Spring Dynamic Modules -



Spring Dynamic Modules 的前身是 Spring OSGi。

Spring Dynamic Modules,让写Spring应用可以部署在一个的OSGi执行环境,而且还可以充分利用所提供的服务的OSGi框架。
Spring的支持也使的OSGi开发的OSGi应用更简单和更富有成效的基础上,易用性和力量的Spring框架。为企业级应用,结合Spring Dynamic
Modules和动态的 OSGi平台提供:

  • Better separation of application logic into modules, with runtime enforcement of module boundaries
  • The ability to deploy multiple versions of a module (or library) concurrently
  • The ability to dynamically discover and use services provided by other modules in the system
  • The ability to dynamically install, update and uninstall modules in a running system
  • Use of the Spring Framework to instantiate, configure, assemble, and decorate components within and across modules.
  • A simple and familiar programming model for enterprise developers to exploit the features of the OSGi platform.