def __init__(self, master, arg_PinList=[('',0)]): print 'init' strFont= 'Arial' self.__myfont12 = tkFont.Font(family=strFont, size=12) self.__myfont12_Bold = tkFont.Font(family=strFont, size=12, weight= tkFont.BOLD) self.__myfont10 = tkFont.Font(family=strFont, size=10) self.__myfont10_Bold = tkFont.Font(family=strFont, size=10, weight= tkFont.BOLD) self.__PinList= arg_PinList self.__MaxRow= 7 self.__CurrentRow= len(arg_PinList) self.__CurGridRow= self.__CurrentRow self.__NumberList= range(0, self.__MaxRow+1) self.__entries_Func= [0] self.__entries_PinNumb= [0] self.__btns_clear=[0] #self.master= master tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, master, "Peripherals") # ########################################
def SetFontSample(self, event=None): fontName = self.fontName.get() fontWeight = tkFont.BOLD if self.fontBold.get() else tkFont.NORMAL newFont = (fontName, self.fontSize.get(), fontWeight) self.labelFontSample.config(font=newFont) self.textHighlightSample.configure(font=newFont)
def SetFontSample(self,event=None): fontName=self.fontName.get() if self.fontBold.get(): fontWeight=tkFont.BOLD else: fontWeight=tkFont.NORMAL newFont = (fontName, self.fontSize.get(), fontWeight) self.labelFontSample.config(font=newFont) self.textHighlightSample.configure(font=newFont)
def interface(): global root global c global ballplay_enable root.title("Game Interface") c.pack() c.create_rectangle(0,0,510,290, fill = "#00BCD4", outline = "") c.create_rectangle(0,0, 510,30, fill = "#4682B4", outline = "") c.create_rectangle(10, 40, 35, 44, fill = "#F5F5F5", outline = "") c.create_rectangle(10, 47, 35, 51, fill = "#F5F5F5", outline = "") c.create_rectangle(10, 54, 35, 58, fill = "#F5F5F5", outline = "") c.create_oval(330,240,430,340, fill = "#FF4081", outline = "") c.create_line(330, 290, 430, 290, fill = "white") font1 = tkFont.Font(size = 28, family = "Roboto", weight = tkFont.BOLD, overstrike = 0) font2 = tkFont.Font(family = 'Roboto',size = 13) c.create_text(235, 150, text = "Bouncing Ball",font = font1, fill = "white") c.create_text(235, 180, text = "Powered by Python", font = font2, fill = "#B2EBF2") c.create_text(235, 360, text = "Copyright©(2016)Gao Chao\n\nchoose the mode to start", font = font2, fill = "#B6B6B6") c.create_text(380, 275, text = "Mode-1",font = font2, fill= "white") c.create_text(380, 305, text = "Mode-2",font = font2, fill= "white") c.bind("<Button-1>", out) sb = [] for i in range(5): sb.append(c.create_oval(15 * i, 435, 15 * i + 10, 445, fill = "#00BCD4", outline = "")) x = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45] speed = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #ball play image while ballplay_enable == 0: for i in range(5): speed[i] = (abs(250 - x[i]) + 200) / 35 x[i] += speed[i] c.move(sb[i], speed[i], 0) c.update() if x[0] > 480: for i in range(5): c.delete(sb[i]) for i in range(5): sb[i] = c.create_oval(15 * i,435,15 * i + 10,445, fill = "#00BCD4", outline = "") x = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45] sleep(0.04) root.mainloop()