def nostalgia(self, ctx, date: date = None, *, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """Pins an old message from a specific date. If a date is not given, then pins first message from the channel. If a channel is not given, then pins from the channel the command was ran on. The format of the date must be either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD. """ if channel is None: channel = ctx.channel if date is None: date = channel.created_at async for m in ctx.history(after=date, limit=1): try: await m.pin() except: await ctx.send('\N{THUMBS DOWN SIGN} Could not pin message.')
def dad_jokes(message, match): name = ' '.join(match.group(5).replace('@everyone', '@\N{ZERO WIDTH SPACE}everyone').replace('@here', '@\N{ZERO WIDTH SPACE}here').split()[0:4]) if name.startswith((',', '.', '!')): name = name[1:].lstrip() for mem in message.mentions: name = name.replace(mem.mention, [sub for sub in [mem.display_name, mem.name, '<\\@%s>' % mem.id] if '<@' not in sub][0]) for role in message.role_mentions: name = name.replace(role.mention, role.name if '<@' not in role.name else '<\\@&%s>' % role.id) response = await message.channel.send('Hello **%s**, I\'m %s!' % (name, message.guild.me.display_name if isinstance(message.channel, discord.TextChannel) else message.channel.me.display_name)) try: await bot.wait_for('message_delete', check=lambda m: m == message, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass else: await response.delete() ### LONGCAT
def afk_send(ctx, message_key, *args, **kwargs): global afk_targets if afk_targets is None: afk_targets = {channel.id: channel for channel in ctx.bot.get_all_channels() if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel)} afk_targets.update({mem.id: mem for mem in ctx.bot.get_all_members() if mem.bot}) for info in ctx.bot.config['afk_messages']: if message_key in info: trigger = await afk_targets[info['dest']].send(info[message_key].format(*args, **kwargs)) try: response = await ctx.bot.wait_for('message', check=lambda m: m.channel == trigger.channel, timeout=10) await response.ack() except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass await ctx.message.delete()
def create_reminder(self, ctx, due, note): cid = ctx.channel.id if isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.TextChannel) else ctx.author.id await self.bot.pgpool.execute( """ INSERT INTO reminders (author_id, channel_id, note, due) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) """, ctx.author.id, cid, note, due ) logger.debug('Creating reminder -- due=%s note=%s cid=%d aid=%d', due, note, cid, ctx.author.id) # we just created a reminder, we definitely have one now! self.queue.has_item.set() # check if it's earlier if self.queue.current_item and self.queue.current_item['due'] > due: logger.debug('Got a reminder that is due earlier than the current one, rebooting task!') self.queue.reboot()
def watch(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, subreddit: str): """ Sets up a channel for me to forward hot posts to, from a subreddit of your choosing. Only Dogbot Moderators may use this command. """ # check that there isn't too many feeds async with self.bot.pgpool.acquire() as conn: count = (await conn.fetchrow('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reddit_feeds WHERE guild_id = $1', ctx.guild.id))['count'] logger.debug('Guild %s (%d) has %d feeds', ctx.guild.name, ctx.guild.id, count) if count >= 2: # they have 2 feeds, which is the max return await ctx.send( f'You have too many feeds! You can only have two at a time. Use `{ctx.prefix}reddit feeds` ' 'check the feeds in this server.' ) await conn.execute('INSERT INTO reddit_feeds VALUES ($1, $2, $3)', ctx.guild.id, channel.id, subreddit) await ctx.ok()
def is_publicly_visible(bot: Dogbot, channel: discord.TextChannel) -> bool: """ Returns whether a text channel should be considered as "publicly visible". If the guild has been configured to log all message events, this will always return True. Args: bot: The bot instance. channel: The channel to check for. Returns: Whether the text channel is considered "publicly visible". """ # guild is configured to log all message events if await bot.config_is_set(channel.guild, 'log_all_message_events'): return True # find the @everyone overwrite for the channel everyone_overwrite = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0].name == '@everyone', channel.overwrites) return everyone_overwrite is None or everyone_overwrite[1].read_messages is not False
def _display_plonked(self, ctx, entries, plonk): # things = channels, members colour, action = _plonk_embed_mappings[plonk] embed = (discord.Embed(colour=colour) .set_author(name=f'{action.title()} successful!', icon_url=PLONK_ICON) ) for thing in map(list, partition(lambda e: isinstance(e, discord.TextChannel), entries)): if not thing: continue name = f'{_get_class_name(thing[0])}{"s" * (len(thing) != 1)} {action}ed' value = truncate(', '.join(map(str, thing)), 1024, '...') embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def modattach(self, ctx, memberlog: discord.TextChannel, modlog: discord.TextChannel): """Attach channels to the moderation system""" modconfig = await self.modcfg_get(ctx.guild) if modconfig is not None: raise self.SayException('Mod config already exists.') modconfig = { 'guild_id': ctx.guild.id, 'member_log_id': memberlog.id, 'mod_log_id': modlog.id, 'last_action_id': 0, } log.info('[modlog:attach] Creating a modcfg @ g=%s[gid=%d]', ctx.guild.name, ctx.guild.id) res = await self.modcfg_coll.insert_one(modconfig) await ctx.success(res.acknowledged)
def starattach(self, ctx, starboard_chan: discord.TextChannel): """Attach an existing channel as a starboard. With this command you can create your starboard without needing José to automatically create the starboard for you """ config = await self.get_starconfig(ctx.guild.id) if config: return await ctx.send('You already have a starboard config setup.') config = empty_starconfig(ctx.guild) config['starboard_id'] = starboard_chan.id res = await self.starconfig_coll.insert_one(config) if not res.acknowledged: raise self.SayException('Failed to create starboard config (no ack)') return await ctx.send('Done!') await ctx.ok()
def mentionspam_ignore(self, ctx, *channels: discord.TextChannel): """Specifies what channels ignore mentionspam auto-bans. If a channel is given then that channel will no longer be protected by auto-banning from mention spammers. To use this command you must have the Ban Members permission. """ query = """UPDATE guild_mod_config SET safe_mention_channel_ids = ARRAY(SELECT DISTINCT * FROM unnest(COALESCE(safe_mention_channel_ids, '{}') || $2::bigint[])) WHERE id = $1; """ if len(channels) == 0: return await ctx.send('Missing channels to ignore.') channel_ids = [c.id for c in channels] await ctx.db.execute(query, ctx.guild.id, channel_ids) self.get_guild_settings.invalidate(self, ctx.guild.id) await ctx.send(f'Mentions are now ignored on {", ".join(c.mention for c in channels)}.')
def mentionspam_unignore(self, ctx, *channels: discord.TextChannel): """Specifies what channels to take off the ignore list. To use this command you must have the Ban Members permission. """ if len(channels) == 0: return await ctx.send('Missing channels to protect.') query = """UPDATE guild_mod_config SET safe_mention_channel_ids = ARRAY(SELECT element FROM unnest(safe_mention_channel_ids) AS element WHERE NOT(element = ANY($2::bigint[]))) WHERE id = $1; """ await ctx.db.execute(query, ctx.guild.id, [c.id for c in channels]) self.get_guild_settings.invalidate(self, ctx.guild.id) await ctx.send('Updated mentionspam ignore list.')
def reaction_action(self, fmt, emoji, message_id, channel_id, user_id): if str(emoji) != '\N{WHITE MEDIUM STAR}': return channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): return method = getattr(self, f'{fmt}_message') user = self.bot.get_user(user_id) if user is None or user.bot: return async with self.bot.pool.acquire() as con: config = self.bot.get_cog('Config') if config: plonked = await config.is_plonked(channel.guild.id, user_id, channel_id=channel_id, connection=con) if plonked: return try: await method(channel, message_id, user_id, connection=con) except StarError: pass
def on_raw_message_delete(self, message_id, channel_id): if message_id in self._about_to_be_deleted: # we triggered this deletion ourselves and # we don't need to drop it from the database self._about_to_be_deleted.discard(message_id) return channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if channel is None or not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): return starboard = await self.get_starboard(channel.guild.id) if starboard.channel is None or starboard.channel.id != channel_id: return # at this point a message got deleted in the starboard # so just delete it from the database async with self.bot.pool.acquire() as con: query = "DELETE FROM starboard_entries WHERE bot_message_id=$1;" await con.execute(query, message_id)
def on_raw_bulk_message_delete(self, message_ids, channel_id): if message_ids <= self._about_to_be_deleted: # see comment above self._about_to_be_deleted.difference_update(message_ids) return channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if channel is None or not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): return starboard = await self.get_starboard(channel.guild.id) if starboard.channel is None or starboard.channel.id != channel_id: return async with self.bot.pool.acquire() as con: query = "DELETE FROM starboard_entries WHERE bot_message_id=ANY($1::bigint[]);" await con.execute(query, list(message_ids))
def on_raw_reaction_clear(self, message_id, channel_id): channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if channel is None or not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): return async with self.bot.pool.acquire() as con: starboard = await self.get_starboard(channel.guild.id, connection=con) if starboard.channel is None: return query = "DELETE FROM starboard_entries WHERE message_id=$1 RETURNING bot_message_id;" bot_message_id = await con.fetchrow(query, message_id) if bot_message_id is None: return bot_message_id = bot_message_id[0] msg = await self.get_message(starboard.channel, bot_message_id) if msg is not None: await msg.delete()
def nostalgia(self, ctx, date: date, *, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """Pins an old message from a specific date. If a channel is not given, then pins from the channel the command was ran on. The format of the date must be either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD. """ channel = channel or ctx.channel message = await channel.history(after=date, limit=1).flatten() if len(message) == 0: return await ctx.send('Could not find message.') message = message[0] try: await message.pin() except discord.HTTPException: await ctx.send('Could not pin message.') else: await ctx.send('Pinned message.')
def on_guild_channel_update(self, before, after): self._log_ignored(f"Channel was updated in guild {after.guild.id}") if not await self._accept_channel(after): return if before.name != after.name: changed = f' (now {after.name})' else: changed = '' if isinstance(after, discord.TextChannel): self.logger.info(f"Channel #{before.name}{changed} was changed in {after.guild.name}") with self.sql.transaction() as trans: self.sql.update_channel(trans, after) # pylint: disable=not-callable hook = self.hooks['on_guild_channel_update'] if hook: self.logger.debug(f"Found hook {hook!r}, calling it") await hook(before, after) elif isinstance(after, discord.VoiceChannel): self.logger.info("Voice channel {before.name}{changed} was changed in {after.guild.name}") with self.sql.transaction() as trans: self.sql.update_voice_channel(trans, after) elif isinstance(after, discord.CategoryChannel): self.logger.info(f"Channel category {before.name}{changed} was changed in {after.guild.name}") with self.sql.transaction() as trans: self.sql.update_channel_category(trans, after)
def lol(ctx): if ctx.message.guild.id == 213468583252983809: msg = await ctx.send("Searching channels... (this may take a while)") l = 0 for c in ctx.message.guild.channels: if isinstance(c, discord.TextChannel): if c.permissions_for(ctx.message.guild.me).read_messages: async for m in c.history(): if m.author.id == 132584525296435200 and "lol" in m.content.lower(): l = l+1 await msg.edit(content="Lars' total lol counter so far is: `{}`".format(l)) # force update
def link(self, ctx, text: discord.TextChannel, *, voice: discord.VoiceChannel): """Links an existing text channel to a voice channel.""" with ctx.session: link = ctx.session.get(TextVoiceLink, text_id=text.id, voice_id=voice.id).one_or_none() if link is not None: return await ctx.send('BAKA! Those channels are already linked!') role = await self._create_role(ctx.guild, text, voice, 'Voice link requested by {}'.format(ctx.author)) link = ctx.session.add(TextVoiceLink(role_id=role.id, text_id=text.id, voice_id=voice.id)) await ctx.send(content='Linked {} to "{}"'.format(text.mention, voice.name))
def unlink(self, ctx, text: discord.TextChannel, *, voice: discord.VoiceChannel): """Unlinks a voice channel and deletes the corresponding role.""" with ctx.session: link = ctx.session.get(TextVoiceLink, text_id=text.id, voice_id=voice.id).one_or_none() if link is None: return await ctx.send('BAKA! Those channels are not linked!') role_id, text_id, voice_id = link.role_id, link.text_id, link.voice_id ctx.session.delete(link) role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=role_id) if role is None: await ctx.send(content='Unlinked {} from "{}" and deleted the "{}" role.'.format(text.mention, voice.name, role.name)) else: await self._delete_role(ctx.guild, role, text, voice, 'Voice unlink requested by {}'.format(ctx.author)) await ctx.send(content='Unlinked {} from "{}" and deleted the "{}" role.'.format(text.mention, voice.name, role.name))
def on_command_error(self, ctx, err): if isinstance(err, errors.PermissionDenied): await ctx.send('BAKA! You do not have my permission!') elif isinstance(err, errors.MissingPermissions): await ctx.send('BAKA! I require these permissions: %s' % ', '.join(err.args)) elif isinstance(err, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await ctx.send('BAKA! This command does not work in private messages!') elif isinstance(err, commands.BadArgument): str_err = str(err) if not str_err.endswith(('.', '!')): str_err += '.' await ctx.send('BAKA! %s' % str_err) elif isinstance(err, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send('BAKA! Missing required argument: `%s`' % err.args[0].partition(' ')[0]) elif isinstance(err, commands.TooManyArguments): await ctx.send('BAKA! Too many arguments!') elif isinstance(err, commands.CommandNotFound): pass else: await ctx.send('```\n%s\n```' % ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(type(err), err)).strip()) if isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.TextChannel): log.error('Error in command <{0}> ({1.name!r}({1.id}) {2}({2.id}) {3}({3.id}) {4!r})'.format(ctx.command, ctx.guild, ctx.channel, ctx.author, ctx.message.content)) else: log.error('Error in command <{0}> (DM {1}({1.id}) {2!r})'.format(ctx.command, ctx.channel.recipient, ctx.message.content)) log.error(''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(err), err, err.__traceback__)))
def channelinfo(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel=None): """Display information about a text channel. Defaults to the current channel. * channel - Optional argument. A specific channel to get information about.""" # If channel is None, then it is set to ctx.channel. channel = channel or ctx.channel embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{channel.name}") try: embed.description = channel.topic except AttributeError: pass embed.add_field(name="Channel ID", value=channel.id) try: embed.add_field(name="Guild", value=channel.guild.name) except AttributeError: pass embed.add_field(name="Members", value=len(channel.members)) embed.add_field(name="Created at", value=channel.created_at.ctime()) if channel.is_nsfw(): embed.set_footer(text="NSFW content is allowed for this channel.") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def c4_enable(self, ctx, *, chan: discord.TextChannel=None): """Enable Connect Four on a channel Run without an argument to enable on the current channel Pass a channel as an argument to enable on that channel""" if not chan: chan = ctx.channel if self.db.sadd(f"{self.app_name}:c4:allowed_channels", chan.id): await self.message(ctx, msg="Connect Four successfully enabled on channel.") else: await self.message(ctx, msg="Connect Four already enabled on channel.", level=1)
def c4_disable(self, ctx, *, chan: discord.TextChannel=None): """Disable Connect Four on a channel Run without an argument to disabled on the current channel Pass a channel as an argument to disable on that channel""" if not chan: chan = ctx.channel if self.db.srem(f"{self.app_name}:c4:allowed_channels", chan.id): await self.message(ctx, msg="Connect Four successfully disabled on channel.") else: await self.message(ctx, msg="Connect Four already disabled on channel.", level=1)
def on_message(message): default_prefix = get_default_prefix() if not isinstance(message.channel, discord.TextChannel): bot.command_prefix = [default_prefix] else: guild_prefix = db.hget(f'{config}:prefix', message.guild.id) if guild_prefix: bot.command_prefix = [guild_prefix, default_prefix] else: bot.command_prefix = [default_prefix] await bot.process_commands(message)
def check_nsfw(self): if isinstance(self.message.channel, discord.TextChannel): if self.cmd.nsfw: if self.message.channel.is_nsfw(): self.nsfw_denied = False else: self.nsfw_denied = True else: self.nsfw_denied = False else: self.nsfw_denied = False
def count_channels(channels): text = 0 voice = 0 categories = 0 for channel in channels: if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): text += 1 elif isinstance(channel, discord.VoiceChannel): voice += 1 elif isinstance(channel, discord.CategoryChannel): categories += 1 return text, voice, categories
def hardunmute(cmd, message, args): if message.author.permissions_in(message.channel).manage_channels: if message.mentions: target = message.mentions[0] if len(args) > 1: reason = ' '.join(args[1:]) else: reason = 'Not stated.' hierarchy_me = hierarchy_permit(message.guild.me, target) if hierarchy_me: hierarchy_auth = hierarchy_permit(message.author, target) if hierarchy_auth: ongoing = discord.Embed(color=0x696969, title='? Editing permissions...') ongoing_msg = await message.channel.send(embed=ongoing) for channel in message.guild.channels: if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel) or isinstance(channel, discord.CategoryChannel): try: await channel.set_permissions(target, overwrite=None, reason=reason) except discord.Forbidden: pass log_embed = generate_log_embed(message, target, args) await log_event(cmd.db, message.guild, log_embed) title = f'? {target.display_name} has been hard-unmuted.' response = discord.Embed(color=0x77B255, title=title) await ongoing_msg.delete() else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? That user is euqal or above you.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? I can\'t mute a user equal or above me.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? No user targetted.') else: response = discord.Embed(title='? Access Denied. Manage Channels needed.', color=0xBE1931) await message.channel.send(embed=response)
def quote(cmd, message, args): if args: lookup = args[0] try: lookup = int(lookup) except ValueError: lookup = None if lookup: msg = None for channel in message.guild.channels: if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): try: msg = await channel.get_message(lookup) break except discord.Forbidden: msg = None except discord.NotFound: msg = None if msg: if msg.content: location = f'{msg.guild.name} | #{msg.channel.name}' response = discord.Embed(color=msg.author.color, timestamp=msg.created_at) response.set_author(name=f'{msg.author.display_name}', icon_url=user_avatar(msg.author)) response.description = msg.content response.set_footer(text=location) else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? That message has no text content.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? Message not found.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? Invalid ID given.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? No ID given.') await message.channel.send(embed=response)
def _get_recent_image(channel: discord.TextChannel) -> typing.Optional[discord.Message]: async for msg in channel.history(limit=100): # Scan any attached images. for attachment in msg.attachments: if attachment.height: return attachment.proxy_url # Scan any embeds in the message. for embed in msg.embeds: if embed.image is discord.Embed.Empty: continue return embed.image.proxy_url
def notify_error(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, text: str): embed = discord.Embed(title='\N{WARNING SIGN} Feed error', description=text, color=0xff4747) try: await channel.send(embed=embed) except discord.Forbidden: # wow pass
def on_raw_bulk_message_delete(self, message_ids, channel_id: int): # add to list of bulk deletes so we don't process message delete events for these messages self.bulk_deletes.add(message_ids=message_ids) # resolve the channel that the message was deleted in channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) # don't handle non-existent channels or dms if not channel or not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): return # log await self.log(channel.guild, f'\U0001f6ae {len(message_ids)} message(s) deleted in {channel.mention}')
def on_message_delete(self, msg: discord.Message): # don't handle message deletion elsewhere if not isinstance(msg.channel, discord.TextChannel): return # do not process bulk message deletes, or message censors (the censor cog does that already) # TODO: do this but cleanly, maybe paste website? if await self.bulk_deletes.check_batch(msg.id) or await self.censored_messages.check(message_id=msg.id): return # if this channel isn't publicly visible or deletes shouldn't be tracked, bail if (not await is_publicly_visible(self.bot, msg.channel) or await self.bot.config_is_set(msg.guild, 'modlog_notrack_deletes')): return # if the author was a bot and we aren't configured to allow bots, return if msg.author.bot and not await self.bot.config_is_set(msg.guild, 'modlog_filter_allow_bot'): return # format attachment list attachments = 'no attachments' if not msg.attachments else f'{len(msg.attachments)} attachment(s): ' + \ ', '.join(f'{a.filename}, {filesize(a.size)}' for a in msg.attachments) content = utils.prevent_codeblock_breakout(utils.truncate(msg.content, 1500)) fmt = (f'\U0001f6ae Message by {describe(msg.author)} deleted in {msg.channel.mention}: ```\n{content}\n``` ' f'({attachments}, {len(msg.embeds)} embed(s)') await self.log(msg.guild, fmt)
def is_public(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel=None): """ Checks if a channel is public. This command is in the Modlog cog because the modlog does not process message edit and delete events for private channels. If you have turned 'log_all_message_events' on, this will always say public. """ channel = channel if channel else ctx.channel public = f'{channel.mention} {{}} public to @\u200beveryone.' await ctx.send(public.format('is' if await is_publicly_visible(self.bot, channel) else '**is not**'))
def guildinfo(self, ctx): """Get loads of info about this guild. Usage: guildinfo""" s = ctx.guild ach = s.channels chlist = [len(ach), 0, 0] for i in ach: if isinstance(i, discord.TextChannel): chlist[1] += 1 else: chlist[2] += 1 iurl = s.icon_url s_reg = str(s.region) r_embed = discord.Embed(color=random.randint(0, 255**3-1)) if iurl: thing = {'url': iurl} else: thing = {} r_embed.set_author(name=s.name, **thing, icon_url=(iurl if iurl else ctx.me.avatar_url)) r_embed.set_footer(text=ctx.me.display_name, icon_url=ctx.me.avatar_url) if iurl: r_embed.set_image(url=iurl) r_embed.add_field(name='ID', value=s.id) r_embed.add_field(name='Members', value=len(s.members)) r_embed.add_field(name='Channels', value=ch_fmt.format(*[str(i) for i in chlist])) r_embed.add_field(name='Roles', value=len(s.roles)) r_embed.add_field(name='Custom Emojis', value=len(s.emojis)) r_embed.add_field(name='Region (Location)', value=str(s.region).replace('-', ' ').title().replace('Eu ', 'EU ').replace('Us ', 'US ').replace('Vip', 'VIP ')) r_embed.add_field(name='Owner', value=str(s.owner)) r_embed.add_field(name='Default Channel', value=f'<#{s.default_channel.id}>\n(#{s.default_channel.name})' if s.default_channel is not None else 'None (deleted)') r_embed.add_field(name='Admins Need 2FA', value=('Yes' if s.mfa_level else 'No')) r_embed.add_field(name='Verification Level', value=v_level_map[str(s.verification_level)]) await ctx.send(embed=r_embed)
def info(self, ctx): """Get bot info. Usage: info""" ach = self.bot.get_all_channels() chlist = [0, 0, 0] for i in ach: chlist[0] += 1 if isinstance(i, discord.TextChannel): chlist[1] += 1 else: chlist[2] += 1 up = self.bot.format_uptime() ram = self.bot.get_ram() got_conversion = ram[0] emb = discord.Embed(color=random.randint(0, 255**3-1)) emb.set_author(name=ctx.me.display_name, url='https://khronodragon.com/', icon_url=ctx.me.avatar_url) emb.set_footer(text='Made in Python 3.6+ with Discord.py %s' % self.bot.lib_version, icon_url='https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Python-logo-notext.svg/400px-Python-logo-notext.svg.png') emb.add_field(name='Guilds', value=len(self.bot.guilds)) emb.add_field(name='Author', value='Dragon5232#1841') emb.add_field(name='Uptime', value=up) emb.add_field(name='Local Time', value=time.strftime(absfmt, time.localtime())) emb.add_field(name='Cogs Loaded', value=len(self.bot.cogs)) emb.add_field(name='Command Calls', value=sum(self.bot.command_calls.values())) emb.add_field(name='Memory Used', value=(str(round(ram[1], 1)) + ' MB (%s MiB)' % str(round(ram[2], 1))) if got_conversion else 'Couldn\'t fetch') emb.add_field(name='Members Seen', value=sum(g.member_count for g in self.bot.guilds)) emb.add_field(name='Channels', value=ch_fmt.format(*[str(i) for i in chlist])) emb.add_field(name='Custom Emojis', value=len(self.bot.emojis)) emb.add_field(name='Commands', value=str(len(self.bot.all_commands))) emb.add_field(name='ID', value=ctx.me.id) if self.bot.user.id == 239775420470394897: emb.add_field(name='Invite Link', value='https://tiny.cc/goldbot') await ctx.send(home_broadcast, embed=emb)
def nitro_sendto(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel): """Send a fake Nitro message embed to a channel. Usage: nitro_sendto [channel]""" emb = self.get_nitro_embed() with channel.typing(): await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.25, 1.2), loop=self.loop) await channel.send(embed=emb)
def __init__(self, subscriber): if not isinstance(subscriber, (discord.User, discord.Member, discord.TextChannel)): raise ValueError("Passed subscriber isn't an User nor a TextChannel") self.subscriber = subscriber self.id = self.subscriber.id
def _add_command(self, ctx, username: str = None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """add command""" username = await self.validate_username(username) channel = await validate_notification_channel(ctx, channel) async with ctx.typing(): subscriber = Subscriber(channel or ctx.author) await self._subscribe_to_streamer(subscriber, username) await ctx.send(f'{subscriber} subscribed to {username} successfully!')
def _del_command(self, ctx, username: str = None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """del command""" username = await self.validate_username(username) channel = await validate_notification_channel(ctx, channel) async with ctx.typing(): subscriber = Subscriber(channel or ctx.author) await self._del_subscription(subscriber, username) await ctx.send(f'{subscriber} unsubscribed to {username} successfully!')
def _list_command(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """list command""" channel = await validate_notification_channel(ctx, channel) subscriber = Subscriber(channel or ctx.author) async with ctx.typing(): streamers = await self.bot.database.get_subscriptions_from_subscriber(subscriber.id, self.service_name) embed = self._make_list_embed(streamers, subscriber) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def _enable_command(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): channel = await validate_notification_channel(ctx, channel) subscriber = Subscriber(channel or ctx.author) self.disabled_users.discard(subscriber.id) await ctx.send(f'{subscriber.subscriber} has notifications enabled.')
def on_guild_channel_delete(self, channel: discord.TextChannel): log.info('Guild channel deleted') await self._remove_channels_from_database([channel])
def __init__(self, ctx): permissions_in = ctx.author.permissions_in _channel_parsers = { discord.TextChannel: functools.partial(_parse_channel, prefix='#', predicate=lambda c: permissions_in(c).read_messages), discord.VoiceChannel: functools.partial(_parse_channel, prefix='', predicate=lambda c: permissions_in(c).connect), } entries = [ (category, [_channel_parsers[c.__class__](c) for c in entries]) for category, channels in ctx.guild.by_category() for entries in sliced(channels, 10) ] super().__init__(ctx, entries, lines_per_page=1)
def info_channel(self, ctx, channel: union(discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)=None): """Shows info about a voice or text channel.""" if channel is None: channel = ctx.channel embed_type = 'text_channel_embed' if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel) else 'voice_channel_embed' channel_embed = getattr(self, embed_type)(channel) channel_embed.colour = self.bot.colour await ctx.send(embed=channel_embed)
def stats(self, ctx): """Shows some general statistics about the bot. Do not confuse this with `{prefix}about` which is just the general info. This is just numbers. """ bot = self.bot command_map = itertools.starmap('{1} {0}'.format, bot.command_counter.most_common()) command_stats = '\n'.join(command_map) or 'No stats yet.' extension_stats = '\n'.join(f'{len(set(getattr(bot, attr).values()))} {attr}' for attr in ('cogs', 'extensions')) with self.process.oneshot(): memory_usage_in_mb = self.process.memory_full_info().uss / 1024**2 cpu_usage = self.process.cpu_percent() / psutil.cpu_count() uptime_seconds = bot.uptime.total_seconds() average_messages = bot.message_counter / uptime_seconds message_field = f'{bot.message_counter} messages\n({average_messages :.2f} messages/sec)' text, voice = partition(lambda c: isinstance(c, discord.TextChannel), bot.get_all_channels()) presence = (f"{bot.guild_count} Servers\n{ilen(text)} Text Channels\n" f"{ilen(voice)} Voice Channels\n{bot.user_count} Users") chiaki_embed = (discord.Embed(description=bot.appinfo.description, colour=self.bot.colour) .set_author(name=str(ctx.bot.user), icon_url=bot.user.avatar_url) .add_field(name='Modules', value=extension_stats) .add_field(name='CPU Usage', value=f'{cpu_usage}%\n{memory_usage_in_mb :.2f}MB') .add_field(name='Messages', value=message_field) .add_field(name='Presence', value=presence) .add_field(name='Commands', value=command_stats) .add_field(name='Uptime', value=self.bot.str_uptime.replace(', ', '\n')) ) await ctx.send(embed=chiaki_embed)
def convert(self, ctx, argument): bot = ctx.bot match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r'<#([0-9]+)>$', argument) result = None guild = ctx.guild if match is not None: return await super().convert(ctx, argument) else: if self.case_sensitive: def check(c): return isinstance(c, discord.TextChannel) and c.name == argument else: # not a mention lowered = argument.lower() def check(c): return isinstance(c, discord.TextChannel) and c.name.lower() == lowered if guild: result = list(filter(check, guild.text_channels)) transform = str else: result = list(filter(check, bot.get_all_channels())) transform = '{0} (Server: {0.guild})' return await ctx.disambiguate(result, transform)
def send_message(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, msg): """Sends a message to a particular channel""" owner = (await self.bot.application_info()).owner await channel.send(f"Message from {owner}:\n{msg}") await ctx.send(f"Successfully sent message in {channel}: {msg}")
def on_message(self, message): #if message.channel.is_private: if not isinstance(message.channel, discord.TextChannel): return if message.author.bot: return await self.process_commands(message)
def invite(self, ctx, guild=None): """ Creates an invite to a specified server """ guild_names = list("{} - ID: {}".format(g.name, g.id) for g in self.bot.guilds) if guild is None: guild = await reaction_menu.start_reaction_menu(self.bot, guild_names, ctx.author, ctx.channel, count=1, timeout=60, per_page=10, header=header, return_from=self.bot.guilds, allow_none=True) guild = guild[0] else: guild = discord.utils.find(lambda s: s.name == guild or str(s.id) == guild, self.bot.guilds) if guild is None: await ctx.send("`Unable to locate guild`") return for channel in guild.channels: if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): try: invite = await channel.create_invite() await ctx.send("`Created an invite to guild, I will DM it to you`") dm_channel = ctx.author.dm_channel if dm_channel is None: dm_channel = await ctx.author.create_dm() await dm_channel.send(invite.url) break except discord.HTTPException: await ctx.send("`Failed to create invite for guild!`")