public ServiceShortVo getServiceByTaxonomy(String externalCode, TaxonomyType taxonomy) { if (externalCode == null || taxonomy == null) throw new DomainRuntimeException("Invalid parameters supplied to getDisciplineServiceByTaxonomy"); DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hql = " from Service s " + " join s.taxonomyMap as cm" + " where cm.taxonomyName = :taxType " + " and cm.taxonomyCode = :extId "; List svcList = factory.find(hql,new String[]{"taxType", "extId"}, new Object[]{getDomLookup(taxonomy),externalCode}); if (svcList != null && svcList.size() > 1) { throw new DomainRuntimeException("Duplicate data found for taxonomy type " + taxonomy + " and External Code = " + externalCode); } else if (svcList != null && svcList.size() == 1) { return ServiceShortVoAssembler.create((Service) svcList.get(0)); } return null; }
protected void onCmbDocumentCategoryValueChanged() throws ims.framework.exceptions.PresentationLogicException { form.getLocalContext().setDocumentCategoryMapping(null); if(form.cmbDocumentCategory().getValue() != null ) { LookupInstVo inst = LookupHelper.getDocumentCategoryInstance(this.domain.getLookupService(),form.cmbDocumentCategory().getValue().getID()); LookupInstVo instMap = domain.getMappings(inst); LookupMappingVoCollection tempColl = instMap.getMappings().sort(); for(int i = 0; tempColl != null && i < tempColl.size();i++) { if(tempColl.get(i) != null && TaxonomyType.EDRM.getText().equals(tempColl.get(i).getExtSystem())) { TaxonomySeedVo taxSeedVo = new TaxonomySeedVo(); taxSeedVo.setID_TaxonomySeed(form.cmbDocumentCategory().getValue().getID()); taxSeedVo.setExtCode(tempColl.get(i).getExtCode()); taxSeedVo.setExtSystem(tempColl.get(i).getExtSystem()); form.getLocalContext().setDocumentCategoryMapping(taxSeedVo); break; } } } }
private void loadCmbExternalCode() { form.cmbExternalCode().clear(); TaxonomyTypeCollection coll = LookupHelper.getTaxonomyType(domain.getLookupService()); for (int i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++) { TaxonomyType inst = coll.get(i); if ((inst.equals(TaxonomyType.READ3) || inst.equals(TaxonomyType.SNOMED) || inst.equals(TaxonomyType.ICD10) || inst.equals(TaxonomyType.NAT_SPEC_CODE) || inst.equals(TaxonomyType.NAT_TREAT_CODE) || inst.equals(TaxonomyType.OPCS4) || inst.equals(TaxonomyType.VTM) || inst.equals(TaxonomyType.VMP) || inst.equals(TaxonomyType.AMP)) && inst.isActive()) { form.cmbExternalCode().newRow(inst, inst.getText()); } } }
public String getMappingForResultStatusLookup(ResultStatus resultStatusInstance, TaxonomyType extSystem) { if(resultStatusInstance == null || extSystem == null || extSystem.getText() == null) return null; String query = "select lm.extCode from LookupInstance as li left join li.mappings as lm where ( = :ResultStatusId and lm.extSystem = :TaxonomyType) "; List<?> list = getDomainFactory().find(query, new String[] {"ResultStatusId", "TaxonomyType"}, new Object[] {resultStatusInstance.getID(), extSystem.getText()}); if(list != null && list.size() > 0) { if(list.get(0) instanceof String) return (String) list.get(0); } return null; }
/** * Default in the search critera based on the details passed in the parameter * If the parameter is not null retrieve any matching records and populate the tree * @param ClinicVo */ private void populateSearchCriteriaAndSearch(ClinicVo voClinic) { if (voClinic != null && voClinic.getID_ClinicIsNotNull()) { form.cmbSearchLoc().setValue(voClinic.getClinicLocation()); //WDEV-11914 loadSearchOutpatientDepartment(form.cmbSearchLoc().getValue()); form.txtSearchName().setValue(voClinic.getClinicName()); form.chkSearchAciveOnly().setValue(voClinic.getIsActive()); if (voClinic.getID_ClinicIsNotNull() && (voClinic.getClinicNameIsNotNull() || voClinic.getMapping(TaxonomyType.PAS) != null || voClinic.getClinicLocationIsNotNull())) { search(); } } }
private String getNacs(GpToPracticesForSummaryOverviewVo gp) { if (gp == null) return null; if (!gp.getGpIsNotNull()) return null; if (!gp.getGp().getCodeMappingsIsNotNull()) return null; for (int i = 0 ; i < gp.getGp().getCodeMappings().size() ; i++) { if (gp.getGp().getCodeMappings().get(i).getTaxonomyName().getID() == TaxonomyType.NAT_GP_CODE.getID()) { return gp.getGp().getCodeMappings().get(i).getTaxonomyCode(); } } return null; }
public String getActiveHospitalCodeForClinic(ClinicRefVo clinicRefVo, TaxonomyType taxonomyType) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); Clinic clinic = (Clinic)factory.getDomainObject(clinicRefVo); if (clinic==null) return null; Location loc = clinic.getClinicLocation(); while (loc!=null&&(loc.isIsActive()&&loc.getType()!=null&&loc.getType().equals(getDomLookup(OrganisationType.HOSPITAL)))) { loc=loc.getParentLocation(); } if(loc!=null) return loc.getExtCode(taxonomyType.getID()); return null; }
private String checkExchequerCodeIsUnique(ValueObjectRef voRef, TaxonomyMapCollection collTaxMap) { if(ConfigFlag.DOM.ENABLE_EXCHEQUER_CODES_VALIDATION.getValue()) { if (voRef != null && collTaxMap != null) { for (int i = 0; i < collTaxMap.size(); i++) { if (collTaxMap.get(i) != null && collTaxMap.get(i).getTaxonomyNameIsNotNull() && collTaxMap.get(i).getTaxonomyName().equals(TaxonomyType.EXCH)) { String dupExchequer = domain.checkExchequerCodeIsUnique(collTaxMap.get(i).getTaxonomyCode(), voRef); if(dupExchequer != null) return dupExchequer; } } } } return null; }
public void setUserRole(String sessionToken, String role) { IAppRole appRole = getAppRoleByTaxonomyType(role, TaxonomyType.WEB_SERVICE); if (appRole == null) { createSOAPFault(SystemLogLevel.ERROR, "'role' not found"); } IAppUser user = getLoggedInUser(); if (user != null) { IAppRoleLight userRole = user.getAppRole(appRole.getId()); if (userRole == null) { createSOAPFault(SystemLogLevel.WARNING, "User '" + user.getUsername() + "' doesn't have assigned role '" + appRole.getName() + "'"); } } else { createSOAPFault(SystemLogLevel.WARNING, "WebService error: setUserRole - \n loggedin user is null"); } SessionData sessData = getSessionData(); sessData.role.set(appRole); }
private Organisation getDomOrganisationByTaxonomyType(String extId, TaxonomyType taxonomyType) { if (extId == null || taxonomyType == null) return null; DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hql = " from Organisation o " + " join o.codeMappings as cm" + " where cm.taxonomyName = :taxType " + " and cm.taxonomyCode = :extId "; List orgList = factory.find(hql,new String[]{"taxType", "extId"}, new Object[]{getDomLookup(taxonomyType),extId}); if (orgList != null && orgList.size() == 1) { return (Organisation) orgList.get(0); } else if (orgList != null && orgList.size() > 1) { throw new DomainRuntimeException("Non unique hit on Organisation by TaxonomyType " + taxonomyType.getText() + " and code " + extId); } return null; }
private TaxonomyMapCollection searchVTMCodes(TaxonomyMap filter) { int maxRecords = ConfigFlag.DOM.TAXONOMY_SEARCH_MAX_SIZE.getValue(); DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hqlList = " from VTM vt where upper( like :description";//WDEV-15115 TaxonomyMapCollection coll = new TaxonomyMapCollection(); List codesList = factory.find(hqlList, new String[] {"description"}, new Object[] {"%" + filter.getDescription().toUpperCase() + "%"}, maxRecords);//WDEV-15115 for (int i = 0; i < codesList.size(); i++) { VTM vtm = (VTM)codesList.get(i); TaxonomyMap taxMap = new TaxonomyMap(); taxMap.setTaxonomyName(TaxonomyType.VTM); taxMap.setDescription(vtm.getName()); taxMap.setTaxonomyCode(String.valueOf(vtm.getId())); coll.add(taxMap); } return coll; }
public AppRoleVo getAppRoleByTaxonomyType(String extId, TaxonomyType taxonomyType) { if (extId == null || taxonomyType == null) return null; DomainFactory factory = (DomainFactory) this.getDomainFactory(); String hql = " from AppRole ar join ar.codeMappings as cm where cm.taxonomyName = :taxType and cm.taxonomyCode = :extId "; List appRole = factory.find(hql,new String[]{"taxType", "extId"}, new Object[]{getDomLookup(taxonomyType),extId}); if (appRole != null && appRole.size() == 1) return AppRoleVoAssembler.create((AppRole) appRole.get(0)); else if (appRole != null && appRole.size() > 1) throw new DomainRuntimeException("Non unique hit on AppRole by TaxonomyType " + taxonomyType.getText() + " and code " + extId); return null; }
private TaxonomyMapCollection searchICD10Codes(TaxonomyMap filter) throws ims.domain.exceptions.DomainRuntimeException { int maxRecords = ConfigFlag.DOM.TAXONOMY_SEARCH_MAX_SIZE.getValue(); DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hqlList = " from Icd10AmProc p where (upper(p.ascii_desc) like :description) or upper(p.ascii_short_desc) like :description)";//WDEV-15115 TaxonomyMapCollection coll = new TaxonomyMapCollection(); List codesList = factory.find(hqlList, new String[] {"description"}, new Object[] {"%" + filter.getDescription().toUpperCase() + "%"}, maxRecords); //WDEV-15115 for (int i = 0; i < codesList.size(); i++) { Icd10AmProc proc = (Icd10AmProc)codesList.get(i); TaxonomyMap taxMap = new TaxonomyMap(); taxMap.setTaxonomyName(TaxonomyType.ICD10); taxMap.setDescription(proc.getAscii_short_desc() + " - " + proc.getAscii_desc()); taxMap.setTaxonomyCode(proc.getCode_id()); coll.add(taxMap); } return coll; }
private MemberOfStaff getDomMosByTaxonomyType(String extId, TaxonomyType taxonomyType) { if (extId == null || taxonomyType == null) return null; DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hql = " from MemberOfStaff m " + " join m.codeMappings as cm" + " where cm.taxonomyName = :taxType " + " and cm.taxonomyCode = :extId "; List mosList = factory.find(hql,new String[]{"taxType", "extId"}, new Object[]{getDomLookup(taxonomyType),extId}); if (mosList == null || mosList.size() == 0) { return null; } else if (mosList.size() > 1) { throw new DomainRuntimeException("More than one MOS found with identifier type = " + taxonomyType.getText() + " and value = " + extId); } return (MemberOfStaff)mosList.get(0); }
public LocSiteLiteVoCollection listHospitals(String name) { ArrayList<String> markers = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); String hql = "select ls from LocSite as ls left join ls.codeMappings as t left join t.taxonomyName as tn where tn =:taxonomyType and ls.isActive = 1 and ls.type !=:SurgeryType and ls.isRIE is null and ls.isVirtual = 0"; markers.add("SurgeryType"); values.add(getDomLookup(LocationType.SURGERY)); markers.add("taxonomyType"); values.add(getDomLookup(TaxonomyType.PATH)); if(name != null) { hql += " and ls.upperName like :locationName"; markers.add("locationName"); values.add(name.toUpperCase() + "%"); } List list = getDomainFactory().find(hql, markers, values); return LocSiteLiteVoAssembler.createLocSiteLiteVoCollectionFromLocSite(list); }
/** * wdev-9484 * If this is a nursing clinic i.e. there is a CDS mapping starting with NURSE * return true. Otherwise return false. * @param factory * @param service * @return */ private boolean isNursingClinic(Service service) { if (service == null || service.getTaxonomyMap() == null) return false; for (int i=0; i<service.getTaxonomyMap().size(); i++) { TaxonomyMap map = (TaxonomyMap) service.getTaxonomyMap().get(i); if (map.getTaxonomyName().getId() == TaxonomyType.CDS.getID() && map.getTaxonomyCode().startsWith("NURSE")) { return true; } } return false; }
private TaxonomyMapCollection searchICD10Codes(TaxonomyMap filter) throws ims.domain.exceptions.DomainRuntimeException { int maxRecords = ConfigFlag.DOM.TAXONOMY_SEARCH_MAX_SIZE.getValue(); DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hqlList = " from Icd10AmProc p where (upper(p.ascii_desc) like '%" + filter.getDescription().toUpperCase() + "%') or upper(p.ascii_short_desc) like '%" + filter.getDescription().toUpperCase() + "%')"; TaxonomyMapCollection coll = new TaxonomyMapCollection(); List codesList = factory.find(hqlList, maxRecords); for (int i = 0; i < codesList.size(); i++) { Icd10AmProc proc = (Icd10AmProc)codesList.get(i); TaxonomyMap taxMap = new TaxonomyMap(); taxMap.setTaxonomyName(TaxonomyType.ICD10); taxMap.setDescription(proc.getAscii_short_desc() + " - " + proc.getAscii_desc()); taxMap.setTaxonomyCode(proc.getCode_id()); coll.add(taxMap); } return coll; }
/** * wdev-9720 * If this is a radiology clinic i.e. there is a CDS mapping starting with RADIOLOGY * return true. Otherwise return false. * @param factory * @param service * @return */ private boolean isRadiologyClinic(Service service) { if (service == null || service.getTaxonomyMap() == null) return false; for (int i=0; i<service.getTaxonomyMap().size(); i++) { TaxonomyMap map = (TaxonomyMap) service.getTaxonomyMap().get(i); if (map.getTaxonomyName().getId() == TaxonomyType.CDS.getID() && map.getTaxonomyCode().startsWith("RADIOLOGY")) { return true; } } return false; }
public WorklistContactType getWorklistContactTypeByExternalCode(ContactType contactType) { if (contactType == null) return null; LookupInstVo instContactType = LookupHelper.getContactTypeInstance(getLookupService(), contactType.getId()); LookupInstVo instMap = getMappings(instContactType); LookupMappingVoCollection mapColl = instMap.getMappings(); for (int j = 0; j < mapColl.size(); j++) { LookupMappingVo valueObject = mapColl.get(j); TaxonomyType taxonomyType = getExtSystemInstance(valueObject.getExtSystem()); if (taxonomyType.equals(TaxonomyType.WORKLIST_MAPPING)) { Integer codeVal = Integer.valueOf(valueObject.getExtCode()); WorklistContactTypeCollection collWorklistContactType = LookupHelper.getWorklistContactType(getLookupService()); for (int i = 0; i < collWorklistContactType.size(); i++) { if (codeVal == collWorklistContactType.get(i).getId()) return collWorklistContactType.get(i); } } } return null; }
private String getNatSpecialtyCode(Service service) { if (service == null) { super.createSystemLogEntry(SystemLogType.CDS, SystemLogLevel.WARNING, "No Service found for referral"); return null; } if (service.getTaxonomyMap() == null || service.getTaxonomyMap().size() == 0) { super.createSystemLogEntry(SystemLogType.CDS, SystemLogLevel.WARNING, "No TaxonomyTypes found for this service - " + service.getServiceName()); return null; } for (int i=0; i<service.getTaxonomyMap().size(); i++) { TaxonomyMap taxMap = (TaxonomyMap) service.getTaxonomyMap().get(i); if (taxMap.getTaxonomyName().getId() == TaxonomyType.NAT_SPEC_CODE.getId()) return taxMap.getTaxonomyCode(); } super.createSystemLogEntry(SystemLogType.CDS, SystemLogLevel.WARNING, "TaxonomyType NAT_SPEC_CODE not found for this service - " + service.getServiceName()); return null; }
/** * wdev-11242 * Get the Configured HRG Code for the given referral coded item * @param factory * @param refItem * @return String hrgCode or null */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private String getHrgCode(DomainFactory factory, ReferralCodingItem refItem) { if (refItem == null || refItem.getOPCS4() == null) return null; String hql = " select hrg from HrgConfig hrg join hrg.mappings mp where mp.taxonomyCode = :opcs and mp.taxonomyName = :taxType"; ArrayList<String> markers = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); markers.add("opcs"); values.add(refItem.getOPCS4()); markers.add("taxType"); values.add(getDomLookup(TaxonomyType.OPCS4)); List lst = factory.find(hql, markers, values); if (lst != null && lst.size() > 0) { HrgConfig domHrg = (HrgConfig) lst.get(0); return domHrg.getHRGCode(); } return null; }
public AllergenRefVo getAllergenForTaxonomy(TaxonomyType taxonomyType,String mapping) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hql = " from Allergen alle join alle.taxonomyMap as tm where tm.taxonomyName = :taxType and tm.taxonomyCode = :extId "; List alleList = factory.find(hql,new String[]{"taxType", "extId"}, new Object[]{getDomLookup(taxonomyType),mapping}); if (alleList != null && alleList.size() == 1) { Allergen allergenDom = (Allergen)alleList.get(0); AllergenRefVo allRef = new AllergenRefVo(allergenDom.getId(),allergenDom.getVersion()); return allRef; } else if (alleList != null && alleList.size() > 1) { throw new DomainRuntimeException("Non unique hit on Allergen by TaxonomyType " + taxonomyType.getText() + " and code " + mapping); } else return null; }
public MedicLiteVo getMedicLiteByExternalCode(TaxonomyType taxType, String codeVal) { if (taxType == null || codeVal == null) throw new DomainRuntimeException("External Code and type not supplied for Medic"); List hcpList = getDomHcpByExternalCode(taxType, codeVal); if (hcpList != null && hcpList.size() > 0) { Hcp hcp = (Hcp)hcpList.get(0); if (hcp instanceof Medic) { return MedicLiteVoAssembler.create((Medic)hcp); } } return null; }
protected final void renderGpShortVoToXCN(GpShortVo gp,XCN xcn,ProviderSystemVo providerSystem) throws DataTypeException { LOG.debug("VoMapper renderGpShortVoToXCN: entry"); if(gp!=null&&gp.getNameIsNotNull()&&gp.getName().getForenameIsNotNull()) xcn.getGivenName().setValue(gp.getName().getForename()); if(gp!=null&&gp.getNameIsNotNull()&&gp.getName().getSurnameIsNotNull()) xcn.getFamilyName().getSurname().setValue(gp.getName().getSurname()); TaxonomyMap mapping = null; if (gp!=null) mapping = gp.getExternalCode(TaxonomyType.NAT_GP_CODE); if(mapping!=null) { xcn.getIDNumber().setValue(mapping.getTaxonomyCode()); } if(gp!=null&&gp.getNameIsNotNull()&&gp.getName().getTitleIsNotNull()) xcn.getPrefixEgDR().setValue(svc.getRemoteLookup(gp.getName().getTitle().getID(), providerSystem.getCodeSystem().getText())); LOG.debug("VoMapper renderGpShortVoToXCN: exit"); }
public TextileString getLoadReport(ims.core.vo.lookups.TaxonomyType codeType) { StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); str.append(makeTextile( "<CENTER>*" + "Load Results for " + codeType.getText() + "*</CENTER>", "SlateBlue", "tahoma", "14")); str.append(makeNewLine(new Integer(1))); str.append(makeTextile("Number of Records Inserted : ", "DarkRed", "tahoma", "12")); str.append(makeTextile(Integer.toString(getRecordsInserted()), "Black", "tahoma", "12").append(makeNewLine(new Integer(1)))); str.append(makeNewLine(new Integer(1))); str.append(makeTextile("Number of Records Updated : ", "DarkRed", "tahoma", "12")); str.append(makeTextile(Integer.toString(getRecordsUpdated()), "Black", "tahoma", "12").append(makeNewLine(new Integer(1)))); return new TextileString(str.toString()); }
public GpShortVo getNewGpBasedOnSearchCriteria() { GpShortVo voGpShort = new GpShortVo(); voGpShort.setName(new PersonName()); String forname = form.txtSearchForename().getValue(); String surname = form.txtSearchSurname().getValue(); TaxonomyType type = form.cmbSearchCodeType().getValue(); voGpShort.getName().setForename(forname); voGpShort.getName().setUpperForename(forname != null ? forname.toUpperCase().substring(0, Math.min(voGpShort.getName().getUpperForenameMaxLength(), forname.length())) : null); voGpShort.getName().setSurname(surname); voGpShort.getName().setUpperSurname(surname != null ? surname.toUpperCase().substring(0, Math.min(voGpShort.getName().getUpperSurnameMaxLength(), surname.length())) : null); if (type != null) { voGpShort.setCodeMappings(new TaxonomyMapCollection()); TaxonomyMap taxonomyMap = new TaxonomyMap(); taxonomyMap.setTaxonomyName(type); taxonomyMap.setTaxonomyCode(form.txtSearchCode().getValue()); voGpShort.getCodeMappings().add(taxonomyMap); } return voGpShort; }
private Location getDomLocationByTaxonomyType(String extId, TaxonomyType taxonomyType, Class clazz) { if (extId == null || taxonomyType == null) return null; String objName = (clazz.equals(Location.class)) ? "Location" : "LocSite"; DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hql = " from " + objName + " l " + " join l.codeMappings as cm" + " where cm.taxonomyName = :taxType " + " and cm.taxonomyCode = :extId "; List locList = factory.find(hql,new String[]{"taxType", "extId"}, new Object[]{getDomLookup(taxonomyType),extId}); if (locList != null && locList.size() == 1) { return (Location) locList.get(0); } else if (locList != null && locList.size() > 1) { throw new DomainRuntimeException("Non unique hit on Location by TaxonomyType " + taxonomyType.getText() + " and code " + extId); } else return null; }
private boolean checkMultipleSpecProcEXCHCode(ServiceActivityVo voServiceAct) { if (voServiceAct.getTaxonomyMapIsNotNull()) { int nCount = 0; Boolean bFound = false; for (int j = 0; j < voServiceAct.getTaxonomyMap().size(); j++) { if (voServiceAct.getTaxonomyMap().get(j).getTaxonomyNameIsNotNull() && voServiceAct.getTaxonomyMap().get(j).getTaxonomyName().equals(TaxonomyType.EXCH)) { nCount++; bFound = true; } } if (nCount > 1) { engine.showMessage("There are more then one Procedure Exchequer codes configured. Please remove one."); return false; } return bFound; } return false; }
/** * Gets the Active Hospital mapping for a particular location by walking up the Location tree until it hits a Hospital. * http://jira/browse/WDEV-11637 */ public String getActiveHospitalCodeForLoc(LocShortMappingsVo loc,TaxonomyType taxonomyType) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); Location location = (Location)factory.getDomainObject(loc); if (location==null) return null; while (location!=null&& (location.isIsActive()&&location.getType()!=null&&!location.getType().equals(getDomLookup(LocationType.HOSP))) ) { location=location.getParentLocation(); } if(location!=null) return location.getExtCode(taxonomyType.getID()); return null; }
public MedicWithMappingsLiteVo getMedicMedicMappingsByExternalCode(TaxonomyType taxType, String codeVal) { if (taxType == null || codeVal == null) throw new DomainRuntimeException("External Code and type not supplied for Medic"); List hcpList = getDomHcpByExternalCode(taxType, codeVal); if (hcpList != null && hcpList.size() > 0) { Hcp hcp = (Hcp)hcpList.get(0); if (hcp instanceof Medic) { return MedicWithMappingsLiteVoAssembler.create((Medic)hcp); } } return null; }
private boolean checkMandatorySpecEXCHCode() { if (form.lyr1().tabOrg().grdMappings().getRows().size() > 0) { for(int x = 0; x < form.lyr1().tabOrg().grdMappings().getRows().size(); x++) { if (form.lyr1().tabOrg().grdMappings().getRows().get(x).getcolExtCodeType() != null && form.lyr1().tabOrg().grdMappings().getRows().get(x).getcolExtCodeType().equals(TaxonomyType.EXCH)) { if ( ! NTPFExchequerCodingChecks.checkCodeIsAAANNN(form.lyr1().tabOrg().grdMappings().getRows().get(x).getcolCode()) ) { engine.showMessage("The Supplier Exchequer code is not of the format AAANNN."); return false; } if (x == form.lyr1().tabOrg().grdMappings().getRows().size()-1) return true; } } } return true; }
private TaxonomyMapCollection searchOPCS4Codes(TaxonomyMap filter) { int maxRecords = ConfigFlag.DOM.TAXONOMY_SEARCH_MAX_SIZE.getValue(); DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hqlList = " from Opcs4 opcs4 where upper(opcs4.opname4) like '%" + filter.getDescription().toUpperCase() + "%' or upper(opcs4.opname3) like '%" + filter.getDescription().toUpperCase() + "%')"; TaxonomyMapCollection coll = new TaxonomyMapCollection(); List codesList = factory.find(hqlList, maxRecords); for (int i = 0; i < codesList.size(); i++) { Opcs4 proc = (Opcs4)codesList.get(i); TaxonomyMap taxMap = new TaxonomyMap(); taxMap.setTaxonomyName(TaxonomyType.OPCS4); taxMap.setDescription(proc.getOpname3() + " - " + proc.getOpname4()); taxMap.setTaxonomyCode(proc.getOpcode()); coll.add(taxMap); } return coll; }
public String getCCOClinicName(String strClinicCode) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); StringBuffer hql2 = new StringBuffer(); hql2.append("select clin from Clinic clin left join clin.codeMappings as tax left join tax.taxonomyName as taxTyp where taxTyp = :taxonomyType and tax.taxonomyCode = '" + strClinicCode + "'"); ClinicVoCollection voClinics = ClinicVoAssembler.createClinicVoCollectionFromClinic(factory.find(hql2.toString(),new String[]{"taxonomyType"},new Object[]{getDomLookup(TaxonomyType.PAS)})); if (voClinics != null && voClinics.size() > 0) return voClinics.get(0).getClinicName(); else return null; }
public MedicVo getMedicByNationalCode(String natCode) { ims.core.vo.Hcp hcp = getHcpByExternalCode(TaxonomyType.NAT_CONS_CODE, natCode); if (hcp == null) return null; if (hcp instanceof MedicVo) return (MedicVo)hcp; else return null; }
protected void onFormOpen() throws FormOpenException { loadCmbExternalCode(); form.cmbExternalCode().setEnabled(true); form.lblExternalCodeType().setEnabled(true); if (engine.getPreviousNonDialogFormName().equals(form.getForms().Clinical.PastMedicalHistory) && ConfigFlag.UI.DISABLE_EXTERNAL_CODE_TYPE.getValue()) { form.cmbExternalCode().setEnabled(false); form.lblExternalCodeType().setEnabled(false); } form.txtSearchCriteria().setFocus(); form.btnSelect().setEnabled(false); TaxonomyMap voTaxonomy = form.getGlobalContext().Core.getTaxonomyMap(); if (voTaxonomy != null && voTaxonomy.getTaxonomyNameIsNotNull()) { form.cmbExternalCode().setValue(voTaxonomy.getTaxonomyName()); } else { if (form.cmbExternalCode().getValues().size() > 0) form.cmbExternalCode().setValue((TaxonomyType) form.cmbExternalCode().getValues().get(0)); } if (form.getGlobalContext().Core.getTaxonomySearchForNameIsNotNull()) { form.txtSearchCriteria().setValue(form.getGlobalContext().Core.getTaxonomySearchForName()); } }
public static String getPasMapping(LookupInstance inst) { if(inst == null) return ""; LookupMapping map = inst.getMapping(TaxonomyType.PAS.getText()); if(map != null) return map.getExtCode(); return null; }
public static String ValidHospitalSpecialty(LocationServiceVo voLocService) { if (voLocService.getIsActiveIsNotNull() && ! voLocService.getIsActive().booleanValue()) return "\r\nThe Hospital / Specialty link is not active. No editing is allowed"; //Check Specialty is Active and has an Exchequer code if (voLocService.getServiceIsNotNull()) { if (voLocService.getService().getIsActiveIsNotNull() && ! voLocService.getService().getIsActive().booleanValue()) return "\r\nThe Specialty is not active. No editing is allowed"; if (voLocService.getService().getTaxonomyMapIsNotNull()) { boolean bFound = false; for(int i=0;i < voLocService.getService().getTaxonomyMap().size() ; i++) { //Has it an Exchequer code if (voLocService.getService().getTaxonomyMap().get(i).getTaxonomyNameIsNotNull() && voLocService.getService().getTaxonomyMap().get(i).getTaxonomyName().equals(TaxonomyType.EXCH)) { bFound = true; //Is it a valid Exchequer code if ( ! checkCodeIsA6NNN(voLocService.getService().getTaxonomyMap().get(i).getTaxonomyCode()) ) return "\r\nThe Specialty Exchequer code is not of the format 6NNN. No editing is allowed"; } } if ( ! bFound) return "\r\nThe Specialty has no Exchequer code. No editing is allowed"; } } return ""; }
public HcpRefVo getHcpRefByTaxonomyType(String extCode, TaxonomyType taxType) { MemberOfStaff domMos = getDomMosByTaxonomyType(extCode, taxType); if (domMos == null) return null; else { return new HcpRefVo(domMos.getHcp().getId(),domMos.getHcp().getVersion()); } }