def feeds_create(self, ctx, *, name : str): """Creates a feed with the specified name. You need Manage Roles permissions to create a feed. """ channel = ctx.message.channel server = channel.server feeds = self.feeds.get(channel.id, {}) name = name.lower() if name in feeds: await self.bot.say('This feed already exists.') return # create the default role role_name = self.library_name(channel) + ' ' + name role = await self.bot.create_role(server, name=role_name, permissions=discord.Permissions.none()) feeds[name] = role.id await self.feeds.put(channel.id, feeds) await self.bot.say('The feed has been created!')
def server_add_role(self, server, role, color): if re.search(r'^(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$', color): color = discord.Color(int(color, 16)) try: if not await self.server_has_role(server, role): await self.bot.create_role(server, name=role, color=color, permissions=discord.Permissions(permissions=0), hoist=False) if server.id not in self.roles: self.roles[server.id] = {} self.roles[server.id][role] = {} await self.save_role_data() return 0 else: return 3 except discord.Forbidden: return 2 else: return 1
def _update(self, guild, raw): rg = raw.get self.name = raw.get('name') or '@everyone' self.guild = guild self.is_default = self.guild.id == self.id # specific role data self.color = rg('color', 0) self.hoist = rg('hoisted', False) self.position = rg('position', 0) self.permissions = Permissions(rg('permissions', 0)) self.perms = self.permissions self.managed = rg('managed', False) self.mentionable = rg('mentionable', False)
def invite(self, ctx): """Outputs a url you can use to invite me to your server.""" myInvite = discord.utils.oauth_url(self.bot.user.id, permissions=discord.Permissions(permissions=8)) await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, 'Invite me to *your* server with this link: \n\n{}'.format(myInvite))
def setcolour(self, ctx, colour:str, user:Member=None): ''' Creates a new role with a given colour, and assigns it to a user ''' # Fix up some variables server = ctx.message.server user = ctx.message.author if not user else user # Fix the colour string colour = colourFixer(colour) colourObj = Colour(int(colour, 16)) # permissions=Permissions(permissions=0) # Find the role tempRoleFinder = [i for i in server.roles if user.id in i.name] if len(tempRoleFinder) > 0: role = tempRoleFinder[0] await self.sparcli.edit_role(server, role, colour=colourObj) created = False else: role = await self.sparcli.create_role(server, name='SPARCLI - {}'.format(user.id), colour=colourObj) await self.sparcli.add_roles(user, role) created = True # Print out to user await self.sparcli.say( 'This role has been successfully {}. \n' 'You may need to move the positions of other roles to make it work properly.'.format({True:'created',False:'edited'}[created]) )
def asetcolour(self, ctx, colour:str): ''' Creates a new role with a given colour, and assigns it to yourself Requires enabling ''' # Fix up some variables server = ctx.message.server user = ctx.message.author # Fix the colour string colour = colourFixer(colour) colourObj = Colour(int(colour, 16)) # permissions=Permissions(permissions=0) # Find the role tempRoleFinder = [i for i in server.roles if user.id in i.name] if len(tempRoleFinder) > 0: role = tempRoleFinder[0] await self.sparcli.edit_role(server, role, colour=colourObj) created = False else: role = await self.sparcli.create_role(server, name='SPARCLI - {}'.format(user.id), colour=colourObj) await self.sparcli.add_roles(user, role) created = True # Print out to user await self.sparcli.say( 'This role has been successfully {}. \n' 'You may need to move the positions of other roles to make it work properly.'.format({True:'created',False:'edited'}[created]) )
def oauth_url(self): perms = discord.Permissions() perms.update(manage_roles=True, manage_messages=True, read_messages=True, read_message_history=True, send_messages=True, embed_links=True, change_nickname=True, add_reactions=True) return discord.utils.oauth_url(self.bot.app.id, permissions=perms)
def permission_list(self, ctx): """Lists all Discord permissions.""" per_page = 9 pages = math.ceil(len(perm_bits) / per_page) embeds = [discord.Embed(type='rich', title='Permissions List', color=blurple) for _ in range(pages)] for i, (name, bit) in enumerate(sorted(perm_bits.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))): embeds[i // per_page].add_field(name=prettify(name), value=bit) await react.paginate(ctx, embeds)
def construct(self, ctx, *names): """Constructs the bit flags for the given permissions.""" e = discord.Embed(type='rich', title='Permissions Construction', color=blurple) sum_ = 0 for name, bit in sorted([(name, perm_bits[name]) for name in names], key=operator.itemgetter(1)): e.add_field(name=prettify(name), value=bit) sum_ += bit e.add_field(name='Sum', value=sum_, inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=e)
def destruct(self, ctx, value : int): """Shows each permission in the given bit flags.""" e = discord.Embed(type='rich', title='Permissions Deconstruction', color=blurple) perms = discord.Permissions(value) e.add_field(name='Value', value='%d (%s)' % (value, hex(value))) e.add_field(name='Permissions', value='```%s```' % '\n'.join(prettify(name) for name, has in perms if has), inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=e)
def audit(self, ctx, *names): """Shows all roles with the given permission(s). Useful for ensuring users don't have permissions they shouldn't.""" names = names or danger_perms embeds = [discord.Embed(color=blurple, title='Permissions Audit') for name in names] for name, e in zip(names, embeds): e.add_field(name=prettify(name), value='```%s```' % ('\n'.join(role.name for role in ctx.guild.role_hierarchy if getattr(role.permissions, name)) or 'None'), inline=False) await react.paginate(ctx, embeds)
def vanity(self, ctx, name: str, color: discord.Color = None, assign_to: discord.Member = None): """ Creates a vanity role. A vanity role is defined as a role with no permissions. """ role = await ctx.guild.create_role(name=name, permissions=discord.Permissions.none(), color=color or discord.Color.default()) if assign_to: try: await assign_to.add_roles(role) except discord.HTTPException: return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.red_tick} Couldn't give {role.name} to that person.") await ctx.send(f'{ctx.green_tick} Created vanity role {describe(role, quote=True)}.')
def empty_out(self, ctx, *, role: discord.Role): """ Empties out a role's permissions. This effectively turn it into a vanity role. """ if role > ctx.guild.me.top_role: return await ctx.send('My position on the role hierarchy is lower than that role, so I can\'t edit it.') try: await role.edit(permissions=discord.Permissions(permissions=0)) await ctx.ok() except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send('I can\'t do that.')
def addnewschannel(self, ctx, channel_prefix: str=None): """Adds news functionality for a channel. Channel prefix is any part of the channel name that should not be included in the name of the role to be created for notifications""" channel = ctx.message.channel server = ctx.message.server if server.id not in self.settings: self.settings[server.id] = {} if channel.id not in self.settings[server.id]: self.settings[server.id][channel.id] = {} if channel_prefix: new_role_name = channel.name.replace(channel_prefix, "") +\ " news" else: new_role_name = channel.name try: new_role = await self.bot.create_role(server, name=new_role_name, permissions=discord.Permissions(permissions=0)) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("I cannot create roles!") return except discord.HTTPException: await self.bot.say("Something went wrong!") return await self.bot.say("Role created!") self.settings[server.id][channel.id]["role_id"] = new_role.id self.settings[server.id][channel.id]["joined"] = [] dataIO.save_json("data/newsannouncer/settings.json", self.settings)
def custom_perms(**perms): def predicate(ctx): # Return true if this is a private channel, we'll handle that in the registering of the command if ctx.message.channel.is_private: return True # Get the member permissions so that we can compare member_perms = ctx.message.author.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel) # Next, set the default permissions if one is not used, based on what was passed # This will be overriden later, if we have custom permissions required_perm = discord.Permissions.none() for perm, setting in perms.items(): setattr(required_perm, perm, setting) try: server_settings = config.cache.get('server_settings').values required_perm_value = [x for x in server_settings if x['server_id'] == ctx.message.server.id][0]['permissions'][ctx.command.qualified_name] required_perm = discord.Permissions(required_perm_value) except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError): pass # Now just check if the person running the command has these permissions return member_perms >= required_perm predicate.perms = perms return commands.check(predicate)
def get_invite(self, ctx): permissions = discord.Permissions(permissions=70634561) await self.bot.say(f"Invite me with this link!\n{discord.utils.oauth_url('181584771510566922', permissions=permissions)}")
def url(): """Generates an invite link to bring Yuudachi to your server""" oauth_url = discord.utils.oauth_url("181157059130163207", permissions=discord.Permissions.all()) msg = "Please use this link to add me to your server, Poi~ \n{}".format(oauth_url) await bot.say(msg)
def on_server_join(server): """Create the Admin role, Muted role, and then add Muted perms to every channel, given correct perms.""" await bot.create_role(server, name="Poi's Admiral") muted = await bot.create_role(server, name="Muted", permissions=discord.Permissions(permissions=1115136)) await make_muted_perms(server, muted) await bot.send_message(server, "Hello! I'm a bot invited to the server to make your life a little easier and more fun! Please move the `Yuudachi Kai` role to underneath your Admin role and then move the `Muted` role underneath that so that I can mute people properly! Everything else has been set up already if you gave me the `Administrator` permission. Thanks!")
def cmd_slowmode(self, message, author, server, channel_id, time_between, reason=None): """ Usage: {command_prefix}slowmode #channel <time between messages> ["reason"] Puts the channel mentioned into a slowmode where users can only send messages every x seconds. To turn slow mode off, set the time between messages to "0" """ if await self.has_roles(message.channel, author, server, command='slowmode'): if channel_id in self.server_index[message.server.id][12]: raise CommandError('ERROR: Channel ID is ignored. Unignore the channel before setting to slow mode') try: time_between = int(time_between) except: raise CommandError('ERROR: The time limit between messages isn\'t a number, please specify a real number') try: if channel_id in self.slow_mode_dict.keys(): if time_between == 0: await self.delete_role(server, self.slow_mode_dict[channel_id]['channel_muted_role']) del self.slow_mode_dict[channel_id] await self.safe_send_message(discord.Object(channel_id), 'This channel is no longer in slow mode!') else: self.slow_mode_dict[channel_id]['time_between'] = time_between await self.safe_send_message(discord.Object(channel_id), 'The delay between allowed messages is now **%s seconds**!' % time_between) else: slowed_channel = discord.utils.get(server.channels, id=channel_id) channel_muted_role = await self.create_role(server, name=slowed_channel.name + 'SLOWROLE', permissions=discord.Permissions(permissions=66560)) overwrite = discord.PermissionOverwrite() overwrite.read_messages = True overwrite.send_messages = False await self.edit_channel_permissions(slowed_channel, channel_muted_role, overwrite) await self.safe_send_message(discord.Object(channel_id), 'This channel is now in slow mode with a delay of **%s seconds**!' % time_between) self.slow_mode_dict[channel_id] = {'time_between': time_between, 'channel_muted_role': channel_muted_role} await self.write_to_modlog(message, author, server, reason) except: raise CommandError('ERROR: Please make sure the syntax is correct and resubmit the command!')
def cmd_url(self): """ blahblahblah """ return Response('Here is my OAuth URL!:\n<{}>' ''.format(discord.utils.oauth_url(BOT_USER_ACCOUNT, permissions=discord.Permissions.all())), reply=True)
def cmd_joinserver(self): """ Usage {command_prefix}joinserver [Server Link] Asks the bot to join a server. """ return Response('I am quite happy you would like me to join one of your servers! Just remember that to function properly, I must have **administrator** permissions. Here is my invite link:\n<{}>' ''.format(discord.utils.oauth_url(BOT_USER_ACCOUNT, permissions=discord.Permissions.all())), reply=True)
def initial_linker(self, master, slave): master = discord.utils.get(self.bot.servers, id=master) slave = discord.utils.get(self.bot.servers, id=slave) if master is None or slave is None: return my_role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: r.name.lower() == "squid", slave.roles) if my_role is None: role_dict = {} role_dict['permissions'] = \ discord.Permissions(permissions=36826127) role_dict['name'] = "Squid" my_server_role = await self.bot.create_role(slave, **role_dict) await self.bot.add_roles(slave.me, my_server_role) log.debug('Slave roles:\n\t{}'.format( [role.name for role in slave.roles])) await self._delete_all_roles(slave) log.debug('Slave roles:\n\t{}'.format( [role.name for role in slave.roles])) await self._create_all_roles(slave, master) # We only really care about the online people, this way we *hopefully* # don't get ourselves rate-limited on large servers. online_master_members = [m for m in master.members if m.status == discord.Status.online] omm_withrole = [m for m in online_master_members if len(m.roles) > 1] ommwr_in_slave = [m for m in omm_withrole if m in slave.members] log.debug('members to give role to RN:\n\t{}'.format( [m.name for m in ommwr_in_slave])) for m in ommwr_in_slave: slave_member = discord.utils.get(slave.members, id=m.id) to_add = [] for mrole in m.roles: if mrole.name.lower() == "@everyone" \ or mrole.name.lower() == "squid": continue log.debug(self._matching_role(slave, mrole)) to_add.append(self._matching_role(slave, mrole)) log.debug('adding roles to {0.name} on {1.id}:\n\t{2}'.format( slave_member, slave, [r.name for r in to_add])) discord.compat.create_task( self.bot.add_roles(slave_member, *to_add))
def perms(self, ctx, *, command: str = None): """This command can be used to print the current allowed permissions on a specific command This supports groups as well as subcommands; pass no argument to print a list of available permissions EXAMPLE: !perms help RESULT: Hopefully a result saying you just need send_messages permissions; otherwise lol this server's admin doesn't like me """ if command is None: await self.bot.say( "Valid permissions are: ```\n{}```".format("\n".join("{}".format(i) for i in valid_perms))) return cmd = utils.find_command(self.bot, command) if cmd is None: await self.bot.say("That is not a valid command!") return server_settings = await utils.get_content('server_settings', ctx.message.server.id) try: server_perms = server_settings['permissions'] except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError): server_perms = {} perms_value = server_perms.get(cmd.qualified_name) if perms_value is None: # If we don't find custom permissions, get the required permission for a command # based on what we set in utils.custom_perms, if custom_perms isn't found, we'll get an IndexError try: custom_perms = [func for func in cmd.checks if "custom_perms" in func.__qualname__][0] except IndexError: # Loop through and check if there is a check called is_owner # If we loop through and don't find one, this means that the only other choice is to be # Able to manage the server (for the utils on perm commands) for func in cmd.checks: if "is_owner" in func.__qualname__: await self.bot.say("You need to own the bot to run this command") return await self.bot.say( "You are required to have `manage_server` permissions to run `{}`".format(cmd.qualified_name)) return # Perms will be an attribute if custom_perms is found no matter what, so no need to check this perms = "\n".join(attribute for attribute, setting in custom_perms.perms.items() if setting) await self.bot.say( "You are required to have `{}` permissions to run `{}`".format(perms, cmd.qualified_name)) else: # Permissions are saved as bit values, so create an object based on that value # Then check which permission is true, that is our required permission # There's no need to check for errors here, as we ensure a permission is valid when adding it permissions = discord.Permissions(perms_value) needed_perm = [perm[0] for perm in permissions if perm[1]][0] await self.bot.say("You need to have the permission `{}` " "to use the command `{}` in this server".format(needed_perm, command))
def add_perms(self, ctx, *msg: str): """Sets up custom permissions on the provided command Format must be 'perms add <command> <permission>' If you want to open the command to everyone, provide 'none' as the permission EXAMPLE: !perms add skip ban_members RESULT: No more random people voting to skip a song""" # Since subcommands exist, base the last word in the list as the permission, and the rest of it as the command command = " ".join(msg[0:len(msg) - 1]) try: permissions = msg[len(msg) - 1] except IndexError: await self.bot.say("Please provide the permissions you want to setup, the format for this must be in:\n" "`perms add <command> <permission>`") return cmd = utils.find_command(self.bot, command) if cmd is None: await self.bot.say( "That command does not exist! You can't have custom permissions on a non-existant command....") return # If a user can run a command, they have to have send_messages permissions; so use this as the base if permissions.lower() == "none": permissions = "send_messages" # Convert the string to an int value of the permissions object, based on the required permission # If we hit an attribute error, that means the permission given was not correct perm_obj = discord.Permissions.none() try: setattr(perm_obj, permissions, True) except AttributeError: await self.bot.say("{} does not appear to be a valid permission! Valid permissions are: ```\n{}```" .format(permissions, "\n".join(valid_perms))) return perm_value = perm_obj.value # Two cases I use should never have custom permissions setup on them, is_owner for obvious reasons # The other case is if I'm using the default has_permissions case # Which means I do not want to check custom permissions at all # Currently the second case is only on adding and removing permissions, to avoid abuse on these for check in cmd.checks: if "is_owner" == check.__name__ or "has_permissions" in str(check): await self.bot.say("This command cannot have custom permissions setup!") return key = ctx.message.server.id entry = {'server_id': key, 'permissions': {cmd.qualified_name: perm_value}} if not await utils.update_content('server_settings', entry, key): await utils.add_content('server_settings', entry) await self.bot.say("I have just added your custom permissions; " "you now need to have `{}` permissions to use the command `{}`".format(permissions, command))