Python setuptools.command.install 模块,install() 实例源码


项目:flanders    作者:bast    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_cmake():
    Runs CMake to determine configuration for this build.
    if _spawn.find_executable('cmake') is None:
        print("CMake is required to build this package.")
        print("Please install/load CMake and re-run setup.")

    _build_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'build')

        _spawn.spawn(['cmake', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release', '-DENABLE_OPENMP=True', '..'])
    except _spawn.DistutilsExecError:
        print("Error while running CMake")
项目:PyMiniRacer    作者:sqreen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_extension(self, ext):
        """ Compile manually the py_mini_racer extension, bypass setuptools
            if not is_v8_built():

            self.debug = True
            if V8_PATH:
                dest_filename = join(self.build_lib, "py_mini_racer")
                copy_file(V8_PATH, dest_filename, verbose=self.verbose, dry_run=self.dry_run)
                build_ext.build_extension(self, ext)

        except Exception as e:
            # Alter message
            err_msg = """py_mini_racer failed to build, ensure you have an up-to-date pip (>= 8.1) to use the wheel instead
            To update pip: 'pip install -U pip'
            See also:

            Original error: %s"""

            raise Exception(err_msg % repr(e))
项目:ml-utils    作者:LinxiFan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_requires():
    DEPRECATED: dependency_links doesn't work
    Enables both "pytorch>=0.2" and "git+ssh://..." style links to work
    You can list both in requirements.txt, which is not supposed to be the same
    as listing requires in
    Don't forget to append "#egg=pytorch-0.2" to the end of the github src link
    Turns out that as well as a dependency_links line, we also need to add the
    name of the package in the install_requires line
    reqs = read('requirements.txt').splitlines()
    install_requires = []
    dependency_links = []
    for req in reqs:
        if 'git+' in req or '://' in req:
    return install_requires, dependency_links
项目:zq    作者:vulogov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_cmake(arg=""):
    Forcing to run cmake
    if ds.find_executable('cmake') is None:
        print "CMake  is required to build zql"
        print "Please install cmake version >= 2.8 and re-run setup"

    print "Configuring zql build with CMake.... "
    cmake_args = arg
        build_dir = op.join(op.split(__file__)[0], 'build')
        ds.spawn(['cmake', '..'] + cmake_args.split())
        ds.spawn(['make', 'clean'])
    except ds.DistutilsExecError:
        print "Error while running cmake"
        print "run ' build --help' for build options"
        print "You may also try editing the settings in CMakeLists.txt file and re-running setup"
项目:kytos    作者:kytos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        """Install the package in install mode.

        super().run() does not install dependencies when running
        ``python install`` (pypa/setuptools#456).
        if 'bdist_wheel' in sys.argv:
            # do not use eggs, but wheels
            # force install of deps' eggs during install
        self.generate_file_from_template(TEMPLATE_FILES, BASE_ENV,
        # data_files is not enough when installing from PyPI
        for file in ETC_FILES:
            shutil.copy2(file, Path(BASE_ENV) / file)

项目:osrs-lightbox-solver    作者:subjectivelyobjective    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
            cmd = "which scrot"
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
            if proc.returncode != 0:
                print("Did not find scrot! You might have to install it "
                    "yourself to satisfy pyscreenshot.")
        if not sys.platform.startswith("win32"):
            # We defer to pip for *nix platforms because it actually works on
            # them.
            print("This can take a while.")
            pip.main(["install", "--user", "."])
        for mod in manual_install_modules:
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        global path, version, initVersion, forcedVersion, installVersion

        name = self.config_vars['dist_name']
        path = os.path.join(self.install_libbase, 'NeoAnalysis')
        if os.path.exists(path):
            raise Exception("It appears another version of %s is already "
                            "installed at %s; remove this before installing." 
                            % (name, path))
        print("Installing to %s" % path)
        rval =

        # If the version in __init__ is different from the automatically-generated
        # version string, then we will update __init__ in the install directory
        if initVersion == version:
            return rval

            initfile = os.path.join(path, '')
            data = open(initfile, 'r').read()
            open(initfile, 'w').write(re.sub(r"__version__ = .*", "__version__ = '%s'" % version, data))
            installVersion = version
            sys.stderr.write("Warning: Error occurred while setting version string in build path. "
                             "Installation will use the original version string "
                             "%s instead.\n" % (initVersion)
            if forcedVersion:
            installVersion = initVersion

        return rval
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        global path, version, initVersion, forcedVersion, installVersion

        name = self.config_vars['dist_name']
        path = os.path.join(self.install_libbase, 'NeoAnalysis')
        if os.path.exists(path):
            raise Exception("It appears another version of %s is already "
                            "installed at %s; remove this before installing." 
                            % (name, path))
        print("Installing to %s" % path)
        rval =

        # If the version in __init__ is different from the automatically-generated
        # version string, then we will update __init__ in the install directory
        if initVersion == version:
            return rval

            initfile = os.path.join(path, '')
            data = open(initfile, 'r').read()
            open(initfile, 'w').write(re.sub(r"__version__ = .*", "__version__ = '%s'" % version, data))
            installVersion = version
            sys.stderr.write("Warning: Error occurred while setting version string in build path. "
                             "Installation will use the original version string "
                             "%s instead.\n" % (initVersion)
            if forcedVersion:
            installVersion = initVersion

        return rval
项目:devsecops-example-helloworld    作者:boozallen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
项目:devsecops-example-helloworld    作者:boozallen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
项目:devsecops-example-helloworld    作者:boozallen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        import distutils.command.install_scripts

        if self.distribution.scripts:
            # run first to set up self.outfiles
            self.outfiles = []
        if self.no_ep:
            # don't install entry point scripts into .egg file!

        ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("egg_info")
        dist = pkg_resources.Distribution(
            pkg_resources.PathMetadata(ei_cmd.egg_base, ei_cmd.egg_info),
            ei_cmd.egg_name, ei_cmd.egg_version,
        bs_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build_scripts')
        executable = getattr(
            bs_cmd, 'executable', easy_install.sys_executable)
        is_wininst = getattr(
            self.get_finalized_command("bdist_wininst"), '_is_running', False

        if != 'nt':
            get_script_args = override_get_script_args
            get_script_args = easy_install.get_script_args
            executable = '"%s"' % executable

        for args in get_script_args(dist, executable, is_wininst):
项目:devsecops-example-helloworld    作者:boozallen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_version(package_name, pre_version=None):
    """Get the version of the project. First, try getting it from PKG-INFO or
    METADATA, if it exists. If it does, that means we're in a distribution
    tarball or that install has happened. Otherwise, if there is no PKG-INFO
    or METADATA file, pull the version from git.

    We do not support version sanity in git archive tarballs, nor do
    we support packagers directly sucking our git repo into theirs. We expect
    that a source tarball be made from our git repo - or that if someone wants
    to make a source tarball from a fork of our repo with additional tags in it
    that they understand and desire the results of doing that.

    :param pre_version: The version field from setup.cfg - if set then this
        version will be the next release.
    version = os.environ.get(
        os.environ.get("OSLO_PACKAGE_VERSION", None))
    if version:
        return version
    version = _get_version_from_pkg_metadata(package_name)
    if version:
        return version
    version = _get_version_from_git(pre_version)
    # Handle
    # version will either be an empty unicode string or a valid
    # unicode version string, but either way it's unicode and needs to
    # be encoded.
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        version = version.encode('utf-8')
    if version:
        return version
    raise Exception("Versioning for this project requires either an sdist"
                    " tarball, or access to an upstream git repository."
                    " Are you sure that git is installed?")

# This is added because pbr uses pbr to install itself. That means that
# any changes to the egg info writer entrypoints must be forward and
# backward compatible. This maintains the pbr.packaging.write_pbr_json
# path.
项目:lemongraph    作者:NationalSecurityAgency    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def keywords_with_side_effects(argv, **kwargs):
    def is_short_option(argument):
        """Check whether a command line argument is a short option."""
        return len(argument) >= 2 and argument[0] == '-' and argument[1] != '-'

    def expand_short_options(argument):
        """Expand combined short options into canonical short options."""
        return ('-' + char for char in argument[1:])

    def argument_without_setup_requirements(argv, i):
        """Check whether a command line argument needs setup requirements."""
        if argv[i] in NO_SETUP_REQUIRES_ARGUMENTS:
            # Simple case: An argument which is either an option or a command
            # which doesn't need setup requirements.
            return True
        elif (is_short_option(argv[i]) and
              all(option in NO_SETUP_REQUIRES_ARGUMENTS
                  for option in expand_short_options(argv[i]))):
            # Not so simple case: Combined short options none of which need
            # setup requirements.
            return True
        elif argv[i - 1:i] == ['--egg-base']:
            # Tricky case: --egg-info takes an argument which should not make
            # us use setup_requires (defeating the purpose of this code).
            return True
            return False

    if all(argument_without_setup_requirements(argv, i)
           for i in range(1, len(argv))):
            cmdclass = kwargs["cmdclass"]
        except KeyError:
            cmdclass = kwargs["cmdclass"] = {}
        cmdclass["build"] = DummyCFFIBuild
        cmdclass["install"] = DummyCFFIInstall

    return kwargs
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setuptools_run(self):
        """ The setuptools version of the .run() method.

        We must pull in the entire code so we can override the level used in the
        _getframe() call since we wrap this call by one more level.
        from distutils.command.install import install as distutils_install

        # Explicit request for old-style install?  Just do it
        if self.old_and_unmanageable or self.single_version_externally_managed:

        # Attempt to detect whether we were called from setup() or by another
        # command.  If we were called by setup(), our caller will be the
        # 'run_command' method in 'distutils.dist', and *its* caller will be
        # the 'run_commands' method.  If we were called any other way, our
        # immediate caller *might* be 'run_command', but it won't have been
        # called by 'run_commands'.  This is slightly kludgy, but seems to
        # work.
        caller = sys._getframe(3)
        caller_module = caller.f_globals.get('__name__', '')
        caller_name = caller.f_code.co_name

        if caller_module != 'distutils.dist' or caller_name!='run_commands':
            # We weren't called from the command line or setup(), so we
            # should run in backward-compatibility mode to support bdist_*
            # commands.
项目:eyeD3    作者:nicfit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        reqs = " ".join(["'%s'" % r for r in PKG_INFO["install_requires"]])
        os.system("pip install " + reqs)
        # XXX: py27 compatible
        return super(PipInstallCommand, self).run()
项目:RPoint    作者:george17-meet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
项目:RPoint    作者:george17-meet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
项目:flanders    作者:bast    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        _target_path = os.path.join(get_python_lib(), 'flanders')

        for f in [os.path.join('build', 'lib', ''),
                  os.path.join('build', 'include', 'flanders_export.h'),
                  os.path.join('flanders', 'flanders.h')]:
            copy2(os.path.join(cwd, f), _target_path)
项目:medaka    作者:nanoporetech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_setuptools_script_dir():
    # Run the above class just to get paths
    dist = Distribution({'cmdclass': {'install': GetPaths}})
    dist.dry_run = True
    command = dist.get_command_obj('install')

    src_dir = glob(os.path.join(dist.install_libbase, 'medaka-*', 'exes'))[0]
    for exe in (os.path.join(src_dir, x) for x in os.listdir(src_dir)):
        print("Copying", os.path.basename(exe), '->', dist.install_scripts)
        shutil.copy(exe, dist.install_scripts)
    return dist.install_libbase, dist.install_scripts
项目:inxs    作者:funkyfuture    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_lxml():
            import cython  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
            cython_was_installed = False
            pip(['install', '-v', 'cython'])
            cython_was_installed = True

        pip(['install', '-v', ''])

        if not cython_was_installed:
            pip(['uninstall', '--yes', '-v', 'cython'])
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setuptools_run(self):
        """ The setuptools version of the .run() method.

        We must pull in the entire code so we can override the level used in the
        _getframe() call since we wrap this call by one more level.
        from distutils.command.install import install as distutils_install

        # Explicit request for old-style install?  Just do it
        if self.old_and_unmanageable or self.single_version_externally_managed:

        # Attempt to detect whether we were called from setup() or by another
        # command.  If we were called by setup(), our caller will be the
        # 'run_command' method in 'distutils.dist', and *its* caller will be
        # the 'run_commands' method.  If we were called any other way, our
        # immediate caller *might* be 'run_command', but it won't have been
        # called by 'run_commands'.  This is slightly kludgy, but seems to
        # work.
        caller = sys._getframe(3)
        caller_module = caller.f_globals.get('__name__', '')
        caller_name = caller.f_code.co_name

        if caller_module != 'distutils.dist' or caller_name!='run_commands':
            # We weren't called from the command line or setup(), so we
            # should run in backward-compatibility mode to support bdist_*
            # commands.
项目:ml-utils    作者:LinxiFan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_my_command():
    global install_requires, dependency_links
    if dependency_links:
        for link in dependency_links:
            print('[custom] Install from CVS:', dependency_links)
            pc.check_output(['pip', 'install', '--upgrade', link])
项目    作者:nicfit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        reqs = " ".join(["'%s'" % r for r in PKG_INFO["install_requires"]])
        os.system("pip install " + reqs)
        # XXX: py27 compatible
        return super(PipInstallCommand, self).run()
项目    作者:nicfit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        reqs = " ".join(["'%s'" % r for r in PKG_INFO["install_requires"]])
        os.system("pip install " + reqs)
        # XXX: py27 compatible
        return super(PipInstallCommand, self).run()
项目:geonotebook    作者:OpenGeoscience    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post_install(func, **kwargs):
    def command_wrapper(command_subclass):
        # Keep a reference to the command subclasses 'run' function
        _run =

        def run(self):
  "running post install function {}".format(func.__name__))
            func(self, **kwargs) = run
        return command_subclass

    return command_wrapper
项目:geonotebook    作者:OpenGeoscience    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_kernel(cmd):
    # Install the kernel spec when we install the package
    from ipykernel import kernelspec
    from jupyter_client.kernelspec import KernelSpecManager

    kernel_name = 'geonotebook%i' % sys.version_info[0]

    path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='_kernels'), kernel_name)
    except OSError:

    kernel_dict = {
        'argv': kernelspec.make_ipkernel_cmd(mod='geonotebook'),
        'display_name': 'Geonotebook (Python %i)' % sys.version_info[0],
        'language': 'python',

    with open(os.path.join(path, 'kernel.json'), 'w') as fh:
        json.dump(kernel_dict, fh, indent=1)

    ksm = KernelSpecManager()
        path, kernel_name=kernel_name, user=False, prefix=sys.prefix)


# shamelessly taken from ipyleaflet:
# Copyright (c) 2014 Brian E. Granger
项目:geonotebook    作者:OpenGeoscience    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        has_npm = self.has_npm()
        if not has_npm:
                "`npm` unavailable.  If you're running this command using "
                "sudo, make sure `npm` is available to sudo"

        env = os.environ.copy()
        env['PATH'] = npm_path

        if self.should_run_npm_install():
                "Installing build dependencies with npm.  "
                "This may take a while..."
                ['npm', 'install'],
                cwd=node_root, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr
                "Building static assets.  "
                ['npm', 'run', 'build'],
                cwd=node_root, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr
            os.utime(self.node_modules, None)

        for t in self.targets:
            if not os.path.exists(t):
                msg = 'Missing file: %s' % t
                if not has_npm:
                    msg += '\nnpm is required to build a development version'
                raise ValueError(msg)

        # update package data in case this created new files
项目:My-Web-Server-Framework-With-Python2.7    作者:syjsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _pip_install(links, requires, root=None, option_dict=dict()):
    if options.get_boolean_option(
            option_dict, 'skip_pip_install', 'SKIP_PIP_INSTALL'):
    cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip.__init__', 'install']
    if root:
        cmd.append("--root=%s" % root)
    for link in links:

    # NOTE(ociuhandu): popen on Windows does not accept unicode strings
        cmd + requires,
        throw_on_error=True, buffer=False, env=dict(PIP_USE_WHEEL=b"true"))
项目:My-Web-Server-Framework-With-Python2.7    作者:syjsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        option_dict = self.distribution.get_option_dict('pbr')
        if (not self.single_version_externally_managed
                and self.distribution.install_requires):
                self.distribution.install_requires, self.root,

项目:My-Web-Server-Framework-With-Python2.7    作者:syjsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        if != 'nt':
            get_script_args = override_get_script_args
            get_script_args = easy_install.get_script_args

        import distutils.command.install_scripts

        if self.distribution.scripts:
            # run first to set up self.outfiles
            self.outfiles = []
        if self.no_ep:
            # don't install entry point scripts into .egg file!

        ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("egg_info")
        dist = pkg_resources.Distribution(
            pkg_resources.PathMetadata(ei_cmd.egg_base, ei_cmd.egg_info),
            ei_cmd.egg_name, ei_cmd.egg_version,
        bs_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build_scripts')
        executable = getattr(
            bs_cmd, 'executable', easy_install.sys_executable)
        is_wininst = getattr(
            self.get_finalized_command("bdist_wininst"), '_is_running', False
        for args in get_script_args(dist, executable, is_wininst):
项目:My-Web-Server-Framework-With-Python2.7    作者:syjsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_version(package_name, pre_version=None):
    """Get the version of the project. First, try getting it from PKG-INFO, if
    it exists. If it does, that means we're in a distribution tarball or that
    install has happened. Otherwise, if there is no PKG-INFO file, pull the
    version from git.

    We do not support version sanity in git archive tarballs, nor do
    we support packagers directly sucking our git repo into theirs. We expect
    that a source tarball be made from our git repo - or that if someone wants
    to make a source tarball from a fork of our repo with additional tags in it
    that they understand and desire the results of doing that.
    version = os.environ.get(
        os.environ.get("OSLO_PACKAGE_VERSION", None))
    if version:
        return version
    version = _get_version_from_pkg_info(package_name)
    if version:
        return version
    version = _get_version_from_git(pre_version)
    # Handle
    # version will either be an empty unicode string or a valid
    # unicode version string, but either way it's unicode and needs to
    # be encoded.
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        version = version.encode('utf-8')
    if version:
        return version
    raise Exception("Versioning for this project requires either an sdist"
                    " tarball, or access to an upstream git repository."
                    " Are you sure that git is installed?")

# This is added because pbr uses pbr to install itself. That means that
# any changes to the egg info writer entrypoints must be forward and
# backward compatible. This maintains the pbr.packaging.write_pbr_json
# path.
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setuptools_run(self):
        """ The setuptools version of the .run() method.

        We must pull in the entire code so we can override the level used in the
        _getframe() call since we wrap this call by one more level.
        from distutils.command.install import install as distutils_install

        # Explicit request for old-style install?  Just do it
        if self.old_and_unmanageable or self.single_version_externally_managed:

        # Attempt to detect whether we were called from setup() or by another
        # command.  If we were called by setup(), our caller will be the
        # 'run_command' method in 'distutils.dist', and *its* caller will be
        # the 'run_commands' method.  If we were called any other way, our
        # immediate caller *might* be 'run_command', but it won't have been
        # called by 'run_commands'.  This is slightly kludgy, but seems to
        # work.
        caller = sys._getframe(3)
        caller_module = caller.f_globals.get('__name__', '')
        caller_name = caller.f_code.co_name

        if caller_module != 'distutils.dist' or caller_name!='run_commands':
            # We weren't called from the command line or setup(), so we
            # should run in backward-compatibility mode to support bdist_*
            # commands.
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setuptools_run(self):
        """ The setuptools version of the .run() method.

        We must pull in the entire code so we can override the level used in the
        _getframe() call since we wrap this call by one more level.
        from distutils.command.install import install as distutils_install

        # Explicit request for old-style install?  Just do it
        if self.old_and_unmanageable or self.single_version_externally_managed:

        # Attempt to detect whether we were called from setup() or by another
        # command.  If we were called by setup(), our caller will be the
        # 'run_command' method in 'distutils.dist', and *its* caller will be
        # the 'run_commands' method.  If we were called any other way, our
        # immediate caller *might* be 'run_command', but it won't have been
        # called by 'run_commands'.  This is slightly kludgy, but seems to
        # work.
        caller = sys._getframe(3)
        caller_module = caller.f_globals.get('__name__', '')
        caller_name = caller.f_code.co_name

        if caller_module != 'distutils.dist' or caller_name!='run_commands':
            # We weren't called from the command line or setup(), so we
            # should run in backward-compatibility mode to support bdist_*
            # commands.
项目:MishMash    作者:nicfit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        reqs = " ".join(["'%s'" % r for r in PKG_INFO["install_requires"]])
        os.system("pip install " + reqs)
        # XXX: py27 compatible
        return super(PipInstallCommand, self).run()
项目:zq    作者:vulogov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        if not posixpath.exists("src/"):
        ds.spawn(['make', 'install'])
        #self.distribution.ext_modules = get_ext_modules()
项目:pomoxis    作者:nanoporetech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_setuptools_script_dir():
    # Run the above class just to get paths
    dist = Distribution({'cmdclass': {'install': GetPaths}})
    dist.dry_run = True
    command = dist.get_command_obj('install')

    src_dir = glob(os.path.join(dist.install_libbase, 'pomoxis-*', 'exes'))[0]
    for exe in (os.path.join(src_dir, x) for x in os.listdir(src_dir)):
        print("Copying", os.path.basename(exe), '->', dist.install_scripts)
        shutil.copy(exe, dist.install_scripts)
    return dist.install_libbase, dist.install_scripts
项目:ray    作者:ray-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        subprocess.check_call(["cp", "build/plasma_store",
        subprocess.check_call(["cp", "build/plasma_manager",
        subprocess.check_call(["cmake", ".."], cwd="./build")
        subprocess.check_call(["make", "install"], cwd="./build")
        # Calling does not fetch required packages
        # and instead performs an old-style install. See command/ in
        # setuptools. So, calling do_egg_install() manually here.
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setuptools_run(self):
        """ The setuptools version of the .run() method.

        We must pull in the entire code so we can override the level used in the
        _getframe() call since we wrap this call by one more level.
        from distutils.command.install import install as distutils_install

        # Explicit request for old-style install?  Just do it
        if self.old_and_unmanageable or self.single_version_externally_managed:

        # Attempt to detect whether we were called from setup() or by another
        # command.  If we were called by setup(), our caller will be the
        # 'run_command' method in 'distutils.dist', and *its* caller will be
        # the 'run_commands' method.  If we were called any other way, our
        # immediate caller *might* be 'run_command', but it won't have been
        # called by 'run_commands'.  This is slightly kludgy, but seems to
        # work.
        caller = sys._getframe(3)
        caller_module = caller.f_globals.get('__name__', '')
        caller_name = caller.f_code.co_name

        if caller_module != 'distutils.dist' or caller_name!='run_commands':
            # We weren't called from the command line or setup(), so we
            # should run in backward-compatibility mode to support bdist_*
            # commands.
项目:kytos    作者:kytos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _install_deps_wheels():
        """Python wheels are much faster (no compiling)."""
        print('Installing dependencies...')
        check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-r',
项目:kytos    作者:kytos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_pid_folder():
        """Create the folder in /var/run to hold the pidfile."""
        pid_folder = os.path.join(BASE_ENV, 'var/run/kytos')
        os.makedirs(pid_folder, exist_ok=True)
        if BASE_ENV == '/':  # system install
            os.chmod(pid_folder, 0o1777)  # permissions like /tmp
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setuptools_run(self):
        """ The setuptools version of the .run() method.

        We must pull in the entire code so we can override the level used in the
        _getframe() call since we wrap this call by one more level.
        from distutils.command.install import install as distutils_install

        # Explicit request for old-style install?  Just do it
        if self.old_and_unmanageable or self.single_version_externally_managed:

        # Attempt to detect whether we were called from setup() or by another
        # command.  If we were called by setup(), our caller will be the
        # 'run_command' method in 'distutils.dist', and *its* caller will be
        # the 'run_commands' method.  If we were called any other way, our
        # immediate caller *might* be 'run_command', but it won't have been
        # called by 'run_commands'.  This is slightly kludgy, but seems to
        # work.
        caller = sys._getframe(3)
        caller_module = caller.f_globals.get('__name__', '')
        caller_name = caller.f_code.co_name

        if caller_module != 'distutils.dist' or caller_name!='run_commands':
            # We weren't called from the command line or setup(), so we
            # should run in backward-compatibility mode to support bdist_*
            # commands.
项目:inspire-schemas    作者:inspirehep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # install is not a new class object, we can't use super
        return, *args, **kwargs)
项目:Hawkeye    作者:tozhengxq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
项目:Hawkeye    作者:tozhengxq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
项目:Hawkeye    作者:tozhengxq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        import distutils.command.install_scripts

        if self.distribution.scripts:
            # run first to set up self.outfiles
            self.outfiles = []
        if self.no_ep:
            # don't install entry point scripts into .egg file!

        ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("egg_info")
        dist = pkg_resources.Distribution(
            pkg_resources.PathMetadata(ei_cmd.egg_base, ei_cmd.egg_info),
            ei_cmd.egg_name, ei_cmd.egg_version,
        bs_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build_scripts')
        executable = getattr(
            bs_cmd, 'executable', easy_install.sys_executable)
        is_wininst = getattr(
            self.get_finalized_command("bdist_wininst"), '_is_running', False

        if != 'nt':
            get_script_args = override_get_script_args
            get_script_args = easy_install.get_script_args
            executable = '"%s"' % executable

        for args in get_script_args(dist, executable, is_wininst):
项目:Hawkeye    作者:tozhengxq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_version(package_name, pre_version=None):
    """Get the version of the project. First, try getting it from PKG-INFO or
    METADATA, if it exists. If it does, that means we're in a distribution
    tarball or that install has happened. Otherwise, if there is no PKG-INFO
    or METADATA file, pull the version from git.

    We do not support version sanity in git archive tarballs, nor do
    we support packagers directly sucking our git repo into theirs. We expect
    that a source tarball be made from our git repo - or that if someone wants
    to make a source tarball from a fork of our repo with additional tags in it
    that they understand and desire the results of doing that.

    :param pre_version: The version field from setup.cfg - if set then this
        version will be the next release.
    version = os.environ.get(
        os.environ.get("OSLO_PACKAGE_VERSION", None))
    if version:
        return version
    version = _get_version_from_pkg_metadata(package_name)
    if version:
        return version
    version = _get_version_from_git(pre_version)
    # Handle
    # version will either be an empty unicode string or a valid
    # unicode version string, but either way it's unicode and needs to
    # be encoded.
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        version = version.encode('utf-8')
    if version:
        return version
    raise Exception("Versioning for this project requires either an sdist"
                    " tarball, or access to an upstream git repository."
                    " Are you sure that git is installed?")

# This is added because pbr uses pbr to install itself. That means that
# any changes to the egg info writer entrypoints must be forward and
# backward compatible. This maintains the pbr.packaging.write_pbr_json
# path.
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setuptools_run(self):
        """ The setuptools version of the .run() method.

        We must pull in the entire code so we can override the level used in the
        _getframe() call since we wrap this call by one more level.
        from distutils.command.install import install as distutils_install

        # Explicit request for old-style install?  Just do it
        if self.old_and_unmanageable or self.single_version_externally_managed:

        # Attempt to detect whether we were called from setup() or by another
        # command.  If we were called by setup(), our caller will be the
        # 'run_command' method in 'distutils.dist', and *its* caller will be
        # the 'run_commands' method.  If we were called any other way, our
        # immediate caller *might* be 'run_command', but it won't have been
        # called by 'run_commands'.  This is slightly kludgy, but seems to
        # work.
        caller = sys._getframe(3)
        caller_module = caller.f_globals.get('__name__', '')
        caller_name = caller.f_code.co_name

        if caller_module != 'distutils.dist' or caller_name!='run_commands':
            # We weren't called from the command line or setup(), so we
            # should run in backward-compatibility mode to support bdist_*
            # commands.
项目:RPoint    作者:george17-meet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_version(package_name, pre_version=None):
    """Get the version of the project.

    First, try getting it from PKG-INFO or METADATA, if it exists. If it does,
    that means we're in a distribution tarball or that install has happened.
    Otherwise, if there is no PKG-INFO or METADATA file, pull the version
    from git.

    We do not support version sanity in git archive tarballs, nor do
    we support packagers directly sucking our git repo into theirs. We expect
    that a source tarball be made from our git repo - or that if someone wants
    to make a source tarball from a fork of our repo with additional tags in it
    that they understand and desire the results of doing that.

    :param pre_version: The version field from setup.cfg - if set then this
        version will be the next release.
    version = os.environ.get(
        os.environ.get("OSLO_PACKAGE_VERSION", None))
    if version:
        return version
    version = _get_version_from_pkg_metadata(package_name)
    if version:
        return version
    version = _get_version_from_git(pre_version)
    # Handle
    # version will either be an empty unicode string or a valid
    # unicode version string, but either way it's unicode and needs to
    # be encoded.
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        version = version.encode('utf-8')
    if version:
        return version
    raise Exception("Versioning for this project requires either an sdist"
                    " tarball, or access to an upstream git repository."
                    " It's also possible that there is a mismatch between"
                    " the package name in setup.cfg and the argument given"
                    " to pbr.version.VersionInfo. Project name {name} was"
                    " given, but was not able to be found.".format(

# This is added because pbr uses pbr to install itself. That means that
# any changes to the egg info writer entrypoints must be forward and
# backward compatible. This maintains the pbr.packaging.write_pbr_json
# path.