Python google.appengine.api.memcache 模块,get_multi() 实例源码


项目:electioncharts    作者:mickeykedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cache_retrieve(key):
    result = memcache.get_multi(['%s.%s' % (key, i) for i in xrange(32)])
    serialized = ''.join([v for k, v in sorted(result.items()) if v is not None])
    if serialized=='':
        return None
    return pickle.loads(serialized)
项目:appbackendapi    作者:codesdk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self):
        # [START batch]
        values = {'comment': 'I did not ... ', 'comment_by': 'Bill Holiday'}
        if not memcache.set_multi(values):
            logging.error('Unable to set Memcache values')
        tvalues = memcache.get_multi(('comment', 'comment_by'))
        # [END batch]
项目:dancedeets-monorepo    作者:mikelambert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fetch_keys(self, keys):
        cache_key_mapping = dict((self.key_to_cache_key(key), key) for key in keys)
        objects = memcache.get_multi(cache_key_mapping.keys())
        object_map = dict((cache_key_mapping[k], v) for (k, v) in objects.iteritems())

        # DEBUG!
        #get_size = len(pickle.dumps(objects))"BatchLookup: memcache get_multi return size: %s", get_size)"BatchLookup: memcache get_multi objects found: %s", objects.keys())
        return object_map
项目:dancedeets-monorepo    作者:mikelambert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_multi(self, cls, object_ids, allow_cache=True, allow_fail=False):
        self.request_multi(cls, object_ids, allow_cache=allow_cache)
        return self.fetched_data_multi(cls, object_ids, allow_fail=allow_fail)
项目:dancedeets-monorepo    作者:mikelambert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lookup_debug_tokens(access_tokens):
    # We use a prod config here, so we can lookup access tokens from prod apps
    app_fbl = FBLookup(None, facebook._PROD_FACEBOOK_CONFIG['app_access_token'])
    result = app_fbl.get_multi(_LookupDebugToken, access_tokens)
    if result and not result[0]['empty']:
        return result
        app_fbl = FBLookup(None, facebook.FACEBOOK_CONFIG['app_access_token'])
        return app_fbl.get_multi(_LookupDebugToken, access_tokens)
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_summary_protos(java_application=False):
  """Load all valid summary records from memcache.

    java_application: Boolean. If true, this function is being invoked
      by the download_appstats tool on a java application.

    A list of StatsProto instances, in reverse chronological order
    (i.e. most recent first).

  NOTE: This is limited to returning at most config.KEY_MODULUS records,
  since there are only that many distinct keys.  See also make_key().
  tmpl = config.KEY_PREFIX + config.KEY_TEMPLATE + config.PART_SUFFIX
  if java_application:

    tmpl = '"' + tmpl + '"'
  keys = [tmpl % i
          for i in
          range(0, config.KEY_DISTANCE * config.KEY_MODULUS,
  results = memcache.get_multi(keys, namespace=config.KEY_NAMESPACE)
  records = []
  for rec in results.itervalues():
      pb = StatsProto(rec)
    except Exception, err:
      logging.warn('Bad record: %s', err)
      records.append(pb)'Loaded %d raw summary records, %d valid',
               len(results), len(records))

  records.sort(key=lambda pb: -pb.start_timestamp_milliseconds())
  return records