Java 类 实例源码

项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
 * Uses AES/GCM with AESWrap key wrapping to encrypt the key. Uses v2 metadata schema. Note that authenticated
 * encryption requires the bouncy castle provider to be on the classpath. Also, for authenticated encryption the size
 * of the data can be no longer than 64 GB.
public void authenticatedEncryption_CustomerManagedKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    SecretKey secretKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES").generateKey();
    AmazonS3Encryption s3Encryption = AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder
            .withCryptoConfiguration(new CryptoConfiguration(CryptoMode.AuthenticatedEncryption))
            .withEncryptionMaterials(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(new EncryptionMaterials(secretKey)))

    AmazonS3 s3NonEncrypt = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient();

    s3Encryption.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some contents");
    s3NonEncrypt.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some other contents");
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY));
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY));
项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
 * For ranged GET we do not use authenticated encryption since we aren't reading the entire message and can't produce the
 * MAC. Instead we use AES/CTR, an unauthenticated encryption algorithm. If {@link CryptoMode#StrictAuthenticatedEncryption}
 * is enabled, ranged GETs will not be allowed since they do not use authenticated encryption..
public void authenticatedEncryption_RangeGet_CustomerManagedKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    SecretKey secretKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES").generateKey();
    AmazonS3Encryption s3Encryption = AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder
            .withCryptoConfiguration(new CryptoConfiguration(CryptoMode.AuthenticatedEncryption))
            .withEncryptionMaterials(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(new EncryptionMaterials(secretKey)))

    AmazonS3 s3NonEncrypt = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient();

    s3Encryption.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some contents");
    s3NonEncrypt.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some other contents");
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY));
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY));
项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
 * Same as {@link #authenticatedEncryption_CustomerManagedKey()} except uses an asymmetric key pair and
 * RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding as the key wrapping algorithm.
public void authenticatedEncryption_CustomerManagedAsymmetricKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    KeyPair keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA").generateKeyPair();
    AmazonS3Encryption s3Encryption = AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder
            .withCryptoConfiguration(new CryptoConfiguration(CryptoMode.AuthenticatedEncryption))
            .withEncryptionMaterials(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(new EncryptionMaterials(keyPair)))

    AmazonS3 s3NonEncrypt = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient();

    s3Encryption.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some contents");
    s3NonEncrypt.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some other contents");
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY));
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY));
项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
 * Uses AES/GCM with AESWrap key wrapping to encrypt the key. Uses v2 metadata schema. The only difference between this and
 * {@link #authenticatedEncryption_CustomerManagedKey()} is that attempting to retrieve an object non
 * encrypted with AES/GCM will thrown an exception instead of falling back to encryption only or plaintext GET.
public void strictAuthenticatedEncryption_CustomerManagedKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    SecretKey secretKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES").generateKey();
    AmazonS3Encryption s3Encryption = AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder
            .withCryptoConfiguration(new CryptoConfiguration(CryptoMode.StrictAuthenticatedEncryption))
            .withEncryptionMaterials(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(new EncryptionMaterials(secretKey)))

    AmazonS3 s3NonEncrypt = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient();

    s3Encryption.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some contents");
    s3NonEncrypt.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some other contents");
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY));
    try {
        s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY);
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
        // Strict authenticated encryption will throw an exception if an object is not encrypted with AES/GCM
        System.err.println(NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY + " was not encrypted with AES/GCM");
项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
 * Strict authenticated encryption mode does not support ranged GETs. This is because we must use AES/CTR for ranged
 * GETs which is not an authenticated encryption algorithm. To do a partial get using authenticated encryption you have to
 * get the whole object and filter to the data you want.
public void strictAuthenticatedEncryption_RangeGet_CustomerManagedKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    SecretKey secretKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES").generateKey();
    AmazonS3Encryption s3Encryption = AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder
            .withCryptoConfiguration(new CryptoConfiguration(CryptoMode.StrictAuthenticatedEncryption))
            .withEncryptionMaterials(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(new EncryptionMaterials(secretKey)))

    s3Encryption.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some contents");
    try {
        s3Encryption.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY).withRange(0, 2));
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
        System.err.println("Range GET is not supported with authenticated encryption");
项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
 * Uses AES/CBC algorithm, no key wrapping.
public void encryptionOnly_CustomerManagedKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    SecretKey secretKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES").generateKey();
    AmazonS3Encryption s3Encryption = AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder
            .withCryptoConfiguration(new CryptoConfiguration(CryptoMode.EncryptionOnly))
            .withEncryptionMaterials(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(new EncryptionMaterials(secretKey)))

    AmazonS3 s3NonEncrypt = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient();

    s3Encryption.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some contents");
    s3NonEncrypt.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some other contents");
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY));
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY));
项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
 * Uses an asymmetric key pair instead of a symmetric key. Note this does not change the algorithm used to encrypt
 * the content, that will still be a symmetric key algorithm (AES/CBC in this case) using the derived CEK. It does impact
 * the algorithm used to encrypt the CEK, in this case we use RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding.
public void encryptionOnly_CustomerManagedAsymetricKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    KeyPair keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA").generateKeyPair();
    AmazonS3Encryption s3Encryption = AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder
            .withCryptoConfiguration(new CryptoConfiguration(CryptoMode.EncryptionOnly))
            .withEncryptionMaterials(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(new EncryptionMaterials(keyPair)))

    AmazonS3 s3NonEncrypt = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient();

    s3Encryption.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some contents");
    s3NonEncrypt.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some other contents");
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY));
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObjectAsString(BUCKET_NAME, NON_ENCRYPTED_KEY));
项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
 * Non-authenticated encryption schemes can do range GETs without an issue.
public void encryptionOnly_RangeGet_CustomerManagedKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    SecretKey secretKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES").generateKey();
    AmazonS3Encryption s3Encryption = AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder
            .withCryptoConfiguration(new CryptoConfiguration(CryptoMode.EncryptionOnly))
            .withEncryptionMaterials(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(new EncryptionMaterials(secretKey)))

    s3Encryption.putObject(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY, "some contents");
    System.out.println(s3Encryption.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(BUCKET_NAME, ENCRYPTED_KEY)
                                                      .withRange(0, 2)));
项目:ibm-cos-sdk-java    文件   
 * <p>
 * Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client that will make <b>anonymous</b>
 * requests to Amazon S3.  If {@link #getObject(String, String)} is called,
 * the object contents will be decrypted with the encryption materials provided.
 * The encryption implementation of the provided crypto provider will be
 * used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Only a subset of the Amazon S3 API will work with anonymous
 * <i>(i.e. unsigned)</i> requests, but this can prove useful in some situations.
 * For example:
 * <ul>
 *  <li>If an Amazon S3 bucket has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
 *  {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
 *  {@link #listObjects(String)} to see what objects are stored in a bucket.</li>
 *  <li>If an object has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
 *  {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
 *  {@link #getObject(String, String)} and
 *  {@link #getObjectMetadata(String, String)} to pull object content and
 *  metadata.</li>
 *  <li>If a bucket has {@link Permission#Write} permission for the
 *  {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can upload objects
 *  to the bucket.</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * @param encryptionMaterials
 *              The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * @param cryptoConfig
 *                The crypto configuration whose parameters will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
 *                 {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials,
        CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
    this(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(encryptionMaterials),
项目:ibm-cos-sdk-java    文件   
 * <p>
 * Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials to
 * access Amazon S3.  Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted with the encryption
 * materials provided.
 * </p>
 * @param credentials
 *            The AWS credentials to use when making requests to Amazon S3
 *            with this client.
 * @param encryptionMaterials
 *            The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
 *                 {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSCredentials credentials,
        EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials) {
    this(credentials, new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(
项目:ibm-cos-sdk-java    文件   
 * <p>
 * Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials to
 * access Amazon S3.  Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted with the encryption
 * materials provided.  The encryption implementation of the provided crypto provider will
 * be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * </p>
 * @param credentials
 *            The AWS credentials to use when making requests to Amazon S3
 *            with this client.
 * @param encryptionMaterials
 *            The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * @param cryptoConfig
 *            The crypto configuration whose parameters will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
 *                 {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
 *                 {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSCredentials credentials,
        EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials,
        CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
    this(credentials, new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(
            encryptionMaterials), cryptoConfig);
项目:ibm-cos-sdk-java    文件   
 * <p>
 * Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials and
 * client configuration to access Amazon S3.  Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted
 * with the encryption materials provided. The crypto provider and storage mode denoted in
 * the specified crypto configuration will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * </p>
 * @param credentials
 *            The AWS credentials to use when making requests to Amazon S3
 *            with this client.
 * @param encryptionMaterials
 *            The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * @param clientConfig
 *            The client configuration options controlling how this client
 *            connects to Amazon S3 (ex: proxy settings, retry counts, etc).
 * @param cryptoConfig
 *            The crypto configuration whose parameters will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *            If either of the encryption materials or crypto configuration parameters are null.
 * @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
 *                 {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
 *                 {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)} and
 *                 {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withClientConfiguration(ClientConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSCredentials credentials,
        EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials,
        ClientConfiguration clientConfig, CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
    this(credentials, new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(
            encryptionMaterials), clientConfig, cryptoConfig);
项目:ibm-cos-sdk-java    文件   
 * <p>
 * Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client that will make <b>anonymous</b>
 * requests to Amazon S3.  If {@link #getObject(String, String)} is called,
 * the object contents will be decrypted with the encryption materials provided.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Only a subset of the Amazon S3 API will work with anonymous
 * <i>(i.e. unsigned)</i> requests, but this can prove useful in some situations.
 * For example:
 * <ul>
 *  <li>If an Amazon S3 bucket has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
 *  {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
 *  {@link #listObjects(String)} to see what objects are stored in a bucket.</li>
 *  <li>If an object has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
 *  {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
 *  {@link #getObject(String, String)} and
 *  {@link #getObjectMetadata(String, String)} to pull object content and
 *  metadata.</li>
 *  <li>If a bucket has {@link Permission#Write} permission for the
 *  {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can upload objects
 *  to the bucket.</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * @param encryptionMaterials
 *            The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
 * @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials) {
    this(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(encryptionMaterials));