Python utils 模块,re_subm() 实例源码


项目:bokken    作者:thestr4ng3r    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in mapping:
            if isinstance(what, application):
                if value.startswith(pat):
                    f = lambda: self._delegate_sub_application(pat, what)
                    return f, None
            elif isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in mapping:
            if isinstance(what, application):
                if value.startswith(pat):
                    f = lambda: self._delegate_sub_application(pat, what)
                    return f, None
            elif isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in mapping:
            if isinstance(what, application):
                if value.startswith(pat):
                    f = lambda: self._delegate_sub_application(pat, what)
                    return f, None
            elif isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:cosa-nostra    作者:joxeankoret    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in mapping:
            if isinstance(what, application):
                if value.startswith(pat):
                    f = lambda: self._delegate_sub_application(pat, what)
                    return f, None
            elif isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:birdnet    作者:cyysu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in, 2):
            if isinstance(what, application):
                if value.startswith(pat):
                    f = lambda: self._delegate_sub_application(pat, what)
                    return f, None
            elif isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x and urllib.unquote(x) for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:bokken    作者:thestr4ng3r    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in mapping:
            if isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in mapping:
            if isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in mapping:
            if isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:cosa-nostra    作者:joxeankoret    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in mapping:
            if isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:birdnet    作者:cyysu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _match(self, mapping, value):
        for pat, what in, 2):
            if isinstance(what, basestring):
                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)

            if result: # it's a match
                return what, [x and urllib.unquote(x) for x in result.groups()]
        return None, None
项目:lantern-detection    作者:gongxijun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle(mapping, fvars=None):
    Call the appropriate function based on the url to function mapping in `mapping`.
    If no module for the function is specified, look up the function in `fvars`. If
    `fvars` is empty, using the caller's context.

    `mapping` should be a tuple of paired regular expressions with function name
    substitutions. `handle` will import modules as necessary.
    for url, ofno in, 2):
        if isinstance(ofno, tuple): 
            ofn, fna = ofno[0], list(ofno[1:])
            ofn, fna = ofno, []
        fn, result = utils.re_subm('^' + url + '$', ofn, web.ctx.path)
        if result: # it's a match
            if fn.split(' ', 1)[0] == "redirect":
                url = fn.split(' ', 1)[1]
                if web.ctx.method == "GET":
                    x = web.ctx.env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
                    if x: 
                        url += '?' + x
                return http.redirect(url)
            elif '.' in fn: 
                x = fn.split('.')
                mod, cls = '.'.join(x[:-1]), x[-1]
                mod = __import__(mod, globals(), locals(), [""])
                cls = getattr(mod, cls)
                cls = fn
                mod = fvars
                if isinstance(mod, types.ModuleType): 
                    mod = vars(mod)
                    cls = mod[cls]
                except KeyError: 
                    return web.notfound()

            meth = web.ctx.method
            if meth == "HEAD":
                if not hasattr(cls, meth): 
                    meth = "GET"
            if not hasattr(cls, meth): 
                return nomethod(cls)
            tocall = getattr(cls(), meth)
            args = list(result.groups())
            for d in re.findall(r'\\(\d+)', ofn):
                args.pop(int(d) - 1)
            return tocall(*([x and urllib.unquote(x) for x in args] + fna))

    return web.notfound()
项目:lantern-detection    作者:gongxijun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle(mapping, fvars=None):
    Call the appropriate function based on the url to function mapping in `mapping`.
    If no module for the function is specified, look up the function in `fvars`. If
    `fvars` is empty, using the caller's context.

    `mapping` should be a tuple of paired regular expressions with function name
    substitutions. `handle` will import modules as necessary.
    for url, ofno in, 2):
        if isinstance(ofno, tuple): 
            ofn, fna = ofno[0], list(ofno[1:])
            ofn, fna = ofno, []
        fn, result = utils.re_subm('^' + url + '$', ofn, web.ctx.path)
        if result: # it's a match
            if fn.split(' ', 1)[0] == "redirect":
                url = fn.split(' ', 1)[1]
                if web.ctx.method == "GET":
                    x = web.ctx.env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
                    if x: 
                        url += '?' + x
                return http.redirect(url)
            elif '.' in fn: 
                x = fn.split('.')
                mod, cls = '.'.join(x[:-1]), x[-1]
                mod = __import__(mod, globals(), locals(), [""])
                cls = getattr(mod, cls)
                cls = fn
                mod = fvars
                if isinstance(mod, types.ModuleType): 
                    mod = vars(mod)
                    cls = mod[cls]
                except KeyError: 
                    return web.notfound()

            meth = web.ctx.method
            if meth == "HEAD":
                if not hasattr(cls, meth): 
                    meth = "GET"
            if not hasattr(cls, meth): 
                return nomethod(cls)
            tocall = getattr(cls(), meth)
            args = list(result.groups())
            for d in re.findall(r'\\(\d+)', ofn):
                args.pop(int(d) - 1)
            return tocall(*([x and urllib.unquote(x) for x in args] + fna))

    return web.notfound()
项目:birdnet    作者:cyysu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle(mapping, fvars=None):
    Call the appropriate function based on the url to function mapping in `mapping`.
    If no module for the function is specified, look up the function in `fvars`. If
    `fvars` is empty, using the caller's context.

    `mapping` should be a tuple of paired regular expressions with function name
    substitutions. `handle` will import modules as necessary.
    for url, ofno in, 2):
        if isinstance(ofno, tuple): 
            ofn, fna = ofno[0], list(ofno[1:])
            ofn, fna = ofno, []
        fn, result = utils.re_subm('^' + url + '$', ofn, web.ctx.path)
        if result: # it's a match
            if fn.split(' ', 1)[0] == "redirect":
                url = fn.split(' ', 1)[1]
                if web.ctx.method == "GET":
                    x = web.ctx.env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
                    if x: 
                        url += '?' + x
                return http.redirect(url)
            elif '.' in fn: 
                x = fn.split('.')
                mod, cls = '.'.join(x[:-1]), x[-1]
                mod = __import__(mod, globals(), locals(), [""])
                cls = getattr(mod, cls)
                cls = fn
                mod = fvars
                if isinstance(mod, types.ModuleType): 
                    mod = vars(mod)
                    cls = mod[cls]
                except KeyError: 
                    return web.notfound()

            meth = web.ctx.method
            if meth == "HEAD":
                if not hasattr(cls, meth): 
                    meth = "GET"
            if not hasattr(cls, meth): 
                return nomethod(cls)
            tocall = getattr(cls(), meth)
            args = list(result.groups())
            for d in re.findall(r'\\(\d+)', ofn):
                args.pop(int(d) - 1)
            return tocall(*([x and urllib.unquote(x) for x in args] + fna))

    return web.notfound()