Python scipy.interpolate 模块,griddata() 实例源码


项目:reconstruction    作者:microelly2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getGriddata(x,y,z,extend):
    ''' data x,y,z and boundbox  to print '''


    grid_y, grid_x = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:(xmax-xmin)*10j, ymin:ymax:(ymax-ymin)*10j]

    for i in range(x.shape[0]):


    # see
    from scipy.interpolate import griddata
#   grid_z0 = griddata(points, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method='nearest')
#   grid_z1 = griddata(points, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method='linear')
    grid_z2 = scipy.interpolate.griddata(points, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic')

    return grid_z2
项目:PyFRAP    作者:alexblaessle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeInterpolatedICImg(self,roi=None):

        """Interpolates ICs back onto 2D image.

        Uses ``scipy.interpolate.griddata``, see also

        If ``roi`` is specified, will only interpolate nodes of this ROI. 

        Keyword Args:
            roi (pyfrp.subclasses.pyfrp_ROI.ROI): A PyFRAP ROI.

            tuple: Tuple containing:

                * X (numpy.ndarray): Meshgrid x-coordinates.
                * Y (numpy.ndarray): Meshgrid y-coordinates.
                * interpIC (numpy.ndarray): Interpolated ICs.



        return X,Y,interpIC
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_apertures(self, aperture_centers, aperture_means):

        This function ...
        :param aperture_centers:
        :param aperture_means:

        # Inform the user"Interpolating between the mean values of each aperture to fill the sky frame ...")

        x_values = np.array([center.x for center in aperture_centers])
        y_values = np.array([center.y for center in aperture_centers])

        x_ticks = np.arange(0, self.frame.xsize, 1)
        y_ticks = np.arange(0, self.frame.ysize, 1)
        z_grid = mlab.griddata(x_values, y_values, aperture_means, x_ticks, y_ticks)

        # Set the sky frame = Frame(z_grid)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_apertures(self, aperture_centers, aperture_means):

        This function ...
        :param aperture_centers:
        :param aperture_means:

        # Inform the user"Interpolating between the mean values of each aperture to fill the sky frame ...")

        x_values = np.array([center.x for center in aperture_centers])
        y_values = np.array([center.y for center in aperture_centers])

        x_ticks = np.arange(0, self.frame.xsize, 1)
        y_ticks = np.arange(0, self.frame.ysize, 1)
        z_grid = mlab.griddata(x_values, y_values, aperture_means, x_ticks, y_ticks)

        # Set the sky frame = Frame(z_grid)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:pyDataView    作者:edwardsmith999    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def map_data_cosinetolinear(self,values_on_cosine_grid,Ny,a,b):
                Map data on a cosine grid to a linear grid 
            ycells = np.linspace(0, Ny, Ny)
            ylin = np.linspace(a, b, Ny)
            ycos = 0.5*(b+a) - 0.5*(b-a)*np.cos((ycells*np.pi)/(Ny-1))
            #plt.plot(ycos,values_on_cosine_grid,'x-',label='cosinetolinear Before')
            values_on_linear_grid = interp.griddata(ycos, values_on_cosine_grid, 
                                                    ylin, method='cubic',
            #values_on_linear_grid = interp2.map_coordinates(values_on_cosine_grid,ycos,output=ylin)
            #plt.plot(ylin,values_on_linear_grid,'o-',alpha=0.4,label='cosinetolinear After')
            return values_on_linear_grid
项目:py-model-framework    作者:dksasaki    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_in_depth(self,z,zi,Var):
        shp = Var.shape
        ndepths = z.size

        shp1= [shp[0],ndepths]

        im, zm = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shp[0]),z)
        imi, zmi = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shp[0]),zi)

        im = im.T.ravel()
        zm= zm.T.ravel()

        imi = imi.T.ravel()
        zmi= zmi.T.ravel()

        Vari = interpolate.griddata((im,zm),Var.ravel(),(imi,zmi)).reshape(shp[0],zi.size)

        return Vari
项目:Dragonfly    作者:duaneloh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def atoms_to_density_map(atoms, voxelSZ):
    (x, y, z) = atoms[:,1:4].T.copy()
    (x_min, x_max) = (x.min(), x.max())
    (y_min, y_max) = (y.min(), y.max())
    (z_min, z_max) = (z.min(), z.max())

    grid_len = max([x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min, z_max - z_min])
    R = / voxelSZ))
    if R % 2 == 0:
        R += 1
    msg = "Length of particle (voxels), %d"%(R)
    elec_den = atoms[:,0].copy()

    #x = (x-x_min)/voxelSZ
    #y = (y-y_min)/voxelSZ
    #z = (z-z_min)/voxelSZ
    x = (x-0.5*(x_max+x_min-grid_len))/voxelSZ
    y = (y-0.5*(y_max+y_min-grid_len))/voxelSZ
    z = (z-0.5*(z_max+z_min-grid_len))/voxelSZ

    bins = np.arange(R+1)
    all_bins = np.vstack((bins,bins,bins))
    coords = np.asarray([x,y,z]).T
    #(h, h_edges) = np.histogramdd(coords, bins=all_bins, weights=elec_den)
    #return h
    #return griddata(coords, elec_den, np.mgrid[0:R,0:R,0:R].T, method='linear', fill_value=0.).T
    integ = np.floor(coords)
    frac = coords - integ
    ix = integ[:,0]; iy = integ[:,1]; iz = integ[:,2]
    fx = frac[:,0]; fy = frac[:,1]; fz = frac[:,2]
    cx = 1. - fx; cy = 1. - fy; cz = 1. - fz
    h_total = np.histogramdd(np.asarray([ix,iy,iz]).T, weights=elec_den*cx*cy*cz, bins=all_bins)[0]
    h_total += np.histogramdd(np.asarray([ix,iy,iz+1]).T, weights=elec_den*cx*cy*fz, bins=all_bins)[0]
    h_total += np.histogramdd(np.asarray([ix,iy+1,iz]).T, weights=elec_den*cx*fy*cz, bins=all_bins)[0]
    h_total += np.histogramdd(np.asarray([ix,iy+1,iz+1]).T, weights=elec_den*cx*fy*fz, bins=all_bins)[0]
    h_total += np.histogramdd(np.asarray([ix+1,iy,iz]).T, weights=elec_den*fx*cy*cz, bins=all_bins)[0]
    h_total += np.histogramdd(np.asarray([ix+1,iy,iz+1]).T, weights=elec_den*fx*cy*fz, bins=all_bins)[0]
    h_total += np.histogramdd(np.asarray([ix+1,iy+1,iz]).T, weights=elec_den*fx*fy*cz, bins=all_bins)[0]
    h_total += np.histogramdd(np.asarray([ix+1,iy+1,iz+1]).T, weights=elec_den*fx*fy*fz, bins=all_bins)[0]
    return h_total
项目:pytrip    作者:pytrip    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ddd_by_energy(self, energy, points):
        """ TODO: documentation
            from scipy import interpolate
        except ImportError as e:
            logger.error("Please install scipy to be able to use spline-based interpolation")
            raise e
        ev_point = np.array([points, [energy] * len(points)])
        return interpolate.griddata(self.points, self.ddd_list, np.transpose(ev_point), method='linear')
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_interpolated(self, aperture_centers, aperture_means):

        This function ...
        :param aperture_centers:
        :param aperture_means:

        x_values = np.array([center.x for center in aperture_centers])
        y_values = np.array([center.y for center in aperture_centers])

        x_ticks = np.arange(0, self.frame.xsize, 1)
        y_ticks = np.arange(0, self.frame.ysize, 1)
        z_grid = mlab.griddata(x_values, y_values, aperture_means, x_ticks, y_ticks) = Frame(z_grid)

        from matplotlib.backends import backend_agg as agg
        from matplotlib import cm

        # plot
        #fig = Figure()  # create the figure
        fig = plt.figure()
        agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig)  # attach the rasterizer
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)  # make axes to plot on
        ax.set_title("Interpolated Contour Plot of Experimental Data")

        cmap = cm.get_cmap("hot")  # get the "hot" color map
        contourset = ax.contourf(x_ticks, y_ticks, z_grid, 10, cmap=cmap)

        cbar = fig.colorbar(contourset)
        cbar.set_ticks([0, 100])
        fig.axes[-1].set_ylabel("Z")  # last axes instance is the colorbar

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_interpolated(self, aperture_centers, aperture_means):

        This function ...
        :param aperture_centers:
        :param aperture_means:

        x_values = np.array([center.x for center in aperture_centers])
        y_values = np.array([center.y for center in aperture_centers])

        x_ticks = np.arange(0, self.frame.xsize, 1)
        y_ticks = np.arange(0, self.frame.ysize, 1)
        z_grid = mlab.griddata(x_values, y_values, aperture_means, x_ticks, y_ticks) = Frame(z_grid)

        from matplotlib.backends import backend_agg as agg
        from matplotlib import cm

        # plot
        #fig = Figure()  # create the figure
        fig = plt.figure()
        agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig)  # attach the rasterizer
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)  # make axes to plot on
        ax.set_title("Interpolated Contour Plot of Experimental Data")

        cmap = cm.get_cmap("hot")  # get the "hot" color map
        contourset = ax.contourf(x_ticks, y_ticks, z_grid, 10, cmap=cmap)

        cbar = fig.colorbar(contourset)
        cbar.set_ticks([0, 100])
        fig.axes[-1].set_ylabel("Z")  # last axes instance is the colorbar

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:flownet2-tf    作者:sampepose    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def warp_image(im, flow):
    Use optical flow to warp image to the next
    :param im: image to warp
    :param flow: optical flow
    :return: warped image
    from scipy import interpolate
    image_height = im.shape[0]
    image_width = im.shape[1]
    flow_height = flow.shape[0]
    flow_width = flow.shape[1]
    n = image_height * image_width
    (iy, ix) = np.mgrid[0:image_height, 0:image_width]
    (fy, fx) = np.mgrid[0:flow_height, 0:flow_width]
    fx += flow[:,:,0]
    fy += flow[:,:,1]
    mask = np.logical_or(fx <0 , fx > flow_width)
    mask = np.logical_or(mask, fy < 0)
    mask = np.logical_or(mask, fy > flow_height)
    fx = np.minimum(np.maximum(fx, 0), flow_width)
    fy = np.minimum(np.maximum(fy, 0), flow_height)
    points = np.concatenate((ix.reshape(n,1), iy.reshape(n,1)), axis=1)
    xi = np.concatenate((fx.reshape(n, 1), fy.reshape(n,1)), axis=1)
    warp = np.zeros((image_height, image_width, im.shape[2]))
    for i in range(im.shape[2]):
        channel = im[:, :, i]
        plt.imshow(channel, cmap='gray')
        values = channel.reshape(n, 1)
        new_channel = interpolate.griddata(points, values, xi, method='cubic')
        new_channel = np.reshape(new_channel, [flow_height, flow_width])
        new_channel[mask] = 1
        warp[:, :, i] = new_channel.astype(np.uint8)

    return warp.astype(np.uint8)
项目:pyDataView    作者:edwardsmith999    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def map_data_lineartocosine(self,values_on_linear_grid,Ny,a,b):
            Map data on a linear grid to a cosine grid 
        ycells = np.linspace(0, Ny, Ny)
        ylin = np.linspace(a, b, Ny)
        ycos = 0.5*(b+a) - 0.5*(b-a)*np.cos((ycells*np.pi)/(Ny-1))
        plt.plot(ylin,values_on_linear_grid,'o-',alpha=0.4,label='lineartocosine Before')
        values_on_cosine_grid = interp.griddata(ylin, values_on_linear_grid, 
                                                ycos, method='cubic',
        plt.plot(ycos,values_on_cosine_grid,'x-',label='lineartocosine After')
        return values_on_cosine_grid
项目:satpy    作者:pytroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_xml_array(data, low_res_coords, full_res_size):
        """Interpolate arbitrary size dataset to a full sized grid."""
        from scipy.interpolate import griddata
        grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:full_res_size[0], 0:full_res_size[1]]
        x, y = low_res_coords

        return griddata(np.vstack((np.asarray(y), np.asarray(x))).T,
                        (grid_x, grid_y),
项目:oceansdb    作者:castelao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cars_profile(filename, doy, latitude, longitude, depth):
        For now only the nearest value
        For now only for one position, not an array of positions
        longitude 0-360
    assert np.size(doy) == 1
    assert np.size(latitude) == 1
    assert np.size(longitude) == 1
    #assert np.size(depth) == 1

    assert (longitude >= 0) & (longitude <= 360)
    assert depth >= 0

    nc = netCDF4.Dataset(filename)

    t = 2 * np.pi * doy/366

    # Improve this. Optimize to get only necessary Z
    Z = slice(0, nc['depth'].size)
    I = np.absolute(nc['lat'][:] - latitude).argmin()
    J = np.absolute(nc['lon'][:] - longitude).argmin()

    # Not efficient, but it works
    assert (nc['depth'][:64] == nc['depth_ann'][:]).all()
    assert (nc['depth'][:55] == nc['depth_semiann'][:]).all()
    value = nc['mean'][:, I, J]
    value[:64] += nc['an_cos'][Z, I, J] * np.cos(t) + \
            nc['an_sin'][:, I, J] * np.sin(t)
    value[:55] += nc['sa_cos'][Z, I, J] * np.cos(2*t) + \
            nc['sa_sin'][:, I, J] * np.sin(2*t)
    value = value

    output = {'depth': np.asanyarray(depth)}
    from scipy.interpolate import griddata
    output['value'] = griddata(nc['depth'][Z], value[Z], depth)

    for v in ['std_dev']:
        output[v] = griddata(nc['depth'][Z], nc[v][Z, I, J], depth)

    return output
项目:py-model-framework    作者:dksasaki    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_coarser2finer_2D(self,x,y,xi,yi,Var,I):
        aux = np.array([Var[i[0],i[1]] for i in I]) #T in a.ann_i sites
        Vari = interpolate.griddata((x,y),aux,(xi,yi),method='linear')

        return Vari
项目:py-model-framework    作者:dksasaki    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_coarser2finer_2D_depth(self,x,y,xi,yi,Var,I):
        aux = np.array([Var[:,i[0],i[1]] for i in I]) #T in a.ann_i sites
        d   = aux.shape[1]
        Vari= np.zeros((xi.shape[0],d))
        for i in range(d):
            Vari[:,i] = interpolate.griddata((x,y),aux[:,i],(xi,yi),method='linear')

        return Vari
项目:py-model-framework    作者:dksasaki    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpola(self,x,y,xi,yi,var,ndepths):
        Vari = np.zeros((xi.shape[0],ndepths))

        for k in range(ndepths):
            Vari[:,k] = interpolate.griddata((x,y),var[k,:,:].ravel(),(xi,yi),method='nearest')
        return Vari
项目:Formation-Python    作者:TGoyallon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coupe(X, Y, Z, x, y):
    Calcule une coupe et renvoie le Z qui correspond
    z = griddata((X, Y), Z, (x, y))
    return z
项目:flownetS_tensorflow    作者:studian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def warp_image(im, flow):
    Use optical flow to warp image to the next
    :param im: image to warp
    :param flow: optical flow
    :return: warped image
    from scipy import interpolate
    image_height = im.shape[0]
    image_width = im.shape[1]
    flow_height = flow.shape[0]
    flow_width = flow.shape[1]
    n = image_height * image_width
    (iy, ix) = np.mgrid[0:image_height, 0:image_width]
    (fy, fx) = np.mgrid[0:flow_height, 0:flow_width]
    fx += flow[:,:,0]
    fy += flow[:,:,1]
    mask = np.logical_or(fx <0 , fx > flow_width)
    mask = np.logical_or(mask, fy < 0)
    mask = np.logical_or(mask, fy > flow_height)
    fx = np.minimum(np.maximum(fx, 0), flow_width)
    fy = np.minimum(np.maximum(fy, 0), flow_height)
    points = np.concatenate((ix.reshape(n,1), iy.reshape(n,1)), axis=1)
    xi = np.concatenate((fx.reshape(n, 1), fy.reshape(n,1)), axis=1)
    warp = np.zeros((image_height, image_width, im.shape[2]))
    for i in range(im.shape[2]):
        channel = im[:, :, i]
        plt.imshow(channel, cmap='gray')
        values = channel.reshape(n, 1)
        new_channel = interpolate.griddata(points, values, xi, method='cubic')
        new_channel = np.reshape(new_channel, [flow_height, flow_width])
        new_channel[mask] = 1
        warp[:, :, i] = new_channel.astype(np.uint8)

    return warp.astype(np.uint8)
项目:Ship    作者:jarlekramer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, A, h, alpha, CL, CD, rho, smoothing=0, k_spline=3):
        self.A   = A
        self.h   = h
        self.Asp = 2*self.h**2/self.A

        self.rho = rho

        # Input lift and drag data
        self.n     = len(alpha)
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.CL    = CL
        self.CD    = CD

        self.k_spline = k_spline

        # -------- Spline interpolation -----------------------------
        if len(self.alpha.shape) == 1:
            self.interpolationMethod = 'spline'
            self.nrControlParameters = 1
            self.CL_spline = interpolate.splrep(self.alpha, self.CL, s=smoothing, k=self.k_spline)
            self.CD_spline = interpolate.splrep(self.alpha, self.CD, s=smoothing, k=self.k_spline)
        elif len(self.alpha.shape) == 2:
            self.interpolationMethod = 'griddata'
            self.nrControlParameters = 2
            self.CL_RbfModel = interpolate.Rbf(self.alpha[:, 0],self.alpha[:, 1], self.CL, smooth=smoothing)
            self.CD_RbfModel = interpolate.Rbf(self.alpha[:, 0],self.alpha[:, 1], self.CD, smooth=smoothing)
项目:Ship    作者:jarlekramer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CLCD(self, alpha):
        if self.interpolationMethod == 'spline':
            CL = interpolate.splev(alpha, self.CL_spline)
            CD = interpolate.splev(alpha, self.CD_spline)
        elif self.interpolationMethod == 'Rbf':
            CL = self.CL_RbfModel(alpha[0], alpha[1])
            CD = self.CD_RbfModel(alpha[0], alpha[1])
        elif self.interpolationMethod == 'griddata':
            CL = interpolate.griddata(self.alpha, self.CL, alpha)
            CD = interpolate.griddata(self.alpha, self.CD, alpha)

        if self.nrControlParameters == 2:
            return float(CL), float(CD)
            return CL, CD
项目:SeisFlows_tunnel    作者:DmBorisov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mesh2grid(v, mesh):
    """ Interpolates from an unstructured coordinates (mesh) to a structured 
        coordinates (grid)
    x = mesh[:,0]
    z = mesh[:,1]
    lx = x.max() - x.min()
    lz = z.max() - z.min()
    nn = v.size

    nx = np.around(np.sqrt(nn*lx/lz))
    nz = np.around(np.sqrt(nn*lz/lx))
    dx = lx/nx
    dz = lz/nz

    # construct structured grid
    x = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), nx)
    z = np.linspace(z.min(), z.max(), nz)
    X, Z = np.meshgrid(x, z)
    grid = stack(X.flatten(), Z.flatten())

    # interpolate to structured grid
    V = _interp.griddata(mesh, v, grid, 'linear')

    # workaround edge issues
    if np.any(np.isnan(V)):
        W = _interp.griddata(mesh, v, grid, 'nearest')
        for i in np.where(np.isnan(V)):
            V[i] = W[i]

    V = np.reshape(V, (nz, nx))
    return V, grid
项目:SeisFlows_tunnel    作者:DmBorisov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def grid2mesh(V, grid, mesh):
    """ Interpolates from structured coordinates (grid) to unstructured 
        coordinates (mesh)
    return _interp.griddata(grid, V.flatten(), mesh, 'linear')
项目:ChainConsumer    作者:Samreay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dic(self):
        r""" Returns the corrected Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) for all chains loaded into ChainConsumer.

        If a chain does not have a posterior, this method will return `None` for that chain. **Note that
        the DIC metric is only valid on posterior surfaces which closely resemble multivariate normals!**
        Formally, we follow Liddle (2007) and first define *Bayesian complexity* as

        .. math::
            p_D = \bar{D}(\theta) - D(\bar{\theta}),

        where :math:`D(\theta) = -2\ln(P(\theta)) + C` is the deviance, where :math:`P` is the posterior
        and :math:`C` a constant. From here the DIC is defined as

        .. math::
            DIC \equiv D(\bar{\theta}) + 2p_D = \bar{D}(\theta) + p_D.

            A list of all the DIC values - one per chain, in the order in which the chains were added.

        [1] Andrew R. Liddle, "Information criteria for astrophysical model selection", MNRAS (2007)
        dics = []
        dics_bool = []
        for i, chain in enumerate(self.parent.chains):
            p = chain.posterior
            if p is None:
                self._logger.warn("You need to set the posterior for chain %s to get the DIC" %
                num_params = chain.chain.shape[1]
                means = np.array([np.average(chain.chain[:, ii], weights=chain.weights) for ii in range(num_params)])
                d = -2 * p
                d_of_mean = griddata(chain.chain, d, means, method='nearest')[0]
                mean_d = np.average(d, weights=chain.weights)
                p_d = mean_d - d_of_mean
                dic = mean_d + p_d
        if len(dics) > 0:
            dics -= np.min(dics)
        dics_fin = []
        i = 0
        for b in dics_bool:
            if not b:
                i += 1
        return dics_fin
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_timeslice_single(vis: Visibility, model: Image, predict=predict_2d_base, **kwargs) -> Visibility:
    """ Predict using a single time slices.

    This fits a single plane and corrects the image geometry.

    :param vis: Visibility to be predicted
    :param model: model image
    :return: resulting visibility (in place works)
    log.debug("predict_timeslice_single: predicting using single time slice")

    inchan, inpol, ny, nx = model.shape['vis'] *= 0.0

    if not isinstance(vis, Visibility):
        avis = coalesce_visibility(vis, **kwargs)
        avis = vis

    # Fit and remove best fitting plane for this slice
    avis, p, q = fit_uvwplane(avis, remove=False)

    # Calculate nominal and distorted coordinate systems. We will convert the model
    # from nominal to distorted before predicting.
    workimage = copy_image(model)

    # Use griddata to do the conversion. This could be improved. Only cubic is possible in griddata.
    # The interpolation is ok for invert since the image is smooth but for clean images the
    # interpolation is particularly poor, leading to speckle in the residual image.
    lnominal, mnominal, ldistorted, mdistorted = lm_distortion(model, -p, -q)
    for chan in range(inchan):
        for pol in range(inpol):
  [chan, pol, ...] = \
                griddata((mnominal.flatten(), lnominal.flatten()),
               [chan, pol, ...].flatten(),
                         xi=(mdistorted.flatten(), ldistorted.flatten()),
                         rescale=True).reshape([chan, pol, ...].shape)

    vis = predict(vis, workimage, **kwargs)

    return vis
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def invert_timeslice_single(vis: Visibility, im: Image, dopsf, normalize=True, **kwargs) -> (Image, numpy.ndarray):
    """Process single time slice

    Extracted for re-use in parallel version
    :param vis: Visibility to be inverted
    :param im: image template (not changed)
    :param dopsf: Make the psf instead of the dirty image
    :param normalize: Normalize by the sum of weights (True)
    inchan, inpol, ny, nx = im.shape

    if not isinstance(vis, Visibility):
        avis = coalesce_visibility(vis, **kwargs)
        avis = vis

    log.debug("invert_timeslice_single: inverting using single time slice")

    avis, p, q = fit_uvwplane(avis, remove=False)

    workimage, sumwt = invert_2d_base(avis, im, dopsf, normalize=normalize, **kwargs)

    finalimage = create_empty_image_like(im)

    # Use griddata to do the conversion. This could be improved. Only cubic is possible in griddata.
    # The interpolation is ok for invert since the image is smooth.

    # Calculate nominal and distorted coordinates. The image is in distorted coordinates so we
    # need to convert back to nominal
    lnominal, mnominal, ldistorted, mdistorted = lm_distortion(workimage, -p, -q)

    for chan in range(inchan):
        for pol in range(inpol):
  [chan, pol, ...] = \
                griddata((mdistorted.flatten(), ldistorted.flatten()),
               [chan, pol, ...].flatten(),
                         xi=(mnominal.flatten(), lnominal.flatten()),
                         rescale=True).reshape([chan, pol, ...].shape)

    return finalimage, sumwt
项目:pytrip    作者:pytrip    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ddd_grid(self, energy_list, n):
        """ TODO: documentation
        energy = []
        dist = []
        data = []

        ddd_e = self.ddd.keys()
        ddd_e = sorted(ddd_e)

        for e in energy_list:
            idx = np.where((np.array(ddd_e) >= e))[0][0] - 1

            d_lower = self.ddd[ddd_e[idx]]
            d_upper = self.ddd[ddd_e[idx + 1]]

            lower_idx = np.where(max(d_lower[1, :]) == d_lower[1, :])[0][0]
            upper_idx = np.where(max(d_upper[1, :]) == d_upper[1, :])[0][0]

            offset = 1 / (ddd_e[idx + 1] - ddd_e[idx]) * (e - ddd_e[idx + 1])
            x_offset = (d_upper[0, upper_idx] - d_lower[0, lower_idx]) * offset
            y_offset = 1 + (1 - d_upper[1, upper_idx] / d_lower[1, lower_idx]) * offset

            depth = d_upper[0, :] + x_offset
            ddd = d_upper[1, :] * y_offset
            xi = np.linspace(0, depth[-1], n)
            spl = RegularInterpolator(x=depth, y=ddd)
            energy.extend([e] * n)

        out = [dist, energy, data]
        return np.reshape(np.transpose(out), (len(energy_list), n, 3))

        # TODO why it is not used ?
        # ddd_list = []
        # energy = []
        # dist = []
        # point = []
        # for e in energy_list:
        #     dist.extend(np.linspace(0, self.get_dist(e), n))
        #     energy.extend([e] * n)
        # point.append(dist)
        # point.append(energy)
        # data = interpolate.griddata(self.points,
        #                             self.ddd_list,
        #                             np.transpose(point),
        #                             method='linear')
        # out = [dist, energy, data]
        # return np.reshape(np.transpose(out), (len(energy_list), n, 3))
项目:PyFRAP    作者:alexblaessle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeInterpolatedSolutionToImg(self,vals,roi=None,method='linear',res=None):

        """Interpolates solution back onto 2D image.

        Uses ``scipy.interpolate.griddata``, see also

        If ``roi`` is specified, will only interpolate nodes of this ROI. 

        For more details about interpolation methods, check out .

        Keyword Args:
            vals (numpy.ndarray): Solution to be interpolated.
            roi (pyfrp.subclasses.pyfrp_ROI.ROI): A PyFRAP ROI.
            method (str): Interpolation method.
            fillVal (float): Value applied outside of ROI.
            res (int): Resolution of resulting images in pixels.

            tuple: Tuple containing:

                * X (numpy.ndarray): Meshgrid x-coordinates.
                * Y (numpy.ndarray): Meshgrid y-coordinates.
                * interpIC (numpy.ndarray): Interpolated solution.


        #Get image resolution and center of geometry
        if res==None:

        #Build Empty Img

        #Get cellcenters
        ##print x
        ##print y
        ##print z
        ##print roi.meshIdx
        #print max(roi.meshIdx)
        #print len(x)

        if roi!=None:


        return X,Y,interpIC
项目:marvin    作者:sdss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findClosestVector(point, arr_shape=None, pixel_shape=None, xyorig=None):
    Finds the closest vector of array coordinates (x, y) from an input vector of pixel coordinates (x, y).

        point : tuple
            Original point of interest in pixel units, order of (x,y)
        arr_shape : tuple
            Shape of data array in (x,y) order
        pixel_shape : tuple
            Shape of image in pixels in (x,y) order
        xyorig : str
            Indicates the origin point of coordinates.  Set to "relative" switches to an array coordinate
            system relative to galaxy center.  Default is absolute array coordinates (x=0, y=0) = upper left corner

        minind : tuple
            A tuple of array coordinates in x, y order

    # set as numpy arrays
    arr_shape = np.array(arr_shape, dtype=int)
    pixel_shape = np.array(pixel_shape, dtype=int)

    # compute midpoints
    xmid, ymid = arr_shape/2
    xpixmid, ypixmid = pixel_shape/2

    # default absolute array coordinates
    xcoords = np.array([0, arr_shape[0]], dtype=int)
    ycoords = np.array([0, arr_shape[1]], dtype=int)

    # split x,y coords and pixel coords
    x1, x2 = xcoords
    y1, y2 = ycoords
    xpix, ypix = pixel_shape

    # build interpolates between array coordinates and pixel coordinates
    points = [[x1, y1], [x1, y2], [xmid, ymid], [x2, y1], [x2, y2]]
    values = [[0, ypix], [0, 0], [xpixmid, ypixmid], [xpix, ypix], [xpix, 0]]  # full image
    # values = [[xpixmid-xmid, ypixmid+ymid], [xpixmid-xmid, ypixmid-ymid], [xpixmid, ypixmid], [xpixmid+xmid, ypixmid+ymid], [xpixmid+xmid, ypixmid-ymid]]  # pixels based on arr_shape
    #values = [[xpixmid-x2, ypixmid+y2], [xpixmid-x2, ypixmid-y2], [xpixmid, ypixmid], [xpixmid+x2, ypixmid+y2], [xpixmid+x2, ypixmid-y2]]  # pixels based on arr_shape

    # make 2d array of array indices in absolute or (our) relative coordindates
    arrinds = np.mgrid[x1:x2, y1:y2].swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(0, 1)
    # interpolate a new 2d pixel coordinate array
    final = griddata(points, values, arrinds)

    # find minimum array vector closest to input coordinate point
    diff = np.abs(point - final)
    prod = diff[:, :, 0]*diff[:, :, 1]
    minind = np.unravel_index(prod.argmin(), arr_shape)

    # toggle relative array coordinates
    if xyorig in ['relative', 'center']:
        minind = np.array(minind, dtype=int)
        xmin = minind[0] - xmid
        ymin = ymid - minind[1]
        minind = (xmin, ymin)

    return minind
项目:SCaIP    作者:simonsfoundation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_missing_data(Y):
    Interpolate any missing data using nearest neighbor interpolation.
    Missing data is identified as entries with values NaN
    Y   np.ndarray (3D)
        movie, raw data in 3D format (d1 x d2 x T)

    Y   np.ndarray (3D)
        movie, data with interpolated entries (d1 x d2 x T)
    coor list
        list of interpolated coordinates
    if np.any(np.isnan(Y)):
        raise Exception('The algorithm has not been tested with missing values (NaNs). Remove NaNs and rerun the algorithm.')
        # need to
        for idx,row in enumerate(Y):
            Y[idx,nans]=np.interp(nans, n_nans, row[n_nans])

#    mis_data = np.isnan(Y)
#    coor = mis_data.nonzero()
#    ok_data = ~mis_data
#    coor_ok = ok_data.nonzero()
#    Yvals=[np.where(np.isnan(Y)) for row in Y]
#    Yvals = griddata(coor_ok,Y[coor_ok],coor,method='nearest')
#    un_t = np.unique(coor[-1])
#    coorx = []
#    coory = []
#    Yvals = []
#    for i, unv in enumerate(un_t):
#        tm = np.where(coor[-1]==unv)
#        coorx.append(coor[0][tm].tolist())
#        coory.append(coor[1][tm].tolist())
#        Yt = Y[:,:,unv]
#        ok = ~np.isnan(Yt)
#        coor_ok = ok.nonzero()
#        ytemp = griddata(coor_ok,Yt[coor_ok],(coor[0][tm],coor[1][tm]),method='nearest')
#        Yvals.append(ytemp)

    return Y, coor

项目:oceansdb    作者:castelao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate(self, lat, lon, var):
        """ Interpolate each var on the coordinates requested


        subset, dims = self.crop(lat, lon, var)

        if np.all([y in dims['lat'] for y in lat]) & \
                np.all([x in dims['lon'] for x in lon]):
                    yn = np.nonzero([y in lat for y in dims['lat']])[0]
                    xn = np.nonzero([x in lon for x in dims['lon']])[0]
                    output = {}
                    for v in subset:
                        # output[v] = subset[v][dn, zn, yn, xn]
                        # Seriously that this is the way to do it?!!??
                        output[v] = subset[v][:, xn][yn]
                    return output

        # The output coordinates shall be created only once.
        points_out = []
        for latn in lat:
            for lonn in lon:
                points_out.append([latn, lonn])
        points_out = np.array(points_out)

        output = {}
        for v in var:
            output[v] = ma.masked_all(
                    (lat.size, lon.size),

            # The valid data
            idx = np.nonzero(~ma.getmaskarray(subset[v]))

            if idx[0].size > 0:
                points = np.array([
                    dims['lat'][idx[0]], dims['lon'][idx[1]]]).T
                values = subset[v][idx]

                # Interpolate along the dimensions that have more than one
                #   position, otherwise it means that the output is exactly
                #   on that coordinate.
                ind = np.array(
                        [np.unique(points[:, i]).size > 1 for i in
                assert ind.any()

                values_out = griddata(
                        np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(points[:, ind])),
                        np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(points_out[:, ind]))

                # Remap the interpolated value back into a 4D array
                idx = np.isfinite(values_out)
                for [y, x], out in zip(points_out[idx], values_out[idx]):
                    output[v][y==lat, x==lon] = out

        return output
项目:wradlib    作者:wradlib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cart2irregular_interp(cartgrid, values, newgrid, **kwargs):
    Interpolate array ``values`` defined by cartesian coordinate array
    ``cartgrid`` to new coordinates defined by ``newgrid`` using
    nearest neighbour, linear or cubic interpolation

    .. versionadded:: 0.6.0

    Slow for large arrays

    Keyword arguments are fed to :func:`scipy:scipy.interpolate.griddata`

    cartgrid : numpy ndarray
        3 dimensional array (nx, ny, lon/lat) of floats;
    values : numpy 2d-array
        2 dimensional array (nx, ny) of data values
    newgrid : numpy ndarray
        Nx2 dimensional array (..., lon/lat) of floats
    kwargs : :func:`scipy:scipy.interpolate.griddata`

    interp : numpy ndarray
        array with interpolated values of size N

    # TODO: dimension checking

    newshape = newgrid.shape[:-1]

    cart_arr = cartgrid.reshape(-1, cartgrid.shape[-1])
    new_arr = newgrid.reshape(-1, newgrid.shape[-1])

    if values.ndim > 1:
        values = values.ravel()

    interp = griddata(cart_arr, values, new_arr, **kwargs)
    interp = interp.reshape(newshape)

    return interp
项目:opensbli    作者:opensbli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_error(degree, simulation_index, number_of_points):
    # Number of grid points. This is assumed to be the same in the x and y directions.
    nx = number_of_points
    ny = number_of_points  

    # Number of halo nodes at each end
    halo = degree/2

    # Read in the simulation output
    path = "./mms_%d_%d/mms_%d_%d_opsc_code/" % (degree, simulation_index, degree, simulation_index)
    dump = glob.glob(path + "/mms_*.h5")
    if not dump or len(dump) > 1:
        print "Error: No dump file found, or more than one dump file found."
    f = h5py.File(dump[-1], 'r')
    group = f["mms_%d_%d_block" % (degree, simulation_index)]

    # Get the numerical solution field
    phi = group["phi"].value

    # Ignore the 2 halo nodes at the left (and bottom) end of the domain. Include one strip of halo points at the right (and top) of the domain to enforce periodicity in the solution field plot.
    phi = phi[halo:nx+halo+1, halo:ny+halo+1]
    print phi.shape

    # Grid spacing. Note: The length of the domain is divided by nx (or ny) and not nx-1 (or ny-1) because of the periodicity. In total we have nx+1 points, but we only solve nx points; the (nx+1)-th point is set to the same value as the 0-th point to give a full period, to save computational effort.
    dx = (2.0*pi)/(nx)
    dy = (2.0*pi)/(ny)

    # Coordinate arrays. 
    x = numpy.zeros((nx+1)*(ny+1)).reshape((nx+1, ny+1))
    y = numpy.zeros((nx+1)*(ny+1)).reshape((nx+1, ny+1))

    phi_analytical = numpy.zeros((nx+1)*(ny+1)).reshape((nx+1, ny+1))

    # Compute the error by first interpolating the numerical and analytical results onto a much finer grid of points and computing the L2 norm of the absolute difference.
    grid_points = []
    grid_numerical = []
    grid_analytical = []
    target_grid_x, target_grid_y = numpy.mgrid[0:2*pi:32j, 0:2*pi:32j]
    for i in range(0, nx+1):
        for j in range(0, ny+1):
            # Work out the x and y coordinates. Note the swapping of the 'j' and 'i' here.
            x[i,j] = j*dx
            y[i,j] = i*dy
            grid_points.append([x[i,j], y[i,j]])
            phi_analytical[i,j] = sin(x[i,j])*cos(y[i,j])

    grid_points = numpy.array(grid_points)
    grid_numerical = numpy.array(grid_numerical)
    grid_analytical = numpy.array(grid_analytical)
    interpolated_numerical = griddata(grid_points, grid_numerical, (target_grid_x, target_grid_y), method='nearest')
    interpolated_analytical = griddata(grid_points, grid_analytical, (target_grid_x, target_grid_y), method='nearest')

    # Only plot phi for the 6th order simulations.
    if degree == 12:
        plot_phi(simulation_index, phi, phi_analytical)

    return numpy.linalg.norm(abs(interpolated_numerical - interpolated_analytical), ord=2)
项目:WellApplication    作者:inkenbrandt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nwis_heat_map(self):
        from scipy.interpolate import griddata
        import as cm
        import matplotlib as mpl

        meth = 'linear'  # 'nearest'

        data =

        if isinstance(data.index, pd.core.index.MultiIndex):
            data.index = data.index.droplevel(0)

        x = data.index.dayofyear
        y = data.index.year
        z = data.value.values

        xi = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 1000)
        yi = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), 1000)
        zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method=meth)

        cmap ='RdYlBu')
        norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=z.min(), vmax=z.max())
        #norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=0.1, vmax=100000)
        m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)

        br = plt.contourf(xi, yi, zi, color=m.to_rgba(z), cmap=cmap)
        # setup the colorbar

        cbar = plt.colorbar(m)
        cbar.set_label('Discharge (cfs)')

        plt.yticks(range(y.min(), y.max()))

        mons = {'Apr': 90.25, 'Aug': 212.25, 'Dec': 334.25, 'Feb': 31, 'Jan': 1, 'Jul': 181.25, 'Jun': 151.25,
                'Mar': 59.25, 'May': 120.25,
                'Nov': 304.25, 'Oct': 273.25, 'Sep': 243.25}
        monnms = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']

        tickplc = []
        plt.xticks([mons[i] for i in monnms], monnms)