Java 类com.intellij.psi.impl.source.codeStyle.javadoc.CommentFormatter 实例源码

项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
 * Formats PsiDocComments of current ASTNode element and all his children PsiDocComments
private static TextRange formatCommentsInner(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull ASTNode element, @NotNull final TextRange markedRange) {
  TextRange resultTextRange = markedRange;
  final PsiElement elementPsi = element.getPsi();
  boolean shouldFormat = markedRange.contains(element.getTextRange());

  if (shouldFormat) {
    final ASTNode rangeAnchor;
    // There are two possible cases:
    //   1. Given element correspond to comment's owner (e.g. field or method);
    //   2. Given element corresponds to comment itself;
    // However, doc comment formatter replaces old comment with the new one, hence, old element becomes invalid. That's why we need
    // to calculate text length delta not for the given comment element (it's invalid because removed from the AST tree) but for
    // its parent.
    if (elementPsi instanceof PsiDocComment) {
      rangeAnchor = element.getTreeParent();
    else {
      rangeAnchor = element;
    TextRange before = rangeAnchor.getTextRange();
    new CommentFormatter(project).processComment(element);
    int deltaRange = rangeAnchor.getTextRange().getLength() - before.getLength();
    resultTextRange = new TextRange(markedRange.getStartOffset(), markedRange.getEndOffset() + deltaRange);

  // If element is Psi{Method, Field, DocComment} and was formatted there is no reason to continue - we formatted all possible javadocs.
  // If element is out of range its children are also out of range. So in both cases formatting is finished. It's just for optimization.
  if ((shouldFormat && (elementPsi instanceof  PsiMethod || elementPsi instanceof PsiField || elementPsi instanceof PsiDocComment))
      || markedRange.getEndOffset() < element.getStartOffset())
    return resultTextRange;

  ASTNode current = element.getFirstChildNode();
  while (current != null) {
    // When element is PsiClass its PsiDocComment is formatted up to this moment, so we didn't need to format it again.
    if (!(shouldFormat && current.getPsi() instanceof PsiDocComment && elementPsi instanceof PsiClass)) {
      resultTextRange = formatCommentsInner(project, current, resultTextRange);
    current = current.getTreeNext();

  return resultTextRange;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
 * Formats PsiDocComments of current ASTNode element and all his children PsiDocComments
private static TextRange formatCommentsInner(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull ASTNode element, @NotNull final TextRange markedRange) {
  TextRange resultTextRange = markedRange;
  final PsiElement elementPsi = element.getPsi();
  boolean shouldFormat = markedRange.contains(element.getTextRange());

  if (shouldFormat) {
    final ASTNode rangeAnchor;
    // There are two possible cases:
    //   1. Given element correspond to comment's owner (e.g. field or method);
    //   2. Given element corresponds to comment itself;
    // However, doc comment formatter replaces old comment with the new one, hence, old element becomes invalid. That's why we need
    // to calculate text length delta not for the given comment element (it's invalid because removed from the AST tree) but for
    // its parent.
    if (elementPsi instanceof PsiDocComment) {
      rangeAnchor = element.getTreeParent();
    else {
      rangeAnchor = element;
    TextRange before = rangeAnchor.getTextRange();
    new CommentFormatter(project).processComment(element);
    int deltaRange = rangeAnchor.getTextRange().getLength() - before.getLength();
    resultTextRange = new TextRange(markedRange.getStartOffset(), markedRange.getEndOffset() + deltaRange);

  // If element is Psi{Method, Field, DocComment} and was formatted there is no reason to continue - we formatted all possible javadocs.
  // If element is out of range its children are also out of range. So in both cases formatting is finished. It's just for optimization.
  if ((shouldFormat && (elementPsi instanceof  PsiMethod || elementPsi instanceof PsiField || elementPsi instanceof PsiDocComment))
      || markedRange.getEndOffset() < element.getStartOffset())
    return resultTextRange;

  ASTNode current = element.getFirstChildNode();
  while (current != null) {
    // When element is PsiClass its PsiDocComment is formatted up to this moment, so we didn't need to format it again.
    if (!(shouldFormat && current.getPsi() instanceof PsiDocComment && elementPsi instanceof PsiClass)) {
      resultTextRange = formatCommentsInner(project, current, resultTextRange);
    current = current.getTreeNext();

  return resultTextRange;
项目:consulo-java    文件   
 * Formats PsiDocComments of current ASTNode element and all his children PsiDocComments
private static TextRange formatCommentsInner(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull ASTNode element, @NotNull final TextRange markedRange)
    TextRange resultTextRange = markedRange;
    final PsiElement elementPsi = element.getPsi();
    boolean shouldFormat = markedRange.contains(element.getTextRange());

        final ASTNode rangeAnchor;
        // There are two possible cases:
        //   1. Given element correspond to comment's owner (e.g. field or method);
        //   2. Given element corresponds to comment itself;
        // However, doc comment formatter replaces old comment with the new one, hence, old element becomes invalid. That's why we need
        // to calculate text length delta not for the given comment element (it's invalid because removed from the AST tree) but for
        // its parent.
        if(elementPsi instanceof PsiDocComment)
            rangeAnchor = element.getTreeParent();
            rangeAnchor = element;
        TextRange before = rangeAnchor.getTextRange();
        new CommentFormatter(elementPsi).processComment(element);
        int deltaRange = rangeAnchor.getTextRange().getLength() - before.getLength();
        resultTextRange = new TextRange(markedRange.getStartOffset(), markedRange.getEndOffset() + deltaRange);

    // If element is Psi{Method, Field, DocComment} and was formatted there is no reason to continue - we formatted all possible javadocs.
    // If element is out of range its children are also out of range. So in both cases formatting is finished. It's just for optimization.
    if((shouldFormat && (elementPsi instanceof PsiMethod || elementPsi instanceof PsiField || elementPsi instanceof PsiDocComment)) ||
            markedRange.getEndOffset() < element.getStartOffset())
        return resultTextRange;

    ASTNode current = element.getFirstChildNode();
    while(current != null)
        // When element is PsiClass its PsiDocComment is formatted up to this moment, so we didn't need to format it again.
        if(!(shouldFormat && current.getPsi() instanceof PsiDocComment && elementPsi instanceof PsiClass))
            resultTextRange = formatCommentsInner(project, current, resultTextRange);
        current = current.getTreeNext();

    return resultTextRange;