Python talib 模块,CCI 实例源码


项目:dash-technical-charting    作者:plotly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_CCI(self, timeperiod=14,
            type='line', color='secondary', **kwargs):
    """Channel Commodity Index."""

    if not (self.has_high and self.has_low and self.has_close):
        raise Exception()

    utils.kwargs_check(kwargs, VALID_TA_KWARGS)
    if 'kind' in kwargs:
        type = kwargs['kind']

    name = 'CCI({})'.format(str(timeperiod))
    self.sec[name] = dict(type=type, color=color)
    self.ind[name] = talib.CCI(self.df[self.hi].values,
项目:quant    作者:yutiansut    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CCI(security_list, timeperiod=14):
    # ????????????
    if isinstance(security_list, str):
        security_list = [security_list]
    # ?? CCI
    cci = {}
    for stock in security_list:
        security_data = attribute_history(
            stock, timeperiod * 2, '1d', ['close', 'high', 'low'], df=False)
        close_CCI = security_data['close']
        high_CCI = security_data['high']
        low_CCI = security_data['low']
        cci[stock] = talib.CCI(high_CCI, low_CCI, close_CCI, timeperiod)
    return cci

项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_data(stick_code,ktype='D'):
    # ktype in ('D','W','M')
    global df
    db = m_db2()
        if ktype == 'D':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_d where code = '"+stick_code+"'  and date > '2015-09-01';")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'W':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_w where code = '"+stick_code+"'  ;")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'M':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_m where code = '" + stick_code + "'  ;")  # and date>'2015-05-01'

    except Exception as e:
    df['cci'] = ta.CCI(df['high'].values.astype('double'),df['low'].values.astype('double'),df['close'].values.astype('double'))
    df['diff'],df['dea'],df['macd'] = ta.MACD(df['close'].values.astype('double'),fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
    df['obv'] = ta.OBV(df['close'].values.astype('double'),df['vol'].values.astype('double'))
    df['volma20'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 20);
    df['MA20'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 20)
    df['MA60'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 60)
    return   df
# draw
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_data(stick_code,ktype='D',today=''):
    # ktype in ('D','W','M')
    if '' == today:
        today ='%Y-%m-%d')
#        begindate = - datetime.timedelta(days=13)

    global df
    db = m_db2()
        if ktype == 'D':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_d where code = '"+stick_code+"'  and date > '2015-09-01' and date <='"+today+"' order by date asc;")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'W':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_w where code = '"+stick_code+"'  ;")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'M':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_m where code = '" + stick_code + "'  ;")  # and date>'2015-05-01'

    except Exception as e:
    df['cci'] = ta.CCI(df['high'].values.astype('double'),df['low'].values.astype('double'),df['close'].values.astype('double'))
    df['diff'],df['dea'],df['macd'] = ta.MACD(df['close'].values.astype('double'),fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
    df['obv'] = ta.OBV(df['close'].values.astype('double'),df['vol'].values.astype('double'))
    df['volma13'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 13);
    df['volma20'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 20);
    df['volma34'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 34);
    df['MA20'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 20)
    df['MA60'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 60)
    df['MA5'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 5)
    df['MA13'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 13)
    df['MA34'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 34)
    df['MA89'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 89)
    df['MA144'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 144)
    return   df
# draw
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_data(stick_code,ktype='D'):
    # ktype in ('D','W','M')
    global df
    db = m_db2()
        if ktype == 'D':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_d where code = '"+stick_code+"'  and date > '2015-09-01';")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'W':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_w where code = '"+stick_code+"'  ;")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'M':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_m where code = '" + stick_code + "'  ;")  # and date>'2015-05-01'

    except Exception as e:
    df['cci'] = ta.CCI(df['high'].values.astype('double'),df['low'].values.astype('double'),df['close'].values.astype('double'))
    df['diff'],df['dea'],df['macd'] = ta.MACD(df['close'].values.astype('double'),fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
    df['obv'] = ta.OBV(df['close'].values.astype('double'),df['vol'].values.astype('double'))
    df['volma20'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 20);
    df['MA20'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 5)

    #i= ta.CDLCONCEALBABYSWALL(df['open'].values.astype('double'),df['high'].values.astype('double'),
    #                       df['low'].values.astype('double'),df['close'].values.astype('double'),)
    return  df
# draw
项目:pyktrader2    作者:harveywwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CCI(df, n):
    PP = (df['high'] + df['low'] + df['close']) / 3
    CCI = pd.Series((PP - pd.rolling_mean(PP, n)) / pd.rolling_std(PP, n) / 0.015, name = 'CCI' + str(n))
    return CCI
项目:pyktrader2    作者:harveywwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cci(df, n):
    real = talib.CCI(df['high'][(-n-1):], df['low'][(-n-1):], df['close'][(-n-1):], timeperiod=n)
    df['CCI' + str(n)][-1] = real[-1]

#Coppock Curve
项目:zStock    作者:superxhy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CCI_CN(high, low, close, timeperiod=14) :
        len1 = len(high)
        len2 = len(low)
        len3 = len(close)
        if len1 != len2 or len1 != len3:
            print ("CCI_CN input invalid for len:%s %s %s " %(str(len1),str(len2),str(len3)))
            return np.array(np.nan)
        cci = tl.CCI(high, low, close, timeperiod=timeperiod)
        return cci

项目:zStock    作者:superxhy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CCI_DAY(self, context, security, data={}, ref=0):
        CCI = self.CCI_DATA_DAY(context, security, data, ref+1)
        if np.isnan(CCI[-1]):
            return 0
        return CCI[-1-ref]
项目:zStock    作者:superxhy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CCI_DATA(self, context, security, freq = 'D', data={}, dataCount=1):
        #sma target round2
        precision = 14
        high, low, close = self.GET_PERIOD_DATA(context, security, freq, data, dataCount+precision)
        if np.isnan(close[-1]):
            return np.array([np.nan])
        CCI = self.CCI_CN(high, low, close)
        if len(CCI) > precision:
            CCI = CCI[-dataCount:]
            #print "security:%s no len data precison %s" %(str(security), len(CCI))
        CCI = np.array([float(decimal.Decimal(s).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.00'))) for s in CCI])
        return CCI
项目:futuquant    作者:FutunnOpen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cci(self, n, array=False):
        result = talib.CCI(self.high, self.low, self.close, n)
        if array:
            return result
        return result[-1]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:StockPredictor    作者:wallsbreaker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_indicator(stock_df):
    periods = [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60]
    # MA
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['MA' + str(period)] = talib.MA(stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # EMA
    periods = [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60]
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['EMA' + str(period)] = talib.EMA(stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # AMTMA
    periods = [5, 10, 20]
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['AMTMA' + str(period)] = talib.MA(stock_df['amount'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # ATR
    periods = [5, 10, 20]
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['ATR' + str(period)] = talib.ATR(stock_df['high'].values, stock_df['low'].values,
                                                  stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # ADX
    period = 14
    stock_df['ADX' + str(period)] = talib.ADX(stock_df['high'].values, stock_df['low'].values,
                                              stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # MACD
    stock_df['MACD_DIFF'], stock_df['MACD_DEA'], stock_df['MACD_HIST'] = talib.MACD(
        stock_df['close'].values, fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)

    # CCI
    period = 14
    stock_df['CCI' + str(period)] = talib.CCI(stock_df['high'].values, stock_df['low'].values,
                                              stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # MFI
    period = 14
    stock_df['MFI' + str(period)] = talib.MFI(stock_df['high'].values, stock_df['low'].values,
                                              stock_df['close'].values, stock_df['volume'].values,

    # ROCP
    periods = [5, 10, 20]
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['ROCP' + str(period)] = talib.ROCP(stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)
项目:StockPredictor    作者:wallsbreaker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_indicator(stock_df):
    periods = [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60]
    # MA
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['MA' + str(period)] = talib.MA(stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # EMA
    periods = [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60]
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['EMA' + str(period)] = talib.EMA(stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # AMTMA
    periods = [5, 10, 20]
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['AMTMA' + str(period)] = talib.MA(stock_df['amount'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # ATR
    periods = [5, 10, 20]
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['ATR' + str(period)] = talib.ATR(stock_df['high'].values, stock_df['low'].values,
                                                  stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # ADX
    period = 14
    stock_df['ADX' + str(period)] = talib.ADX(stock_df['high'].values, stock_df['low'].values,
                                              stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # MACD
    stock_df['MACD_DIFF'], stock_df['MACD_DEA'], stock_df['MACD_HIST'] = talib.MACD(
        stock_df['close'].values, fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)

    # CCI
    period = 14
    stock_df['CCI' + str(period)] = talib.CCI(stock_df['high'].values, stock_df['low'].values,
                                              stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)

    # MFI
    period = 14
    stock_df['MFI' + str(period)] = talib.MFI(stock_df['high'].values, stock_df['low'].values,
                                              stock_df['close'].values, stock_df['volume'].values,

    # ROCP
    periods = [5, 10, 20]
    for period in periods:
        stock_df['ROCP' + str(period)] = talib.ROCP(stock_df['close'].values, timeperiod=period)
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_data(self,stick_code, ktype='D', beginday='',endday=''):
        # ktype in ('D','W','M')
        # today='2010-01-01'
        if '' == beginday:
            begindaytmp = - datetime.timedelta(days=13)
            beginday = begindaytmp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        if '' == endday:
            endday ='%Y-%m-%d')

        df =''
            if ktype == 'D':
                df = self.get_data(
                    "select * from t_stick_data_d \
                    where code = '" + stick_code + "'  and date > '"+beginday+"' \
                    and date <='" + endday + "' order by date asc;")  # and date>'2015-05-01'
            elif ktype == 'W':
                df = self.get_data(
                    "select * from t_stick_data_w \
                    where code = '" + stick_code + "'  and date > '"+beginday+"' \
                    and date <='" + endday + "' order by date asc;")  # and date>'2015-05-01'
            elif ktype == 'M':
                df = self.get_data(
                    "select * from t_stick_data_m \
                    where code = '" + stick_code + "'  and date > '"+beginday+"' \
                    and date <='" + endday + "' order by date asc;")  # and date>'2015-05-01'

        except Exception as e:
            # print('ERR:',e)
        df['cci'] = ta.CCI(df['high'].values.astype('double'), df['low'].values.astype('double'),
        df['diff'], df['dea'], df['macd'] = ta.MACD(df['close'].values.astype('double'), fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26,
        df['obv'] = ta.OBV(df['close'].values.astype('double'), df['vol'].values.astype('double'))
        df['volma5'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 5);
        df['volma20'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 20);
        df['MA20'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 20)
        df['MA60'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 60)
        df['cwbili'] = 0
        df['pricebili'] = 0
        return df
# xx=m_db2();
# df=xx.pre_data('000157',ktype='W')
# print(df)
# xx.insert_data('t_stick_data_m_test',df.head(20).as_matrix())
# xx.commit()
项目:mosquito    作者:miti0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_features(df):
        Method which calculates and generates features
        close = df['close'].values
        high = df['high'].values
        low = df['low'].values
        volume = df['volume'].values
        last_row = df.tail(1).copy()

        # ************** Calc EMAs
        ema_periods = [2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
        for ema_period in ema_periods:
            ema = talib.EMA(close[-ema_period:], timeperiod=ema_period)[-1]
            last_row['ema' + str(ema_period)] = ema

        # ************** Calc RSIs
        rsi_periods = [5]
        for rsi_period in rsi_periods:
            rsi = talib.RSI(close[-rsi_period:], timeperiod=rsi_period-1)[-1]
            last_row['rsi' + str(rsi_period)] = rsi
            last_row['rsi_above_50' + str(rsi_period)] = int(rsi > 50.0)

        # ************** Calc CCIs
        cci_periods = [5]
        for cci_period in cci_periods:
            cci = talib.CCI(high[-cci_period:],
            last_row['cci' + str(cci_period)] = cci

        # ************** Calc MACD 1
        macd_periods = [34]
        for macd_period in macd_periods:
            macd, macd_signal, _ = talib.MACD(close[-macd_period:],
            macd = macd[-1]
            signal_line = macd_signal[-1]
            last_row['macd_above_signal' + str(macd_period)] = int(macd > signal_line)
            last_row['macd_above_zero' + str(macd_period)] = int(macd > 0.0)

        # ************** Calc OBVs
        obv_periods = [2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
        for obv_period in obv_periods:
            obv = talib.OBV(close[-obv_period:], volume[-obv_period:])[-1]
            last_row['obv' + str(obv_period)] = obv

        return last_row
项目:mosquito    作者:miti0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_features(df):
        Method which calculates and generates features
        close = df['close'].values
        high = df['high'].values
        low = df['low'].values
        volume = df['volume'].values
        last_row = df.tail(1).copy()

        # ************** Calc EMAs
        ema_periods = [2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
        for ema_period in ema_periods:
            ema = talib.EMA(close[-ema_period:], timeperiod=ema_period)[-1]
            last_row['ema' + str(ema_period)] = ema

        # ************** Calc RSIs
        rsi_periods = [5]
        for rsi_period in rsi_periods:
            rsi = talib.RSI(close[-rsi_period:], timeperiod=rsi_period-1)[-1]
            last_row['rsi' + str(rsi_period)] = rsi
            last_row['rsi_above_50' + str(rsi_period)] = int(rsi > 50.0)

        # ************** Calc CCIs
        cci_periods = [5]
        for cci_period in cci_periods:
            cci = talib.CCI(high[-cci_period:],
            last_row['cci' + str(cci_period)] = cci

        # ************** Calc MACD 1
        macd_periods = [34]
        for macd_period in macd_periods:
            macd, macd_signal, _ = talib.MACD(close[-macd_period:],
            macd = macd[-1]
            signal_line = macd_signal[-1]
            last_row['macd_above_signal' + str(macd_period)] = int(macd > signal_line)
            last_row['macd_above_zero' + str(macd_period)] = int(macd > 0.0)

        # ************** Calc OBVs
        obv_periods = [2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
        for obv_period in obv_periods:
            obv = talib.OBV(close[-obv_period:], volume[-obv_period:])[-1]
            last_row['obv' + str(obv_period)] = obv

        return last_row