Python scipy.interpolate 模块,RegularGridInterpolator() 实例源码


项目:MOSFiT    作者:guillochon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialize module."""
        super(Engine, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._wants_dense = True
        barnes_v = np.asarray([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        barnes_M = np.asarray([1.e-3, 5.e-3, 1.e-2, 5.e-2])
        barnes_a = np.asarray([[2.01, 4.52, 8.16], [0.81, 1.9, 3.2], [
                              0.56, 1.31, 2.19], [.27, .55, .95]])
        barnes_b = np.asarray([[0.28, 0.62, 1.19], [0.19, 0.28, 0.45], [
                              0.17, 0.21, 0.31], [0.10, 0.13, 0.15]])
        barnes_d = np.asarray([[1.12, 1.39, 1.52], [0.86, 1.21, 1.39], [
                              0.74, 1.13, 1.32], [0.6, 0.9, 1.13]])

        self.therm_func_a = RegularGridInterpolator(
            (barnes_M, barnes_v), barnes_a, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
        self.therm_func_b = RegularGridInterpolator(
            (barnes_M, barnes_v), barnes_b, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
        self.therm_func_d = RegularGridInterpolator(
            (barnes_M, barnes_v), barnes_d, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
项目:gridded    作者:NOAA-ORR-ERD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_var_to_points(self,
        points = np.asarray(points, dtype=np.float64)
        just_one = (points.ndim == 1)
        points = points.reshape(-1, 2)
        if slices is not None:
            variable = variable[slices]
        x = self.node_lon if variable.shape[0] == len(self.node_lon) else self.node_lat
        y = self.node_lat if x is self.node_lon else self.node_lon
        interp_func = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y), variable, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
        if x is self.node_lon:
            vals = interp_func(points, method=method)
            vals = interp_func(points[:,::-1], method=method)
        if just_one:
            return vals[0]
            return vals
项目:prysm    作者:brandondube    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uniform_cart_to_polar(x, y, data):
    ''' Interpolates data uniformly sampled in cartesian coordinates to polar

        x (`numpy.ndarray`): sorted 1D array of x sample pts.

        y (`numpy.ndarray`): sorted 1D array of y sample pts.

        data (`numpy.ndarray`): data sampled over the (x,y) coordinates.

        `tuple` containing:
            `numpy.ndarray`: rho samples for interpolated values.

            `numpy.ndarray`: phi samples for interpolated values.

            `numpy.ndarray`: data uniformly sampled in (rho,phi).

        Assumes data is sampled along x = [-1,1] and y = [-1,1] over a square grid.

    # create a set of polar coordinates to interpolate onto
    xmax = x[-1]
    num_pts = len(x)
    rho = np.linspace(0, xmax, num_pts / 2)
    phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, num_pts)
    rv, pv = np.meshgrid(rho, phi)

    # map points to x, y and make a grid for the original samples
    xv, yv = polar_to_cart(rv, pv)

    # interpolate the function onto the new points
    f = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((x, y), data)
    return rho, phi, f((xv, yv), method='linear')
项目:prysm    作者:brandondube    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resample_2d_complex(array, sample_pts, query_pts):
    ''' Resamples a 2D complex array by interpolating the magnitude and phase
        independently and merging the results into a complex value.

        array (numpy.ndarray): complex 2D array.

        sample_pts (tuple): pair of numpy.ndarray objects that contain the x and y sample locations,
            each array should be 1D.

        query_pts (tuple): points to interpolate onto, also 1D for each array.

        numpy.ndarray array resampled onto query_pts via bivariate spline

    xq, yq = np.meshgrid(*query_pts)
    mag = abs(array)
    phase = np.angle(array)

    magfunc = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator(sample_pts, mag)
    phasefunc = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator(sample_pts, phase)

    interp_mag = magfunc((yq, xq))
    interp_phase = phasefunc((yq, xq))

    return interp_mag * exp(1j * interp_phase)
项目:prysm    作者:brandondube    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_interp_function(self):
        '''Generates an interpolation function for this instance of MTF, used to
            procure MTF at exact frequencies.`


            :class:`MTF`, this instance of an MTF object.

        if not hasattr(self, 'interpf'):
            self.interpf = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((self.unit_x, self.unit_y),

        return self
项目:prysm    作者:brandondube    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, r_psf, g_psf, b_psf):
        ''' Creates a new `RGBPSF` instance.

            r_psf (`PSF`): PSF for the red channel.

            g_psf (`PSF`): PSF for the green channel.

            b_psf (`PSF`): PSF for the blue channel.

            RGBPSF: A new `RGBPSF` instance.

        if np.array_equal(r_psf.unit_x, g_psf.unit_x) and \
           np.array_equal(g_psf.unit_x, b_psf.unit_x) and \
           np.array_equal(r_psf.unit_y, g_psf.unit_y) and \
           np.array_equal(g_psf.unit_y, b_psf.unit_y):
            # do not need to interpolate the arrays
            self.R =
            self.G =
            self.B =
            # need to interpolate the arrays.  Blue tends to be most densely
            # sampled, use it to define our grid
            self.B =

            xv, yv = np.meshgrid(b_psf.unit_x, b_psf.unit_y)
            interpf_r = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((r_psf.unit_y, r_psf.unit_x),
            interpf_g = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((g_psf.unit_y, g_psf.unit_x),
            self.R = interpf_r((yv, xv), method='linear')
            self.G = interpf_g((yv, xv), method='linear')

        self.sample_spacing = b_psf.sample_spacing
        self.samples_x = b_psf.samples_x
        self.samples_y = b_psf.samples_y
        self.unit_x = b_psf.unit_x
        self.unit_y = b_psf.unit_y
        self.center_x = b_psf.center_x
        self.center_y = b_psf.center_y
项目:BAG_framework    作者:ucb-art    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, points, values, delta_list, extrapolate=False):
        # type: (Sequence[np.multiarray.ndarray], np.multiarray.ndarray, List[float], bool) -> None
        input_range = [(pvec[0], pvec[-1]) for pvec in points]
        DiffFunction.__init__(self, input_range, delta_list=delta_list)
        self._points = points
        self._extrapolate = extrapolate = interp.RegularGridInterpolator(points, values, method='linear',
                                                  bounds_error=not extrapolate,
项目:pyDataView    作者:edwardsmith999    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def field_interpolator(self, celldata):

        #Need to turn off bounds errors and fill values to allow extrapolation
        fn = RegularGridInterpolator((self.grid[0], self.grid[1], self.grid[2]),
                                     celldata, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)

        return fn
项目:optimize-stencil    作者:Ablinne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def omega_interp(self, parameters):
        omega =
        kappa = self.kappamesh
        kx, ky, kz = kmesh = self.kmesh
        k = self.k
        #print(omega, self.dks)
        vgs = np.gradient(omega, *self.dks, edge_order=2)
        vg = np.sqrt(sum(vgc**2 for vgc in vgs))
        vg[:3,:3,:3] = 1
        omega_interp = spinterp.RegularGridInterpolator((kx[:,0,0], ky[0,:,0], kz[0,0,:]), omega)
        vph_interp = spinterp.RegularGridInterpolator((kx[:,0,0], ky[0,:,0], kz[0,0,:]), vg)
        return omega_interp, vph_interp
项目:prysm    作者:brandondube    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, psfs, weights=None):
        ''' Creates a new :class:`MultispectralPSF` instance.

            psfs (iterable): iterable of PSFs.

            weights (iterable): iterable of weights associated with each PSF.

            MultispectralPSF.  A new `MultispectralPSF`.

        if weights is None:
            weights = [1] * len(psfs)

        # find the most densely sampled PSF
        min_spacing = 1e99
        ref_idx = None
        ref_unit_x = None
        ref_unit_y = None
        ref_samples_x = None
        ref_samples_y = None
        for idx, psf in enumerate(psfs):
            if psf.sample_spacing < min_spacing:
                min_spacing = psf.sample_spacing
                ref_idx = idx
                ref_unit_x = psf.unit_x
                ref_unit_y = psf.unit_y
                ref_samples_x = psf.samples_x
                ref_samples_y = psf.samples_y

        merge_data = np.zeros((ref_samples_x, ref_samples_y, len(psfs)))
        for idx, psf in enumerate(psfs):
            # don't do anything to our reference PSF
            if idx is ref_idx:
                merge_data[:, :, idx] = * weights[idx]
                xv, yv = np.meshgrid(ref_unit_x, ref_unit_y)
                interpf = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((psf.unit_x, psf.unit_y),
                merge_data[:, :, idx] = interpf((xv, yv), method='linear') * weights[idx]

        self.weights = weights
        super().__init__(merge_data.sum(axis=2), min_spacing)
项目:seis_tools    作者:romaguir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_dna13(plot_3d=False):
   f = np.loadtxt(DNAFILE,skiprows=1)

   rad = f[:,0]
   theta = f[:,1]
   phi = f[:,2]
   dvp = f[:,3]
   dvsh = f[:,4]
   dvsv = f[:,5]

   #Determine topology (model is defined on a regular grid)
   radmin = np.min(rad)
   radmax = np.max(rad)
   drad = np.max(np.diff(rad))
   rad_axis = np.arange(radmin,radmax+drad,drad)
   thetamin = np.min(theta) #latitude
   thetamax = np.max(theta)
   dtheta = np.max(np.diff(theta))
   theta_axis = np.arange(thetamin,thetamax+dtheta,dtheta)
   phimin = np.min(phi)
   phimax = np.max(phi)
   dphi = np.max(np.diff(phi))
   phi_axis = np.arange(phimin,phimax+dphi,dphi)

   dvp_array = np.reshape(dvp,(len(rad_axis),len(theta_axis),len(phi_axis)),order='F')
   dvsh_array = np.reshape(dvsh,(len(rad_axis),len(theta_axis),len(phi_axis)),order='F')
   dvsv_array = np.reshape(dvsv,(len(rad_axis),len(theta_axis),len(phi_axis)),order='F')
   #note, order = 'F' means that the inner loop is the first index (i.e., radius loops fastest)

   #plot ?
   if plot_3d:
      dvp_3d = models_3d.model_3d(radmin = radmin,radmax=radmax+drad,drad=drad,
                                  latmin = thetamin, latmax = thetamax, dlat = dtheta,
                                  lonmin = phimin, lonmax = phimax, dlon = dphi) = dvp_array

   interp_dvp3d = RegularGridInterpolator(points = (rad_axis,theta_axis,phi_axis),
                                          values = dvp_array,
                                          fill_value = 0)
   interp_dvsh3d = RegularGridInterpolator(points = (rad_axis,theta_axis,phi_axis),
                                           values = dvsh_array,
                                           fill_value = 0)
   interp_dvsv3d = RegularGridInterpolator(points = (rad_axis,theta_axis,phi_axis),
                                           values = dvsv_array,
                                           fill_value = 0)

   return interp_dvp3d,interp_dvsh3d,interp_dvsv3d
项目:seis_tools    作者:romaguir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_station_delays(event_map,stations,lats_i,lons_i,**kwargs):
   takes an event delay map and interpolates station delays

   event_map: delay time map for the specified earthquake
   stations: either an array of [lats,lons] or an obspy network.  if using an
             an obspy network, set the kwarg 'obspy_network' to True
   lats_i: the latitudes used in creating the event map
   lons_i: the longitudes used in creating the event map

   obspy_network: True if 'stations' is an obspy network object.  (default False)
   pass_figure_axis: Set to true if you wish to supply an axis for plotting
   figure_axis: the axis to plot on
   obspy_network = kwargs.get('obspy_network',False)
   pass_figure_axis = kwargs.get('pass_figure_axis',False)
   figure_axis = kwargs.get('figure_axis','none')

   if obspy_network:
      lats = []
      lons = []
      for station in stations:
      lons = stations[0,:]
      lats = stations[1,:]

   #delay_interpolator = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((lons_i,lats_i),event_map)

   #RM 3/31/17: I changed removed the bounds error on the interpolator...
   #            This is dangerous and I'm not sure how things will be effected.
   #            This is for preliminary testing of the Pacific array geometry
   delay_interpolator = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((lons_i,lats_i),event_map,
   station_delays = delay_interpolator((lats,lons))

   if pass_figure_axis:
      lons_bsmp, lats_bsmp = figure_axis(lons,lats)

   return station_delays
项目:seis_tools    作者:romaguir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_station_delays(event_map,stations,lats_i,lons_i,**kwargs):
   takes an event delay map and interpolates station delays

   event_map: delay time map for the specified earthquake
   stations: either an array of [lats,lons] or an obspy network.  if using an
             an obspy network, set the kwarg 'obspy_network' to True
   lats_i: the latitudes used in creating the event map
   lons_i: the longitudes used in creating the event map

   obspy_network: True if 'stations' is an obspy network object.  (default False)
   pass_figure_axis: Set to true if you wish to supply an axis for plotting
   figure_axis: the axis to plot on
   obspy_network = kwargs.get('obspy_network',False)
   pass_figure_axis = kwargs.get('pass_figure_axis',False)
   figure_axis = kwargs.get('figure_axis','none')

   if obspy_network:
      lats = []
      lons = []
      for station in stations:
      lons = stations[0,:]
      lats = stations[1,:]

   #delay_interpolator = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((lons_i,lats_i),event_map)

   #RM 3/31/17: I changed removed the bounds error on the interpolator...
   #            This is dangerous and I'm not sure how things will be effected.
   #            This is for preliminary testing of the Pacific array geometry
   delay_interpolator = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((lons_i,lats_i),event_map,
   station_delays = delay_interpolator((lats,lons))

   if pass_figure_axis:
      lons_bsmp, lats_bsmp = figure_axis(lons,lats)

   return station_delays