def audio2mp3(folder, verbose=True): """ @brief Convert any audio files to mp3 @param folder The folder containing audio files to be converted in mp3 """ folder = utils.abs_path_dir(folder) filelist = os.listdir(folder) for index, entire_fn in enumerate(filelist): if verbose: print(str(index + 1) + "/" + str(len(filelist)) + " " + entire_fn) filen = entire_fn.split(".")[0] extension = entire_fn.split(".")[1] print(filen) print(extension) print(folder + entire_fn) print(folder + filen) audio = AudioSegment.from_file(folder + entire_fn, format=extension) audio.export(folder + filen + ".mp3", format="mp3") if verbose: print("Conversion done")
def _play(self): audios = [] for wav in self._wfs: audios.append(AudioSegment.from_file(wav)) if len(audios) == 1: playback.play(audios[0]) elif len(audios) > 1: wait = audios[0].overlay(audios[1]) for i in range(2,len(audios)): wait = wait.overlay(audios[i]) playback.play(wait) # example
def _playback(filename, start, end=None, playback_time=None): """ Plays back a wav file from the start point (in seconds) to the end point (in seconds) :param filename: filename to playback :param start: start time, in seconds. No more than 3 places after decimal or loss of precision :param end: end time, in seconds. Same as above :param playback_time: time to play back. use instead of end """ file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) # This method will play back filetypes whose extension matches the coded # This includes wav and mp3 so we should be good audio = AudioSegment.from_file(filename, format=file_extension[1:]) if end is None and playback_time is not None: # Play the track starting from start for playback_time seconds segment = audio[int(start):int(start + playback_time)] play(segment) elif end is not None and playback_time is None: # Play the track starting from start and ending at end segment = audio[int(start):int(end)] play(segment) else: # Play the whole thing play(audio)
def adjust_volume(in_fp): def adjust(volume): audio_p = audio + volume fn_p = fn + "_" + str(volume) +"db" + ".wav" fd = audio_p.export(path.join(out_dir, str(volume) + 'db', path.split(in_dir)[-1], fn_p), format=format) in_dir, fn = path.split(in_fp) fn, file_ext = path.splitext(fn) file_ext = file_ext.lower() format = file_ext.replace('.', '') # audio = None y, sr = librosa.load(in_fp, sr=44100) tmp_in_fp = "tmp/" + fn + "_tmp.wav" librosa.output.write_wav(tmp_in_fp, y, sr, norm=False) format = "wav" audio = aseg.from_file(tmp_in_fp, format) os.remove(tmp_in_fp) if audio != None: for v in volume_list: adjust(v)
def cut_and_send(infile, outfile, length): # print(infile) # print(outfile) # print(length) # return myaudio = AudioSegment.from_file(infile, "wav") chunk_length_ms = length # pydub calculates in millisec chunks = make_chunks(myaudio, chunk_length_ms) # Make chunks of one sec for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): chunk_name = "chunk{0}.wav".format(i) print("exporting", chunk_name) chunk.export(chunk_name, format="wav") r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.AudioFile(chunk_name) as source: audio = r.record(source) # recognize speech using Google Speech Recognition try: # to use another API key, use `r.recognize_google(audio, key="GOOGLE_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_API_KEY")` # instead of `r.recognize_google(audio)` txt = r.recognize_google(audio) + " " with open(outfile, 'a') as f: f.write(txt) except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Ehm... sorry not understood this one.") except sr.RequestError as e: print("Request failed; {0}".format(e)) os.remove(chunk_name)
def main(): flag = raw_input("flag> ") c_wave = AudioSegment.from_file("files/cuir.wav") m_wave = AudioSegment.from_file("files/moustache.wav") c_m_wave = AudioSegment.from_file("files/cuir_moustache.wav") space_wave = AudioSegment.from_file("files/space.wav") blank_wave = AudioSegment.from_file("files/blank.wav") overlay = AudioSegment.from_file("files/overlay.wav") intro_wave = AudioSegment.from_file("files/intro.wav") chall_wave = intro_wave[0:0] morse_flag = morse(flag) print morse_flag counter = 0 while counter < len(morse_flag): bip = morse_flag[counter] if bip == '.': if counter < len(morse_flag) - 1 and morse_flag[counter+1] == '-': chall_wave += c_m_wave counter += 1 else: chall_wave += c_wave elif bip == '-': chall_wave += m_wave elif bip == ' ': chall_wave += space_wave elif bip == '!': if ADD_BLANKS: chall_wave += blank_wave counter += 1 overlay_wave = repeat_to_length(overlay, len(chall_wave)) overlay_chall_wave = chall_wave.overlay(overlay_wave) full_chall_wave = intro_wave + overlay_chall_wave full_chall_wave.export("./challenge.mp4", format="mp4")
def convert_to_wav(path): song = AudioSegment.from_file(path) song = song[:30000] song.export(path[:-3]+"wav",format='wav') return path[:-3]+"wav"
def load_pydub(filename): """ Loads an MP3 or FLAC file. """ try: from pydub import AudioSegment data = AudioSegment.from_file(filename) except ImportError: logger.exception('"pydub" is a required Python dependency for ' 'handling this audio file: %s.', filename) raise except FileNotFoundError: if os.path.isfile(filename): raise DependencyError() else: raise if data.channels > 1: data = functools.reduce( lambda x, y: x.overlay(y), data.split_to_mono() ) raw = data.get_array_of_samples() raw = numpy.frombuffer(raw, dtype=raw.typecode) return { 'signal' : raw, 'sample_rate' : data.frame_rate, 'sample_width' : data.sample_width * 8, 'channels' : data.channels } ###############################################################################
def get_mime_type(filename): """ Returns the MIME type associated with a particular audio file. """ try: import magic except ImportError: if get_mime_type.warn: logger.warning('Python package "magic" could not be loaded, ' 'possibly because system library "libmagic" could not be ' 'found. We are falling back on our own heuristics.') get_mime_type.warn = False ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() return { '.wav' : 'audio/x-wav', '.mp3' : 'audio/mpeg', '.flac' : 'audio/x-flac' }.get(ext, 'unknown') else: # Read off magic numbers and return MIME types mime_magic = magic.Magic(mime=True) ftype = mime_magic.from_file(filename) if isinstance(ftype, bytes): ftype = ftype.decode('utf-8') # If we are dealing with a symlink, read the link # and try again with the target file. We do this in # a while loop to cover the case of symlinks which # point to other symlinks current_filename = filename while ftype == 'inode/symlink': current_filename = os.readlink(current_filename) ftype = mime_magic.from_file(current_filename) ftype = ftype.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(ftype, bytes) else ftype return ftype
def parse_audio(self): limit = None # limit = 10 songname, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.filename)) try: audiofile = AudioSegment.from_file(self.filename) if limit: audiofile = audiofile[:limit * 1000] data = np.fromstring(audiofile._data, np.int16) channels = [] for chn in xrange(audiofile.channels): channels.append(data[chn::audiofile.channels]) fs = audiofile.frame_rate except audioop.error: print('audioop.error') pass # fs, _, audiofile = wavio.readwav(filename) # if limit: # audiofile = audiofile[:limit * 1000] # audiofile = audiofile.T # audiofile = audiofile.astype(np.int16) # channels = [] # for chn in audiofile: # channels.append(chn) return { "songname": songname, "extension": extension, "channels": channels, "Fs": audiofile.frame_rate, "file_hash": self.parse_file_hash() }
def run(self): # Open an audio segment sound = AudioSegment.from_file(self.filepath) player = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream = player.open(format=player.get_format_from_width(sound.sample_width), channels=sound.channels, rate=sound.frame_rate, output=True) # PLAYBACK LOOP start = 0 length = sound.duration_seconds volume = 100.0 playchunk = sound[start*1000.0:(start+length)*1000.0] - (60 - (60 * (volume/100.0))) millisecondchunk = 50 / 1000.0 while self.loop : self.time = start for chunks in make_chunks(playchunk, millisecondchunk*1000): self.time += millisecondchunk stream.write(chunks._data) if not self.loop: break if self.time >= start+length: break stream.close() player.terminate()
def get_length(filename): """ Get the length of an audio file suitable for use in playback() :param filename: Location of audio file :return: length of file in seconds """ file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) audio = AudioSegment.from_file(filename, file_extension[1:]) return float(len(audio)) / 1000
def __make_chunks(self): self.__segment = AudioSegment.from_file(self.__path) self.__chunks = make_chunks(self.__segment, 100)
def mp3_to_array(file): audio = AudioSegment.from_file(file, format='mp3').set_channels(1)[:(millis_per_sec * 30)] return np.array(audio.get_array_of_samples()), audio.frame_rate
def splitAudioIntoParts(uploadedFilepath, extension, basedir): """ Yields the filename of a namedTemporaryFile, which is deleted at the next iteration. """ assert os.path.exists(uploadedFilepath) track = AudioSegment.from_file(uploadedFilepath, extension[1:]) sampleRate = track.frame_rate tracklen = len(track) overlap = 2*1000 # 2 seconds chunkBaseLength = 10*1000 # 10 seconds num_segments = int(math.ceil(tracklen / chunkBaseLength)) basename = basenameNoExt(uploadedFilepath) # Iterate over every chunkBaseLength segment for i in range(0, num_segments): start_time = i*chunkBaseLength end_time = min((i+1)*chunkBaseLength+overlap, tracklen) curr_track = track[start_time:end_time] # Save the segment to a NamedTemporaryFile in basedir, # named after both the original filename and the part of the track. # Once the with completes, the file is deleted. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix = basename+"_", suffix = "_part%02d.wav"%i, dir = basedir) as currFilename: curr_track.export(currFilename.name, format="wav", bitrate="192k") yield (currFilename.name, sampleRate)
def validateAudio(uploadedFilepath, extension): """ Ensures that the audio is ready for processing, which currently means: 1. Only a single channel - required by Google Speech API """ track = AudioSegment.from_file(uploadedFilepath, extension[1:]) if track.channels != 1: raise AudioError("Google Speech API requires single-channel audio, "\ "but you have %d channels in your audio." % (track.channels,)) return None
def extract(file): """ Extracts audio from a given file First the audio is converted into wav format """ s = file.split('.') file_format = s[len(s) - 1] try: song = AudioSegment.from_file(file, file_format) #song = AudioSegment.from_mp3(file) song = song[: 30 * 1000 ] song.export(file[:-3] + "wav", format="wav") file = file[:-3] + "wav" except Exception as e: print(e) try: (rate, data) = scipy.io.wavfile.read(file) mfcc_feat = mfcc(data,rate) #redusing mfcc dimension to 104 mm = np.transpose(mfcc_feat) mf = np.mean(mm,axis=1) cf = np.cov(mm) ff=mf #ff is a vector of size 104 for i in range(mm.shape[0]): ff = np.append(ff,np.diag(cf,i)) if file_format != 'wav': os.remove(file) return ff.reshape(1, -1) except Exception as e: print(e)
def createViz(pin): src = "audio.mp3" questions = {23: "What's your motto?", 24: "Give us your best laugh!", 25:"Make a wish!", 8:"What are you grateful for today?"} audio = AudioSegment.from_file(src) data = np.fromstring(audio._data, np.int16) fs = audio.frame_rate BARS = 500 BAR_HEIGHT = 300 LINE_WIDTH = 5 length = len(data) RATIO = length/BARS count = 0 maximum_item = 0 max_array = [] highest_line = 0 for d in data: if count < RATIO: count = count + 1 if abs(d) > maximum_item: maximum_item = abs(d) else: max_array.append(maximum_item) if maximum_item > highest_line: highest_line = maximum_item maximum_item = 0 count = 1 line_ratio = highest_line/BAR_HEIGHT fnt = ImageFont.truetype('vcr.ttf', 50) im = Image.new('RGB', (BARS * LINE_WIDTH, BAR_HEIGHT), (255, 255, 255)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) draw.text((0,0), questions[pin] , font=fnt, fill=(0,0,0,255)) current_x = 1 for item in max_array: item_height = item/line_ratio current_y = (BAR_HEIGHT - item_height)/2 draw.line((current_x, current_y, current_x, current_y + item_height), fill=(0, 0, 0), width=4) current_x = current_x + LINE_WIDTH im.show() filename = "audioViz_" + strftime("%Y_%m_%d%H-%M-%S", gmtime()) + ".bmp" im.save("static/images/" + filename) call(["lpr","-o","fit-to-page","static/images/" + filename])
def hello(): if request.method == 'GET': if request.args.get("hub.verify_token") == VERIFY_TOKEN: return request.args.get("hub.challenge") else: return 'Invalid verification token' if request.method == 'POST': output = request.get_json() for event in output['entry']: messaging = event['messaging'] for x in messaging: if x.get('message'): recipient_id = x['sender']['id'] if x['message'].get('text'): message = x['message']['text'] msg = AI.process_message(message) bot.send_text_message(recipient_id, msg) if x['message'].get('attachments'): for att in x['message'].get('attachments'): print(att['payload']['url']) voice_url = urllib.request.urlopen(att['payload']['url']) with open('voicemsg.aac', 'w+b') as f: f.write(voice_url.read()) f.close() aac_file = AudioSegment.from_file('voicemsg.aac', format='aac') wav_handler = aac_file.export('rawmsg.wav', format='wav') os.system("sox rawmsg.wav -r 16000 temp.wav") wav_handler = AudioSegment.from_file('temp.wav', format='wav') raw_handler = wav_handler.export('rawmsg.raw', format='raw') decoder.start_utt() stream = open('rawmsg.raw', 'rb') #stream.seek(44) while True: buf = stream.read(1024) if buf: decoder.process_raw(buf, False, False) else: break decoder.end_utt() sentence = " ".join([seg.word for seg in decoder.seg()]) bot.send_text_message(recipient_id, sentence) #bot.send_attachment_url(recipient_id, att['type'], att['payload']['url']) else: pass return "Success"
def split_audio_file(self, file=""): file_root, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file) file_format = file_ext.replace(".", "").lower() if file_format not in ["mp3", "m4a", "mp4"]: raise FileNotSupportedError(file_format) file_size = os.path.getsize(file) if file_size > self.MAX_CONVERT_FILE_SIZE: raise FileTooLargeError(file_size) file_parts = [] if file_size <= self.MAX_TG_FILE_SIZE: if file_format == "mp3": file_parts.append(file) else: logger.info("Converting: %s", file) try: sound = AudioSegment.from_file(file, file_format) file_converted = file.replace(file_ext, ".mp3") sound.export(file_converted, format="mp3") del sound gc.collect() file_parts.append(file_converted) except (OSError, MemoryError) as exc: gc.collect() raise FileNotConvertedError else: logger.info("Splitting: %s", file) try: id3 = mutagen.id3.ID3(file, translate=False) except: id3 = None parts_number = file_size // self.MAX_TG_FILE_SIZE + 1 try: sound = AudioSegment.from_file(file, file_format) part_size = len(sound) / parts_number for i in range(parts_number): file_part = file.replace(file_ext, ".part{}{}".format(str(i + 1), file_ext)) part = sound[part_size * i:part_size * (i + 1)] part.export(file_part, format="mp3") del part gc.collect() if id3: try: id3.save(file_part, v1=2, v2_version=4) except: pass file_parts.append(file_part) # https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub/issues/135 # https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub/issues/89#issuecomment-75245610 del sound gc.collect() except (OSError, MemoryError) as exc: gc.collect() raise FileConvertedPartiallyError(file_parts) return file_parts