def generate_key(): """ Generate private key and public key Save as PEMs for management :return: ECDSA Key Object - pri_key, pub_key """ key_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '\NodeManager' + '\\' pri_key = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST256p) pub_key = pri_key.get_verifying_key() open(key_path + "private.pem", "w").write(pri_key.to_pem()) open(key_path + "public.pem", "w").write(pub_key.to_pem()) return pri_key, pub_key
def VerifySignature(message, signature, public_key): Crypto.SetupSignatureCurve() if type(public_key) is EllipticCurve.ECPoint: pubkey_x = public_key.x.value.to_bytes(32, 'big') pubkey_y = public_key.y.value.to_bytes(32, 'big') public_key = pubkey_x + pubkey_y m = message try: m = binascii.unhexlify(message) except Exception as e: logger.error("could not get m: %s" % e) if len(public_key) == 33: public_key = bitcoin.decompress(public_key) public_key = public_key[1:] try: vk = VerifyingKey.from_string(public_key, curve=NIST256p, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256) res = vk.verify(signature, m, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256) return res except Exception as e: pass return False
def makeTransaction(self, tx, account): """Make Transaction""" if tx.outputs == None: raise ValueError, 'Not correct Address, wrong length.' if tx.attributes == None: tx.attributes = [] coins = self.findUnSpentCoins(account.scriptHash) tx.inputs, tx.outputs = self.selectInputs(tx.outputs, coins, account, tx.systemFee) # Make transaction stream = MemoryStream() writer = BinaryWriter(stream) tx.serializeUnsigned(writer) reg_tx = stream.toArray() tx.ensureHash() txid = tx.hash # RedeenScript contract = Contract() contract.createSignatureContract(account.publicKey) Redeem_script = contract.redeemScript # Add Signature sk = SigningKey.from_string(binascii.unhexlify(account.privateKey), curve=NIST256p, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256) signature = binascii.hexlify(sk.sign(binascii.unhexlify(reg_tx),hashfunc=hashlib.sha256)) regtx = reg_tx + '014140' + signature + '23' + Redeem_script # sendRawTransaction print regtx response = self.node.sendRawTransaction(regtx) import json print response return txid
def Make_IssueTransaction(Prikey, Redeem_script, Outputs, Txid): Nonce = random.randint(268435456, 4294967295) Nonce = hex(Nonce)[2:-1] if len(Nonce)%2==1: Nonce = '0'+Nonce value = 1 if len(Outputs)> 16777215 or 'L' in Nonce: #???,L?????? assert False IssueTransaction = '01'+ big_or_little(Nonce) + hex(len(Outputs))[2:].zfill(6) for o in Outputs: IssueTransaction = IssueTransaction + big_or_little(Txid) + float_2_hex(o['value']) + big_or_little(o['scripthash']) sk = SigningKey.from_string(binascii.unhexlify(Prikey), curve=NIST256p, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256) signature = binascii.hexlify(sk.sign(binascii.unhexlify(IssueTransaction),hashfunc=hashlib.sha256)) return IssueTransaction + '014140' + signature + '23' + Redeem_script
def Make_RegisterTransaction(Prikey, Redeem_script, Name, Issuer, Admin, Inputs, Index, Count, Amount=-0.00000001): ''' Name:?????? Issuer:??? Admin:??? Inputs Count:inputs Amount:????????????-0.00000001 ''' Name = '5b7b276c616e67273a277a682d434e272c276e616d65273a27{0}277d5d'.format(name_to_hex(Name)) Amount = float_2_hex(Amount) #????? #Antcoin:f252a09a24591e8da31deec970871cc7678cb55023db049551e91f7bac28e27b Outputs = big_or_little('f252a09a24591e8da31deec970871cc7678cb55023db049551e91f7bac28e27b') + float_2_hex(Count-100) + Admin if Count > 100 else '' #????1?inputs????,'00'??? RegisterTransaction = '4060' + hex(len(Name)/2)[2:] + Name + Amount + Issuer + Admin + '0001' + big_or_little(str(Inputs)) + '00' if Count > 100: RegisterTransaction += '0001' + Outputs else: RegisterTransaction += '0000' GetHashForSigning = big_or_little(sha256(binascii.unhexlify(RegisterTransaction)))#txid #print GetHashForSigning sk = SigningKey.from_string(binascii.unhexlify(Prikey), curve=NIST256p, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256) signature = binascii.hexlify(sk.sign(binascii.unhexlify(RegisterTransaction),hashfunc=hashlib.sha256)) return RegisterTransaction + '014140' + signature + '23' + Redeem_script #RT = Make_RegisterTransaction(Prikey, Redeem_script, Name, Issuer, Admin, Inputs, Index, Count) #print sendrawtransaction(RT) #scripthash = '1d3871d26978d71d147ad7366e674114eeb4179c'
def verify_signature(public_key_str, signature, message): pub_key_decode = public_key_str.decode('string_escape') sig_decode = signature.decode('string_escape') public_key = VerifyingKey.from_string(pub_key_decode, curve=NIST256p) result = public_key.verify(sig_decode, message) return result
def createECDSAKey(curve=ecdsa.NIST256p): # Create ECDSA key sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=curve) return sk
def get_signer(curve): if curve == NIST256p: return NIST256pSigner elif curve == NIST384p: return NIST384pSigner elif curve == SECP256k1: return SECP256k1Signer else: raise Exception("Unknown curve: %s" % str(curve))
def __init__(self): sign_key = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST256p, hashfunc=sha256) h = sha256() h.update(sign_key.get_verifying_key().to_string()) dig = h.hexdigest().upper()[:48] kid = "" for i in range(0, len(dig) // 4): kid += dig[i * 4:i * 4 + 4] kid += ":" kid = kid[:-1] x = sign_key.verifying_key.pubkey.point.x() y = sign_key.verifying_key.pubkey.point.y() order = sign_key.verifying_key.pubkey.order x_str = _encode( number_to_string(x, order)) y_str = _encode( number_to_string(y, order)) self.key = sign_key if isinstance(x_str, six.binary_type): x_str = x_str.decode() self.x = x_str if isinstance(y_str, six.binary_type): y_str = y_str.decode() self.y = y_str self.kid = kid
def test_validate_invalid_vapid_key_sets_status(self, start_recording): start_recording.is_callable().times_called(0) other_signing_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=ecdsa.NIST256p) signed_token = jws.sign(self.pa.vapid_key_token, other_signing_key, algorithm='ES256') self.pa.validate_vapid_key(signed_token) self.assertEqual(u'invalid', self.pa.vapid_key_status)
def gen_keys(): signing_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=ecdsa.NIST256p) verifying_key = signing_key.get_verifying_key() vapid_key = urlsafe_b64encode(verifying_key.to_string()) return (signing_key, verifying_key, vapid_key)
def validate_vapid_key(self, signed_token): try: key_data = urlsafe_b64decode(str(fix_padding(self.vapid_key))) key_string = extract_public_key(key_data) verifying_key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string( key_string, curve=ecdsa.NIST256p ) signed_token = str(fix_padding(signed_token)) try: submitted_claims_json = jws.verify( signed_token, verifying_key, algorithms=['ES256'] ) submitted_claims = json.loads(submitted_claims_json) self_claims = json.loads(self.vapid_key_token) if submitted_claims['aud'] == self_claims['aud']: self.vapid_key_status = 'valid' self.validated = timezone.now() self.save() self.start_recording() except JWSError: self.vapid_key_status = 'invalid' self.save() except ecdsa.BadSignatureError: self.vapid_key_status = 'invalid' self.save()
def _get_verifying_key(self, host_key_blob): # Parse the received data from the host_key_blob index, host_key_type = parse_string(host_key_blob, 0) index, curve_name = parse_string(host_key_blob, index) index, host_public_key = parse_string(host_key_blob, index) # Find the expected host key in ~/.ssh/known_hosts expected_host_key_type = None expected_host_public_key = None known_hosts_filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/known_hosts') for line in open(known_hosts_filename, 'r'): if len(line.strip()) > 0: current_hostname, current_key_type, current_key = line.split(' ') if current_hostname == self.hostname: expected_host_key_type = current_key_type expected_host_public_key = current_key.decode('base64') break # If we *did* find the host key (i.e. we've already connected to this server), check that # everything matches if expected_host_key_type is not None: assert host_key_type == expected_host_key_type, 'Unexpected host key type: %s' % host_key_type assert curve_name == 'nistp256', 'Unknown curve name: %s' % curve_name assert host_key_blob == expected_host_public_key, \ 'Unexpected host public key: %s' % repr(host_key_blob) # Otherwise, if we haven't seen the host key before, prompt the user to see if they're okay with # that else: assert host_key_type == 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'Unknown host key type: %s' % host_key_type key_fingerprint = hashlib.sha256(host_key_blob).digest().encode('base64') # Remove the base64-added new lines, and the padding '=' characters key_fingerprint = key_fingerprint.replace('\n', '').rstrip('=') print "The authenticity of host '%s' can't be established." % self.hostname print "ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:%s." % key_fingerprint answer = raw_input("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?\n").strip() while answer not in ['yes', 'no', '']: answer = raw_input("Please type 'yes' or 'no': ").strip() # Add key to ~/.ssh/known_hosts if answer == 'yes': with open(known_hosts_filename, 'a') as known_hosts_file: host_key_base64 = host_key_blob.encode('base64').replace('\n', '') known_hosts_file.write('%s %s %s\n' % (self.hostname, host_key_type, host_key_base64)) else: assert False, 'Host key verification failed.' # NFI why we need to skip a byte here - I can't find this format documented anywhere. I assume # this is some kind of type indicator. assert host_public_key[0] == '\x04' return ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(host_public_key[1:], curve=ecdsa.NIST256p)