Java 类edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.interfaces.Potentiometer 实例源码

项目:Iapetus2014    文件   
 * Create a new PotentiometerPidSrc instance
 * @param pot a Potentiometer object to measure voltages from
 * @param minVolt the minimum measured voltage from the potentiometer at the "small" movement endpoint of the system
 * @param maxVolt the maximum measured voltage from the potentiometer at the "large" movement endpoint of the system
 * @param minAngle the minimum angle the system can physically rotate to
 * @param maxAngle  the maximum angle the system can physically rotate to
public PotentiometerPidSrc(final Potentiometer pot,
        final float minVolt, final float maxVolt,
        final float minAngle, final float maxAngle) {
    this.pot = pot;
    this.minVolt = minVolt;
    this.maxVolt = maxVolt;
    this.minAngle = minAngle;
    this.maxAngle = maxAngle;
项目:2017-code    文件   
 * Create a PIDPotentiometer, for use with a 1699 PIDLoop
 * @param p a potentiometer
public PIDPotentiometer(Potentiometer p) {
    this.sens = p;
项目:swerve-code    文件   
 * Create a PIDPotentiometer, for use with a 1699 PIDLoop
 * @param p a potentiometer
public PIDPotentiometer(Potentiometer p) {
    this.sens = p;
项目:Iapetus2014    文件   
 * Retrieve the original sensor used to construct this PIDSrc
 * @return the Potentiometer
public Potentiometer getSensor() {
    return pot;