public void testTPrimitivePrimitveHashMapConstructors() { int cap = 20; TIntLongMap cap_and_factor = new TIntLongHashMap( cap, 0.75f ); TPrimitiveHash cap_and_factor_hash = (TPrimitiveHash) cap_and_factor; assertTrue( "capacity not sufficient: " + cap + ", " + cap_and_factor_hash.capacity(), cap <= cap_and_factor_hash.capacity() ); assertEquals( 0.75f, cap_and_factor_hash._loadFactor ); TIntLongMap fully_specified = new TIntLongHashMap( cap, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE ); TPrimitiveHash fully_specified_hash = (TPrimitiveHash) fully_specified; assertTrue( "capacity not sufficient: " + cap + ", " + fully_specified_hash.capacity(), cap <= fully_specified_hash.capacity() ); assertEquals( 0.5f, fully_specified_hash._loadFactor ); assertEquals( Integer.MIN_VALUE, fully_specified.getNoEntryKey() ); assertEquals( Long.MIN_VALUE, fully_specified.getNoEntryValue() ); }
public void testGet() { int element_count = 20; int[] keys = new int[element_count]; Long[] vals = new Long[element_count]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) { keys[i] = i + 1; vals[i] = Long.valueOf( i + 1 ); raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); assertEquals( vals[10], map.get( Integer.valueOf( keys[10] ) ) ); assertNull( map.get( Integer.valueOf( 1138 ) ) ); }
/** Be sure that size is large enough to force a resize or two. */ public void testRehash() { int size = 1000; int[] keys = new int[size]; long[] vals = new long[size]; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { keys[i] = i + 1; vals[i] = keys[i] * 2; } TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); assertEquals( keys.length, map.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { Integer key = keys[i]; Long val = vals[i]; assertEquals( "got incorrect value for index " + i + ", map: " + map, val, map.get( key ) ); } }
public void testClear() { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101}; long[] vals = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101}; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] * 2 ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); assertEquals( keys.length, map.size() ); map.clear(); assertEquals( 0, map.size() ); assertTrue( map.isEmpty() ); TIntLongMap raw_empty = new TIntLongHashMap(); Map<Integer,Long> empty = TDecorators.wrap( raw_empty ); assertEquals( empty, map ); }
public void testRemove() { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117}; Long[] vals = new Long[keys.length]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { vals[i] = Long.valueOf( keys[i] * 2 ); raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); assertEquals( keys.length, map.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { assertEquals( vals[i], map.get( keys[i] ) ); } assertEquals( vals[0], map.remove( keys[0] ) ); assertEquals( vals[3], map.remove( keys[3] ) ); assertNull( map.remove( keys[0] ) ); assertEquals( vals[5], map.remove( keys[5] ) ); assertNull( map.remove( 11010110 ) ); assertNull( map.get( 1138 ) ); //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls assertNull( map.get( Integer.valueOf( 1138 ) ) ); assertNull( map.get( null ) ); }
public void testKeySetHashCode() { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117}; Integer[] integer_keys = new Integer[keys.length]; long[] vals = new long[keys.length]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { integer_keys[i] = Integer.valueOf( keys[i] ); vals[i] = keys[i] * 2; raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); Set<Integer> set = map.keySet(); assertEquals( map.size(), set.size() ); assertFalse( set.isEmpty() ); Set<Integer> other = new HashSet<Integer>(); other.addAll( Arrays.asList( integer_keys ) ); assertTrue( "hashcodes incorrectly not equal: " + set + ", " + other, set.hashCode() == other.hashCode() ); }
public void testSerialize() throws Exception { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117}; long[] vals = new long[keys.length]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { vals[i] = keys[i] * 2; raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( baos ); oos.writeObject( map ); ByteArrayInputStream bias = new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray() ); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( bias ); //noinspection unchecked Map<Integer,Long> deserialized = (Map<Integer,Long>) ois.readObject(); assertEquals( map, deserialized ); }
/** * Constructor * @param length the length for this array */ SparseArrayOfZonedDateTimes(int length, ZonedDateTime defaultValue) { super(ZonedDateTime.class, ArrayStyle.SPARSE, false); this.length = length; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.defaultValueAsLong = defaultValue != null ? defaultValue.toInstant().toEpochMilli() : nullValue; this.defaultZoneId = defaultValue != null ? zoneIdMap1.get(defaultValue.getZone()) : NULL_ZONE; this.values = new TIntLongHashMap((int)Math.max(length * 0.5, 10d), 0.8f, -1, defaultValueAsLong); this.zoneIds = new TIntShortHashMap((int)Math.max(length * 0.5, 10d), 0.8f, -1, defaultZoneId); }
/** * Constructor * @param length the length for this array * @param defaultValue the default value for array * @param coding the coding for this array */ SparseArrayWithLongCoding(int length, T defaultValue, LongCoding<T> coding) { super(coding.getType(), ArrayStyle.SPARSE, false); this.length = length; this.coding = coding; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.defaultCode = coding.getCode(defaultValue); = new TIntLongHashMap((int)Math.max(length * 0.5, 10d), 0.8f, -1, defaultCode); }
/** * Constructor * @param length the length for this array * @param defaultValue the default value for array */ SparseArrayOfLongs(int length, Long defaultValue) { super(Long.class, ArrayStyle.SPARSE, false); this.length = length; this.defaultValue = defaultValue != null ? defaultValue : 0L; this.values = new TIntLongHashMap((int)Math.max(length * 0.5, 10d), 0.8f, -1, this.defaultValue); }
public void testTPrimitivePrimitveHashMapSerialize() throws Exception { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117}; long[] vals = new long[keys.length]; TIntLongMap original_map = new TIntLongHashMap( 200, 0.75f, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE ); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { vals[i] = keys[i] * 2; original_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } THash original_hash = ( THash ) original_map; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( baos ); oos.writeObject( original_map ); ByteArrayInputStream bias = new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray() ); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( bias ); TIntLongMap deserialized_map = ( TIntLongMap ) ois.readObject(); THash deserialized_hash = ( THash ) deserialized_map; assertEquals( original_map, deserialized_map ); assertEquals( original_map.getNoEntryKey(), deserialized_map.getNoEntryKey() ); assertEquals( original_map.getNoEntryValue(), deserialized_map.getNoEntryValue() ); assertEquals( original_hash._loadFactor, deserialized_hash._loadFactor ); }
public void testKeySetContainsAll() { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117}; long[] vals = new long[keys.length]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { vals[i] = keys[i] * 2; raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); Set<Integer> set = map.keySet(); assertEquals( map.size(), set.size() ); assertFalse( set.isEmpty() ); // test with a java.util.Map Set<Number> java_set = new HashSet<Number>(); for ( int key : keys ) { java_set.add( Integer.valueOf( key ) ); } assertTrue( set.containsAll( java_set ) ); java_set.add( Integer.valueOf( 12 ) ); assertFalse( set.containsAll( java_set ) ); java_set.remove( Integer.valueOf( 12 ) ); assertTrue( set.containsAll( java_set ) ); java_set.add( Long.valueOf( 12 ) ); assertFalse( set.containsAll( java_set ) ); }
public void testKeySetEquals() { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117}; Integer[] integer_keys = new Integer[keys.length]; long[] vals = new long[keys.length]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { integer_keys[i] = Integer.valueOf( keys[i] ); vals[i] = keys[i] * 2; raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); Set<Integer> set = map.keySet(); assertEquals( map.size(), set.size() ); assertFalse( set.isEmpty() ); Set<Integer> other = new HashSet<Integer>(); other.addAll( Arrays.asList( integer_keys ) ); assertTrue( "sets incorrectly not equal: " + set + ", " + other, set.equals( other ) ); Integer[] mismatched = {72, 49, 53, 1024, 999}; Set<Integer> unequal = new HashSet<Integer>(); unequal.addAll( Arrays.asList( mismatched ) ); assertFalse( "sets incorrectly equal: " + set + ", " + unequal, set.equals( unequal ) ); // Change length, different code branch unequal.add( 1 ); assertFalse( "sets incorrectly equal: " + set + ", " + unequal, set.equals( unequal ) ); assertFalse( "set incorrectly equals a random object", set.equals( new Object() ) ); }
public void testValueCollectionContainsAll() { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117}; long[] vals = new long[keys.length]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { vals[i] = keys[i] * 2; raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); Collection<Long> values = map.values(); assertEquals( map.size(), values.size() ); assertFalse( values.isEmpty() ); // test with a java.util.Map Set<Number> java_set = new HashSet<Number>(); for ( long val : vals ) { java_set.add( Long.valueOf( val ) ); } assertTrue( values.containsAll( java_set ) ); java_set.add( Integer.valueOf( 12 ) ); assertFalse( values.containsAll( java_set ) ); java_set.remove( Integer.valueOf( 12 ) ); assertTrue( values.containsAll( java_set ) ); java_set.add( Long.valueOf( 12 ) ); assertFalse( values.containsAll( java_set ) ); }
public void testHashCode() { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117}; long[] vals = new long[keys.length]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { vals[i] = keys[i] * 2; raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); TIntLongMap raw_other = new TIntLongHashMap(); Map<Integer,Long> other = TDecorators.wrap( raw_other ); other.putAll( map ); assertTrue( "hashcodes incorrectly not equal: " + map + ", " + other, map.hashCode() == other.hashCode() ); TIntLongMap raw_unequal = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int key : keys ) { raw_unequal.put( key, key ); } Map<Integer,Long> unequal = TDecorators.wrap( raw_unequal ); assertFalse( "hashcodes unlikely equal: " + map + ", " + unequal, map.hashCode() == unequal.hashCode() ); int[] raw_mismatched = {72, 49, 53, 1024, 999}; TIntLongMap raw_mismatched_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int aRaw_mismatched : raw_mismatched ) { raw_mismatched_map.put( aRaw_mismatched, Long.valueOf( aRaw_mismatched * 37 ) ); } Map<Integer,Long> mismatched = TDecorators.wrap( raw_mismatched_map ); assertFalse( "hashcodes unlikely equal: " + map + ", " + mismatched, map.hashCode() == mismatched.hashCode() ); }
public void testToString() { TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); map.put( 11, Long.valueOf( 1 ) ); map.put( 22, Long.valueOf( 2 ) ); String to_string = map.toString(); assertTrue( to_string, to_string.equals( "{11=1, 22=2}" ) || to_string.equals( "{22=2, 11=1}" ) ); }
public MetricTable(int timestampsSize) { this.timestampsSize = timestampsSize; this.t_bool = new TIntByteHashMap(timestampsSize, 1, -1, (byte) -1); this.t_16bit = new TIntShortHashMap(timestampsSize, 1, -1, (short) -1); this.t_32bit = new TIntIntHashMap(timestampsSize, 1, -1, -1); this.t_64bit = new TIntLongHashMap(timestampsSize, 1, -1, -1); this.t_dbl = new TIntDoubleHashMap(timestampsSize, 1, -1, -1); this.t_str = new TIntIntHashMap(timestampsSize, 1, -1, -1); this.t_hist = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(timestampsSize, 1, -1); this.t_empty = new TIntHashSet(timestampsSize, 1, -1); this.t_other = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(timestampsSize, 1, -1); }
public void testGet() { int element_count = 20; int[] keys = new int[element_count]; Long[] vals = new Long[element_count]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) { keys[i] = i + 1; vals[i] = Long.valueOf( i + 1 ); raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); assertEquals( vals[10], map.get( Integer.valueOf( keys[10] ) ) ); assertNull( map.get( Integer.valueOf( 1138 ) ) ); Integer key = Integer.valueOf( 1138 ); map.put( key, null ); assertTrue( map.containsKey( key ) ); assertNull( map.get( key ) ); Long long_key = Long.valueOf( 1138 ); //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls assertNull( map.get( long_key ) ); Long null_value = Long.valueOf( 747 ); map.put( null, null_value ); assertEquals( null_value, map.get( null ) ); }
public void testRemove() { int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117}; Long[] vals = new Long[keys.length]; TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap(); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { vals[i] = Long.valueOf( keys[i] * 2 ); raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] ); } Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map ); assertEquals( keys.length, map.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { assertEquals( vals[i], map.get( keys[i] ) ); } assertEquals( vals[0], map.remove( keys[0] ) ); assertEquals( vals[3], map.remove( keys[3] ) ); assertNull( map.remove( keys[0] ) ); assertEquals( vals[5], map.remove( keys[5] ) ); assertNull( map.remove( 11010110 ) ); assertNull( map.get( 1138 ) ); //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls assertNull( map.get( Integer.valueOf( 1138 ) ) ); assertNull( map.get( null ) ); Long null_value = Long.valueOf( 2112 ); map.put( null, null_value ); assertEquals( null_value.longValue(), raw_map.get( raw_map.getNoEntryKey() ) ); assertTrue( map.containsKey( null ) ); Long value = map.get( null ); assertEquals( "value: " + value, null_value, value ); assertEquals( null_value, map.remove( null ) ); assertFalse( map.containsKey( null ) ); //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls assertNull( map.remove( Long.valueOf( 1138 ) ) ); }