Java 类 实例源码

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 * Also affects the container nodelet. If the current container nodelet is the
 * same as the current impl nodelet, the new container will be the same as the new
 * impl nodelet. If it is null, it will stay null. Other scenarios are not supported
 * @deprecated Use {@link #setImplNodelets(Element, Element)} instead of this method.
@Deprecated // Use #setImplNodelets(impl, container) instead
public void setImplNodelet(Node nodelet) {
      "Null nodelet not supported with this deprecated method, use setImplNodelets instead");
  Preconditions.checkState(containerNodelet == null || containerNodelet == getImplNodelet(),
      "Cannot set only the impl nodelet if the container nodelet is different");
      "element cannot have text implnodelet");

  Element element = nodelet.cast();

  if (this.containerNodelet != null) {
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 * Converts the given point to a parent-nodeAfter point, splitting a
 * text node if necessary.
 * @param point
 * @return a point at the same location, between node boundaries
public static Point.El<Node> forceElementPoint(Point<Node> point) {
  Point.El<Node> elementPoint = point.asElementPoint();
  if (elementPoint != null) {
    return elementPoint;
  Element parent;
  Node nodeAfter;
  Text text = point.getContainer().cast();
  parent = text.getParentElement();
  int offset = point.getTextOffset();
  if (offset == 0) {
    nodeAfter = text;
  } else if (offset == text.getLength()) {
    nodeAfter = text.getNextSibling();
  } else {
    nodeAfter = text.splitText(offset);
  return Point.inElement(parent, nodeAfter);
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 * Ensures the given container contains exactly one child, the given one.
 * Provides the important property that if the container is already the parent
 * of the given child, then the child is not removed and re-added, it is left
 * there; any siblings, if present, are removed.
 * @param container
 * @param child
public static void setOnlyChild(Element container, Node child) {
  if (child.getParentElement() != container) {
    // simple case
  } else {
    // tricky case - avoid removing then re-appending the same child
    while (child.getNextSibling() != null) {
    while (child.getPreviousSibling() != null) {
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/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void setCaret(Point<ContentNode> caret) {
  if (caret == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("setCaret: caret may not be null");

  caret = findOrCreateValidSelectionPoint2(caret);
  Point<Node> nodeletCaret = // check if we have a place:
    (caret == null ? null : nodeManager.wrapperPointToNodeletPoint(caret));

  // Ignore if there is no matching html location
  if (nodeletCaret != null) {

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private void deleteText(int amount) {
  Point<Node> sel = getSelectionStart();
  Text txt = sel == null ? null : sel.getContainer().<Text>cast();
  int startIndex = sel.getTextOffset(), len;
  while (amount > 0) {
    if (txt == null || !DomHelper.isTextNode(txt)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Action ran off end of text node");
    String data = txt.getData();
    int remainingInNode = data.length() - startIndex;
    if (remainingInNode >= amount) {
      len = amount;
    } else {
      len = remainingInNode;
    txt.setData(data.substring(0, startIndex) + data.substring(startIndex + len));
    amount -= len;
    startIndex = 0;
    txt = htmlView.getNextSibling(txt).cast();
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 * Evalulates the LazyPoint to a Point.
public Point<Node> getPoint() {
  assert ref.getParentElement() != null : "Reference node must be attached when getting point";

  switch (pointType) {
    case AFTER_NODE:
      return Point.inElement(ref.getParentElement(), ref.getNextSibling());
    case BEFORE_NODE:
      return Point.inElement(ref.getParentElement(), ref);
    case AT_START:
      return Point.inElement(ref, ref.getFirstChild());
      throw new RuntimeException("invalid case");
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public void prepareForPaste() {
  // N.B.(davidbyttow): In FF3, focus is not implicitly set by setting the
  // selection when appending a DOM element dynamically. So we must explicitly
  // set the focus.
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 * Search for node by pasting that element at a textRange and locating that
 * element directly using getElementById. This is a huge shortcut when there
 * are many nodes in parent. However, use with caution as it can fragment text
 * nodes.
 * NOTE(user): The text node fragmentation is a real issue, it causes repairs
 * to happen. The constant splitting and repairing can also have performance
 * issues that needs to be investigated. We should repair the damage here,
 * when its clear how to fix the problem.
 * @param target
 * @param parent
 * @return Point
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // NOTE(user): Use later for nodes with many siblings.
private Point<Node> searchForRangeUsingPaste(JsTextRangeIE target, Element parent) {
  Element elem = null;
  try {
    target.pasteHTML("<b id='__paste_target__'>X</b>");
    elem = Document.get().getElementById("__paste_target__");
    Node nextSibling = elem.getNextSibling();
    if (DomHelper.isTextNode(nextSibling)) {
      return Point.inText(nextSibling, 0);
    } else {
      return Point.inElement(parent, nextSibling);
  } finally {
    if (elem != null) {
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void checkForWebkitEndOfLinkHack(SignalEvent signal) {
  // If it's inserting text
  if (DomHelper.isTextNode(signal.getTarget()) &&
      (signal.getType().equals(JsEvents.DOM_CHARACTER_DATA_MODIFIED) ||
       signal.getType().equals(JsEvents.DOM_NODE_INSERTED))) {

    Text textNode = signal.getTarget().cast();
    if (textNode.getLength() > 0) {
      Node e = textNode.getPreviousSibling();
      if (e != null && !DomHelper.isTextNode(e)
          && e.<Element>cast().getTagName().toLowerCase().equals("a")) {

        FocusedPointRange<Node> selection =  editorInteractor.getHtmlSelection();
        if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getFocus().getTextOffset() == 0) {
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 * Get the spacer for the given paragraph.
 * Lazily creates & registers one if not present.
 * If there's one that the browser created, registers it as our own.
 * If the browser put a different one in to the one that we were already
 * using, replace ours with the browser's.
 * @param paragraph
 * @return The spacer
protected BRElement getSpacer(Element paragraph) {
  Node last = paragraph.getLastChild();
  BRElement spacer = paragraph.getPropertyJSO(BR_REF).cast();
  if (spacer == null) {
    // Register our spacer, using one the browser put in if present
    spacer = isSpacer(last) ? last.<BRElement>cast() : Document.get().createBRElement();
    setupSpacer(paragraph, spacer);
  } else if (isSpacer(last) && last != spacer) {
    // The browser put a different one in by itself, so let's use that one
    if (spacer.hasParentElement()) {
    spacer = last.<BRElement>cast();
    setupSpacer(paragraph, spacer);
  return spacer;
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private void deletify(Element element) {
  if (element == null) {
    // NOTE(danilatos): Not handling the case where the content element
    // is transparent w.r.t. the rendered view, but has visible children.

  DiffManager.styleElement(element, DiffType.DELETE);

  for (Node n = element.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) {
    if (!DomHelper.isTextNode(n)) {
      deletify(n.<Element> cast());
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 * Continue tracking an existing typing sequence, after we have determined
 * that this selection is indeed part of an existing one
 * @param previousSelectionStart
 * @throws HtmlMissing
 * @throws HtmlInserted
private void continueTypingSequence(Point<Node> previousSelectionStart)
    throws HtmlMissing, HtmlInserted {

  if (firstWrapper != null) {

    // minpost is only needed if we allow non-typing actions (such as moving
    // with arrow keys) to stay as part of the same typing sequence. otherwise,
    // minpost should always correspond to the last cursor position.
    // TODO(danilatos): Ensure this is the case

    // TODO(danilatos): Is it possible to ever need to check neighbouring
    // nodes if we're not in a text node now? If we're not, we are almost
    // certainly somewhere were there are no valid neighbouring text nodes,
    // otherwise the selection should have been reported as in one of
    // those nodes.....
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 * Handles DOM mutation events.
 * @param event
 * @param contentRange  last known selection
public void handleDOMMutation(SignalEvent event, ContentRange contentRange) {
  // Early exit if non-safari or non-mac
  if (!(UserAgent.isSafari() && UserAgent.isMac())) {

  // We don't care about DOMMutations that we generate while we are reverting.
  if (isReverting) {

  previousContentRange = contentRange;

  Node n = event.getTarget();
  if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
    Element e =;
    if (DOM_EVENTS_IGNORE.contains(event.getType())) {
      // ignore
    } else if (event.getType().equals(JsEvents.DOM_NODE_INSERTED) && handleDOMNodeInserted(e)) {
    } else if (event.getType().equals(JsEvents.DOM_NODE_REMOVED) && handleDOMNodeRemoved(e)) {
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private boolean isPartOfThisState(Point<Node> point) {


      Text node = point.isInTextNode()
        ? point.getContainer().<Text>cast()
        : null;

      if (node == null) {
        // If we're not in a text node - i.e. we just started typing
        // either in an empty element, or between elements.
        if (htmlRange.getNodeAfter() == point.getNodeAfter()
            && htmlRange.getContainer() == point.getContainer()) {
          return true;
        } else if (point.getNodeAfter() == null) {
          return false;
        } else {
          return partOfMutatingRange(point.getNodeAfter());

      // The first check is redundant but speeds up the general case
      return node == lastTextNode || partOfMutatingRange(node);
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protected Skip getSkipLevel(Node node) {
  // TODO(danilatos): Detect and repair new elements. Currently we just ignore them.
  if (DomHelper.isTextNode(node) || NodeManager.hasBackReference(node.<Element>cast())) {
    return Skip.NONE;
  } else {
    Element element = node.<Element>cast();

    Skip level = NodeManager.getTransparency(element);
    if (level == null) {
      if (!getDocumentElement().isOrHasChild(element)) {
        return Skip.INVALID;
    // For now, we treat unknown nodes as shallow as well.
    // TODO(danilatos): Either strip them or extract them
    return level == null ? Skip.SHALLOW : level;
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private List<Style> collectAllChildrenStyles(NodeList<Node> childNodes) {
    List<Style> allStyles = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (int x = 0; x < childNodes.getLength(); ++x) {
        Node item = childNodes.getItem(x);
        if (item.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            Style styles = cssHelper.getComputedStyle(item);
            allStyles.addAll(collectAllChildrenStyles((( item).getChildNodes()));
    return allStyles;
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public Audio reAttachAudio(Audio audio) {
    NodeList<Node> sourceList = getSourceNodes(audio);
    FlowPanel parentPanel = getParentPanelAndRemoveAudioElement(audio);
    Audio newAudio = createNewAudioAndAddToFlowPanel(parentPanel);
    appendChilds(sourceList, newAudio);
    return newAudio;
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 * Mark implementation elements that aren't transparent as part of a
 * a complex implementation structure.
 * @param element
public static void walkImpl(Element element) {
  for (Node n = element.getFirstChild(); n != null;) {
    if (DomHelper.isTextNode(n)) {
      n = n.getNextSibling();
    } else {
      Element e = n.cast();
      if (!NodeManager.isTransparent(e)) {
        e.setPropertyBoolean(COMPLEX_IMPLEMENTATION_MARKER, true);
      n = n.getNextSibling();
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 * Remove the given node (leaving its children in the dom) if
 * it does not correspond to a wrapper ContentNode
 * @param node
 * @return true if the node was removed, false if not.
private boolean maybeStrip(Node node) {
  if (node == null || DomHelper.isTextNode(node)) return false;

  Element element = node.cast();
  if (!NodeManager.hasBackReference(element)) {
    Node n;
    while ((n = element.getFirstChild()) != null) {
      element.getParentNode().insertBefore(n, element);
    return true;
  return false;
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 * Takes an html selection and returns it, or null if it's not related to editor content.
 * @param htmlSelection Selection range to filter.
 * @return htmlSelection or null if there's no related content.
public static FocusedPointRange<Node> filterNonContentSelection(
    FocusedPointRange<Node> htmlSelection) {
  if (htmlSelection == null) {
    return null; // quick exit

  // get just the focus point, finding the element it is inside.
  Point<Node> htmlFocus = htmlSelection.getFocus();
  Element el;
  if (htmlFocus.isInTextNode()) {
    el = htmlFocus.getContainer().getParentElement();
  } else {
    el = htmlFocus.getContainer().cast();

  // Assume given range is always in the editor, the htmlHelper should guarantee that.
  while (!NodeManager.hasBackReference(el)) {
    if (NodeManager.getTransparency(el) == Skip.DEEP
        || el.getPropertyBoolean(ContentElement.COMPLEX_IMPLEMENTATION_MARKER)) {

      // Exception: when we explicitly want the selection still to be reported
      if (!NodeManager.mayContainSelectionEvenWhenDeep(el)) {
        htmlSelection = null;
    el = el.getParentElement();

  return htmlSelection;
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/** {@inheritDoc} */
public FocusedContentRange getSelectionPoints() {
  FocusedPointRange<Node> range = htmlHelper.getHtmlSelection();
  try {
    needsCorrection = false;

    range = SelectionUtil.filterNonContentSelection(range);

    if (range == null) {
      return null;
      anchor = nodeletPointToFixedContentPoint(range.getAnchor()),
      focus = range.isCollapsed()
            ? anchor : nodeletPointToFixedContentPoint(range.getFocus());

    if (anchor == null || focus == null) {
      return null;

    // Uncomment for verbose debugging
    // if (Debug.isOn(LogSeverity.DEBUG)) {
    //   logger.logXml("SELECTION: " + start + " - " + end);
    // }

    FocusedContentRange ret = range.isCollapsed()
        ? new FocusedContentRange(anchor) : new FocusedContentRange(anchor, focus);

    if (needsCorrection && ret != null) {
      setSelectionPoints(ret.getAnchor(), ret.getFocus());

    return ret;
  } finally {
    needsCorrection = false;
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protected Point<ContentNode> nodeletPointToWrapperPointAttempt2(Point<Node> nodelet)
    throws HtmlInserted, HtmlMissing {
  // Try again after a flush.
  // The normal case when this happens, is on the second character of a typing sequence
  // when node == a text node with no corresponding content text node.
  // This catch should remain here as a failsafe, but it would also be nice to improve
  // the code in nodeManager to deal with that scenario and return a Point.El.
  needsCorrection = true;
  return nodeManager.nodeletPointToWrapperPoint(nodelet);
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private OffsetPosition getNearestElementPosition(Node focusNode, int focusOffset) {
  Node startContainer;
  if (focusNode == null) {
    return null;

  Element e =
    DomHelper.isTextNode(focusNode) ? focusNode.getParentElement() : focusNode.<Element>cast();
  return e == null ? null
      : new OffsetPosition(e.getOffsetLeft(), e.getOffsetTop(), e.getOffsetParent());
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 * @return length of character data in the html
 * @throws HtmlMissing
public int getImplDataLength() throws HtmlMissing {
  Node next = checkNodeAndNeighbourReturnImpl(this);
  HtmlView filteredHtml = getFilteredHtmlView();

  return sumTextNodesLength(getImplNodelet(), next, filteredHtml);
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 * TODO(user): Handle multiple selections in the document.
 * @return The current selection, or null if nothing is
 * currently selected. Note that the Elements in the range
 * are references to the actual elements in the DOM; not
 * clones.
public static FocusedPointRange<Node> get() {
  if (caching) {
    if (cache == null) {
      cache = impl.get();
    return cache;
  } else {
    return impl.get();
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public ContentNode renderSequence(
    ReadableDocumentView<ContentNode, ContentElement, ContentTextNode> view,
    ContentNode firstItem, ContentNode stopAt, Element dstParent,
    SelectionMatcher selectionMatcher) {
  Node implNodelet = firstItem.getImplNodelet();
  Node clone = implNodelet != null ? implNodelet.cloneNode(false) : null;

  if (clone != null) {
    selectionMatcher.maybeNoteHtml(firstItem, clone);
  } else {
    selectionMatcher.noteSelectionInNode(firstItem, dstParent, false);

  if (firstItem instanceof ContentElement) {
    final Element container;
    if (clone != null && clone instanceof Element) {
      container = (Element) clone;
    } else {
      container = dstParent;
    PasteFormatRenderer.renderChildren(view, container, firstItem,
  return firstItem;
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 * Compacts the multiple impl text nodelets into one
 * @throws HtmlMissing
public void normaliseImplThrow() throws HtmlMissing {
  // TODO(danilatos): Some code in line container depends on the isImplAttached() check,
  // but sometimes it might not be attached but should, and so should throw an exception.
  if (!isContentAttached() || !isImplAttached()) {

  Text first = getImplNodelet();
  if (first.getLength() == getLength()) {

  ContentNode next = checkNodeAndNeighbour(this);
  HtmlView filteredHtml = getFilteredHtmlView();

  //String sum = "";
  Node nextImpl = (next == null) ? null : next.getImplNodelet();
  for (Text nodelet = first; nodelet != nextImpl && nodelet != null;
      nodelet = filteredHtml.getNextSibling(first).cast()) {
    //sum += nodelet.getData();
    if (nodelet != first) {
          nodelet, -1000, -1000, TextNodeChangeType.REMOVE);

      first, -1000, -1000, TextNodeChangeType.REPLACE_DATA);
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 * @param point point of node
 * @return htmlpoint
public static HtmlPoint nodeletPointToHtmlPoint(Point<Node> point) {
  if (point.isInTextNode()) {
    return new HtmlPoint(point.getContainer(), point.getTextOffset());
  } else {
    return point.getNodeAfter() == null
        ? new HtmlPoint(point.getContainer(), point.getContainer().getChildCount())
        : new HtmlPoint(point.getContainer(), DomHelper.findChildIndex(point.getNodeAfter()));
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public PointRange<Node> getOrderedHtmlSelection() {
  // TODO(danilatos): Optimise
  if (getHtmlSelection() == null) {
    return null;
  return NativeSelectionUtil.getOrdered();
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private Point<Node> toNodePoint(Point<ContentNode> content) {
  if (content == null) {
    return null;
  } else {
    if (content.isInTextNode()) {
      return Point.inText(content.getContainer().getImplNodelet(), content.getTextOffset());
    } else {
      Node post = content.getNodeAfter() == null ? null : content.getNodeAfter().getImplNodelet();
      return Point.inElement(content.getContainer().getImplNodelet(), post);
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private void clearContainer() {
  if (!QuirksConstants.SUPPORTS_CARET_IN_EMPTY_SPAN) {
  inContainer = Point.<Node>inElement(imeInput, imeInput.getFirstChild());
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private LazyPoint matchTextSelection(
    Point<ContentNode> selection, ContentNode source, Node clone) {
  if (selection.isInTextNode() && selection.getContainer() == source) {
    assert clone instanceof Text;
    return new EagerPoint(Point.<Node>inText(clone, selection.getTextOffset()));
  } else {
    return null;
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 * {@inheritDoc}
 * Note(user): IE's selection type reports 'Text' for non-collapsed selections,
 * but 'None' for carets as well as for entirely missing selection.
FocusedPointRange<Node> get() {
  PointRange<Node> sel = getOrdered();

  // TODO(danilatos): Proper difference between focus and anchor
  return sel == null ? null : new FocusedPointRange<Node>(sel.getFirst(), sel.getSecond());
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PointRange<Node> getOrdered() {
  // NOTE(user): try/catch here as JsTextRangeIE.duplicate throws an exception if the
  // selection is non-text, i.e. an image. Its much safer to wrap these IE native methods.
  // TODO(user): Decide whether returning null is the correct behaviour when exception is
  // thrown. If so, remove the logger.error().
  try {
    // Get selection + corresponding text range
    JsSelectionIE selection = JsSelectionIE.get();
    JsTextRangeIE start = selection.createRange();

    // Best test we have found for empty selection
    if (checkNoSelection(selection, start)) {
      return null;

    // create two collapsed ranges, for each end of the selection
    JsTextRangeIE end = start.duplicate();

    // Translate to HtmlPoints
    Point<Node> startPoint = pointAtCollapsedRange(start);

    return JsTextRangeIE.equivalent(start, end) ? new PointRange<Node>(startPoint)
        : new PointRange<Node>(startPoint, pointAtCollapsedRange(end));
  } catch (JavaScriptException e) {
    logger.error().log("Cannot get selection", e);
    return null;
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private Point<Node> pointAtCollapsedRange(JsTextRangeIE target) {
  if (hint != null && isValid(hint) && pointMatchesRange(hint, target)) {
    return hint;
  hint = pointAtCollapsedRangeInner(target);
  return hint;
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/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isSameNode(Node node, Node other) {
  // TODO(danilatos): Use .equals or isSameNode for nodelets in nodemanager,
  // typing extractor, etc.
  return node == other || (node != null && node.equals(other));
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private boolean isInChildEditor(Point<Node> point) {
  // The editable doc is marked by an attribute EDITABLE_DOC_MARKER, if
  // an element is found with that attribute, and is not the element of this
  // editor's doc element, then it must be a child's doc element.
  Node n = point.getContainer();
  Element e = DomHelper.isTextNode(n) ? n.getParentElement() : (Element) n;
  while (e != null && e != doc) {
    if (e.hasAttribute(EditorImpl.EDITABLE_DOC_MARKER)) {
      return true;
    e = e.getParentElement();
  return false;
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 * {@inheritDoc}
void set(Point<Node> startPoint, Point<Node> endPoint) {
  JsTextRangeIE start = collapsedRangeAtPoint(startPoint);
  JsTextRangeIE end = collapsedRangeAtPoint(endPoint);

  // TODO(danilatos): Should be possible to do this more efficiently,
  //   by separately moving the end point and start point of the range,
  //   instead of creating 2 collapsed ranges.

  .setEndPoint(StartToStart, start)
  .setEndPoint(EndToEnd, end)
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/** TODO(danilatos,user) Bring back early exit & clean up this interface */
public ContentNode findNodeWrapper(Node node, Element earlyExit)
    throws HtmlInserted, HtmlMissing {
  if (node == null) {
    return null;
  if (DomHelper.isTextNode(node)) {
    return findTextWrapper(node.<Text>cast(), false);
  } else {
    return findElementWrapper(node.<Element>cast(), earlyExit);
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 * Returns the specified child element of the given element.
 * @param parent parent element
 * @param childTypeString string representaton of the child element
 * @param toExclude element to be excluded from the search
 * @param startFrom element to start search with
 * @param step step to change the child index
private static Element findChildElementExclusive(Element parent, String childTypeString,
    Element toExclude, Element startFrom, int step) {
  if (parent != null) {
    NodeList<Node> children = parent.getChildNodes();
    int begin;
    int end;
    if (step == +1) {
      begin = 0;
      end = children.getLength();
    } else {
      begin = children.getLength()-1;
      end = -1;
    boolean startFound = false;
    for (int i = begin; i != end; i += step) {
      Node child = children.getItem(i);
      if (child instanceof Element) {
         Element e = (Element) child;
         if (doesElementHaveTypeString(e, childTypeString)) {
           if (e != toExclude) {
             if (startFrom != null && !startFound) {
               startFound = true;
             } else {
               return e;
  return null;