], [self.black_player, self.white_player][int(self.turn)]) await self.update_match_embed(footer_text = footer_text) try: await self.bot.delete_message(message) except discord.errors.Forbidden: pass
def embed_reply(self, content, *args, title = discord.Embed.Empty, title_url = discord.Embed.Empty, image_url = None, thumbnail_url = None, footer_text = discord.Embed.Empty, footer_icon_url = discord.Embed.Empty, timestamp = discord.Embed.Empty, fields = [], **kwargs): author = commands.bot._get_variable('_internal_author') destination = commands.bot._get_variable('_internal_channel') embed = discord.Embed(description = str(content) if content else None, title = title, url = title_url, timestamp = timestamp, color = bot_color) embed.set_author(name = author.display_name, icon_url = author.avatar_url or author.default_avatar_url) if image_url: embed.set_image(url = image_url) if thumbnail_url: embed.set_thumbnail(url = thumbnail_url) embed.set_footer(text = footer_text, icon_url = footer_icon_url) for field_name, field_value in fields: embed.add_field(name = field_name, value = field_value) extensions = ('delete_after',) params = {k: kwargs.pop(k, None) for k in extensions} coro = self.send_message(destination, embed = embed, *args, **kwargs) if destination.is_private or getattr(destination.permissions_for(destination.server.me), "embed_links", None): return self._augmented_msg(coro, embed = embed, **params) elif not (title or title_url or image_url or thumbnail_url or footer_text or timestamp): fmt = '{0.display_name}: {1}'.format(author, str(content)) coro = self.send_message(destination, fmt, *args, **kwargs) return self._augmented_msg(coro, **params) else: permissions = ["embed_links"] raise errors.MissingCapability(permissions)
def _list_channels(self, ctx): """Lists YouTube channels with announcements enabled""" guild = ctx.message.guild if guild.id in self.ids: try: data = discord.Embed( title="**__Announcement Channels__**\n", colour=discord.Colour(value=11735575)) k = self.ids[guild.id]['yt_channel'] data.add_field( name="YouTube Channel", value=k) data.add_field( name="Discord Channel", value=self.ids[guild.id]['channel']) data.set_footer( text="Made with \U00002665 by Francis#6565. Support server: https://discord.gg/yp8WpMh") await ctx.send(embed=data) except IndexError as e: logger.exception( "An error occured while pulling data from list... {}".format(e))
def donate(self, ctx): """Support the continued development of Spirit!""" manager = MessageManager(self.bot, ctx.author, ctx.channel, ctx.prefix, [ctx.message]) e = discord.Embed(colour=constants.BLUE) text = ("Spirit is a work of love that has taken countless hours to develop. Your donation " + "will go towards server hosting costs, development tools, and if you donate " + "monthly, will also earn you some special privelges on the Spirit Discord server!\n\n" + "Donate once: https://www.paypal.me/spiritbot\n" + "Donate monthly: https://www.patreon.com/spiritbot") reward_1 = "- Colored name on the Spirit Discord server" reward_2 = ("- Patron role and colored name on the Spirit Discord server\n" + "- Access to the developer blog on Patreon and the Spirit Discord server\n" + "- Access to a patron only channel on the Spirit Discord server which includes sneak peeks of new features!") reward_3 = ("- All rewards from the previous tier\n" + "- Your own personalized message built right into Spirit!") e.description = text e.add_field(name="$1/Month", value=reward_1) e.add_field(name="$5/Month", value=reward_2) e.add_field(name="$10/Month", value=reward_3) await manager.say(e, embed=True, delete=False) await manager.clear()
def channelinfo(self, ctx, channel : discord.Channel = None): """Gives you some channel information.""" if channel == None: channel = ctx.message.channel passed = (ctx.message.timestamp - channel.created_at).days try: channel_created_at = ("Created on {} ({} days ago!)".format(channel.created_at.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"), passed)) em = discord.Embed(description="{}, here you go:".format(ctx.message.author.mention), title="Channel Info", color=0X008CFF) em.add_field(name="Channel Name", value=str(channel.name)) em.add_field(name="Channel ID", value=str(channel.id)) em.add_field(name="Channel Default", value=str(channel.is_default)) em.add_field(name="Channel Position", value=str(channel.position + 1)) em.add_field(name="Channel Topic", value=(channel.topic)) em.set_footer(text=channel_created_at) await self.bot.say(embed=em) except discord.HTTPException: channel_created_at = ("Created on {} ({} days ago!)".format(channel.created_at.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"), passed)) em = discord.Embed(description="{}, here you go:".format(ctx.message.author.mention), title="Channel Info", color=0X008CFF) em.add_field(name="Channel Name", value=str(channel.name)) em.add_field(name="Channel ID", value=str(channel.id)) em.add_field(name="Channel Default", value=str(channel.is_default)) em.add_field(name="Channel Position", value=str(channel.position + 1)) em.add_field(name="Channel Topic", value="None") em.set_footer(text=channel_created_at) await self.bot.say(embed=em)
def discrim(self, discriminator: str): """Shows you all the members I can find with the discrim you gave.""" discriminator = discriminator.replace("#", "") if not discriminator.isdigit(): await self.bot.say("A Discrimnator can only have digits and a #\nExamples\n`#4157`, `4157`") return members = [str(s) for s in list(self.bot.get_all_members()) if s.discriminator == discriminator] members = ", ".join(list(set(members))) if not members: await self.bot.say("I could not find any users in any of the servers I'm in with a discriminator of `{}`".format(discriminator)) return else: embed = discord.Embed(colour=0X00B6FF) embed.add_field(name="Discriminator #{}".format(discriminator), value=str(members), inline=False) try: await self.bot.say(embed=embed) except: await self.bot.say("An unknown error occured while embedding.")
def on_member_join(self, member): await self.bot.wait_until_all_ready() msg = "? **Join**: {} | {}#{}\n?? __Creation__: {}\n?? __User ID__: {}".format( member.mention, self.bot.escape_name(member.name), member.discriminator, member.created_at, member.id ) with open("data/restrictions.json", "r") as f: rsts = json.load(f) if member.id in rsts: roles = [] for rst in rsts[member.id]: roles.append(discord.utils.get(self.bot.server.roles, name=rst)) await self.bot.add_roles(member, *roles) with open("data/warnsv2.json", "r") as f: warns = json.load(f) try: if len(warns[member.id]["warns"]) == 0: await self.bot.send_message(self.bot.serverlogs_channel, msg) else: embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.dark_red()) embed.set_author(name="Warns for {}#{}".format(self.bot.escape_name(member.name), member.discriminator), icon_url=member.avatar_url) for idx, warn in enumerate(warns[member.id]["warns"]): embed.add_field(name="{}: {}".format(idx + 1, warn["timestamp"]), value="Issuer: {}\nReason: {}".format(warn["issuer_name"], warn["reason"])) await self.bot.send_message(self.bot.serverlogs_channel, msg, embed=embed) except KeyError: # if the user is not in the file await self.bot.send_message(self.bot.serverlogs_channel, msg)
def listwarns(self, ctx, user): """List warns for a user. Staff only.""" try: member = ctx.message.mentions[0] except IndexError: await self.bot.say("Please mention a user.") return embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.dark_red()) embed.set_author(name="Warns for {}#{}".format(member.display_name, member.discriminator), icon_url=member.avatar_url) with open("data/warnsv2.json", "r") as f: warns = json.load(f) try: if len(warns[member.id]["warns"]) == 0: embed.description = "There are none!" embed.color = discord.Color.green() else: for idx, warn in enumerate(warns[member.id]["warns"]): embed.add_field(name="{}: {}".format(idx + 1, warn["timestamp"]), value="Issuer: {}\nReason: {}".format(warn["issuer_name"], warn["reason"])) except KeyError: # if the user is not in the file embed.description = "There are none!" embed.color = discord.Color.green() await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def show(self, ctx): """Show the prefix set for this guild. Also shows whether or not the default prefix can be used. """ rec = await self.bot.get_guild_prefix(ctx.guild.id) if rec is None: await ctx.send("A custom prefix hasn't been set for this guild.") return prefix, allow_default = rec['prefix'], rec['allow_default'] valid = [prefix] default = config.prefix if allow_default: if isinstance(default, (tuple, list)): valid.extend(default) else: valid.append(default) embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field(name='Custom Prefix', value=valid[0]) embed.add_field(name='Allow Default', value=str(rec['allow_default'])) embed.add_field(name='Valid Prefixes', value='\n'.join(valid)) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def debug(self, ctx, *, code: cleanup_code): """Evaluates code.""" result = None env = get_env(ctx) env['__'] = self.last_eval try: result = eval(code, env) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await result if isinstance(result, discord.Embed): await ctx.send(embed=result) return except Exception as e: say = self.eval_output(exception_signature()) else: say = self.eval_output(rep(result)) if say is None: say = 'None' await ctx.send(say)
def charinfo(self, ctx, *, chars): """Get unicode character info.""" if not chars: return chars = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', chars) if len(chars) > 25: await ctx.send('Too many emoji.') return embed = discord.Embed() for char in chars: uc = hex(ord(char))[2:] name = unicodedata.name(char, 'unknown') if name in {'SPACE', 'EM QUAD', 'EN QUAD'} or ' SPACE' in name: char = '" "' short = len(uc) <= 4 code = f'`\\{"u" if short else "U"}{uc.lower().zfill(4 if short else 8)}`' embed.add_field(name=name, value=f'{char} [{code}](http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/{uc}/index.htm)') await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def cat(self, ctx): """Get a random cat image.""" with ctx.typing(): try: image_url = await self.fetch_cat() except NotFound as e: await ctx.send(e) return try: fact = (await self.fetch_facts(1))[0] except NotFound as e: fact = '' embed = discord.Embed(description=fact or None) embed.set_image(url=image_url) try: await ctx.send(embed=embed) except discord.HTTPException: embed = discord.Embed(description=fact or None) embed.set_footer(text='Failed getting a cat image.') await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def mppsraw(self, ctx): logger.info('!mppsraw - User: ' + str(ctx.message.author)) mpp_text = '' r = requests.get('https://api.erepublik-deutschland.de/' + apiKey + '/countries/details/all') obj = json.loads(r.text) for country in obj['countries']: mpps = obj['countries'][country]['military']['mpps'] if mpps: mpps.sort(key=lambda x: x['expires'][0:10]) for mpp in mpps: mpp_text += self.utils.get_country_name(country) + ';' + self.utils.get_country_name( mpp['country_id']) + ';' + mpp['expires'][0:10] + '\n' link = PythonGists.Gist(description='eRepublik MPPs', content=mpp_text, name='mpps' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y") + '.csv') em = discord.Embed(title='All MPPs', description=link, colour=0x0042B9) await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, '', embed=em)
def convert(self, ctx, in_value: str): logger.info('!convert ' + in_value + ' - User: ' + str(ctx.message.author)) start_date = datetime.datetime(day=21, month=11, year=2007) try: if self.utils.is_number(in_value): delta = datetime.timedelta(days=int(in_value) - 1) final_date = start_date + delta em = discord.Embed(title='Conversion', description='Date : ' + final_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), colour=0x0053A9) await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, '', embed=em) else: in_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(in_value, '%d/%m/%Y') erep_day = in_date - start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) em = discord.Embed(title='Conversion', description='eRepublik day : ' + str(erep_day.days), colour=0x0053A9) await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, '', embed=em) except: traceback.print_exc() logger.info(' Invalid input') await self.bot.say('Invalid input')
def poll(self, ctx, *, string: str): """Formatting: Question|Option 1|Option 2|etc.""" await self.bot.delete_message(ctx.message) string = string.strip("| *") split = string.split("|") emojibet = ['??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??', '??'] alphabet = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'] question = split[0].strip(" ") query = [x.strip(" ") for x in split[1:] if x.strip(" ") != ""] em = discord.Embed(description=question, colour=ctx.message.author.color) for i, q in enumerate(query): em.add_field(name = "Option " + alphabet[i], value = q, inline = False) em.set_author(name=ctx.message.author.display_name, icon_url=ctx.message.author.avatar_url) em.set_footer(text="React to this message to vote! (Sorry mobile users)") sent = await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, embed = em) for i, _ in enumerate(query): await self.bot.add_reaction(sent, emojibet[i])
def quote(self, ctx, qid, *, content=None): if content is None: msg = await self.bot.get_message(ctx.message.channel, qid) if msg is None: await self.bot.say("Message with that ID not found! (Or you used a user ID which you shouldn't use without content)") else: em = discord.Embed(description=msg.content, colour=msg.author.color) em.set_author(name=str(msg.author), icon_url=msg.author.avatar_url) em.set_footer(text="Sent | {}".format(msg.timestamp)) await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, embed=em) else: mem = ctx.message.server.get_member(qid) if mem is None: await self.bot.say("Member with that ID not found! (Or you used a message ID which you shouldn't use)") else: em = discord.Embed(description=content, colour=mem.color) em.set_author(name=mem.display_name, icon_url=mem.avatar_url) em.set_footer(text="Sent | {}".format(random.choice(["Sometime...", "in a whisper.", "in hell"]))) await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, embed=em)
def _repljump(ctx): '''Brings the shell back down so you can see it again.''' session = ctx.message.channel.id if session not in self.repl_sessions: await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, embed = discord.Embed(color = 15746887, description = "**Error**: _No shell running in channel._")) return shell = self.repl_sessions[session] embed = self.repl_embeds[shell] await self.bot.delete_message(ctx.message) await self.bot.delete_message(shell) new_shell = await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, embed=embed) self.repl_sessions[session] = new_shell del self.repl_embeds[shell] self.repl_embeds[new_shell] = embed
def _replclear(ctx): '''Clears the fields of the shell and resets the color.''' session = ctx.message.channel.id if session not in self.repl_sessions: await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, embed = discord.Embed(color = 15746887, description = "**Error**: _No shell running in channel._")) return shell = self.repl_sessions[session] self.repl_embeds[shell].color = discord.Color.default() self.repl_embeds[shell].clear_fields() await self.bot.delete_message(ctx.message) await self.bot.edit_message(shell, embed=self.repl_embeds[shell])
def voteskip(self, message): if message.server.id in self.ongoing_skips: return player = self.get_player(message.server) embed = Embed( title = 'Voteskip', description = 'Skip __{}__ ?'.format(player.items[0].resource) ) embed.set_footer(text='Click the reaction below to cast your vote') m = await self.send_message(message.channel, '', embed=embed) await self.bot.add_reaction(m, '??') self.ongoing_skips[message.server.id] = m self.run_async(self.skip_timeout(message.server.id, m))
def forumlink(self, ctx, url): post = Preview.getThread(url) embed = discord.Embed(title=post["title"], url=url) embed.description = shorten(post['description'], 2048, 12) if post["image"]: embed.set_image(url=post["image"] if post["image"][0] != "." else "https://autohotkey.com/boards" + post["image"][1:post["image"].find("&") + 1]) embed.set_author(name=post["user"]["name"], url="https://autohotkey.com/boards" + post["user"]["url"][1:], icon_url="https://autohotkey.com/boards" + post["user"]["icon"][1:]) embed.set_footer(text='autohotkey.com') await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def embedwiki(self, ctx, wiki): embed = discord.Embed() sum = wiki.summary if len(sum) > 1024: sum = sum[0:1024] + '...' embed.description = sum embed.set_author(name=wiki.title, url=wiki.url, icon_url='https://i.imgur.com/qIor1ag.png') image = '' for img in wiki.images: if not img.endswith('.svg'): image = img break if image: embed.set_image(url=image) embed.set_footer(text='wikipedia.com') await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def dog(self, ctx): """Get a random cat image! **Usage:** `g_dog` **Permission:** User""" isVideo = True while isVideo: r = requests.get('https://random.dog/woof.json') js = r.json() if js['url'].endswith('.mp4'): pass else: isVideo = False colours = [0x1abc9c, 0x11806a, 0x2ecc71, 0x1f8b4c, 0x3498db, 0x206694, 0x9b59b6, 0x71368a, 0xe91e63, 0xad1457, 0xf1c40f, 0xc27c0e, 0xa84300, 0xe74c3c, 0x992d22, 0x95a5a6, 0x607d8b, 0x979c9f, 0x546e7a] col = int(random.random() * len(colours)) content = [":dog: Don't be sad! This doggy wants to play with you!", "You seem lonely, {0.mention}. Here, have a dog. They're not as nice as cats, but enjoy!".format(ctx.message.author), "Weuf, woof, woooooooooof. Woof you.", "Pupper!", "Meow... wait wrong animal."] con = int(random.random() * len(content)) em = discord.Embed(color=colours[col]) em.set_image(url=js['url']) await ctx.send(content=content[con], embed=em)
def status(self, ctx): """Display the current status of the specified member. If the member is not specified or an invalid member argument is passed, the member is the author. **Usage:** `g_status [member]` **Permission:** User""" if len(ctx.message.mentions) == 0: user = ctx.message.author a = ", you are " else: user = ctx.message.mentions[0] a = " is " if user.game is None: game = "Nothing." footer = "Maybe you should get out into the world. Meet some people. Could be good for you." else: game = str(user.game) footer = "Hope it's a fun one!" em = discord.Embed(title=user.display_name+a+"playing:",description="`{}`".format(game),color=user.color) em.set_footer(text=footer) await ctx.send(embed=em)
def analytics(self, ctx, url): """Analytics for url""" key = self.loadapi["ApiKey"] async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get('https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url?key=' + key + '&shortUrl=' + url + '&projection=FULL') as resp: print(resp.status) yes = await resp.json() embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.blue()) embed.add_field(name="**Shortened Url:**",value=yes['id']) embed.add_field(name="**Long Url:**",value=yes['longUrl']) embed.add_field(name="**Date Created:**",value=yes['created']) embed.add_field(name="**Clicks:**",value=yes['analytics']['allTime']['shortUrlClicks']) embed.set_image(url="https://www.ostraining.com/cdn/images/coding/google-url-shortener-tool.jpg") await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def neko(self, ctx): """Nekos! \o/ Warning: Some lewd nekos exist :eyes:""" async with self.session.get("https://nekos.life/api/neko") as resp: nekos = await resp.json() embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.blue()) embed.set_image(url=nekos['neko']) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def pat(self, context, member: discord.Member): """Pat your senpai/waifu!""" author = context.message.author.mention mention = member.mention pat = "**{0} got patted by {1}!**" choices = ['http://i.imgur.com/10VrpFZ.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/x0u35IU.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/0gTbTNR.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/hlLCiAt.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/sAANBDj.gif'] image = random.choice(choices) embed = discord.Embed(description=pat.format(mention, author), colour=discord.Colour.blue()) embed.set_image(url=image) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def kiss(self, context, member: discord.Member): """Kiss your senpai/waifu!""" author = context.message.author.mention mention = member.mention kiss = "**{0} gave {1} a kiss!**" choices = ['http://i.imgur.com/0D0Mijk.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/TNhivqs.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/3wv088f.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/7mkRzr1.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/8fEyFHe.gif'] image = random.choice(choices) embed = discord.Embed(description=kiss.format(author, mention), colour=discord.Colour.blue()) embed.set_image(url=image) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def hug(self, context, member: discord.Member): """Hug your senpai/waifu!""" author = context.message.author.mention mention = member.mention hug = "**{0} gave {1} a hug!**" choices = ['http://i.imgur.com/sW3RvRN.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/gdE2w1x.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/zpbtWVE.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/ZQivdm1.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/MWZUMNX.gif'] image = random.choice(choices) embed = discord.Embed(description=hug.format(author, mention), colour=discord.Colour.blue()) embed.set_image(url=image) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def _status_lottery(self, ctx): """Check if a lottery is active""" author = ctx.message.author settings = self.check_server_settings(author.server) if settings["Config"]["Active"]: ld = settings["Config"]["Current Loadout"] timer = settings["Loadouts"][ld]["Timer"] if timer == 0: remaining = "no time limit" else: counter = settings["Config"]["Tracker"] seconds = timer - (datetime.utcnow() - parser.parse(counter)).seconds remaining = "{} remaining".format(self.time_formatter(seconds)) winners = settings["Loadouts"][ld]["Winners"] entry_limit = settings["Loadouts"][ld]["Limit"] dos = settings["Loadouts"][ld]["DOS"] role_req = settings["Loadouts"][ld]["Role"] prize = settings["Loadouts"][ld]["Prize"] footer = "There are currently {} users in the lottery.".format(len(settings["Players"])) if author.id in settings["Players"]: desc = "You are currently in the lottery." else: desc = "You have **not** entered into this lottery yet." embed = discord.Embed(title="Loadout {}".format(ld), description=desc, color=0x50bdfe) embed.set_author(name="Lottery System 3.0") embed.add_field(name="Prize", value=prize, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Possible Winners", value=winners, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Role", value=role_req, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Limit", value=entry_limit, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Time Remaining", value=remaining, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Days on Server Required", value=dos, inline=True) embed.set_footer(text=footer) await self.bot.say(embed=embed) else: await self.bot.say("There aren't any lotteries running on this server right now.")
def _view_lottery(self, ctx, loadout: int): """View the parameters set for a loadout""" if loadout not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: return await self.bot.say("Invalid loadout. Must be 0-5.") server = ctx.message.server settings = self.check_server_settings(server) loadout = str(loadout) if not self.slot_checker(settings, loadout): return await self.bot.say("The selected loadout is empty.") timer = settings["Loadouts"][loadout]["Timer"] if timer == 0: time_fmt = "no time limit" else: time_fmt = self.time_formatter(timer) winners = settings["Loadouts"][loadout]["Winners"] entry_limit = settings["Loadouts"][loadout]["Limit"] dos = settings["Loadouts"][loadout]["DOS"] role_req = settings["Loadouts"][loadout]["Role"] prize = settings["Loadouts"][loadout]["Prize"] start_msg = settings["Loadouts"][loadout]["Start Message"] end_msg = settings["Loadouts"][loadout]["End Message"] embed = discord.Embed(title="Loadout {}".format(loadout), color=0x50bdfe) embed.add_field(name="Prize", value=prize, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Number of Winners", value=winners, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Role", value=role_req, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Entry Limit", value=entry_limit, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Timer", value=time_fmt, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Days on Server Required", value=dos, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Start Message", value=start_msg, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="End Message", value=end_msg, inline=True) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def send_profile(self, user, author_col, user_col, user_data, user_name, url, cmd): if author_col == "SELF": share = ['Not Applicable'] different = ['Not Applicable'] elif author_col: intersect = user_col.intersection(author_col) difference = author_col.difference(user_col) share = random.sample(intersect, len(intersect) if len(intersect) < 5 else 5) if not share: share = ["Nothing Mutual"] different = random.sample(difference, len(difference) if len(difference) < 5 else 5) if not different: different = ["Nothing different"] else: share = ["Author's MAL not set"] different = ["Author's MAL not set"] if cmd == "anime": medium = "Watching" emojis = [":film_frames:", ":vhs:", ":octagonal_sign:"] else: medium = "Reading" emojis = [":book:", ":books:", ":bookmark:"] link = "https://myanimelist.net/animelist/{}".format(user_name) description = ("**{}**\n[{}]({})\nTotal {}: " "{}".format(user.name, user_name, link, cmd.title(), len(user_col))) embed = discord.Embed(colour=0x0066FF, description=description) embed.title = "My Anime List Profile" embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/img/sp/icon/apple-touch-icon-256." "png") embed.add_field(name=":calendar_spiral: Days Spent {}".format(medium), value=user_data[4], inline=False) embed.add_field(name="{} {}".format(emojis[0], medium), value=user_data[0]) embed.add_field(name="{} Completed".format(emojis[1]), value=user_data[1]) embed.add_field(name="{} On Hold".format(emojis[2]), value=user_data[2]) embed.add_field(name=":wastebasket: Dropped", value=user_data[3]) embed.add_field(name=":link: Five Shared", value='\n'.join(share), inline=False) embed.add_field(name=":trident: Five Different", value='\n'.join(different)) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def _moves_pokemon(self, *, poke: str): """Search for a Pokémon's moveset If the generation specified is not found, it will default to 7 Args: poke: variable length string Returns: Tabular output of Pokémon data. Raises: AttributeError: Pokémon not found. Examples: Numbers: [p]pokemon moves charizard-4 Alolan: [p]pokemon moves geodude-alola """ moves = self.search_csv(poke.lower(), 'data/pokedex/Moves.csv', data_type='m') try: table = tabulate(moves.moves, headers=['Level', 'Moves', 'Type', 'Power', 'Accuracy']) except AttributeError: await self.bot.say('A Pokémon with that name could not be found.') else: embed = discord.Embed(title=moves.pokemon, colour=moves.color, description="```{}```".format(table)) embed.add_field(name="Versions", value='\n'.join(moves.versions)) embed.set_footer(text="This moveset is based on generation {}.".format(moves.gen)) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def _item_pokemon(self, *, item_name: str): """Search for an item in the Pokémon universe Args: item_name: variable length string Returns: Discord embed Raises: AttributeError: Item not found Examples: pokemon item master ball """ item = self.search_csv(item_name.title(), 'data/pokedex/Items.csv', data_type='i') try: color = self.color_lookup(item.category) except AttributeError: await self.bot.say("An item with that name could not be found.") else: embed = discord.Embed(colour=color, title=item.name) embed.set_thumbnail(url=item.image) embed.add_field(name="Cost", value=item.cost) embed.add_field(name="Category", value=item.category) embed.add_field(name="Effect", value=item.effect) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def _info_heist(self, ctx): """Shows the Heist settings for this server.""" server = ctx.message.server settings = self.check_server_settings(server) if settings["Config"]["Hardcore"]: hardcore = "ON" else: hardcore = "OFF" # Theme variables theme = settings["Config"]["Theme"] t_jail = settings["Theme"]["Jail"] t_sentence = settings["Theme"]["Sentence"] t_police = settings["Theme"]["Police"] t_bail = settings["Theme"]["Bail"] time_values = [settings["Config"]["Wait Time"], settings["Config"]["Police Alert"], settings["Config"]["Sentence Base"], settings["Config"]["Death Timer"]] timers = list(map(self.time_format, time_values)) description = ["Heist Version {}".format(self.version), "Theme: {}".format(theme)] footer = "Heist was developed by Redjumpman for Red Bot." embed = discord.Embed(colour=0x0066FF, description="\n".join(description)) embed.title = "{} Heist Settings".format(server.name) embed.add_field(name="Heist Cost", value=settings["Config"]["Heist Cost"]) embed.add_field(name="Base {} Cost".format(t_bail), value=settings["Config"]["Bail Base"]) embed.add_field(name="Crew Gather Time", value=timers[0]) embed.add_field(name="{} Timer".format(t_police), value=timers[1]) embed.add_field(name="Base {} {}".format(t_jail, t_sentence), value=timers[2]) embed.add_field(name="Death Timer", value=timers[3]) embed.add_field(name="Hardcore Mode", value=hardcore) embed.set_footer(text=footer) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def _stats_heist(self, ctx): """Shows your Heist stats""" author = ctx.message.author avatar = ctx.message.author.avatar_url settings = self.check_server_settings(author.server) self.account_check(settings, author) path = settings["Players"][author.id] # Theme variables sentencing = "{} {}".format(settings["Theme"]["Jail"], settings["Theme"]["Sentence"]) t_bail = "{} Cost".format(settings["Theme"]["Bail"]) # Sentence Time Remaining sentence = path["Sentence"] time_served = path["Time Served"] jail_fmt = self.cooldown_calculator(time_served, sentence) # Death Time Remaining death_timer = path["Death Timer"] base_death_timer = settings["Config"]["Death Timer"] death_fmt = self.cooldown_calculator(death_timer, base_death_timer) rank = self.criminal_level(path["Criminal Level"]) embed = discord.Embed(colour=0x0066FF, description=rank) embed.title = author.name embed.set_thumbnail(url=avatar) embed.add_field(name="Status", value=path["Status"]) embed.add_field(name="Spree", value=path["Spree"]) embed.add_field(name=t_bail, value=path["Bail Cost"]) embed.add_field(name=settings["Theme"]["OOB"], value=path["OOB"]) embed.add_field(name=sentencing, value=jail_fmt) embed.add_field(name="Apprehended", value=path["Jail Counter"]) embed.add_field(name="Death Timer", value=death_fmt) embed.add_field(name="Total Deaths", value=path["Deaths"]) embed.add_field(name="Lifetime Apprehensions", value=path["Total Jail"]) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def send_message(self, name, channel, message): em = discord.Embed(description=message, colour=self.get_color(name)) msg = await self.client.send_message(channel, embed=em) return msg
def edit_message(self, name, old_message, new_message): em = discord.Embed(description=new_message, colour=self.get_color(name)) msg = await self.client.edit_message(old_message, embed=em) return msg
def server_info(self, message_object): server = message_object.server msg = "**Name:** " + server.name + " (" + server.id + ")\n" msg += "**Total members:** " + str(server.member_count) + "\n" msg += "**Server owner:** " + server.owner.name + "\n" msg += "**Server region:** " + str(server.region) + "\n" msg += "**Created at:** " + server.created_at.strftime("%B %d, %Y") em = discord.Embed(description=msg, colour=self.pm.clientWrap.get_color(self.name)) em.set_image(url=server.icon_url) await self.pm.client.send_message(message_object.channel, "", embed=em)
def post_avatar(self, message_object, user): if user.avatar_url is None or user.avatar_url is "": await self.pm.clientWrap.send_message(self.name, message_object.channel, user.display_name + " has no avatar set!") return em = discord.Embed(description="Avatar for " + user.display_name, colour=self.pm.clientWrap.get_color(self.name)) em.set_image(url=user.avatar_url) await self.pm.client.send_message(message_object.channel, "", embed=em)
def on_status(self, status): ## print(status.text) if not status.in_reply_to_status_id and status.user.id_str in set([id for feeds in self.feeds.values() for id in feeds]): # TODO: Settings for including replies, retweets, etc. for channel_id, channel_feeds in self.feeds.items(): if status.user.id_str in channel_feeds: embed = discord.Embed(title = '@' + status.user.screen_name, url = "https://twitter.com/{}/status/{}".format(status.user.screen_name, status.id), description = status.text, timestamp = status.created_at, color = clients.twitter_color) embed.set_author(name = status.user.name, icon_url = status.user.profile_image_url) embed.set_footer(text = "Twitter", icon_url = clients.twitter_icon_url) channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if channel: self.bot.loop.create_task(self.bot.send_message(channel, embed = embed))
def twitter_status(self, ctx, handle : str): '''Get twitter status''' tweet = clients.twitter_api.user_timeline(handle, count = 1)[0] embed = discord.Embed(title = '@' + tweet.user.screen_name, url = "https://twitter.com/{}/status/{}".format(tweet.user.screen_name, tweet.id), description = tweet.text, timestamp = tweet.created_at, color = 0x00ACED) avatar = ctx.message.author.default_avatar_url if not ctx.message.author.avatar else ctx.message.author.avatar_url embed.set_author(name = ctx.message.author.display_name, icon_url = avatar) embed.set_footer(text = tweet.user.name, icon_url = tweet.user.profile_image_url) await self.bot.say(embed = embed)
def help_other(self, ctx): '''Additional commands and information''' # TODO: Update # TODO: Add last updated date? embed = discord.Embed(title = "Commands not in {}help".format(ctx.prefix), color = clients.bot_color) avatar = ctx.message.author.avatar_url or ctx.message.author.default_avatar_url embed.set_author(name = ctx.message.author.display_name, icon_url = avatar) embed.description = "See `{}help` for the main commands".format(ctx.prefix) embed.add_field(name = "Conversion Commands", value = "see `{}conversions`".format(ctx.prefix), inline = False) embed.add_field(name = "In Progress", value = "gofish redditsearch roleposition rolepositions taboo userlimit webmtogif whatis", inline = False) embed.add_field(name = "Misc", value = "invite randomgame test test_on_message", inline = False) embed.add_field(name = "Owner Only", value = "allcommands changenickname deletetest cleargame clearstreaming echo eval exec load reload repl restart servers setgame setstreaming shutdown unload updateavatar", inline = False) embed.add_field(name = "No Prefix", value = "@Harmonbot :8ball: (exactly: f|F) (anywhere in message: getprefix)", inline = False) await self.bot.say(embed = embed)
def benchmark(self): '''Benchmark''' process = psutil.Process() memory = process.memory_info().rss / 2 ** 20 process.cpu_percent() embed = discord.Embed(color = clients.bot_color) embed.add_field(name = "RAM", value = "{:.2f} MiB".format(memory)) embed.add_field(name = "CPU", value = "Calculating CPU usage..") message, embed = await self.bot.say(embed = embed) await asyncio.sleep(1) cpu = process.cpu_percent() / psutil.cpu_count() embed.set_field_at(1, name = "CPU", value = "{}%".format(cpu)) await self.bot.edit_message(message, embed = embed)
def playingr_processr(self, ctx, reaction, user): if reaction.emoji in self.controls: if self.controls[reaction.emoji] == "pause_resume": if utilities.get_permission(ctx, "pause", id = user.id) or user == ctx.message.server.owner or user.id == clients.owner_id: embed = discord.Embed(color = clients.bot_color).set_author(name = user.display_name, icon_url = user.avatar_url or user.default_avatar_url) try: self.bot.cogs["Audio"].players[ctx.message.server.id].pause() except errors.AudioNotPlaying: embed.description = ":no_entry: There is no song to pause" except errors.AudioAlreadyDone: self.bot.cogs["Audio"].players[ctx.message.server.id].resume() embed.description = ":play_pause: Resumed song" else: embed.description = ":pause_button: Paused song" await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, embed = embed) await self.bot.attempt_delete_message(ctx.message) elif self.controls[reaction.emoji] in ("skip", "replay", "shuffle", "radio"): if utilities.get_permission(ctx, self.controls[reaction.emoji], id = user.id) or user.id in (ctx.message.server.owner.id, clients.owner_id): message = copy.copy(ctx.message) message.content = "{}{}".format(ctx.prefix, self.controls[reaction.emoji]) await self.bot.process_commands(message) # Timestamp for radio elif self.controls[reaction.emoji] in ("volume_down", "volume_up"): if utilities.get_permission(ctx, "volume", id = user.id) or user.id in (ctx.message.server.owner, clients.owner_id): try: current_volume = self.bot.cogs["Audio"].players[ctx.message.server.id].get_volume() except errors.AudioNotPlaying: await self.bot.embed_reply(":no_entry: Couldn't change volume\nThere's nothing playing right now") if self.controls[reaction.emoji] == "volume_down": set_volume = current_volume - 10 elif self.controls[reaction.emoji] == "volume_up": set_volume = current_volume + 10 message = copy.copy(ctx.message) message.content = "{}volume {}".format(ctx.prefix, set_volume) await self.bot.process_commands(message)
def serverinfo(self, ctx): '''Information about a server''' server = ctx.message.server embed = discord.Embed(title = server.name, url = server.icon_url, timestamp = server.created_at, color = clients.bot_color) avatar = ctx.message.author.avatar_url or ctx.message.author.default_avatar_url embed.set_author(name = ctx.message.author.display_name, icon_url = avatar) embed.set_thumbnail(url = server.icon_url) embed.add_field(name = "Owner", value = server.owner.mention) embed.add_field(name = "ID", value = server.id) embed.add_field(name = "Region", value = str(server.region)) embed.add_field(name = "Roles", value = len(server.roles)) channel_types = [c.type for c in server.channels] text_count = channel_types.count(discord.ChannelType.text) voice_count = channel_types.count(discord.ChannelType.voice) embed.add_field(name = "Channels", value = "{} text\n{} voice".format(text_count, voice_count)) embed.add_field(name = "Members", value = "{}\n({} bots)".format(server.member_count, sum(m.bot for m in server.members))) embed.add_field(name = "AFK Timeout", value = "{:g} min.".format(server.afk_timeout / 60)) embed.add_field(name = "AFK Channel", value = str(server.afk_channel)) embed.add_field(name = "Verification Level", value = str(server.verification_level).capitalize()) embed.add_field(name = "2FA Requirement", value = bool(server.mfa_level)) embed.add_field(name = "Default Channel", value = server.default_channel.mention) if server.emojis: emojis = [str(emoji) for emoji in server.emojis] if len(' '.join(emojis)) <= 1024: embed.add_field(name = "Emojis", value = ' '.join(emojis), inline = False) else: embed.add_field(name = "Emojis", value = ' '.join(emojis[:len(emojis) // 2]), inline = False) embed.add_field(name = "Emojis", value = ' '.join(emojis[len(emojis) // 2:]), inline = False) embed.set_footer(text = "Created") await self.bot.say(embed = embed)