Java 类com.intellij.openapi.editor.SoftWrap 实例源码

项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
 * Tries to find index of the target soft wrap stored at {@link #myWraps} collection. <code>'Target'</code> soft wrap is the one
 * that starts at the given offset.
 * @param offset    target offset
 * @return          index that conforms to {@link Collections#binarySearch(List, Object)} contract, i.e. non-negative returned
 *                  index points to soft wrap that starts at the given offset; <code>'-(negative value) - 1'</code> points
 *                  to position at {@link #myWraps} collection where soft wrap for the given index should be inserted
public int getSoftWrapIndex(int offset) {
  int start = 0;
  int end = myWraps.size() - 1;

  // We use custom inline implementation of binary search here because profiling shows that standard Collections.binarySearch()
  // is a bottleneck. The most probable reason is a big number of interface calls.
  while (start <= end) {
    int i = (start + end) >>> 1;
    SoftWrap softWrap = myWraps.get(i);
    int softWrapOffset = softWrap.getStart();
    if (softWrapOffset > offset) {
      end = i - 1;
    else if (softWrapOffset < offset) {
      start = i + 1;
    else {
      return i;
  return -(start + 1);
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
 * Allows to answer how many soft wraps which {@link TextChange#getStart() start offsets} belong to given
 * <code>[start; end]</code> interval are registered withing the current storage.
 * @param startOffset   target start offset (inclusive)
 * @param endOffset     target end offset (inclusive)
 * @return              number of soft wraps which {@link TextChange#getStart() start offsets} belong to the target range
public int getNumberOfSoftWrapsInRange(int startOffset, int endOffset) {
  int startIndex = getSoftWrapIndex(startOffset);
  if (startIndex < 0) {
    startIndex = -startIndex - 1;

  if (startIndex >= myWraps.size()) {
    return 0;
  int result = 0;
  int endIndex = startIndex;
  for (; endIndex < myWraps.size(); endIndex++) {
    SoftWrap softWrap = myWraps.get(endIndex);
    if (softWrap.getStart() > endOffset) {
  return result;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
 * Every soft wrap implies that multiple visual positions correspond to the same document offset. We can classify
 * such positions by the following criteria:
 * <pre>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>positions from visual line with soft wrap start;</li>
 *   <li>positions from visual line with soft wrap end;</li>
 * </ul>
 * </pre>
 * <p/>
 * This method allows to answer if caret offset of the given editor points to soft wrap and visual caret position
 * belongs to the visual line where soft wrap end is located.
 * @param editor    target editor
 * @return          <code>true</code> if caret offset of the given editor points to visual position that belongs to
 *                  visual line where soft wrap end is located
public static boolean isCaretAfterSoftWrap(CaretImpl caret) {
  if (!caret.isUpToDate()) {
    return false;
  EditorImpl editor = caret.getEditor();
  SoftWrapModel softWrapModel = editor.getSoftWrapModel();
  int offset = caret.getOffset();
  SoftWrap softWrap = softWrapModel.getSoftWrap(offset);
  if (softWrap == null) {
    return false;

  if (editor.myUseNewRendering) {
    VisualPosition afterWrapPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(offset, false, false);
    VisualPosition caretPosition = caret.getVisualPosition();
    return caretPosition.line == afterWrapPosition.line && caretPosition.column <= afterWrapPosition.column;
  else {
    return editor.offsetToVisualLine(offset) == caret.getVisualPosition().line;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
 * Tries to find index of the target soft wrap stored at {@link #myWraps} collection. <code>'Target'</code> soft wrap is the one
 * that starts at the given offset.
 * @param offset    target offset
 * @return          index that conforms to {@link Collections#binarySearch(List, Object)} contract, i.e. non-negative returned
 *                  index points to soft wrap that starts at the given offset; <code>'-(negative value) - 1'</code> points
 *                  to position at {@link #myWraps} collection where soft wrap for the given index should be inserted
public int getSoftWrapIndex(int offset) {
  int start = 0;
  int end = myWraps.size() - 1;

  // We use custom inline implementation of binary search here because profiling shows that standard Collections.binarySearch()
  // is a bottleneck. The most probable reason is a big number of interface calls.
  while (start <= end) {
    int i = (start + end) >>> 1;
    SoftWrap softWrap = myWraps.get(i);
    int softWrapOffset = softWrap.getStart();
    if (softWrapOffset > offset) {
      end = i - 1;
    else if (softWrapOffset < offset) {
      start = i + 1;
    else {
      return i;
  return -(start + 1);
项目:tools-idea    文件   
 * Allows to answer how many soft wraps which {@link TextChange#getStart() start offsets} belong to given
 * <code>[start; end]</code> interval are registered withing the current storage.
 * @param startOffset   target start offset (inclusive)
 * @param endOffset     target end offset (inclusive)
 * @return              number of soft wraps which {@link TextChange#getStart() start offsets} belong to the target range
public int getNumberOfSoftWrapsInRange(int startOffset, int endOffset) {
  int startIndex = getSoftWrapIndex(startOffset);
  if (startIndex < 0) {
    startIndex = -startIndex - 1;

  if (startIndex >= myWraps.size()) {
    return 0;
  int result = 0;
  int endIndex = startIndex;
  for (; endIndex < myWraps.size(); endIndex++) {
    SoftWrap softWrap = myWraps.get(endIndex);
    if (softWrap.getStart() > endOffset) {
  return result;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
 * Inserts given soft wrap to {@link #myWraps} collection at the given index.
 * @param softWrap          soft wrap to store
 * @param notifyListeners   flag that indicates if registered listeners should be notified about soft wrap registration
 * @return                  previous soft wrap object stored for the same offset if any; <code>null</code> otherwise
public SoftWrap storeOrReplace(SoftWrapImpl softWrap, boolean notifyListeners) {
  int i = getSoftWrapIndex(softWrap.getStart());
  if (i >= 0) {
    return myWraps.set(i, softWrap);

  i = -i - 1;
  myWraps.add(i, softWrap);
  if (notifyListeners) {
    // Use explicit loop as profiling shows that iterator-based processing is quite slow.
    for (int j = 0; j < myListeners.size(); j++) {
      SoftWrapChangeListener listener = myListeners.get(j);
  return null;
项目:consulo    文件   
private static VisualLineInfo getVisualLineInfo(@Nonnull EditorImpl editor, int offset, boolean beforeSoftWrap) {
  Document document = editor.getDocument();
  int textLength = document.getTextLength();
  if (offset <= 0 || textLength == 0) return new VisualLineInfo(0, false);
  offset = Math.min(offset, textLength);

  int startOffset = EditorUtil.getNotFoldedLineStartOffset(editor, offset);

  SoftWrapModelImpl softWrapModel = editor.getSoftWrapModel();
  int wrapIndex = softWrapModel.getSoftWrapIndex(offset);
  int prevSoftWrapIndex = wrapIndex < 0 ? (- wrapIndex - 2) : wrapIndex - (beforeSoftWrap ? 1 : 0);
  SoftWrap prevSoftWrap = prevSoftWrapIndex < 0 ? null : softWrapModel.getRegisteredSoftWraps().get(prevSoftWrapIndex);

  int visualLineStartOffset = prevSoftWrap == null ? startOffset : Math.max(startOffset, prevSoftWrap.getStart());
  return new VisualLineInfo(visualLineStartOffset, prevSoftWrap != null && prevSoftWrap.getStart() == visualLineStartOffset);
项目:consulo    文件   
 * Tries to find index of the target soft wrap stored at {@link #myWraps} collection. <code>'Target'</code> soft wrap is the one
 * that starts at the given offset.
 * @param offset    target offset
 * @return          index that conforms to {@link Collections#binarySearch(List, Object)} contract, i.e. non-negative returned
 *                  index points to soft wrap that starts at the given offset; <code>'-(negative value) - 1'</code> points
 *                  to position at {@link #myWraps} collection where soft wrap for the given index should be inserted
public int getSoftWrapIndex(int offset) {
  int start = 0;
  int end = myWraps.size() - 1;

  // We use custom inline implementation of binary search here because profiling shows that standard Collections.binarySearch()
  // is a bottleneck. The most probable reason is a big number of interface calls.
  while (start <= end) {
    int i = (start + end) >>> 1;
    SoftWrap softWrap = myWraps.get(i);
    int softWrapOffset = softWrap.getStart();
    if (softWrapOffset > offset) {
      end = i - 1;
    else if (softWrapOffset < offset) {
      start = i + 1;
    else {
      return i;
  return -(start + 1);
项目:consulo    文件   
 * Allows to answer how many soft wraps which {@link TextChange#getStart() start offsets} belong to given
 * <code>[start; end]</code> interval are registered withing the current storage.
 * @param startOffset   target start offset (inclusive)
 * @param endOffset     target end offset (inclusive)
 * @return              number of soft wraps which {@link TextChange#getStart() start offsets} belong to the target range
public int getNumberOfSoftWrapsInRange(int startOffset, int endOffset) {
  int startIndex = getSoftWrapIndex(startOffset);
  if (startIndex < 0) {
    startIndex = -startIndex - 1;

  if (startIndex >= myWraps.size()) {
    return 0;
  int result = 0;
  int endIndex = startIndex;
  for (; endIndex < myWraps.size(); endIndex++) {
    SoftWrap softWrap = myWraps.get(endIndex);
    if (softWrap.getStart() > endOffset) {
  return result;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
 * Inserts given soft wrap to {@link #myWraps} collection at the given index.
 * @param softWrap          soft wrap to store
 * @return                  previous soft wrap object stored for the same offset if any; <code>null</code> otherwise
public SoftWrap storeOrReplace(SoftWrapImpl softWrap) {
  int i = getSoftWrapIndex(softWrap.getStart());
  if (i >= 0) {
    return myWraps.set(i, softWrap);

  i = -i - 1;
  myWraps.add(i, softWrap);
  return null;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
 * Allows to remove all soft wraps registered at the current storage with offsets from <code>[start; end)</code> range if any.
 * @param startOffset   start offset to use (inclusive)
 * @param endOffset     end offset to use (exclusive)
public void removeInRange(int startOffset, int endOffset) {
  //CachingSoftWrapDataMapper.log(String.format("xxxxxxxxxx SoftWrapsStorage.removeInRange(%d, %d). Current number: %d", startOffset, endOffset, myWraps.size()));
  int startIndex = getSoftWrapIndex(startOffset);
  if (startIndex < 0) {
    startIndex = -startIndex - 1;

  if (startIndex >= myWraps.size()) {

  int endIndex = startIndex;
  for (; endIndex < myWraps.size(); endIndex++) {
    SoftWrap softWrap = myWraps.get(endIndex);
    if (softWrap.getStart() >= endOffset) {

  if (endIndex > startIndex) {
    myWraps.subList(startIndex, endIndex).clear();

  //CachingSoftWrapDataMapper.log(String.format("xxxxxxxxxx SoftWrapsStorage.removeInRange(%d, %d). Remaining: %d", startOffset, endOffset, myWraps.size()));
项目:consulo    文件   
private VisualLineFragmentsIterator(EditorView view, int offset, boolean beforeSoftWrap, @Nullable Runnable quickEvaluationListener) {
  EditorImpl editor = view.getEditor();
  int visualLineStartOffset = EditorUtil.getNotFoldedLineStartOffset(editor, offset);

  SoftWrapModelImpl softWrapModel = editor.getSoftWrapModel();
  List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = softWrapModel.getRegisteredSoftWraps();
  int currentOrPrevWrapIndex = softWrapModel.getSoftWrapIndex(offset);
  if (currentOrPrevWrapIndex < 0) {
    currentOrPrevWrapIndex = - currentOrPrevWrapIndex - 2;
  else if (beforeSoftWrap) {
  SoftWrap currentOrPrevWrap = currentOrPrevWrapIndex < 0 || currentOrPrevWrapIndex >= softWraps.size() ? null :
  if (currentOrPrevWrap != null && currentOrPrevWrap.getStart() > visualLineStartOffset) {
    visualLineStartOffset = currentOrPrevWrap.getStart();

  int nextFoldingIndex = editor.getFoldingModel().getLastCollapsedRegionBefore(visualLineStartOffset) + 1;

项目:consulo    文件   
private void init(EditorView view, int startOffset, int startLogicalLine, int currentOrPrevWrapIndex, int nextFoldingIndex,
                  @Nullable Runnable quickEvaluationListener) {
  myQuickEvaluationListener = quickEvaluationListener;
  myView = view;
  EditorImpl editor = view.getEditor();
  myDocument = editor.getDocument();
  FoldingModelEx foldingModel = editor.getFoldingModel();
  FoldRegion[] regions = foldingModel.fetchTopLevel();
  myRegions = regions == null ? FoldRegion.EMPTY_ARRAY : regions;
  SoftWrapModelImpl softWrapModel = editor.getSoftWrapModel();
  List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = softWrapModel.getRegisteredSoftWraps();
  SoftWrap currentOrPrevWrap = currentOrPrevWrapIndex < 0 || currentOrPrevWrapIndex >= softWraps.size() ? null :
  SoftWrap followingWrap = (currentOrPrevWrapIndex + 1) < 0 || (currentOrPrevWrapIndex + 1) >= softWraps.size() ? null :
                           softWraps.get(currentOrPrevWrapIndex + 1);

  myVisualLineStartOffset = mySegmentStartOffset = startOffset;

  myCurrentFoldRegionIndex = nextFoldingIndex;
  myCurrentEndLogicalLine = startLogicalLine;
  myCurrentX = myView.getInsets().left;
  if (mySegmentStartOffset == 0) {
    myCurrentX += myView.getPrefixTextWidthInPixels();
  else if (currentOrPrevWrap != null && mySegmentStartOffset == currentOrPrevWrap.getStart()) {
    myCurrentX += currentOrPrevWrap.getIndentInPixels();
    myCurrentVisualColumn = currentOrPrevWrap.getIndentInColumns();
  myNextWrapOffset = followingWrap == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : followingWrap.getStart();
项目:consulo    文件   
 * Inserts given soft wrap to {@link #myWraps} collection at the given index.
 * @param softWrap          soft wrap to store
 * @return                  previous soft wrap object stored for the same offset if any; <code>null</code> otherwise
public SoftWrap storeOrReplace(SoftWrapImpl softWrap) {
  int i = getSoftWrapIndex(softWrap.getStart());
  if (i >= 0) {
    return myWraps.set(i, softWrap);

  i = -i - 1;
  myWraps.add(i, softWrap);
  return null;
项目:consulo-java    文件   
public static void verifySoftWrapPositions(Integer... positions)
    List<Integer> softWrapPositions = new ArrayList<>();
    for(SoftWrap softWrap : myEditor.getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrapsForRange(0, myEditor.getDocument().getTextLength()))
    assertArrayEquals(positions, softWrapPositions.toArray());
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public SoftWrap getSoftWrap(int offset) {
  return null;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public List<? extends SoftWrap> getSoftWrapsForLine(int documentLine) {
  return Collections.emptyList();
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public List<? extends SoftWrap> getSoftWrapsForRange(int start, int end) {
  return Collections.emptyList();
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public boolean isVisible(SoftWrap softWrap) {
  return false;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
private VisualLineFragmentsIterator(EditorView view, int offset, boolean beforeSoftWrap, @Nullable Runnable quickEvaluationListener) {
  myQuickEvaluationListener = quickEvaluationListener;
  myView = view;
  EditorImpl editor = view.getEditor();
  myDocument = editor.getDocument();
  FoldingModelEx foldingModel = editor.getFoldingModel();
  FoldRegion[] regions = foldingModel.fetchTopLevel();
  myRegions = regions == null ? FoldRegion.EMPTY_ARRAY : regions;
  int visualLineStartOffset = EditorUtil.getNotFoldedLineStartOffset(editor, offset);

  SoftWrapModelImpl softWrapModel = editor.getSoftWrapModel();
  List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = softWrapModel.getRegisteredSoftWraps();
  int currentOrPrevWrapIndex = softWrapModel.getSoftWrapIndex(offset);
  if (currentOrPrevWrapIndex < 0) {
    currentOrPrevWrapIndex = - currentOrPrevWrapIndex - 2;
  else if (beforeSoftWrap) {
  SoftWrap currentOrPrevWrap = currentOrPrevWrapIndex < 0 || currentOrPrevWrapIndex >= softWraps.size() ? null :
  SoftWrap followingWrap = (currentOrPrevWrapIndex + 1) >= softWraps.size() ? null : softWraps.get(currentOrPrevWrapIndex + 1);

  if (currentOrPrevWrap != null && currentOrPrevWrap.getStart() > visualLineStartOffset) {
    visualLineStartOffset = currentOrPrevWrap.getStart();

  myVisualLineStartOffset = mySegmentStartOffset = visualLineStartOffset;

  myCurrentFoldRegionIndex = foldingModel.getLastCollapsedRegionBefore(mySegmentStartOffset) + 1;
  myCurrentEndLogicalLine = myDocument.getLineNumber(mySegmentStartOffset);
  if (mySegmentStartOffset == 0) {
    myCurrentX = myView.getPrefixTextWidthInPixels();
  else if (currentOrPrevWrap != null && mySegmentStartOffset == currentOrPrevWrap.getStart()) {
    myCurrentX = currentOrPrevWrap.getIndentInPixels();
    myCurrentVisualColumn = currentOrPrevWrap.getIndentInColumns();
  myNextWrapOffset = followingWrap == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : followingWrap.getStart();
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public Integer processSoftWrap(@NotNull EditorPosition position, SoftWrap softWrap) {
  return null;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public SoftWrap getSoftWrap(int offset) {
  int i = getSoftWrapIndex(offset);
  return i >= 0 ? myWraps.get(i) : null;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
private void doTestSoftWraps(int wrapWidth, String text) throws IOException {
  List<MyFoldRegion> foldRegions = new ArrayList<MyFoldRegion>();
  List<Integer> wrapPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  int foldInsertPosition = 0;
  int pos = 0;
  int docPos = 0;
  Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(TAGS_PATTERN).matcher(text);
  StringBuilder cleanedText = new StringBuilder();
  while(matcher.find()) {
    cleanedText.append(text.substring(pos, matcher.start()));
    docPos += matcher.start() - pos;
    pos = matcher.end();
    if ( != null) {       // <fold>
      foldRegions.add(foldInsertPosition++, new MyFoldRegion(docPos,, != null));
    else if ( != null) {  // </fold>
      assertTrue("Misplaced closing fold marker tag: " + text, foldInsertPosition > 0);
      foldRegions.get(--foldInsertPosition).endPos = docPos;
    else {                                // <wrap>
  assertTrue("Missing closing fold marker tag: " + text, foldInsertPosition == 0);

  init(cleanedText.toString(), TestFileType.TEXT);

  for (MyFoldRegion region : foldRegions) {
    FoldRegion r = addFoldRegion(region.startPos, region.endPos, region.placeholder);
    if (region.collapse) {
      toggleFoldRegionState(r, false);

  EditorTestUtil.configureSoftWraps(myEditor, wrapWidth);

  List<Integer> actualWrapPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  for (SoftWrap wrap : myEditor.getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrapsForRange(0, myEditor.getDocument().getTextLength())) {
  assertEquals("Wrong wrap positions", wrapPositions, actualWrapPositions);
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public List<? extends SoftWrap> getRegisteredSoftWraps() {
  return Collections.emptyList();
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public SoftWrap getSoftWrap(int offset) {
  return null;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public List<? extends SoftWrap> getSoftWrapsForRange(int start, int end) {
  return Collections.emptyList();
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public List<? extends SoftWrap> getSoftWrapsForLine(int documentLine) {
  return Collections.emptyList();
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public boolean isVisible(SoftWrap softWrap) {
  return false;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public SoftWrap getSoftWrap(int offset) {
  return null;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public List<? extends SoftWrap> getSoftWrapsForLine(int documentLine) {
  return Collections.emptyList();
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public List<? extends SoftWrap> getSoftWrapsForRange(int start, int end) {
  return Collections.emptyList();
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public boolean isVisible(SoftWrap softWrap) {
  return false;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public void softWrapAdded(@NotNull SoftWrap softWrap) {
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public SoftWrap getSoftWrap(int offset) {
  int i = getSoftWrapIndex(offset);
  return i >= 0 ? myWraps.get(i) : null;
项目:consulo    文件   
public SoftWrap getSoftWrap(int offset) {
  return null;
项目:consulo    文件   
public List<? extends SoftWrap> getSoftWrapsForLine(int documentLine) {
  return Collections.emptyList();
项目:consulo    文件   
public List<? extends SoftWrap> getSoftWrapsForRange(int start, int end) {
  return Collections.emptyList();
项目:consulo    文件   
public boolean isVisible(SoftWrap softWrap) {
  return false;
项目:consulo    文件   
public SoftWrap getSoftWrap(int offset) {
  int i = getSoftWrapIndex(offset);
  return i >= 0 ? myWraps.get(i) : null;
项目:consulo    文件   
 * Every soft wrap implies that multiple visual positions correspond to the same document offset. We can classify
 * such positions by the following criteria:
 * <pre>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>positions from visual line with soft wrap start;</li>
 *   <li>positions from visual line with soft wrap end;</li>
 * </ul>
 * </pre>
 * <p/>
 * This method allows to answer if caret offset of the given editor points to soft wrap and visual caret position
 * belongs to the visual line where soft wrap end is located.
 * @param editor    target editor
 * @return          <code>true</code> if caret offset of the given editor points to visual position that belongs to
 *                  visual line where soft wrap end is located
public static boolean isCaretAfterSoftWrap(CaretImpl caret) {
  if (!caret.isUpToDate()) {
    return false;
  EditorImpl editor = caret.getEditor();
  SoftWrapModel softWrapModel = editor.getSoftWrapModel();
  int offset = caret.getOffset();
  SoftWrap softWrap = softWrapModel.getSoftWrap(offset);
  if (softWrap == null) {
    return false;

  VisualPosition afterWrapPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(offset, false, false);
  VisualPosition caretPosition = caret.getVisualPosition();
  return caretPosition.line == afterWrapPosition.line && caretPosition.column <= afterWrapPosition.column;