Java 类android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException 实例源码

项目:android-WearAccessibilityApp    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    // Check if integer was actually given.
    if (!(getIntent().hasExtra(getString(R.string.intent_extra_image)))) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Expecting extras");

    // Grab the resource id from extras and set the image resource.
    int value = getIntent().getIntExtra(getString(R.string.intent_extra_image), 0);
    ImageView expandedImage = findViewById(;
项目:YuiHatano    文件   
public String[] getStringArray(@ArrayRes int id) throws NotFoundException {
    Map<Integer, String>      idNameMap      = getArrayIdTable();
    Map<String, List<String>> stringArrayMap = getResourceStringArrayMap();

    if (idNameMap.containsKey(id)) {
        String name = idNameMap.get(id);

        if (stringArrayMap.containsKey(name)) {
            List<String> stringList = stringArrayMap.get(name);

            return stringList.toArray(new String[0]);
    throw new Resources.NotFoundException("String array resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id));
项目:YuiHatano    文件   
public int[] getIntArray(@ArrayRes int id) throws NotFoundException {
    Map<Integer, String>       idNameMap   = getArrayIdTable();
    Map<String, List<Integer>> intArrayMap = getResourceIntArrayMap();

    if (idNameMap.containsKey(id)) {
        String name = idNameMap.get(id);

        if (intArrayMap.containsKey(name)) {
            List<Integer> intList  = intArrayMap.get(name);
            int[]         intArray = new int[intList.size()];

            for (int i = 0; i < intList.size(); i++) {
                intArray[i] = intList.get(i);

            return intArray;
    return new int[0];
项目:BBSSDK-for-Android    文件   
private Drawable resolveResource() {
    Resources rsrc = getResources();
    if (rsrc == null) {
        return null;

    Drawable d = null;

    if (nResource != 0) {
        try {
            d = rsrc.getDrawable(nResource);
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            // Don't try again.
            nResource = 0;
    return SelectableRoundedCornerDrawable.fromDrawable(d, getResources());
项目:letv    文件   
public void showToast(String resId, int duration) {
    String res = null;
    if (TextUtils.empty(resId)) {
        resId = "umgr_rcode_fail";
    try {
        res = L10NString.getString(resId);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        LOG.e(TAG, "[resId:" + resId + "] get string failed(NotFoundException)", e);
    try {
        if (!TextUtils.empty(res)) {
            ToastHelper.getInstance().shortOrLongToast((Context) this, res, duration);
    } catch (NotFoundException e2) {
        LOG.e(TAG, "[resId:" + resId + "] show toast failed(NotFoundException)", e2);
项目:ChromeLikeTabSwitcher    文件   
 * Obtains the view's background from a specific typed array.
 * @param typedArray
 *         The typed array, the background should be obtained from, as an instance of the class
 *         {@link TypedArray}. The typed array may not be null
private void obtainBackground(@NonNull final TypedArray typedArray) {
    Drawable background = typedArray.getDrawable(R.styleable.TabSwitcher_android_background);

    if (background == null) {
        try {
            background = themeHelper.getDrawable(getLayout(), R.attr.tabSwitcherBackground);
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            background = null;

    if (background != null) {
        ViewUtil.setBackground(this, background);
项目:ChromeLikeTabSwitcher    文件   
 * Returns the icon of tabs.
 * @param tab
 *         The tab, the icon should be returned for, as an instance of the class {@link Tab} or
 *         null, if the icon should not be returned for a specific tab
 * @return The icon of tabs as an instance of the class {@link Drawable} or null, if no icon is
 * set
public final Drawable getTabIcon(@Nullable final Tab tab) {
    Drawable icon = tab != null ? tab.getIcon(model.getContext()) : null;

    if (icon == null) {
        icon = model.getTabIcon();

        if (icon == null) {
            try {
                icon = themeHelper
                        .getDrawable(tabSwitcher.getLayout(), R.attr.tabSwitcherTabIcon);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                icon = null;

    return icon;
项目:ChromeLikeTabSwitcher    文件   
 * Returns the title of the toolbar, which is shown, when the tab switcher is shown. When using
 * the tablet layout, the title corresponds to the primary toolbar.
 * @return The title of the toolbar, which is shown, when the tab switcher is shown, as an
 * instance of the type {@link CharSequence} or null, if no title is set
public final CharSequence getToolbarTitle() {
    CharSequence title = model.getToolbarTitle();

    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
        try {
            title = themeHelper
                    .getText(tabSwitcher.getLayout(), R.attr.tabSwitcherToolbarTitle);
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            title = null;

    return title;
项目:ChromeLikeTabSwitcher    文件   
 * Returns the navigation icon of the toolbar, which is shown, when the tab switcher is shown.
 * When using the tablet layout, the icon corresponds to the primary toolbar.
 * @return The icon of the toolbar, which is shown, when the tab switcher is shown, as an
 * instance of the class {@link Drawable} or null, if no icon is set
public final Drawable getToolbarNavigationIcon() {
    Drawable icon = model.getToolbarNavigationIcon();

    if (icon == null) {
        try {
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            icon = null;

    return icon;
项目:ChromeLikeTabSwitcher    文件   
 * Returns the color, which corresponds to a specific theme attribute, regarding the theme,
 * which is used when using a specific layout.
 * @param layout
 *         The layout as a value of the enum {@link Layout}. The layout may not be null
 * @param resourceId
 *         The resource id of the theme attribute, the color should be obtained from, as an
 *         {@link Integer} value. The resource id must correspond to a valid theme attribute
 * @return The color, which has been obtained, as an {@link Integer} value
public int getColor(@NonNull final Layout layout, @AttrRes final int resourceId) {
    try {
        return ThemeUtil.getColor(context, resourceId);
    } catch (NotFoundException e1) {
        int themeResourceId = getThemeResourceId(layout);

        try {
            return ThemeUtil.getColor(context, themeResourceId, resourceId);
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            themeResourceId = obtainThemeFromThemeAttributes(layout, themeResourceId);
            return ThemeUtil.getColor(context, themeResourceId, resourceId);
项目:ChromeLikeTabSwitcher    文件   
 * Returns the color state list, which corresponds to a specific theme attribute, regarding the
 * theme, which is used when using a specific layout.
 * @param layout
 *         The layout as a value of the enum {@link Layout}. The layout may not be null
 * @param resourceId
 *         The resource id of the theme attribute, the color state list should be obtained from,
 *         as an {@link Integer} value. The resource id must correspond to a valid theme
 *         attribute
 * @return The color state list, which has been obtained, as an instance of the class {@link
 * ColorStateList}
public ColorStateList getColorStateList(@NonNull final Layout layout,
                                        @AttrRes final int resourceId) {
    try {
        return ThemeUtil.getColorStateList(context, resourceId);
    } catch (NotFoundException e1) {
        int themeResourceId = getThemeResourceId(layout);

        try {
            return ThemeUtil.getColorStateList(context, themeResourceId, resourceId);
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            themeResourceId = obtainThemeFromThemeAttributes(layout, themeResourceId);
            return ThemeUtil.getColorStateList(context, themeResourceId, resourceId);
项目:boohee_v5.6    文件   
private Drawable resolveResource() {
    Resources rsrc = getResources();
    if (rsrc == null) {
        return null;
    Drawable d = null;
    if (this.mResource != 0) {
        try {
            d = rsrc.getDrawable(this.mResource);
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Unable to find resource: " + this.mResource, e);
            this.mResource = 0;
    return SelectableRoundedCornerDrawable.fromDrawable(d, getResources());
项目:sealtalk-android-master    文件   
private Drawable resolveResource() {
        Resources rsrc = getResources();
        if (rsrc == null) {
            return null;

        Drawable d = null;

        if (mResource != 0) {
            try {
                d = rsrc.getDrawable(mResource);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
//                Log.w(TAG, "Unable to find resource: " + mResource, e);
                // Don't try again.
                mResource = 0;
        return SelectableRoundedCornerDrawable.fromDrawable(d, getResources());
项目:Android-Skin-Loader    文件   
public int getColor(int resId){
    int originColor = context.getResources().getColor(resId);
    if(mResources == null || isDefaultSkin){
        return originColor;

    String resName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);

    int trueResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, "color", skinPackageName);
    int trueColor = 0;

        trueColor = mResources.getColor(trueResId);
    }catch(NotFoundException e){
        trueColor = originColor;

    return trueColor;
项目:rongyunDemo    文件   
private Drawable resolveResource() {
        Resources rsrc = getResources();
        if (rsrc == null) {
            return null;

        Drawable d = null;

        if (mResource != 0) {
            try {
                d = rsrc.getDrawable(mResource);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
//                Log.w(TAG, "Unable to find resource: " + mResource, e);
                // Don't try again.
                mResource = 0;
        return SelectableRoundedCornerDrawable.fromDrawable(d, getResources());
项目:KBUnitTest    文件   
public String[] getStringArray(@ArrayRes int id) throws NotFoundException {
    Map<Integer, String>      idNameMap      = getArrayIdTable();
    Map<String, List<String>> stringArrayMap = getResourceStringArrayMap();

    if (idNameMap.containsKey(id)) {
        String name = idNameMap.get(id);

        if (stringArrayMap.containsKey(name)) {
            List<String> stringList = stringArrayMap.get(name);

            return stringList.toArray(new String[0]);
    throw new Resources.NotFoundException("String array resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id));
项目:KBUnitTest    文件   
public int[] getIntArray(@ArrayRes int id) throws NotFoundException {
    Map<Integer, String>       idNameMap   = getArrayIdTable();
    Map<String, List<Integer>> intArrayMap = getResourceIntArrayMap();

    if (idNameMap.containsKey(id)) {
        String name = idNameMap.get(id);

        if (intArrayMap.containsKey(name)) {
            List<Integer> intList  = intArrayMap.get(name);
            int[]         intArray = new int[intList.size()];

            for (int i = 0; i < intList.size(); i++) {
                intArray[i] = intList.get(i);

            return intArray;
    return new int[0];
项目:robotium-extensions    文件   
private String getDescriptionOrId(View view) {
    String result = view.getContentDescription() != null ? view
            .getContentDescription().toString() : null;
    if (isNullOrEmpty(result)) {
        if (view.getId() != View.NO_ID) {
            try {
                result = String.format("with id: \"%s\"", view.getContext()
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                result = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "with id: \"%d\"",
    } else {
        result = String.format("\"%s\"", result);
    return result;
项目:RongCloudJcenter    文件   
private Drawable resolveResource() {
        Resources rsrc = getResources();
        if (rsrc == null) {
            return null;

        Drawable d = null;

        if (mResource != 0) {
            try {
                d = rsrc.getDrawable(mResource);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
//                Log.w(TAG, "Unable to find resource: " + mResource, e);
                // Don't try again.
                mResource = 0;
        return SelectableRoundedCornerDrawable.fromDrawable(d, getResources());
项目:IMKBaseFrameworkLibrary    文件   
private Drawable resolveResource() {
    Resources rsrc = getResources();
    if (rsrc == null) {
        return null;

    Drawable d = null;

    if (mResource != 0) {
        try {
            d = rsrc.getDrawable(mResource);
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Unable to find resource: " + mResource, e);
            // Don't try again.
            mResource = 0;
    return SelectableRoundedCornerDrawable.fromDrawable(d, getResources());
项目:Cirrus    文件   
 * Updates the view associated to the activity after the finish of an operation
 * trying create a new folder
 * @param operation     Creation operation performed.
 * @param result        Result of the creation.
private void onCreateFolderOperationFinish(CreateFolderOperation operation,
                                           RemoteOperationResult result) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
    } else {
        try {
            Toast msg = Toast.makeText(this,
                    ErrorMessageAdapter.getErrorCauseMessage(result, operation, getResources()),

        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            Log_OC.e(TAG, "Error while trying to show fail message " , e);
项目:Cirrus    文件   
 * Updates the view associated to the activity after the finish of an operation trying
 * to create a new folder.
 * @param operation     Creation operation performed.
 * @param result        Result of the creation.
private void onCreateFolderOperationFinish(
        CreateFolderOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result
) {

    if (result.isSuccess()) {
    } else {
        try {
            Toast msg = Toast.makeText(FolderPickerActivity.this,
                    ErrorMessageAdapter.getErrorCauseMessage(result, operation, getResources()),

        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            Log_OC.e(TAG, "Error while trying to show fail message " , e);
项目:Cirrus    文件   
 * Updates the view associated to the activity after the finish of an operation trying to move a
 * file.
 * @param operation Move operation performed.
 * @param result    Result of the move operation.
private void onMoveFileOperationFinish(MoveFileOperation operation,
                                       RemoteOperationResult result) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
    } else {
        try {
            Toast msg = Toast.makeText(FileDisplayActivity.this,
                    ErrorMessageAdapter.getErrorCauseMessage(result, operation, getResources()),

        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            Log_OC.e(TAG, "Error while trying to show fail message ", e);
项目:Cirrus    文件   
 * Updates the view associated to the activity after the finish of an operation trying to copy a
 * file.
 * @param operation Copy operation performed.
 * @param result    Result of the copy operation.
private void onCopyFileOperationFinish(CopyFileOperation operation, RemoteOperationResult result) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
    } else {
        try {
            Toast msg = Toast.makeText(FileDisplayActivity.this,
                    ErrorMessageAdapter.getErrorCauseMessage(result, operation, getResources()),

        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            Log_OC.e(TAG, "Error while trying to show fail message ", e);
项目:Cirrus    文件   
 * Updates the view associated to the activity after the finish of an operation trying create a
 * new folder
 * @param operation Creation operation performed.
 * @param result    Result of the creation.
private void onCreateFolderOperationFinish(CreateFolderOperation operation,
                                           RemoteOperationResult result) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
    } else {
        try {
            Toast msg = Toast.makeText(FileDisplayActivity.this,
                    ErrorMessageAdapter.getErrorCauseMessage(result, operation, getResources()),

        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            Log_OC.e(TAG, "Error while trying to show fail message ", e);
项目:TowerCollector    文件   
private void displayUploadResultDialog(Bundle extras) {
    int descriptionId = extras.getInt(UploaderService.INTENT_KEY_RESULT_DESCRIPTION);
    try {
        String descriptionContent = getString(descriptionId);
        Log.d("displayUploadResultDialog(): Received extras: %s", descriptionId);
        // display dialog
        AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();
        alertDialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, getString(R.string.dialog_ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
    } catch (NotFoundException ex) {
        Log.w("displayUploadResultDialog(): Invalid string id received with intent extras: %s", descriptionId);
        MyApplication.getAnalytics().sendException(ex, Boolean.FALSE);
项目:AndroidMaterialDesign    文件   
private Drawable resolveResource() {
    Resources rsrc = getResources();
    if (rsrc == null) {
        return null;

    Drawable d = null;

    if (mResource != 0) {
        try {
            d = rsrc.getDrawable(mResource);
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Unable to find resource: " + mResource, e);
            // Don't try again.
            mResource = 0;
    return SelectableRoundedCornerDrawable.fromDrawable(d, getResources());
项目:sealtalk-android    文件   
private Drawable resolveResource() {
        Resources rsrc = getResources();
        if (rsrc == null) {
            return null;

        Drawable d = null;

        if (mResource != 0) {
            try {
                d = rsrc.getDrawable(mResource);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
//                Log.w(TAG, "Unable to find resource: " + mResource, e);
                // Don't try again.
                mResource = 0;
        return SelectableRoundedCornerDrawable.fromDrawable(d, getResources());
项目:android-gif-drawable-for-Eclipse    文件   
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) //Resources#getDrawable(int, Theme)
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") //Resources#getDrawable(int)
private Drawable getGifOrDefaultDrawable(int resId) {
    if (resId == 0) {
        return null;
    final Resources resources = getResources();
    if (!isInEditMode() && "drawable".equals(resources.getResourceTypeName(resId))) {
        try {
            return new GifDrawable(resources, resId);
        } catch (IOException | NotFoundException ignored) {
            // ignored
        return resources.getDrawable(resId, getContext().getTheme());
    } else {
        return resources.getDrawable(resId);
项目:themePlugin    文件   
public int getColor(int resId) {
    int originColor = context.getResources().getColor(resId);
    if (mResources == null || isDefaultSkin) {
        return originColor;

    String resName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);

    int trueResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, "color", skinPackageName);
    int trueColor = 0;

    try {
        trueColor = mResources.getColor(trueResId);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        trueColor = originColor;

    return trueColor;
项目:themePlugin    文件   
public Drawable getDrawable(int resId) {
    Drawable originDrawable = context.getResources().getDrawable(resId);
    if (mResources == null || isDefaultSkin) {
        return originDrawable;
    String resName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);
    int trueResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, "drawable", skinPackageName);
    Drawable trueDrawable = null;
    try {
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 22) {
            trueDrawable = mResources.getDrawable(trueResId);
        } else {
            trueDrawable = mResources.getDrawable(trueResId, null);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        trueDrawable = originDrawable;

    return trueDrawable;
项目:AyoSunny    文件   
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) //Resources#getDrawable(int, Theme)
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") //Resources#getDrawable(int)
private Drawable getGifOrDefaultDrawable(int resId) {
    if (resId == 0) {
        return null;
    final Resources resources = getResources();
    if (!isInEditMode() && "drawable".equals(resources.getResourceTypeName(resId))) {
        try {
            return new GifDrawable(resources, resId);
        } catch (IOException | NotFoundException ignored) {
            // ignored
        return resources.getDrawable(resId, getContext().getTheme());
    } else {
        return resources.getDrawable(resId);
项目:SmartChat    文件   
public static String getErrorInfo(Context vContext, int vType) throws NotFoundException
    case SUCCESS:
        return "success";
    case E_NOSDCARD:
        return vContext.getResources().getString(R.string.error_no_sdcard);
        return vContext.getResources().getString(R.string.error_state_record);  
    case E_UNKOWN:
        return "未知错误";

项目:newbee    文件   
public static BitmapDrawable readDrawable(Resources res, int resId, Config bitmapConfig) {
    BitmapDrawable drawable = null;
    Bitmap bitmap = null;

    BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    opts.inPreferredConfig = Config.RGB_565;
    if (bitmapConfig != null) {
        opts.inPreferredConfig = bitmapConfig;
    opts.inPurgeable = true;
    opts.inInputShareable = true;
    try {
        InputStream ips = res.openRawResource(resId);
        if (ips != null) {
            bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(ips, null, opts);
        if (bitmap != null) {
            drawable = new BitmapDrawable(res, bitmap);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
    return drawable;
项目:FMTech    文件   
public final void setBackgroundResource(View paramView, int paramInt)
  if (paramInt == 0) {
  Resources localResources = paramView.getResources();
  Drawable localDrawable = paramView.getBackground();
  if ((localDrawable instanceof CardViewBackgroundDrawable)) {
      ColorStateList localColorStateList = localResources.getColorStateList(paramInt);
    catch (Resources.NotFoundException localNotFoundException)
      Log.w("CardViewGroupDelegates", "Unable to set background - ColorStateList not found.", localNotFoundException);
  Log.w("CardViewGroupDelegates", "Unable to set background. CardView is not using a CardViewBackgroundDrawable.");
项目:authentication-framework-module-face    文件   
 * Load existing users based on user data stored on the file system (no
 * authentication data is loaded).
 * @param _context
 * @return
 * @throws NotFoundException
 * @throws IOException
public static List<User> loadExistingUsers(Context _context) throws NotFoundException, IOException {
    if (!isSdCardAvailableRW()) {
        throw new SdCardNotAvailableException();
    File mediaDir = getMediaStorageDirectory(_context.getResources().getString(R.string.app_media_directory_name));
    // load from fs/db
    File[] files = mediaDir.listFiles(PANSHOT_USER_FOLDER_FILE_FILTER);
    List<User> list = new ArrayList<User>();
    for (File inFile : files) {
        if (inFile.isDirectory()) {
            // split id / name
            String name = inFile.getName().split("_")[0];
            String id = inFile.getName().split("_")[1];
            list.add(new User(id, name));
    return list;
项目:ApkLauncher    文件   
public DisplayMetrics getDisplayMetrics() {

//      try {
//          return mFirst.getDisplayMetrics();
//      } catch (NotFoundException e) {
//          if (DEBUG) {
//              e.printStackTrace();
//          }
//      }
//      return mSecond.getDisplayMetrics();     
        try {
            return mSecond.getDisplayMetrics();
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            if (DEBUG) {
        throw new RuntimeException("error in getDisplayMetrics().");
//      return mSecond.getDisplayMetrics();
项目:Sizzle    文件   
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) //Resources#getDrawable(int, Theme)
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") //Resources#getDrawable(int)
private Drawable getGifOrDefaultDrawable(int resId) {
    if (resId == 0) {
        return null;
    final Resources resources = getResources();
    if (!isInEditMode() && "drawable".equals(resources.getResourceTypeName(resId))) {
        try {
            return new GifDrawable(resources, resId);
        } catch (IOException | NotFoundException ignored) {
            // ignored
        return resources.getDrawable(resId, getContext().getTheme());
    } else {
        return resources.getDrawable(resId);
项目:WeiboWeiBaTong    文件   
    //new method not available on older API levels
void setResource(boolean isSrc, int resId, Resources res) {
    try {
        GifDrawable d = new GifDrawable(res, resId);
        if (isSrc)
        else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)
    } catch (IOException | NotFoundException ignored) {
    if (isSrc)
项目:AndroidPreferenceActivity    文件   
 * Obtains the background of the button bar from the activity's current theme.
private void obtainButtonBarBackground() {
    try {
        int color =
                ThemeUtil.getColor(getActivity(), R.attr.restoreDefaultsButtonBarBackground);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        int resourceId = ThemeUtil
                .getResId(getActivity(), R.attr.restoreDefaultsButtonBarBackground, -1);

        if (resourceId != -1) {
        } else {
                    ContextCompat.getColor(getActivity(), R.color.button_bar_background_light));