def example(): screenWidth, screenHeight = pg.size() currentMouseX, currentMouseY = pg.position() pg.moveTo(500, 550) pg.click() pg.moveRel(None, 10) # move mouse 10 pixels down pg.doubleClick() # pg.moveTo(500, 500, duration=2, tween=pyautogui.tweens.easeInOutQuad) # use tweening/easing function to move mouse over 2 seconds. pg.typewrite('Hello world!', interval=0.25) # type with quarter-second pause in between each key pg.press('esc') pg.keyDown('shift') pg.press(['left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left']) pg.keyUp('shift') pg.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') delta_y = 50
def behaviour1() : pyautogui.moveRel (56, 56, duration = 0.27) pyautogui.moveRel (11, 11, duration = 0.56) pyautogui.moveTo (21, 21, duration = 0.11)
def on_click(x, y, button, pressed): global msg global lasttime if pressed: if Button.left == button: msg += "." lasttime = time.time() if Button.right == button: msg += "-" lasttime = time.time() else: # print(msg) newtime = time.time() #print (newtime - lasttime) if (newtime - lasttime) > 0.5: print(msg) if msg in esrom: pyautogui.typewrite(esrom[msg]) if esrom[msg]=="w": pyautogui.moveRel(0, -50, duration=0.5) if esrom[msg]=="a": pyautogui.moveRel(-50, 0, duration=0.5) if esrom[msg]=="s": pyautogui.moveRel(0, 50, duration=0.5) if esrom[msg]=="d": pyautogui.moveRel(50, 0, duration=0.5) msg = "" return True # Collect events forever
def single_log_line(cls, log_string): cls.delay(PressKey, 0x27) ReleaseKey(0x27) cls.delay(pa.typewrite, log_string) cls.delay(cls.click_pic, 'submit.png') # Pressing enter doesnt seem to work here? cls.delay(PressKey, 0x27) ReleaseKey(0x27) pa.moveRel(25, 25) # Cannot recognise submit button if cursor still over it
def input_control(self, count_defects, img_src): # update position difference with previous frame (for move mouse) d_x, d_y = 0, 0 if self.preCX is not None: d_x = self.ROIx - self.preCX d_y = self.ROIy - self.preCY # checking current command, and filter out unstable hand gesture cur_cmd = 0 if self.cmd_switch: if self.last_cmds.count(count_defects) >= self.last_cmds.n_maj: cur_cmd = count_defects #print 'major command is ', cur_cmd else: cur_cmd = 0 # self.last_cmds.major() else: cur_cmd = count_defects # send mouse input event depend on hand gesture if cur_cmd == 1: str1 = '2, move mouse dx,dy = ' + str(d_x*3) + ', ' + str(d_y*3) cv2.putText(img_src, str1, (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 2) if self.cmd_switch: pyautogui.moveRel(d_x*3, d_y*3) self.last_cmds.push(count_defects) #pyautogui.mouseDown(button='left') #pyautogui.moveRel(d_x, d_y) #else: # pyautogui.mouseUp(button='left') elif cur_cmd == 2: cv2.putText(img_src, '3 Left (rotate)', (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 2) if self.cmd_switch: pyautogui.dragRel(d_x, d_y, button='left') self.last_cmds.push(count_defects) #pyautogui.scroll(d_y,pause=0.2) elif cur_cmd == 3: cv2.putText(img_src, '4 middle (zoom)', (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 2) if self.cmd_switch: pyautogui.dragRel(d_x, d_y, button='middle') self.last_cmds.push(count_defects) elif cur_cmd == 4: cv2.putText(img_src, '5 right (pan)', (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 2) if self.cmd_switch: pyautogui.dragRel(d_x, d_y, button='right') self.last_cmds.push(count_defects) elif cur_cmd == 5: cv2.putText(img_src, '1 fingertip show up', (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 2) if self.cmd_switch: self.last_cmds.push(count_defects) else: cv2.putText(img_src, 'No finger detect!', (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 2) if self.cmd_switch: self.last_cmds.push(count_defects) # no finger detect or wrong gesture # testing pyautogui