def notebook_proxy(request, username): """Renders a IPython Notebook frame wrapper. Starts or reattachs ot an existing Notebook session. """ security_check(request, username) manager = get_notebook_manager(request) notebook_info = manager.get_context(username) if not notebook_info: raise HTTPInternalServerError("Apparently IPython Notebook daemon process is not running for {}".format(username)) if not "http_port" in notebook_info: raise RuntimeError("Notebook terminated prematurely before managed to tell us its HTTP port") return proxy_it(request, notebook_info["http_port"])
def __call__(self, info): """ If a schema is present, replace value with output from schema.dump(..). """ original_render = super().__call__(info) def schema_render(value, system): request = system.get('request') if (request is not None and isinstance(getattr(request, 'render_schema', None), Schema)): try: value, errors = request.render_schema.dump(value) except Exception: errors = True if errors: raise HTTPInternalServerError(body="Serialization failed.") return original_render(value, system) return schema_render
def get_app(config): """ return a pyramid wsgi app with various urls. """ def index(request): return Response('idx') def error(request): raise HTTPInternalServerError("oh no") def exception(request): 1 / 0 def json(request): return {'a': 1} def renderer(request): return render_to_response('template.pt', {'foo': 'bar'}, request=request) config.add_route('index', '/') config.add_route('error', '/error') config.add_route('exception', '/exception') config.add_route('json', '/json') config.add_route('renderer', '/renderer') config.add_view(index, route_name='index') config.add_view(error, route_name='error') config.add_view(exception, route_name='exception') config.add_view(json, route_name='json', renderer='json') config.add_view(renderer, route_name='renderer', renderer='template.pt') return config.make_wsgi_app()
def topic_matching_service(request): parsed = urlparse(request.path_qs) question_words = parse_qsl(parsed.query) domain = request.matchdict.get('domain').replace(' ', '_') log.info('Topic matching on domain {}'.format(domain)) tm = TopicMatcher(domain, request.registry.settings['MODELERLOCATION'], logger=log) data = tm.topic_matching(question_words) log.info('Topic matching completed') if not data: raise exc.HTTPInternalServerError(explanation="Topic matching failed. " + "A model has not been generated for the given taxonomy.") return data
def data_set_ranking_service(request): domain = request.matchdict.get('domain') analytic_type = request.matchdict.get('analytic_type') interpretation = request.matchdict.get('interpretation') log.info('Ranking data sets with\ndomain: {}\nanalytic type: {}\ninterpretation: {}'.format(domain, analytic_type, interpretation)) dm = DataMatcher(request.registry.settings['MODELERLOCATION']) ranking = dm.dataSetRanking(domain, analytic_type, interpretation) log.info('Data set ranking completed') log.info(ranking) if not ranking: raise exc.HTTPInternalServerError(explanation="There were no data sets found in the database.") return ranking
def viz_ranking_service(request): log.info('Ranking vizes') parsed = urlparse(request.path_qs) question_analysis = parse_qs(parsed.query) dm = DataMatcher(request.registry.settings['MODELERLOCATION']) ranking = dm.vizRanking(question_analysis) log.info('Viz ranking completed') log.info(ranking) if not ranking[0]['viz_ranks']: raise exc.HTTPInternalServerError(explanation="There were no visualizations found in the database.") return ranking
def __getitem__(self, name): try: resource = self.get(name) except KeyError: # Just in case we get an unexpected KeyError # FIXME: exception logging. raise HTTPInternalServerError('Traversal raised KeyError') if resource is None: raise KeyError(name) return resource
def __getitem__(self, name): try: item = self.get(name) except KeyError: # Just in case we get an unexpected KeyError # FIXME: exception logging. raise HTTPInternalServerError('Traversal raised KeyError') if item is None: raise KeyError(name) return item