public PdfArray rotateAnnotations(PdfWriter writer, Rectangle pageSize) { PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); int rotation = pageSize.getRotation() % 360; int currentPage = writer.getCurrentPageNumber(); for (int k = 0; k < annotations.size(); ++k) { PdfAnnotation dic = (PdfAnnotation)annotations.get(k); int page = dic.getPlaceInPage(); if (page > currentPage) { delayedAnnotations.add(dic); continue; } if (dic.isForm()) { if (!dic.isUsed()) { HashMap templates = dic.getTemplates(); if (templates != null) acroForm.addFieldTemplates(templates); } PdfFormField field = (PdfFormField)dic; if (field.getParent() == null) acroForm.addDocumentField(field.getIndirectReference()); } if (dic.isAnnotation()) { array.add(dic.getIndirectReference()); if (!dic.isUsed()) { PdfRectangle rect = (PdfRectangle)dic.get(PdfName.RECT); if (rect != null) { switch (rotation) { case 90: dic.put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfRectangle( pageSize.getTop() - rect.bottom(), rect.left(), pageSize.getTop() -, rect.right())); break; case 180: dic.put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfRectangle( pageSize.getRight() - rect.left(), pageSize.getTop() - rect.bottom(), pageSize.getRight() - rect.right(), pageSize.getTop() -; break; case 270: dic.put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfRectangle( rect.bottom(), pageSize.getRight() - rect.left(),, pageSize.getRight() - rect.right())); break; } } } } if (!dic.isUsed()) { dic.setUsed(); try { writer.addToBody(dic, dic.getIndirectReference()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } } } return array; }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a Combobox */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("combo.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); String options[] = { "Red", "Green", "Blue" }; PdfFormField field = PdfFormField.createCombo(writer, true, options, 0); field.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 700, 180, 720), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); field.setFieldName("ACombo"); field.setValueAsString("Red"); writer.addAnnotation(field); // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
private void setCheckboxAppearance( PdfFormField checkboxfield, PdfContentByte canvas, float width ) { PdfAppearance[] onOff = new PdfAppearance[2]; onOff[0] = canvas.createAppearance( width + 2, width + 2 ); onOff[0].rectangle( 1, 1, width, width ); onOff[0].stroke(); onOff[1] = canvas.createAppearance( width + 2, width + 2 ); onOff[1].setRGBColorFill( 255, 128, 128 ); onOff[1].rectangle( 1, 1, width, width ); onOff[1].fillStroke(); onOff[1].moveTo( 1, 1 ); onOff[1].lineTo( width + 1, width + 1 ); onOff[1].moveTo( 1, width + 1 ); onOff[1].lineTo( width + 1, 1 ); onOff[1].stroke(); checkboxfield.setAppearance( PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", onOff[0] ); checkboxfield.setAppearance( PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "On", onOff[1] ); }
protected void embedFlash( String flashPath, byte[] flashData, float x, float y, float height, float width, String helpText, Map params ) throws IOException { y = transformY( y, height ); contentByte.saveState( ); PdfFileSpecification fs = PdfFileSpecification.fileEmbedded( writer, flashPath, helpText, flashData ); PdfAnnotation annot = PdfAnnotation.createScreen( writer, new Rectangle( x, y, x + width, y + height ), helpText, fs, "application/x-shockwave-flash", true ); writer.addAnnotation( annot ); if ( helpText != null ) { showHelpText( x, y, width, height, helpText ); } contentByte.restoreState( ); }
public void addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annot) { if (annot.isForm()) { PdfFormField field = (PdfFormField)annot; if (field.getParent() == null) addFormFieldRaw(field); } else annotations.add(annot); }
public static PdfAnnotation convertAnnotation(PdfWriter writer, Annotation annot, Rectangle defaultRect) throws IOException { switch(annot.annotationType()) { case Annotation.URL_NET: return new PdfAnnotation(writer, annot.llx(), annot.lly(), annot.urx(), annot.ury(), new PdfAction((URL) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.URL))); case Annotation.URL_AS_STRING: return new PdfAnnotation(writer, annot.llx(), annot.lly(), annot.urx(), annot.ury(), new PdfAction((String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.FILE))); case Annotation.FILE_DEST: return new PdfAnnotation(writer, annot.llx(), annot.lly(), annot.urx(), annot.ury(), new PdfAction((String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.FILE), (String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.DESTINATION))); case Annotation.SCREEN: boolean sparams[] = (boolean[])annot.attributes().get(Annotation.PARAMETERS); String fname = (String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.FILE); String mimetype = (String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.MIMETYPE); PdfFileSpecification fs; if (sparams[0]) fs = PdfFileSpecification.fileEmbedded(writer, fname, fname, null); else fs = PdfFileSpecification.fileExtern(writer, fname); PdfAnnotation ann = PdfAnnotation.createScreen(writer, new Rectangle(annot.llx(), annot.lly(), annot.urx(), annot.ury()), fname, fs, mimetype, sparams[1]); return ann; case Annotation.FILE_PAGE: return new PdfAnnotation(writer, annot.llx(), annot.lly(), annot.urx(), annot.ury(), new PdfAction((String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.FILE), ((Integer) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.PAGE)).intValue())); case Annotation.NAMED_DEST: return new PdfAnnotation(writer, annot.llx(), annot.lly(), annot.urx(), annot.ury(), new PdfAction(((Integer) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.NAMED)).intValue())); case Annotation.LAUNCH: return new PdfAnnotation(writer, annot.llx(), annot.lly(), annot.urx(), annot.ury(), new PdfAction((String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.APPLICATION),(String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.PARAMETERS),(String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.OPERATION),(String) annot.attributes().get(Annotation.DEFAULTDIR))); default: return new PdfAnnotation(writer, defaultRect.getLeft(), defaultRect.getBottom(), defaultRect.getRight(), defaultRect.getTop(), new PdfString(annot.title(), PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE), new PdfString(annot.content(), PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE)); } }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a PushButton */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { Document.compress = false; // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("pushbutton.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: PdfFormField pushbutton = PdfFormField.createPushButton(writer); PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); PdfAppearance normal = cb.createAppearance(100, 50); normal.setColorFill(Color.GRAY); normal.rectangle(5, 5, 90, 40); normal.fill(); PdfAppearance rollover = cb.createAppearance(100, 50); rollover.setColorFill(Color.RED); rollover.rectangle(5, 5, 90, 40); rollover.fill(); PdfAppearance down = cb.createAppearance(100, 50); down.setColorFill(Color.BLUE); down.rectangle(5, 5, 90, 40); down.fill(); pushbutton.setFieldName("PushMe"); pushbutton.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, normal); pushbutton.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_ROLLOVER, rollover); pushbutton.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_DOWN, down); pushbutton.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 700, 200, 750), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_PUSH); writer.addAnnotation(pushbutton); // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
private void createHyperlink( String hyperlink, String bookmark, String targetWindow, int type, float x, float y, float width, float height ) { y = transformY( y, height ); writer.addAnnotation( new PdfAnnotation( writer, x, y, x + width, y + height, createPdfAction( hyperlink, bookmark, targetWindow, type ) ) ); }
protected void showHelpText( float x, float y, float width, float height, String helpText ) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle( x, y, x + width, y + height ); PdfAnnotation annotation = PdfAnnotation.createSquareCircle( writer, rectangle, helpText, true ); PdfBorderDictionary borderStyle = new PdfBorderDictionary( 0, PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_SOLID, null ); annotation.setBorderStyle( borderStyle ); annotation.setFlags( 288 ); writer.addAnnotation( annotation ); }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a Combobox * * @param args * no arguments needed here */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Combo"); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); try { // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + + "droidtext" + + "combo.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); String options[] = { "Red", "Green", "Blue" }; PdfFormField field = PdfFormField.createCombo(writer, true, options, 0); field.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 700, 180, 720), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); field.setFieldName("ACombo"); field.setValueAsString("Red"); writer.addAnnotation(field); } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
public void addPlainAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annot) { annotations.add(annot); }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a Checkbox */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("checkbox.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); PdfFormField field = PdfFormField.createCheckBox(writer); PdfAppearance tpOff = cb.createAppearance(20, 20); PdfAppearance tpOn = cb.createAppearance(20, 20); tpOff.rectangle(1, 1, 18, 18); tpOff.stroke(); tpOn.setRGBColorFill(255, 128, 128); tpOn.rectangle(1, 1, 18, 18); tpOn.fillStroke(); tpOn.moveTo(1, 1); tpOn.lineTo(19, 19); tpOn.moveTo(1, 19); tpOn.lineTo(19, 1); tpOn.stroke(); field.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 700, 120, 720), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); field.setFieldName("Urgent"); field.setValueAsName("Off"); field.setAppearanceState("Off"); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", tpOff); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "On", tpOn); writer.addAnnotation(field); // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a TextField */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("textfield.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: BaseFont helv = BaseFont.createFont("Helvetica", "winansi", false); PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); String text = "Some start text"; float fontSize = 12; Color textColor = new GrayColor(0f); PdfFormField field = PdfFormField.createTextField(writer, false, false, 0); field.setWidget(new Rectangle(171, 750, 342, 769), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); field.setFlags(PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT); field.setFieldName("ATextField"); field.setValueAsString(text); field.setDefaultValueAsString(text); field.setBorderStyle(new PdfBorderDictionary(2, PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_SOLID)); field.setPage(); PdfAppearance tp = cb.createAppearance(171, 19); PdfAppearance da = (PdfAppearance) tp.getDuplicate(); da.setFontAndSize(helv, fontSize); da.setColorFill(textColor); field.setDefaultAppearanceString(da); tp.beginVariableText(); tp.saveState(); tp.rectangle(2, 2, 167, 15); tp.clip(); tp.newPath(); tp.beginText(); tp.setFontAndSize(helv, fontSize); tp.setColorFill(textColor); tp.setTextMatrix(4, 5); tp.showText(text); tp.endText(); tp.restoreState(); tp.endVariableText(); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, tp); writer.addAnnotation(field); // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a RadioButton */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("radiobutton.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); PdfFormField radio = PdfFormField.createRadioButton(writer, true); PdfAppearance tpOff = cb.createAppearance(20, 20); PdfAppearance tpOn = cb.createAppearance(20, 20);, 10, 9); tpOff.stroke();, 10, 9); tpOn.stroke();, 10, 3); tpOn.fillStroke(); radio.setFieldName("CreditCard"); radio.setValueAsName("MasterCard"); PdfFormField radio1 = PdfFormField.createEmpty(writer); radio1.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 700, 120, 720), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); radio1.setAppearanceState("MasterCard"); radio1.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", tpOff); radio1.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "MasterCard", tpOn); radio.addKid(radio1); PdfFormField radio2 = PdfFormField.createEmpty(writer); radio2.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 660, 120, 680), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); radio2.setAppearanceState("Off"); radio2.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", tpOff); radio2.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Visa", tpOn); radio.addKid(radio2); PdfFormField radio3 = PdfFormField.createEmpty(writer); radio3.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 620, 120, 640), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); radio3.setAppearanceState("Off"); radio3.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", tpOff); radio3.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "American", tpOn); radio.addKid(radio3); writer.addAnnotation(radio); // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Creates a document with some PdfAnnotations. * */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(); // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("Annotations.pdf")); // step 3: writer.setPdfVersion(PdfWriter.VERSION_1_5);; // step 4: PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); // page 1 PdfFileSpecification fs = PdfFileSpecification.fileExtern(writer, PdfTestBase.RESOURCES_DIR + "cards.mpg"); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createScreen(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 700f, 300f, 800f), "cards.mpg", fs, "video/mpeg", true)); PdfAnnotation a = new PdfAnnotation(writer, 200f, 550f, 300f, 650f, PdfAction.javaScript( "app.alert('Hello');\r", writer)); document.add(new Chunk("click to trigger javascript").setAnnotation(a).setLocalDestination("top")); writer.addAnnotation(a); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createFileAttachment(writer, new Rectangle(100f, 650f, 150f, 700f), "This is some text", "some text".getBytes(), null, "some.txt")); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createText(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 400f, 300f, 500f), "Help", "This Help annotation was made with 'createText'", false, "Help")); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createText(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 250f, 300f, 350f), "Help", "This Comment annotation was made with 'createText'", true, "Comment")); cb.rectangle(200, 700, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 550, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 400, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 250, 100, 100); cb.stroke(); document.newPage(); // page 2 writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createLink(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 700f, 300f, 800f), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_TOGGLE, PdfAction.javaScript("app.alert('Hello');\r", writer))); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createLink(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 550f, 300f, 650f), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_OUTLINE, "top")); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createLink(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 400f, 300f, 500f), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_PUSH, 1, new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT))); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createSquareCircle(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 250f, 300f, 350f), "This Comment annotation was made with 'createSquareCircle'", false)); document.newPage(); // page 3 PdfContentByte pcb = new PdfContentByte(writer); pcb.setColorFill(new Color(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00)); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createFreeText(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 700f, 300f, 800f), "This is some free text, blah blah blah", pcb)); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createLine(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 550f, 300f, 650f), "this is a line", 200, 550, 300, 650)); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createStamp(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 400f, 300f, 500f), "This is a stamp", "Stamp")); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createPopup(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 250f, 300f, 350f), "Hello, I'm a popup!", true)); cb.rectangle(200, 700, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 550, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 250, 100, 100); cb.stroke(); // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
public void exportElement(JRPdfExporterContext exporterContext, JRGenericPrintElement element) { try { PdfWriter writer = exporterContext.getPdfWriter(); PdfIndirectObject swfRef; boolean newContext = !existingContexts.containsKey(exporterContext); if (newContext) { // add the Adobe 1.7 extensions catalog dictionary PdfDictionary extensions = new PdfDictionary(); PdfDictionary adobeExtension = new PdfDictionary(); adobeExtension.put(new PdfName("BaseVersion"), PdfWriter.PDF_VERSION_1_7); adobeExtension.put(new PdfName("ExtensionLevel"), new PdfNumber(3)); extensions.put(new PdfName("ADBE"), adobeExtension); writer.getExtraCatalog().put(new PdfName("Extensions"), extensions); // add the swf file byte[] swfData = readSwf(); PdfFileSpecification swfFile = PdfFileSpecification.fileEmbedded(writer, null, "Open Flash Chart", swfData); swfRef = writer.addToBody(swfFile); existingContexts.put(exporterContext, swfRef); } else { swfRef = (PdfIndirectObject) existingContexts.get(exporterContext); } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(element.getX() + exporterContext.getOffsetX(), exporterContext.getExportedReport().getPageHeight() - element.getY() - exporterContext.getOffsetY(), element.getX() + exporterContext.getOffsetX() + element.getWidth(), exporterContext.getExportedReport().getPageHeight() - element.getY() - exporterContext.getOffsetY() - element.getHeight()); PdfAnnotation ann = new PdfAnnotation(writer, rect); ann.put(PdfName.SUBTYPE, new PdfName("RichMedia")); PdfDictionary settings = new PdfDictionary(); PdfDictionary activation = new PdfDictionary(); activation.put(new PdfName("Condition"), new PdfName("PV")); settings.put(new PdfName("Activation"), activation); ann.put(new PdfName("RichMediaSettings"), settings); PdfDictionary content = new PdfDictionary(); HashMap<String, PdfIndirectReference> assets = new HashMap<String, PdfIndirectReference>(); assets.put("map.swf", swfRef.getIndirectReference()); PdfDictionary assetsDictionary = PdfNameTree.writeTree(assets, writer); content.put(new PdfName("Assets"), assetsDictionary); PdfArray configurations = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary configuration = new PdfDictionary(); PdfArray instances = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary instance = new PdfDictionary(); instance.put(new PdfName("Subtype"), new PdfName("Flash")); PdfDictionary params = new PdfDictionary(); String chartData = (String) element.getParameterValue(PARAMETER_CHART_DATA); String vars = "inline_data=" + chartData; params.put(new PdfName("FlashVars"), new PdfString(vars)); instance.put(new PdfName("Params"), params); instance.put(new PdfName("Asset"), swfRef.getIndirectReference()); PdfIndirectObject instanceRef = writer.addToBody(instance); instances.add(instanceRef.getIndirectReference()); configuration.put(new PdfName("Instances"), instances); PdfIndirectObject configurationRef = writer.addToBody(configuration); configurations.add(configurationRef.getIndirectReference()); content.put(new PdfName("Configurations"), configurations); ann.put(new PdfName("RichMediaContent"), content); writer.addAnnotation(ann); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a list * * @param args * no arguments needed here */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("List"); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); try { // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + + "droidtext" + + "list.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); String options[] = { "Red", "Green", "Blue" }; PdfFormField field = PdfFormField.createList(writer, options, 0); PdfAppearance app = cb.createAppearance(80, 60); app.rectangle(1, 1, 78, 58); app.setGrayFill(0.8f); app.fill(); app.resetGrayFill(); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, app); field.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 700, 180, 760), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_OUTLINE); field.setFieldName("AList"); field.setValueAsString("Red"); writer.addAnnotation(field); } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a Checkbox * * @param args * no arguments needed here */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Checkbox"); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); try { // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + + "droidtext" + + "checkbox.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); PdfFormField field = PdfFormField.createCheckBox(writer); PdfAppearance tpOff = cb.createAppearance(20, 20); PdfAppearance tpOn = cb.createAppearance(20, 20); tpOff.rectangle(1, 1, 18, 18); tpOff.stroke(); tpOn.setRGBColorFill(255, 128, 128); tpOn.rectangle(1, 1, 18, 18); tpOn.fillStroke(); tpOn.moveTo(1, 1); tpOn.lineTo(19, 19); tpOn.moveTo(1, 19); tpOn.lineTo(19, 1); tpOn.stroke(); field.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 700, 120, 720), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); field.setFieldName("Urgent"); field.setValueAsName("Off"); field.setAppearanceState("Off"); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", tpOff); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "On", tpOn); writer.addAnnotation(field); } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a PushButton * * @param args * no arguments needed here */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("PushButton"); Document.compress = false; // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); try { // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + + "droidtext" + + "pushbutton.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: PdfFormField pushbutton = PdfFormField.createPushButton(writer); PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); PdfAppearance normal = cb.createAppearance(100, 50); normal.setColorFill(Color.GRAY); normal.rectangle(5, 5, 90, 40); normal.fill(); PdfAppearance rollover = cb.createAppearance(100, 50); rollover.setColorFill(Color.RED); rollover.rectangle(5, 5, 90, 40); rollover.fill(); PdfAppearance down = cb.createAppearance(100, 50); down.setColorFill(Color.BLUE); down.rectangle(5, 5, 90, 40); down.fill(); pushbutton.setFieldName("PushMe"); pushbutton.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, normal); pushbutton.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_ROLLOVER, rollover); pushbutton.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_DOWN, down); pushbutton.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 700, 200, 750), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_PUSH); writer.addAnnotation(pushbutton); } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a RadioButton * * @param args * no arguments needed here */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("RadioButton"); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); try { // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + + "droidtext" + + "radiobutton.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); PdfFormField radio = PdfFormField.createRadioButton(writer, true); PdfAppearance tpOff = cb.createAppearance(20, 20); PdfAppearance tpOn = cb.createAppearance(20, 20);, 10, 9); tpOff.stroke();, 10, 9); tpOn.stroke();, 10, 3); tpOn.fillStroke(); radio.setFieldName("CreditCard"); radio.setValueAsName("MasterCard"); PdfFormField radio1 = PdfFormField.createEmpty(writer); radio1.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 700, 120, 720), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); radio1.setAppearanceState("MasterCard"); radio1.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", tpOff); radio1.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "MasterCard", tpOn); radio.addKid(radio1); PdfFormField radio2 = PdfFormField.createEmpty(writer); radio2.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 660, 120, 680), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); radio2.setAppearanceState("Off"); radio2.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", tpOff); radio2.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Visa", tpOn); radio.addKid(radio2); PdfFormField radio3 = PdfFormField.createEmpty(writer); radio3.setWidget(new Rectangle(100, 620, 120, 640), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); radio3.setAppearanceState("Off"); radio3.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", tpOff); radio3.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "American", tpOn); radio.addKid(radio3); writer.addAnnotation(radio); } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Creates a document with some PdfAnnotations. * * @param args * no arguments needed */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("PdfAnnotations"); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(); try { // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + + "droidtext" + + "Annotations.pdf")); // step 3: writer.setPdfVersion(PdfWriter.VERSION_1_5);; // step 4: PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); // page 1 PdfFileSpecification fs = PdfFileSpecification.fileExtern(writer, "cards.mpg"); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createScreen(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 700f, 300f, 800f), "cards.mpg", fs, "video/mpeg", true)); PdfAnnotation a = new PdfAnnotation(writer, 200f, 550f, 300f, 650f, PdfAction.javaScript( "app.alert('Hello');\r", writer)); document.add(new Chunk("click to trigger javascript").setAnnotation(a).setLocalDestination("top")); writer.addAnnotation(a); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createFileAttachment(writer, new Rectangle(100f, 650f, 150f, 700f), "This is some text", "some text".getBytes(), null, "some.txt")); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createText(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 400f, 300f, 500f), "Help", "This Help annotation was made with 'createText'", false, "Help")); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createText(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 250f, 300f, 350f), "Help", "This Comment annotation was made with 'createText'", true, "Comment")); cb.rectangle(200, 700, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 550, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 400, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 250, 100, 100); cb.stroke(); document.newPage(); // page 2 writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createLink(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 700f, 300f, 800f), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_TOGGLE, PdfAction.javaScript("app.alert('Hello');\r", writer))); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createLink(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 550f, 300f, 650f), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_OUTLINE, "top")); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createLink(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 400f, 300f, 500f), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_PUSH, 1, new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT))); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createSquareCircle(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 250f, 300f, 350f), "This Comment annotation was made with 'createSquareCircle'", false)); document.newPage(); // page 3 PdfContentByte pcb = new PdfContentByte(writer); pcb.setColorFill(new Color(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00)); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createFreeText(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 700f, 300f, 800f), "This is some free text, blah blah blah", pcb)); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createLine(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 550f, 300f, 650f), "this is a line", 200, 550, 300, 650)); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createStamp(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 400f, 300f, 500f), "This is a stamp", "Stamp")); writer.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createPopup(writer, new Rectangle(200f, 250f, 300f, 350f), "Hello, I'm a popup!", true)); cb.rectangle(200, 700, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 550, 100, 100); cb.rectangle(200, 250, 100, 100); cb.stroke(); } catch (Exception de) { de.printStackTrace(); } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Generates an Acroform with a TextField * * @param args * no arguments needed here */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Textfield"); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); try { // step 2: PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + + "droidtext" + + "textfield.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: BaseFont helv = BaseFont.createFont("Helvetica", "winansi", false); PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.moveTo(0, 0); String text = "Some start text"; float fontSize = 12; Color textColor = new GrayColor(0f); PdfFormField field = PdfFormField.createTextField(writer, false, false, 0); field.setWidget(new Rectangle(171, 750, 342, 769), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); field.setFlags(PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT); field.setFieldName("ATextField"); field.setValueAsString(text); field.setDefaultValueAsString(text); field.setBorderStyle(new PdfBorderDictionary(2, PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_SOLID)); field.setPage(); PdfAppearance tp = cb.createAppearance(171, 19); PdfAppearance da = (PdfAppearance) tp.getDuplicate(); da.setFontAndSize(helv, fontSize); da.setColorFill(textColor); field.setDefaultAppearanceString(da); tp.beginVariableText(); tp.saveState(); tp.rectangle(2, 2, 167, 15); tp.clip(); tp.newPath(); tp.beginText(); tp.setFontAndSize(helv, fontSize); tp.setColorFill(textColor); tp.setTextMatrix(4, 5); tp.showText(text); tp.endText(); tp.restoreState(); tp.endVariableText(); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, tp); writer.addAnnotation(field); } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Sets a generic annotation to this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * * @param annotation * the annotation * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annotation) { return setAttribute(PDFANNOTATION, annotation); }
/** * Use this methods to add a <CODE>PdfAnnotation</CODE> or a <CODE>PdfFormField</CODE> * to the document. Only the top parent of a <CODE>PdfFormField</CODE> * needs to be added. * @param annot the <CODE>PdfAnnotation</CODE> or the <CODE>PdfFormField</CODE> to add */ public void addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annot);
/** * Sets a generic annotation to this <CODE>Chunk</CODE>. * @param annotation the annotation * @return this <CODE>Chunk</CODE> */ public Chunk setAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annotation) { return setAttribute(PDFANNOTATION, annotation); }