Python google.appengine.api.memcache 模块,set() 实例源码


项目:GAMADV-XTD    作者:taers232c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_auth_tokens(token_dict, user=None):
  """Associates the tokens with the current user and writes to the datastore.

  If there us no current user, the tokens are not written and this function
  returns None.

    The key of the datastore entity containing the user's tokens, or None if
    there was no current user.
  if user is None:
    user = users.get_current_user()
  if user is None:
    return None
  memcache.set('gdata_pickled_tokens:%s' % user, pickle.dumps(token_dict))
  user_tokens = TokenCollection.all().filter('user =', user).get()
  if user_tokens:
    user_tokens.pickled_tokens = pickle.dumps(token_dict)
    return user_tokens.put()
    user_tokens = TokenCollection(
    return user_tokens.put()
项目:GAMADV-XTD    作者:taers232c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_auth_tokens(user=None):
  """Reads a dictionary of the current user's tokens from the datastore.

  If there is no current user (a user is not signed in to the app) or the user
  does not have any tokens, an empty dictionary is returned.
  if user is None:
    user = users.get_current_user()
  if user is None:
    return {}
  pickled_tokens = memcache.get('gdata_pickled_tokens:%s' % user)
  if pickled_tokens:
    return pickle.loads(pickled_tokens)
  user_tokens = TokenCollection.all().filter('user =', user).get()
  if user_tokens:
    memcache.set('gdata_pickled_tokens:%s' % user, user_tokens.pickled_tokens)
    return pickle.loads(user_tokens.pickled_tokens)
  return {}
项目:isthislegit    作者:duo-labs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _update_memcached(cls, domain, time=3600 * 24, records=None):
        Updates memcached with the latest data from the datastore
        and returns that data. By default stores entries to expire after
        24 hours.
        namespace = "{}|".format(domain)
        if not records:
            records = cls._get_from_datastore(domain,
        return records
项目:isthislegit    作者:duo-labs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(cls, domain, time=0):
        Updates the memcached stats for a given domain

        This is used when a report is updated so that memcached
        has the current stats.

            domain - str - The domain to use for the namespace
            time - int - The timeout for stored keys (default: 5 seconds)
        namespace = "{}|{}".format('stats', domain)

        for status in VALID_STATUSES:
            count = EmailReport.query(EmailReport.reported_domain == domain,
                                      EmailReport.status == status).count()
                key=status, namespace=namespace, value=count, time=time)
项目:isthislegit    作者:duo-labs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(cls, domain, time=0):
        Updates the memcached stats for a given domain

        This is used when a report is updated so that memcached
        has the current stats.

            domain - str - The domain to use for the namespace
            time - int - The timeout for stored keys (default: 5 seconds)
        namespace = "{}|".format(domain)
        records = cls._get_from_datastore(domain, cls._memcache_result_count)
项目:webapp2    作者:GoogleCloudPlatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_by_sid(cls, sid):
        """Returns a ``Session`` instance by session id.

        :param sid:
            A session id.
            An existing ``Session`` entity.
        data = memcache.get(sid)
        if not data:
            session = model.Key(cls, sid).get()
            if session:
                data =
                memcache.set(sid, data)

        return data
项目:t2-crash-reporter    作者:tessel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_crash_with_backoff(cls, crash_report):
        there is a chance that we get a new crash before an issue was submitted before.
        backoff_cache_key = cls.backoff_crash_key_new_crash(crash_report)
        backoff_value = memcache.get(backoff_cache_key)
        if not backoff_value:
            # A task does not exist. Queue a job.
            memcache.set(backoff_cache_key, "in_progress")
                crash_report.fingerprint, _queue=GithubOrchestrator.__QUEUE__)
                'Enqueued job for new issue on GitHub for fingerprint {0}'.format(crash_report.fingerprint))
            # task already in progress, backoff
                'A GitHub task is already in progress. Waiting to the dust to settle for fingerprint {0}'
项目:t2-crash-reporter    作者:tessel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_comment_with_backoff(cls, crash_report):
        there is a chance that this is a hot issue, and that there are too many crashes coming in.
        try and use backoff, when you are posting a new comment.
        backoff_cache_key = cls.backoff_crash_key_new_comment(crash_report)
        backoff_value = memcache.get(backoff_cache_key)
        if not backoff_value:
            # A task does not exist. Queue a job.
            memcache.set(backoff_cache_key, "in_progress")
                crash_report.fingerprint, _queue=GithubOrchestrator.__QUEUE__)
                'Enqueued job for new comment on GitHub for fingerprint {0}'.format(crash_report.fingerprint))
            # task already in progress, backoff
                'A GitHub task is already in progress. Waiting to the dust to settle for fingerprint {0}'
项目:t2-crash-reporter    作者:tessel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _most_recent_property(
            cls, name, property_name, default_value=None, serialize=lambda x: x, deserialize=lambda x: x, ttl=120):

        cache_key = CrashReport.recent_crash_property_key(name, property_name)
        most_recent_value = memcache.get(cache_key)
        if most_recent_value is None:
            most_recent = 0
            most_recent_value = default_value

            q = CrashReport.all()
            q.filter('name = ', name)
            for entity in
                in_millis = to_milliseconds(entity.date_time)
                if most_recent <= in_millis:
                    most_recent = in_millis
                    most_recent_value = serialize(entity.__getattribute__(property_name))
            memcache.set(cache_key, most_recent_value, ttl)
        to_return = deserialize(most_recent_value)
        return to_return
项目:ifttt-line    作者:MypaceEngine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAddress(longitude, latitude):
    gsp_key = "gps-" + str(longitude) + "," + str(latitude)
    resultData = memcache.get(key=gsp_key)
    if resultData == None:
        url = "" + const.GOOGLE_API_KEY + "&latlng=" + str(
            longitude) + "," + str(latitude)
        result = urlfetch.fetch(
        if result.status_code == 200:
        jsonstr = result.content
        jsonobj = json.loads(jsonstr)
        if len(jsonobj["results"]) > 0:
            memcache.set(key=gsp_key, value=jsonobj, time=3600)
        resultData = jsonobj;
    return resultData["results"]
项目:ifttt-line    作者:MypaceEngine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createUserData(lineId):
    id = lineId
    # entity = Entity('UserData', name=id)
    # entity.update({
    #     'registrationTime':"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),
    #     'lineId': 'dummy-line-id',
    #     'dashId': id,
    # })
    # datastore.Put(entity)
    userData = UserData(
        dashId='not_registered_yet',"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),

    # memcache.set(key = "USER-"+id,value="DUMMY")
项目:server    作者:viur-framework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSkel( self ):
            Returns a matching :class:`server.db.skeleton.Skeleton` instance for the
            current query.

            Its only possible to use this function if this query has been created using

            :returns: The Skeleton or None if the result-set is empty.
            :rtype: :class:`server.skeleton.Skeleton`
        if self.srcSkel is None:
            raise NotImplementedError("This query has not been created using skel.all()")
        res = self.get()
        if res is None:
            return( None )
        #s = self.srcSkel.clone()
        self.srcSkel.setValues( res, key=res.key() )
        return self.srcSkel
项目:server    作者:viur-framework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
            Implements the [] operator. Used to set property value(s).

            :param name: Name of the property to set.
            :type name: str
            :param value: Any value to set tot the property.

            :raises: :exc:`BadPropertyError` if the property name is the \
            empty string or not a string.
            :raises: :exc:`BadValueError` if the value is not a supported type.
        if isinstance(value,list) or isinstance(value,tuple):
            # We cant store an empty list, so we catch any attempts
            # and store None. As "does not exists" queries aren't
            # possible anyway, this makes no difference
            if len( value ) == 0:
                value = None
        super( Entity, self ).__setitem__( name, value )
项目:server    作者:viur-framework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set( self, key, value, indexed=True ):
            Sets a property.

            :param key: key of the property to set.
            :type key: str
            :param value: Any value to set tot the property.

            :param indexed: Defines if the value is indexed.
            :type indexed: bool

            :raises: :exc:`BadPropertyError` if the property name is the \
            empty string or not a string.
            :raises: :exc:`BadValueError` if the value is not a supported type.
        if not indexed:
            unindexed = list( self.getUnindexedProperties() )
            if not key in unindexed:
                self.setUnindexedProperties( unindexed+[key] )
        self[ key ] = value
项目:server    作者:viur-framework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, key):
        currTime =
        if currTime>self.ctime+self.updateInterval:
            data = memcache.get( self.keyName )
            if data: #Loaded successfully from Memcache
       data )
                self.ctime = currTime
                data = SharedConf.SharedConfData.get_by_key_name( self.keyName )
                if data:
                    for k in data.dynamic_properties():
              [ k ] = getattr( data, k )
                else: #There isnt any config in the db nor the memcache
                    data = SharedConf.SharedConfData( key_name=self.keyName )
                    for k,v in #Initialize the DB-Config
                        setattr( data, k, v )
                memcache.set( self.keyName,, 60*60*24 )
        return([ key ] )
项目:gdata-python3    作者:dvska    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_auth_tokens(token_dict, user=None):
    """Associates the tokens with the current user and writes to the datastore.

    If there us no current user, the tokens are not written and this function
    returns None.

      The key of the datastore entity containing the user's tokens, or None if
      there was no current user.
    if user is None:
        user = users.get_current_user()
    if user is None:
        return None
    memcache.set('gdata_pickled_tokens:%s' % user, pickle.dumps(token_dict))
    user_tokens = TokenCollection.all().filter('user =', user).get()
    if user_tokens:
        user_tokens.pickled_tokens = pickle.dumps(token_dict)
        return user_tokens.put()
        user_tokens = TokenCollection(
        return user_tokens.put()
项目:gdata-python3    作者:dvska    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_auth_tokens(user=None):
    """Reads a dictionary of the current user's tokens from the datastore.

    If there is no current user (a user is not signed in to the app) or the user
    does not have any tokens, an empty dictionary is returned.
    if user is None:
        user = users.get_current_user()
    if user is None:
        return {}
    pickled_tokens = memcache.get('gdata_pickled_tokens:%s' % user)
    if pickled_tokens:
        return pickle.loads(pickled_tokens)
    user_tokens = TokenCollection.all().filter('user =', user).get()
    if user_tokens:
        memcache.set('gdata_pickled_tokens:%s' % user, user_tokens.pickled_tokens)
        return pickle.loads(user_tokens.pickled_tokens)
    return {}
项目:appbackendapi    作者:codesdk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_values():
    # [START add_values]
    # Add a value if it doesn't exist in the cache
    # with a cache expiration of 1 hour.
    memcache.add(key="weather_USA_98105", value="raining", time=3600)

    # Set several values, overwriting any existing values for these keys.
        {"USA_98115": "cloudy", "USA_94105": "foggy", "USA_94043": "sunny"},

    # Atomically increment an integer value.
    memcache.set(key="counter", value=0)
    # [END add_values]
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CreateXsrfToken(action):
  """Generate a token to be passed with a form for XSRF protection.

    action: action to restrict token to

    suitably random token which is only valid for ten minutes and, if the user
    is authenticated, is only valid for the user that generated it.
  user_str = _MakeUserStr()

  token = base64.b64encode(
      ''.join(chr(int(random.random()*255)) for _ in range(0, 64)))

               (user_str, action),

  return token
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _SetValue(self, key, type_, value):
    """Convert a string value and store the result in memcache.

      key: String
      type_: String, describing what type the value should have in the cache.
      value: String, will be converted according to type_.

      Result of memcache.set(key, converted_value).  True if value was set.

      ValueError: Value can't be converted according to type_.
    for _, converter, typestr in self.TYPES:
      if typestr == type_:
        value = converter(value)
      raise ValueError('Type %s not supported.' % type_)
    return memcache.set(key, value)
项目:blockhooks    作者:EthereumWebhooks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_by_sid(cls, sid):
        """Returns a ``Session`` instance by session id.

        :param sid:
            A session id.
            An existing ``Session`` entity.
        data = memcache.get(sid)
        if not data:
            session = model.Key(cls, sid).get()
            if session:
                data =
                memcache.set(sid, data)

        return data
项目:GAMADV-X    作者:taers232c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_auth_tokens(token_dict, user=None):
  """Associates the tokens with the current user and writes to the datastore.

  If there us no current user, the tokens are not written and this function
  returns None.

    The key of the datastore entity containing the user's tokens, or None if
    there was no current user.
  if user is None:
    user = users.get_current_user()
  if user is None:
    return None
  memcache.set('gdata_pickled_tokens:%s' % user, pickle.dumps(token_dict))
  user_tokens = TokenCollection.all().filter('user =', user).get()
  if user_tokens:
    user_tokens.pickled_tokens = pickle.dumps(token_dict)
    return user_tokens.put()
    user_tokens = TokenCollection(
    return user_tokens.put()
项目:GAMADV-X    作者:taers232c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_auth_tokens(user=None):
  """Reads a dictionary of the current user's tokens from the datastore.

  If there is no current user (a user is not signed in to the app) or the user
  does not have any tokens, an empty dictionary is returned.
  if user is None:
    user = users.get_current_user()
  if user is None:
    return {}
  pickled_tokens = memcache.get('gdata_pickled_tokens:%s' % user)
  if pickled_tokens:
    return pickle.loads(pickled_tokens)
  user_tokens = TokenCollection.all().filter('user =', user).get()
  if user_tokens:
    memcache.set('gdata_pickled_tokens:%s' % user, user_tokens.pickled_tokens)
    return pickle.loads(user_tokens.pickled_tokens)
  return {}
项目:naziscore    作者:rbanffy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_access_token(force=False):
    """Tries to obtain access token from memcache and, if it fails,
    obtains a new set and stores in memcache.


    Deleting the memcache key `access_token` will trigger a token refresh.
    token = memcache.get('access_token')
    if force or token is None:
        logging.warning('Needed to fetch access_token')
        encoded_key = urllib.quote_plus(CUSTOMER_KEY)
        encoded_secret = urllib.quote_plus(CUSTOMER_SECRET)
        encoded_credentials = base64.b64encode(
            "{}:{}".format(encoded_key, encoded_secret))
        response = urlfetch.fetch(
            headers={'Authorization': 'Basic ' + encoded_credentials})
        if response.status_code == urlfetch.httplib.OK:
            response_data = json.loads(response.content)
            token = response_data['access_token']
            memcache.set('access_token', token, 2592000)  # 30 days
    return token
项目:helios-server-mixnet    作者:RunasSudo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_user_message(self, kind, msg, detail='', time=15 * 60):
        Add a message to the current user to memcache.
        if self.facebook.uid:
            key = 'messages:%s' % self.facebook.uid
            self._messages = memcache.get(key)
            message = {
                'kind': kind,
                'message': msg,
                'detail': detail,
            if self._messages is not None:
                self._messages = [message]
            memcache.set(key, self._messages, time=time)
项目:flow-dashboard    作者:onejgordon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_request_token(user, callback):
    Get request token
    from settings import secrets
    client = EvernoteClient(
    request_token = client.get_request_token(callback)
    # Save secret
    memcache.set(SECRET_MCK %, request_token['oauth_token_secret'])
    authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token)
    return authorize_url
项目:flow-dashboard    作者:onejgordon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _goals_request(self):
        [annual, monthly, longterm] = Goal.Current(self.user)
        speech = None
        g = None
        if monthly:
            g = monthly
            speech = "Goals for %s. " % datetime.strftime(, "%B %Y")
        elif annual:
            g = annual
            speech = "Goals for %s. " %
        if g:
            if g.text:
                for i, text in enumerate(g.text):
                    speech += "%d: %s. " % (i+1, text)
                speech = "No goals yet"
            speech = "You haven't set up any goals yet. " + GOAL.SET_INFO
        return speech
项目:oscars2016    作者:0x0ece    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set(self, url, content):
      memcache.set(url, content, time=int(self._max_age), namespace=NAMESPACE)
    except Exception as e:
      logging.warning(e, exc_info=True)
项目:oscars2016    作者:0x0ece    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post(self):
        if pubsub_utils.SUBSCRIPTION_UNIQUE_TOKEN != self.request.get('token'):
            self.response.status = 404

        # Store the message in the datastore.
        message = json.loads(urllib.unquote(self.request.body).rstrip('='))
        message_body = base64.b64decode(str(message['message']['data']))
        message = message_body.split(',')
        d = datetime.strptime(message[0][:-5],'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
        timestamp = time.mktime(d.timetuple())
        message = message[1:]
        entities = zip(message[::2],map(int,message[1::2]))
        data_raw = memcache.get(MC_OSCARS_TOP10)
        if data_raw:
            data = json.loads(memcache.get(MC_OSCARS_TOP10))
            data = None
        if data is None or data['timestamp'] < timestamp:
                'timestamp': timestamp,
                'entities': entities
项目:oscars2016    作者:0x0ece    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def query_or_cache(entity, start, stop, force = False):
    if force:
        entities = TwitterEntityFreq.query(
            TwitterEntityFreq.entity == entity, 
            TwitterEntityFreq.timestamp > start, 
            TwitterEntityFreq.timestamp <= stop
        data = [MockTWE(i) for i in entities]
        memcache.set(MC_KEY%entity, data)
        return [i for i in data]

    nq = memcache.get(MC_GUARD%entity)
    data = memcache.get(MC_KEY%entity)
    td = timedelta(seconds = 30)
    if data:
        last = data[-1].timestamp
        if stop - last > td and not nq:
            entities = TwitterEntityFreq.query(
                TwitterEntityFreq.entity == entity, 
                TwitterEntityFreq.timestamp > last, 
                TwitterEntityFreq.timestamp <= stop
            data += [MockTWE(i) for i in entities]
            memcache.set(MC_KEY%entity, data)
    elif not nq:
        entities = TwitterEntityFreq.query(
            TwitterEntityFreq.entity == entity, 
            TwitterEntityFreq.timestamp > start, 
            TwitterEntityFreq.timestamp <= stop
        data = [MockTWE(i) for i in entities]
        memcache.set(MC_KEY%entity, data)
    return [i for i in data if i.timestamp > start and i.timestamp <= stop]
项目:GAMADV-XTD    作者:taers232c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_on_appengine(gdata_service, store_tokens=True, 
    single_user_mode=False, deadline=None):
  """Modifies a GDataService object to allow it to run on App Engine.

    gdata_service: An instance of AtomService, GDataService, or any
        of their subclasses which has an http_client member and a 
        token_store member.
    store_tokens: Boolean, defaults to True. If True, the gdata_service
                  will attempt to add each token to it's token_store when
                  SetClientLoginToken or SetAuthSubToken is called. If False
                  the tokens will not automatically be added to the 
    single_user_mode: Boolean, defaults to False. If True, the current_token
                      member of gdata_service will be set when 
                      SetClientLoginToken or SetAuthTubToken is called. If set
                      to True, the current_token is set in the gdata_service
                      and anyone who accesses the object will use the same 

                      Note: If store_tokens is set to False and 
                      single_user_mode is set to False, all tokens will be 
                      ignored, since the library assumes: the tokens should not
                      be stored in the datastore and they should not be stored
                      in the gdata_service object. This will make it 
                      impossible to make requests which require authorization.
    deadline: int (optional) The number of seconds to wait for a response
              before timing out on the HTTP request. If no deadline is
              specified, the deafault deadline for HTTP requests from App
              Engine is used. The maximum is currently 10 (for 10 seconds).
              The default deadline for App Engine is 5 seconds.
  gdata_service.http_client = AppEngineHttpClient(deadline=deadline)
  gdata_service.token_store = AppEngineTokenStore()
  gdata_service.auto_store_tokens = store_tokens
  gdata_service.auto_set_current_token = single_user_mode
  return gdata_service
项目:GAMADV-XTD    作者:taers232c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_token(unique_key, token_str):
  """Saves the serialized auth token in the datastore.

  The token is also stored in memcache to speed up retrieval on a cache hit.

    unique_key: The unique name for this token as a string. It is up to your
        code to ensure that this token value is unique in your application.
        Previous values will be silently overwitten.
    token_str: A serialized auth token as a string. I expect that this string
        will be generated by gdata.gauth.token_to_blob.

    True if the token was stored sucessfully, False if the token could not be
    safely cached (if an old value could not be cleared). If the token was
    set in memcache, but not in the datastore, this function will return None.
    However, in that situation an exception will likely be raised.

    Datastore exceptions may be raised from the App Engine SDK in the event of
  # First try to save in memcache.
  result = memcache.set(unique_key, token_str)
  # If memcache fails to save the value, clear the cached value.
  if not result:
    result = memcache.delete(unique_key)
    # If we could not clear the cached value for this token, refuse to save.
    if result == 0:
      return False
  # Save to the datastore.
  if Token(key_name=unique_key, t=token_str).put():
    return True
  return None
项目:GAMADV-XTD    作者:taers232c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set(self, url, content):
      memcache.set(url, content, time=int(self._max_age), namespace=NAMESPACE)
    except Exception as e:
      LOGGER.warning(e, exc_info=True)
项目:isthislegit    作者:duo-labs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set(key=None, value=None, time=TIMEOUT):
    parts = _split_value(json.dumps(value))
    memcache.set(key=key + '_parts', value=len(parts), time=time)
    for i, part in enumerate(parts):
        logging.debug("Setting %s%d" % (key, i))
        memcache.set(key='%s%d' % (key, i), value=part, time=time)
项目:arithmancer    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetEntityViaMemcache(entity_key):
  """Get entity from memcache if available, from datastore if not."""
  entity = memcache.get(entity_key)
  if entity is not None:
    return entity
  key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=entity_key)
  entity = key.get()
  if entity is not None:
    memcache.set(entity_key, entity)
  return entity
项目:webapp2    作者:GoogleCloudPlatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _put(self):
        """Saves the session and updates the memcache entry."""
        super(Session, self).put()
项目:webapp2    作者:GoogleCloudPlatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_session(self, response):
        if self.session is None or not self.session.modified:

        memcache.set(self.sid, dict(self.session))
            response,, {'_sid': self.sid}, **self.session_args)
项目:REMAP    作者:REMAPApp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set(self, url, content):
      memcache.set(url, content, time=int(self._max_age), namespace=NAMESPACE)
    except Exception as e:
      LOGGER.warning(e, exc_info=True)
项目    作者:billyfung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index():
    """Lists the coffeez"""
    coffees = memcache.get(ALL_COFFEES_KEY)
    if not coffees:
        coffees = Coffee.query( == True).fetch()
        # cannot store all images into memcached due to size limits
        for coffee in coffees:
            coffee.image = None
        memcache.set(ALL_COFFEES_KEY, coffees)
    roaster_query = memcache.get(ALL_ROASTERS_KEY)
    if not roaster_query:
        roaster_query = Coffee.query(projection=["roaster"], distinct=True).fetch()
        memcache.set(ALL_ROASTERS_KEY, roaster_query)
    roasters = [data.roaster for data in roaster_query]
    return render_template('index.html', coffees=coffees, roasters=roasters)
项目    作者:billyfung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_coffee_image(coffee_id):
    """Gets the image attached to the coffee"""
    coffee_int_id = int(coffee_id)
    coffee = memcache.get("coffee_image_{}".format(coffee_int_id))
    if not coffee:
        coffee = Coffee.get_by_id(coffee_int_id)
        memcache.set("coffee_image_{}".format(coffee_int_id), coffee)
    if coffee:
        if coffee.image:
            return send_file(io.BytesIO(coffee.image))
    return app.send_static_file('coffee.png')
项目:vishnu    作者:anomaly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save(self, sync_only=False):

        # todo: implement sync only

        self._record = PicklableSession(

        memcache.set(self._sid, pickle.dumps(self._record), namespace=NAMESPACE)
项目:t2-crash-reporter    作者:tessel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sharded_config(cls, name):
        cache_key = ShardedCounterConfig.cache_key(name)
        config = memcache.get(cache_key)
        if not config:
            ''' Try fetching from datastore '''
            config = ShardedCounterConfig.get_or_insert(name, name=name, shards=20)
            memcache.set(cache_key, config, time=86400)
        return config
项目:t2-crash-reporter    作者:tessel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_count(cls, name):
        cache_key = CrashReport.count_cache_key(name)
        total = memcache.get(cache_key)
        if total is None:
            total = 0
            q = CrashReport.all()
            q.filter('name = ', name)
            for entity in
                total += entity.count
            memcache.set(cache_key, str(total))
        return int(total)
项目:t2-crash-reporter    作者:tessel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def jinja2_environment(cls):
        # set the template search path to pages
        if not RRequest.environment:
            RRequest.environment = jinja2.Environment(
                loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pages')))

            # add readable date filter to make it available for templates
            RRequest.environment.filters['readable_date'] = readable_date
            RRequest.environment.filters['crash_uri'] = crash_uri
            RRequest.environment.filters['snippetize'] = snippetize
            RRequest.environment.filters['issue_url'] = issue_url

        return RRequest.environment
项目:ifttt-line    作者:MypaceEngine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getUser_MakerSecret(id):
    secret = memcache.get(key="MakerSecret-" + id)
    if secret == None:
            key = Key.from_path('UserData', id)
            entity = datastore.Get(key)
            secret = entity['maker_secret']
            memcache.set(key="MakerSecret-" + id, value=secret)
            logging.debug(id + u"?IFTTT Maker Secret???????????")
    return secret
项目:ifttt-line    作者:MypaceEngine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUser_MakerSecret(id, maker_secret):
    key = Key.from_path('UserData', id)
    entity = datastore.Get(key)
        'maker_secret': maker_secret

    memcache.set(key="MakerSecret-" + id, value=maker_secret)
项目:ifttt-line    作者:MypaceEngine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUserByDashIdWithCurrentUser(dashId):
    # if not exists, assign the dashId to lineId
    result = False
    currentUser = _getCurrentUser()

    if currentUser != None:
        # memcache.set(key = "Dash-user-"+dashid,value=currentUser, time=86400)
        # memcache.set(key = "User-dash-"+currentUser,value=dashid, time=86400 )
        logging.debug(dashId + u"?DashButton???????????")

            lineId = currentUser
            key = db.Key.from_path('UserData', lineId)
            userData = db.get(key)
            userData.dashId = dashId
            found_lineId = lineId
            send2Line.sendText(currentUser, "DashButton????????")
            result = True
            logging.warning(u"currentUser???????" + lineId + u"???????????")


    return result
项目:Utmost_Bot    作者:jiachen247    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init(self):
        # date object storing date for = None
        self.heading = None
        self.verse_reference = None
        self.bible_in_a_year = None
        self.verse_concise = None
        self.verse_full = None = None

        # write get and set

        # link to get full verse
        self.link_to_full_verse_bgw = None
        self.link_to_full_verse_yv = None
项目:instagram-tag-crawler    作者:muik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save(cls, media):
    recent_owner_ids = (memcache.get(cls.KEY_PRE_OWNER_IDS) or '').split()
    recent_codes = cls._get_recent_codes()
    codes_set = set(recent_codes)
    owner_ids_set = set(recent_owner_ids)
    new_media = []

    for item in media:
      if not TagValidator.is_valid_tags(item['tags']):
      if item['code'] in codes_set:
      if item['owner']['id'] in owner_ids_set:

    if not new_media:
      return 0

    tag_text = cls()
    tag_text.text = '\n'.join(map(cls._to_line, new_media))

    recent_codes.extend([x['code'] for x in media])
    recent_owner_ids.extend([x['owner']['id'] for x in new_media])
    cls._set_cache(recent_codes, cls.MAX_CODES_COUNT, cls.KEY_RECENT_CODES)
    cls._set_cache(recent_owner_ids, cls.MAX_OWNER_COUNT, cls.KEY_PRE_OWNER_IDS)

    tags = reduce(lambda y,x: y+x['tags'], new_media, [])
    tags = set(tags)

    return len(new_media)
项目:instagram-tag-crawler    作者:muik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_last_tags(cls, tags):
    memcache.set('tag_text_last_tags', ' '.join(tags))