Java 类ims.ocrr.vo.OrderSpecimenLiteVoCollection 实例源码

项目:AvoinApotti    文件   
public OrderSpecimenLiteVoCollection getSpecimenForRound(PhlebotomyRoundRefVo round) 
    if (round == null )
        throw new CodingRuntimeException("Cannot get Location on null Id ");
    DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory();
    StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer();

    hql.append("select s1_1.specimen ");            
    hql.append(" from PhlebotomyRound as p1_1 left join p1_1.collectionItems as s1_1 ");
    hql.append(" where ");
    hql.append(" ( = :PhlebotomyRound_id) and p1_1.isRIE is null  ");
    hql.append("  order by s1_1.specimen asc  ");

    List<?> list  = factory.find(hql.toString(), new String[] {"PhlebotomyRound_id"}, new Object[] {round.getID_PhlebotomyRound()});

    return OrderSpecimenLiteVoAssembler.createOrderSpecimenLiteVoCollectionFromOrderSpecimen(list); 
项目:openMAXIMS    文件   
public OrderSpecimenLiteVoCollection getSpecimenForRound(PhlebotomyRoundRefVo round) 
    if (round == null )
        throw new CodingRuntimeException("Cannot get Location on null Id ");
    DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory();
    StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer();

    hql.append("select s1_1.specimen ");            
    hql.append(" from PhlebotomyRound as p1_1 left join p1_1.collectionItems as s1_1 ");
    hql.append(" where ");
    hql.append(" ( = :PhlebotomyRound_id) and p1_1.isRIE is null  ");
    hql.append("  order by s1_1.specimen asc  ");

    List<?> list  = factory.find(hql.toString(), new String[] {"PhlebotomyRound_id"}, new Object[] {round.getID_PhlebotomyRound()});

    return OrderSpecimenLiteVoAssembler.createOrderSpecimenLiteVoCollectionFromOrderSpecimen(list); 
项目:openMAXIMS    文件   
public OrderSpecimenLiteVoCollection getSpecimenForRound(PhlebotomyRoundRefVo round) 
    if (round == null )
        throw new CodingRuntimeException("Cannot get Location on null Id ");
    DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory();
    StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer();

    hql.append("select s1_1.specimen ");            
    hql.append(" from PhlebotomyRound as p1_1 left join p1_1.collectionItems as s1_1 ");
    hql.append(" where ");
    hql.append(" ( = :PhlebotomyRound_id) and p1_1.isRIE is null  ");
    hql.append("  order by s1_1.specimen asc  ");

    List<?> list  = factory.find(hql.toString(), new String[] {"PhlebotomyRound_id"}, new Object[] {round.getID_PhlebotomyRound()});

    return OrderSpecimenLiteVoAssembler.createOrderSpecimenLiteVoCollectionFromOrderSpecimen(list); 
项目:openmaxims-linux    文件   
public OrderSpecimenLiteVoCollection getSpecimenForRound(PhlebotomyRoundRefVo round) 
    if (round == null )
        throw new CodingRuntimeException("Cannot get Location on null Id ");
    DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory();
    StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer();

    hql.append("select s1_1.specimen ");            
    hql.append(" from PhlebotomyRound as p1_1 left join p1_1.collectionItems as s1_1 ");
    hql.append(" where ");
    hql.append(" ( = :PhlebotomyRound_id) and p1_1.isRIE is null  ");
    hql.append("  order by s1_1.specimen asc  ");

    List<?> list  = factory.find(hql.toString(), new String[] {"PhlebotomyRound_id"}, new Object[] {round.getID_PhlebotomyRound()});

    return OrderSpecimenLiteVoAssembler.createOrderSpecimenLiteVoCollectionFromOrderSpecimen(list); 