Fix8 - C++ FIX 协议框架



Fix8 是 C++ FIX 协议框架,帮你快速开发 FIX 客户端和服务器端,可静态编译 FIX XML 模式以及快速建立基于这个 XML 的应用。

FIX 是行业驱动的消息传输标准,全程是 F inancial I
nformation e X change

If you need to add customised messages or fields, simply update the schema and
recompile. fix8 supports all FIX versions. It offers runtime custom fields and
message recycling, and incorporates lock-free queues, atomics, and many other
modern techniques. It is a complete framework, including client/server session
and connection classes, support for the standard FIX field types, a FIX
printer, and async logger, and an async message persister. It statically
supports nested components and groups. The code generated by fix8 is
statically compiled by your compiler, offering the best opportunities for
optimization. fix8 has been designed to be extended, customized, or enhanced.