def render_plugins(context, plugins): """ Render a list of plugins. Requires the :class:`feincms3.renderer.TemplatePluginRenderer` instance in the context as ``renderer``:: {% render_plugins plugins %} This plugin is equivalent to:: {% for plugin in plugins %}{% render_plugin plugin %}{% endfor %} In general you should prefer :func:`~feincms3.templatetags.feincms3_renderer.render_region` over this tag. """ renderer = context['renderer'] return mark_safe(''.join( renderer.render_plugin_in_context(plugin, context) for plugin in plugins ))
def indented_title(self, instance): """ Use Unicode box-drawing characters to visualize the tree hierarchy. """ box_drawing = [] for i in range(instance.depth - 2): box_drawing.append('<i class="l"></i>') if instance.depth > 1: box_drawing.append('<i class="a"></i>') return format_html( '<div class="box">' '<div class="box-drawing">{}</div>' '<div class="box-text" style="text-indent:{}px">{}</div>' '</div>', mark_safe(''.join(box_drawing)), (instance.depth - 1) * 30, instance, )
def render(self, region, context, timeout=None): """render(self, region, context, *, timeout=None) Render a single region using the context passed If ``timeout`` is ``None`` caching is disabled. .. note:: You should treat anything except for the ``region`` and ``context`` argument as keyword-only. """ if timeout is not None: key = self.cache_key(region) html = cache.get(key) if html is not None: return html html = mark_safe(''.join( self._renderer.render_plugin_in_context(plugin, context) for plugin in self._contents[region] )) if timeout is not None: cache.set(key, html, timeout=timeout) return html
def kolibri_language_globals(context): lang_dir = "rtl" if get_language_bidi() else "ltr" js = """ <script> var languageCode = '{lang_code}'; var languageDir = '{lang_dir}'; var languages = JSON.parse('{languages}'); </script> """.format( lang_code=get_language(), lang_dir=lang_dir, languages=json.dumps({code: { # Format to match the schema of the content Language model 'id': code, 'lang_name': name, 'lang_direction': get_language_info(code)['bidi'] } for code, name in settings.LANGUAGES}), ) return mark_safe(js)
def get_extra_event_management_html(self, event): if event.source_json_data: json_data = json.loads(event.source_json_data) hosts = json_data.get('hosts') additional_hosts = [] if hosts: for hostpk, host in hosts.items(): if int(hostpk) not in self.ignore_hosts\ and (not event.organization_host_id\ or hostpk != event.organization_host.member_system_pk): additional_hosts.append(host) if additional_hosts: return mark_safe( '<div><b>Additional Hosts:</b>' + ''.join([ format_html('<span data-pk="{}">{}</span>', h['member_system_pk'], h['name']) for h in additional_hosts]) + '</div>') return None
def get_results_from_search_response(response): parsed = response.json() formatted_results = [] for result in parsed['hits']['hits']: formatted = format_company_details(result['_source']) if 'highlight' in result: highlighted = '...'.join( result['highlight'].get('description', '') or result['highlight'].get('summary', '') ) # escape all html tags other than <em> and </em> highlighted_escaped = ( escape(highlighted) .replace('<em>', '<em>') .replace('</em>', '</em>') ) formatted['highlight'] = mark_safe(highlighted_escaped) formatted_results.append(formatted) parsed['results'] = formatted_results return parsed
def field_choices(self, field, request, model_admin): mptt_level_indent = getattr(model_admin, 'mptt_level_indent', self.mptt_level_indent) language_bidi = get_language_bidi() initial_choices = field.get_choices(include_blank=False) pks = [pk for pk, val in initial_choices] models = field.related_model._default_manager.filter(pk__in=pks) levels_dict = {model.pk: getattr(model, model._mptt_meta.level_attr) for model in models} choices = [] for pk, val in initial_choices: padding_style = ' style="padding-%s:%spx"' % ( 'right' if language_bidi else 'left', mptt_level_indent * levels_dict[pk]) choices.append((pk, val, mark_safe(padding_style))) return choices # Ripped from contrib.admin.filters,RelatedFieldListFilter Django 1.8 to # yield padding_style
def html_full_contact(self): parts = [] if self.contact_name and self.contact_email: parts.append(format_html( '{name} <<a href="mailto:{email}">{email}</a>>', name=self.contact_name, email=self.contact_email )) elif self.contact_name: parts.append(self.contact_name) elif self.contact_email: parts.append(format_html('<a href="mailto:{email}">{email}</a>', email=self.contact_email)) if self.contact_phone and not self.contact_hide_phone: parts.append(self.contact_phone) if parts: return format_html_join(mark_safe(" — "), '{}', ((part,) for part in parts)) else: return format_html("<em>{}</em>", _("Pas d'informations de contact"))
def as_p(self): retval = super(AddSpacersMixin, self).as_p() if self.add_spacers: # Hack to help test interacting with elements # that aren't in view. retval = mark_safe(retval.replace('</p>', '</p>' + ('<br>' * 100))) return retval
def indent(self, depth): return mark_safe('├' * (depth - 1))
def register_string_renderer(self, plugin, renderer): """ Register a rendering function which is passed the plugin instance and returns a HTML string:: renderer.register_string_renderer( RichText, lambda plugin: mark_safe(plugin.text), ) """ self._renderers[plugin] = (None, renderer)
def render_html(plugin, **kwargs): """ Return the HTML code as safe string so that it is not escaped. Of course the contents are not guaranteed to be safe at all """ return mark_safe(plugin.html)
def render_richtext(plugin, **kwargs): """ Return the text of the rich text plugin as a safe string (``mark_safe``) """ return mark_safe(plugin.text)
def dict_to_json(pydict): """ Accepts a python dict and returns it's JSON representation. Sample usage:: <script type="application/ld+json"> {% dict_to_json some_dict %} </script> """ return mark_safe(json.dumps(pydict))
def inline_static_file(path, minify=None): """ Outputs the [minified] contents of a given static file. For example, to display the minified CSS file "``inline.css``":: <style> {% inline_static_file 'inline.css' 'css' %} </style> The optional ``minify`` argument can be one of css, js, or html. """ p = finders.find(path) if not p: raise RuntimeError('path=%s not found' % path) elif os.path.isdir(p): raise RuntimeError('path=%s is not a file' % path) with open(p, encoding='utf-8') as f: if minify == 'js': return mark_safe(js_minify(f.read())) elif minify == 'css': return mark_safe(css_minify(f.read())) elif minify == 'html': return mark_safe(html_minify(f.read())) else: return mark_safe(f.read())
def autofocus_form(form, *args, **kwargs): """ Add the 'autofocus' attribute to the first input tag of a form. Usage:: {% autofocus_form form form_group_class='row' %} Extra args and kwargs are passed to ``bootstrap_form``. """ return mark_safe(re.sub( '<input', '<input autofocus', str(bootstrap_form(form, *args, **kwargs)), count=1 ))
def autofocus_field(field, *args, **kwargs): """ Add the 'autofocus' attribute to an input tag. Usage:: {% autofocus_field field field_class='col-md-12' %} Extra args and kwargs are passed to ``bootstrap_field``. """ return mark_safe(re.sub( '<input', '<input autofocus', str(bootstrap_field(field, *args, **kwargs)), count=1 ))
def minify_js(value): return mark_safe(js_minify(value))
def minify_html(value): return mark_safe(html_minify(value))
def make_script_vars(self, name): context = self.process_croppie_context(name) vars = 'var croppieFieldName = "{}"\n var croppieOptions = {}' \ .format( context['croppie_field_name'], context['croppie_options'], ) return mark_safe(vars)
def editor_css(): return mark_safe( ''' <style> .highlight-red { background: red; color: white; } .highlight-yellow { background: yellow; color: black; } .highlight-red { background: gray; color: red; } </style> ''')
def markdown_to_html(md): html = markdown(md) allowed_tags = bleach.ALLOWED_TAGS + ['p', 'pre', 'span' ] + ['h%d' % i for i in range(1, 7) ] html = bleach.clean(html, tags=allowed_tags) return mark_safe(html)
def render(self, data, accepted_media_type=None, renderer_context=None): codec = coreapi.codecs.CoreJSONCodec() schema = base64.b64encode(codec.encode(data)) template = loader.get_template(self.template) context = {'schema': mark_safe(schema)} request = renderer_context['request'] return template_render(template, context, request=request)
def angular_model(model, angular_model_name, extra_params={}): """ Returns javascript that preprocesses obj before attaching it to window where angular controller can grab it """ ret = "<script>\n" if model is None: ret += "window.%s = {};\n" % (angular_model_name) else: # cast foreign key and m2m fields to be strings json_ret = model.to_json() model_dict = json.loads(json_ret) fk_fields = model.get_foreign_key_fields() m2m_fields = model.get_many_to_many_fields() for field, val in model_dict["fields"].iteritems(): if field in fk_fields: model_dict["fields"][field] = str(val) if field in m2m_fields: model_dict["fields"][field] = map(str, val) ret += "window.%s = %s;\n" % (angular_model_name, json.dumps(model_dict, sort_keys=True)) # adds converter for datetime fields for field in model.READABLE_ATTRS(type_filter=models.DateField): # DateTimeFields are instances of DateFields ret += ("window.%s.fields.%s = new Date(window.%s.fields.%s);\n" % (angular_model_name, field, angular_model_name, field)) # date_fields = model.WRITEABLE_ATTRS(type_filter=models.DateField, type_exclude=models.DateTimeField) # date_fields = json.dumps(date_fields) # ret += "window.%s.date_fields = %s" % (angular_model_name, date_fields) ret += "</script>\n" return mark_safe(ret)
def to_json(data): return mark_safe(JSONRenderer().render(data).decode('utf-8'))
def contact_info_to_html(contact_info_dict): phone = contact_info_dict.get('sms', '') if phone: phone = format_phone_number(phone) email = contact_info_dict.get('email', '') html = oxford_comma([ thing for thing in (phone, email) if thing]) return mark_safe(html)
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()): widget_ = super(MultiuploadWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs) output = '<div id="hidden_container" style="display:none;">%s</div>' % widget_ return mark_safe(output)
def kolibri_main_navigation(): """ A tag to include an initial JS-object to bootstrap data into the app. :return: An html string """ init_data = { 'nav_items': [], 'user_nav_items': [], } for hook in NavigationHook().registered_hooks: init_data['nav_items'].append({ 'text': str(hook.label), 'url': str(hook.url), }) for hook in UserNavigationHook().registered_hooks: init_data['user_nav_items'].append({ 'text': str(hook.label), 'url': str(hook.url), }) html = ("<script type='text/javascript'>" "window._nav={0};" "</script>".format(json.dumps(init_data))) return mark_safe(html)
def kolibri_set_urls(context): js_global_object_name = getattr(settings, 'JS_REVERSE_JS_GLOBAL_OBJECT_NAME', JS_GLOBAL_OBJECT_NAME) js_var_name = getattr(settings, 'JS_REVERSE_JS_VAR_NAME', JS_VAR_NAME) js = (js_reverse_inline(context) + "Object.assign({0}.urls, {1}.{2})".format(settings.KOLIBRI_CORE_JS_NAME, js_global_object_name, js_var_name)) return mark_safe(js)
def kolibri_set_server_time(): html = ("<script type='text/javascript'>" "{0}.utils.serverClock.setServerTime({1});" "</script>".format(settings.KOLIBRI_CORE_JS_NAME, json.dumps(now(), cls=DjangoJSONEncoder))) return mark_safe(html)
def kolibri_bootstrap_model(context, base_name, api_resource, **kwargs): response, kwargs, url_params = _kolibri_bootstrap_helper(context, base_name, api_resource, 'detail', **kwargs) html = ("<script type='text/javascript'>" "var model = {0}.resources.{1}.createModel(JSON.parse({2}), {3});" "model.synced = true;" "</script>".format(settings.KOLIBRI_CORE_JS_NAME, api_resource, json.dumps(JSONRenderer().render(response.data).decode('utf-8')), json.dumps(url_params))) return mark_safe(html)
def active_tag(context): if context: span = 'glyphicon-ok-sign green' else: span = 'glyphicon-minus-sign red' return mark_safe('<span class="glyphicon {}"></span>'.format(span))
def arti_kata(self, obj): return mark_safe(obj.artikata)
def embed_graph(context, period, graph, username=None): request = context['request'] kwargs = {'period': period, 'graph': graph} if username is not None: kwargs['username'] = username url = "{}://{}{}".format( request.scheme, request.get_host(), reverse('graph.embed', kwargs=kwargs) ) iframe = escape('<html><iframe width="600" height="350" src="{}"></iframe></html>'.format(url)) return mark_safe('<code>'+iframe+'</code>')
def iconImage(self): return format_html('<img src="/{}"/>', mark_safe(self.icon))
def iconImageSmall(self): return format_html('<img height="30" width="30" src="/{}"/>', mark_safe(self.icon))
def iconImage(self): return format_html('<img height="30" src="/{}"/>', mark_safe(self.icon))
def iconImageSmall(self): return format_html('<img height="15" width="45" src="/{}"/>', mark_safe(self.file))
def pRovider(self, instance): return format_html('<img height="30" src="/{}"/> ({})', mark_safe(instance.provider.icon), mark_safe(instance.provider.abbreviation))
def host_format(event): host = event.organization_host host_line = [format_html('{}', host)] host_items = [] if event.host_is_confirmed: host_line.append(mark_safe(' (<span style="color:green">confirmed</span>) ')) else: host_line.append(mark_safe(' (<span style="color:red">unconfirmed</span>) ')) host_line.append(mark_safe('<br />')) if getattr(host, 'email', None): host_items.append(format_html('<a data-system-pk="{}" href="mailto:{}">email</a>', host.member_system_pk or '', host.email, host)) host_link = event.host_edit_url(edit_access=True) if host_link: host_items.append(format_html('<a href="{}">Act as host</a>', host_link)) if getattr(host, 'email', None) and getattr(settings, 'FROM_EMAIL', None): host_items.append(message_to_host(event)) # from the connector extra_html=event.extra_management_html() if extra_html: host_items.append(extra_html) # give settings a chance to tweak/alter/add items customize_host_link = getattr(settings, 'EVENT_REVIEW_CUSTOM_HOST_DISPLAY', None) if callable(customize_host_link): host_items = customize_host_link(event, host_items) host_items.insert(0, ' '.join(host_line)) return mark_safe(' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty"></span>'.join(host_items))
def media_js(self, request): # NOTE: Avoid loading models at top due to registry boot... from allauth.socialaccount.models import SocialApp locale = self.get_locale_for_request(request) try: app = self.get_app(request) except SocialApp.DoesNotExist: raise ImproperlyConfigured("No Facebook app configured: please" " add a SocialApp using the Django" " admin") def abs_uri(name): return request.build_absolute_uri(reverse(name)) fb_data = { "appId": app.client_id, "version": GRAPH_API_VERSION, "locale": locale, "loginOptions": self.get_fb_login_options(request), "loginByTokenUrl": abs_uri('facebook_login_by_token'), "cancelUrl": abs_uri('socialaccount_login_cancelled'), "logoutUrl": abs_uri('account_logout'), "loginUrl": request.build_absolute_uri(self.get_login_url( request, method='oauth2')), "errorUrl": abs_uri('socialaccount_login_error'), "csrfToken": get_token(request) } ctx = {'fb_data': mark_safe(json.dumps(fb_data))} return render_to_string('facebook/fbconnect.html', ctx, request=request)
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): input_html = super().render(name, value, attrs) wrapper_html = self.template.format( input_html=input_html, label=self.label, id=attrs['id'] ) return mark_safe(wrapper_html)
def render(self): id_ = self.attrs.get('id') output = [] descriptions = dict(Slack.objects.values_list('id', 'description')) for i, choice in enumerate(self.choices): choice_value, choice_label = choice w = self.choice_input_class(self.name, self.value, self.attrs.copy(), choice, i) output.append(format_html(self.inner_html, choice_value=force_text(w), sub_widgets=mark_safe(format_html('<p>{}</p>', descriptions[choice_value])))) return format_html( self.outer_html, id_attr=format_html(' id="{}"', id_) if id_ else '', content=mark_safe('\n'.join(output)), )
def _get_level_indicator(self, obj): level = getattr(obj, obj._mptt_meta.level_attr) return mark_safe(conditional_escape(self.level_indicator) * level)
def label_from_instance(self, obj): """ Creates labels which represent the tree level of each node when generating option labels. """ level_indicator = self._get_level_indicator(obj) return mark_safe(level_indicator + ' ' + conditional_escape(smart_text(obj)))
def __html__(self): return format_html( '{}"{}', static(self.js), mark_safe(flatatt(self.attrs)), ).rstrip('"')
def rendered_text(self): return mark_safe(markdown(self.text, **getattr( settings, 'TIPS_MARKDOWN_KWARGS', {} )))
def get_links(self, instance): links = [] links.append('<a href="/v1/server-list/%s/">Server API</a>' % instance.openstack_tenant) links.append('<a href="/v1/quota-sync/%s/">Sync Quotas</a>' % instance.openstack_tenant) return mark_safe(' | '.join(links))
def _prepare_regexp_html(regexp): """Return HTML for a given regexp. Includes wordbreaks.""" if not regexp: return '' else: regexp_html = (escape_html(regexp).replace('|', '|​') .replace(']', ']​').replace(')', ')​')) return mark_safe(regexp_html)
def jsonify(obj): return mark_safe(json.dumps(obj, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder))