public AuthTokenDetails parseAndValidate(String token) { AuthTokenDetails authTokenDetails = null; try { Claims claims = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey(getSecretKey()) .parseClaimsJws(token) .getBody(); String userId = claims.getSubject(); String username = (String) claims.get("username"); List<String> roleNames = (List) claims.get("roleNames"); Date expirationDate = claims.getExpiration(); authTokenDetails = new AuthTokenDetails(); authTokenDetails.setId(Long.valueOf(userId)); authTokenDetails.setUsername(username); authTokenDetails.setRoleNames(roleNames); authTokenDetails.setExpirationDate(expirationDate); } catch (JwtException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } return authTokenDetails; }
public String getAuthenticationFromToken(final String base64EncodedToken) throws JwtException { // The library representations of the JWT should be kept internal to this service. try { final Jws<Claims> jws = parseTokenFromBase64EncodedString(base64EncodedToken); if (jws == null) { throw new JwtException("Unable to parse token"); } // Additional validation that subject is present if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jws.getBody().getSubject())) { throw new JwtException("No subject available in token"); } // TODO: Validate issuer against active IdentityProvider? if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jws.getBody().getIssuer())) { throw new JwtException("No issuer available in token"); } return jws.getBody().getSubject(); } catch (JwtException e) { logger.debug("The Base64 encoded JWT: " + base64EncodedToken); final String errorMessage = "There was an error validating the JWT"; logger.error(errorMessage, e); throw e; } }
private Jws<Claims> parseTokenFromBase64EncodedString(final String base64EncodedToken) throws JwtException { try { return Jwts.parser().setSigningKeyResolver(new SigningKeyResolverAdapter() { @Override public byte[] resolveSigningKeyBytes(JwsHeader header, Claims claims) { final String identity = claims.getSubject(); // Get the key based on the key id in the claims final String keyId = claims.get(KEY_ID_CLAIM, String.class); final Key key = keyService.getKey(keyId); // Ensure we were able to find a key that was previously issued by this key service for this user if (key == null || key.getKey() == null) { throw new UnsupportedJwtException("Unable to determine signing key for " + identity + " [kid: " + keyId + "]"); } return key.getKey().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } }).parseClaimsJws(base64EncodedToken); } catch (final MalformedJwtException | UnsupportedJwtException | SignatureException | ExpiredJwtException | IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO: Exercise all exceptions to ensure none leak key material to logs final String errorMessage = "Unable to validate the access token."; throw new JwtException(errorMessage, e); } }
@Override public AuthenticationResponse authenticate(AuthenticationRequest authenticationRequest) throws InvalidCredentialsException, IdentityAccessException { if (authenticationRequest == null) {"Cannot authenticate null authenticationRequest, returning null."); return null; } final Object credentials = authenticationRequest.getCredentials(); String jwtAuthToken = credentials != null && credentials instanceof String ? (String) credentials : null; if (credentials == null) {"JWT not found in authenticationRequest credentials, returning null."); return null; } try { final String jwtPrincipal = jwtService.getAuthenticationFromToken(jwtAuthToken); return new AuthenticationResponse(jwtPrincipal, jwtPrincipal, expiration, issuer); } catch (JwtException e) { throw new InvalidAuthenticationException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Test public void Can_fail_parse_a_jwt_token() throws JwtInvalidTokenException { final String token = someString(); final JwtParser parser = mock(JwtParser.class); final JwtParser secretParser = mock(JwtParser.class); final JwtException exception = new JwtException(someString()); // Given given(parserFactory.create()).willReturn(parser); given(parser.setSigningKey(publicKey)).willReturn(secretParser); given(secretParser.parseClaimsJws(token)).willThrow(exception); expectedException.expect(JwtInvalidTokenException.class); expectedException.expectCause(is(exception)); // When decryptor.decrypt(token, Object.class); }
@Override protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { String header = request.getHeader(configurerParams.getHeader()); if (header == null || !header.startsWith(configurerParams.getPrefix())) { chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication = null; try { authentication = getAuthentication(request); } catch (JwtException | IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); chain.doFilter(request, response); }
private UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken getAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request) throws JwtException, IllegalArgumentException { String token = request.getHeader(configurerParams.getHeader()); if (token != null) { String user = Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(configurerParams.getSecret().getBytes()) .parseClaimsJws(token.replace(configurerParams.getPrefix(), "")) .getBody() .getSubject(); if (user != null) { return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, new ArrayList<>()); } return null; } return null; }
@Override public void authenticate(final JsonObject authRequest, final Handler<AsyncResult<HonoUser>> authenticationResultHandler) { final DeliveryOptions options = new DeliveryOptions().setSendTimeout(AUTH_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); vertx.eventBus().send(AuthenticationConstants.EVENT_BUS_ADDRESS_AUTHENTICATION_IN, authRequest, options, reply -> { if (reply.succeeded()) { JsonObject result = (JsonObject) reply.result().body(); String token = result.getString(AuthenticationConstants.FIELD_TOKEN); log.debug("received token [length: {}] in response to authentication request", token.length()); try { Jws<Claims> expandedToken = tokenValidator.expand(result.getString(AuthenticationConstants.FIELD_TOKEN)); authenticationResultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(new HonoUserImpl(expandedToken, token))); } catch (JwtException e) { authenticationResultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)); } } else { authenticationResultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(reply.cause())); } }); }
@Override public boolean isValid(final String token, final String tenantId, final String deviceId) { try { Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(key) .requireSubject(Objects.requireNonNull(deviceId)) .require("ten", Objects.requireNonNull(tenantId)) .setAllowedClockSkewSeconds(10) .parse(token); return true; } catch (JwtException e) { // token is invalid for some reason LOG.debug("failed to validate token", e); return false; } }
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { final HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request; final HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response; final String authHeaderVal = httpRequest.getHeader(authHeader); if (null==authHeaderVal) { httpResponse.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); return; } try { JwtUser jwtUser = jwtTokenService.getUser(authHeaderVal); httpRequest.setAttribute("jwtUser", jwtUser); } catch(JwtException e) { httpResponse.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); return; } chain.doFilter(httpRequest, httpResponse); }
public AuthTokenDetailsDTO parseAndValidate(String token) { AuthTokenDetailsDTO authTokenDetailsDTO = null; try { Claims claims = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey(getSecretKey()).parseClaimsJws(token).getBody(); String userId = claims.getSubject(); String email = (String) claims.get("email"); List<String> roleNames = (List<String>) claims.get("roles"); Date expirationDate = claims.getExpiration(); authTokenDetailsDTO = new AuthTokenDetailsDTO(); authTokenDetailsDTO.userId = userId; = email; authTokenDetailsDTO.roleNames = roleNames; authTokenDetailsDTO.expirationDate = expirationDate; } catch (JwtException ex) { System.out.println(ex); } return authTokenDetailsDTO; }
public static Boolean invalidate(String jwt) { if (jwt == null) return false; String subject; try { subject = getSubject(jwt); } catch(JwtException e) { return false; } if (!userToKeyMap.containsKey(subject)) return false; userToKeyMap.remove(subject); return true; }
@Override public Response refreshTokenRequest(JwtRefreshTokenVO requestTokenVO) { hiveValidator.validate(requestTokenVO); JwtPayload payload; try { payload = tokenService.getPayload(requestTokenVO.getRefreshToken()); } catch (JwtException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); return ResponseFactory.response(UNAUTHORIZED); } if (!payload.getTokenType().equals(TokenType.REFRESH.getId())) { logger.warn("JwtToken: refresh token is not valid"); return ResponseFactory.response(UNAUTHORIZED, new ErrorResponse(UNAUTHORIZED.getStatusCode(), INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE)); } if (payload.getExpiration().before(timestampService.getDate())) { logger.warn("JwtToken: refresh token has expired"); return ResponseFactory.response(UNAUTHORIZED, new ErrorResponse(UNAUTHORIZED.getStatusCode(), EXPIRED_TOKEN)); } return payload.isUserPayload() ? getRefreshResponse((JwtUserPayload) payload) : getRefreshResponse((JwtPluginPayload) payload); }
@Override public ResponseEntity<Object> settingsPictureTokenGet(@RequestParam(value = "token", required = false) String token) throws ApiException{ // System.out.println("token:" + token); if(token==null || token.trim().length()==0){ //throw new ApiException(403, "Invalid token"); return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } Long clientUserId = 0L; try{ Claims claims = JwtCodec.decode(token); clientUserId = Long.parseLong(claims.getSubject()); } catch(JwtException e){ //throw new ApiException(403, "Access denied"); return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } userDAO = userRepo.findById(clientUserId); if(!userDAO.hasPicture()){ //throw new ApiException(404, "No picture"); return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(userDAO.getPicture()); return ResponseEntity .ok() .contentLength(userDAO.getPictureLength()) .contentType(MediaType.parseMediaType("image/jpeg")) .body(new InputStreamResource(inputStream)); }
@Override //@PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('admin')") public ResponseEntity<Object> usersIdPictureGet(@RequestParam(value = "token", required = true) String token, @PathVariable("id") Integer id)throws ApiException { user = userRepo.findById(id); // System.out.println("token:"+token); // System.out.println("id:"+id); if(user==null){ //throw new ApiException(404, "User not found"); return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } if(token==null || token.trim().length()==0){ //throw new ApiException(400, "No token") return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } Long clientUserId = 0L; try{ Claims claims = JwtCodec.decode(token); clientUserId = Long.parseLong(claims.getSubject()); } catch(JwtException e){ //throw new ApiException(403, "Access denied"); return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } if(!user.hasPicture()){ //throw new ApiException(404, "No picture"); return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(user.getPicture()); return ResponseEntity .ok() .contentLength(user.getPictureLength()) .contentType(MediaType.parseMediaType("image/jpeg")) .body(new InputStreamResource(inputStream)); }
public boolean validateToken(String token) { try { Jwts.parser().setSigningKey(secretKey).parseClaimsJws(token); return true; } catch (JwtException | IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new CustomException("Expired or invalid JWT token", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } }
@Override protected String[] decodeCookie(String cookieValue) throws InvalidCookieException { try { Claims claims = Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(getKey()) .parseClaimsJws(cookieValue) .getBody(); return new String[] { claims.getId(), claims.getSubject() }; } catch (JwtException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidCookieException(e.getMessage()); } }
@Override public String parse(String token) { try { return Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(secretKey) .parseClaimsJws(token) .getBody() .getSubject(); } catch (JwtException | IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new TokenException(e); } }
/** * Generates a signed JWT token from the provided IdentityProvider AuthenticationResponse * * @param authenticationResponse an instance issued by an IdentityProvider after identity claim has been verified as authentic * @return a signed JWT containing the user identity and the identity provider, Base64-encoded * @throws JwtException if there is a problem generating the signed token */ public String generateSignedToken(final AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse) throws JwtException { if (authenticationResponse == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot generate a JWT for a null authenticationResponse"); } return generateSignedToken( authenticationResponse.getIdentity(), authenticationResponse.getUsername(), authenticationResponse.getIssuer(), authenticationResponse.getIssuer(), authenticationResponse.getExpiration()); }
private String createAccessToken(IdentityProvider identityProvider, AuthenticationRequest authenticationRequest) throws InvalidCredentialsException, AdministrationException { final AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse; try { authenticationResponse = identityProvider.authenticate(authenticationRequest); final String token = jwtService.generateSignedToken(authenticationResponse); return token; } catch (final IdentityAccessException | JwtException e) { throw new AdministrationException(e.getMessage()); } }
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { try { Authentication authentication = tokenAuthenticationService.getAuthentication((HttpServletRequest) req); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); chain.doFilter(req, res); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(null); } catch (AuthenticationException | JwtException e) { SecurityContextHolder.clearContext(); ((HttpServletResponse) res).setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); } }
public Authentication getExistingAuthentication(final HttpServletRequest request) { final String jwtToken = request.getHeader(AUTH_HEADER_NAME); if (jwtToken != null) { try { final User user = tokenHandler.parseUserFromJwtToken(jwtToken); return new UserAuthentication(user); } catch (final UsernameNotFoundException | JwtException e) { return null; } } return null; }
/** * Parse token details from provided jwt. * * @param rawToken raw jwt, can contain {@value BEARER} at the start of it. * @return decoded token details optional. */ public Optional<DecodedToken> parse(String rawToken) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(rawToken)) { return Optional.empty(); } String token = rawToken .replaceFirst(BEARER, ""); try { Claims claims = Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(secret) .parseClaimsJws(token) .getBody(); String version = Optional .ofNullable(claims.get(VERSION, String.class)) .orElseThrow(() -> new ChatException("Token must include version", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)); return Optional.of(new DecodedToken(claims.getSubject(), UUID.fromString(version))); } catch (JwtException e) { LOGGER.error("Could not parse token: {}", token, e); return Optional.empty(); } }
/** * Gets the value of the <em>exp</em> claim of a JWT. * * @param token The token. * @return The expiration. * @throws NullPointerException if the token is {@code null}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given token contains no <em>exp</em> claim. */ public static final Date getExpiration(final String token) { if (token == null) { throw new NullPointerException("token must not be null"); } final AtomicReference<Date> result = new AtomicReference<>(); try { Jwts.parser().setSigningKeyResolver(new SigningKeyResolverAdapter() { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public Key resolveSigningKey(JwsHeader header, Claims claims) { Date exp = claims.getExpiration(); if (exp != null) { result.set(exp); } return DUMMY_KEY; } }).parse(token); } catch (JwtException e) { // expected since we do not know the signing key } if (result.get() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("token contains no exp claim"); } else { return result.get(); } }
/** * Tries to parse specified String as a JWT token. If successful, returns User object with username, id * and role prefilled (extracted from token). * If unsuccessful (token is invalid or not containing all required user properties), throws exception. * * @param token the JWT token to parse * @return the User object extracted from specified token if a token is valid * @throws AuthenticationException if a token is invalid */ public User parseToken(final String token) throws AuthenticationException { try { final Claims body = Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(SECRET) .parseClaimsJws(token) .getBody(); return new User((String) body.get("userId"), body.getSubject(), (Set<String>) body.get("role")); } catch (JwtException | ClassCastException e) { throw (JwtTokenMalformedException) new JwtTokenMalformedException("JWT token is not valid").initCause(e); } }
@Override protected JwtAuthToken createToken(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) throws Exception { String jwt = TokenManager.extractToken(request); String subject; try { subject = TokenManager.getSubject(jwt); } catch (JwtException e) { throw new AuthenticationException(e); } return new JwtAuthToken(subject); }
/** * Returns the expected signature byte array length (R + S parts) for * the specified ECDSA algorithm. * * @param alg The ECDSA algorithm. Must be supported and not * {@code null}. * * @return The expected byte array length for the signature. * * @throws JwtException If the algorithm is not supported. */ public static int getSignatureByteArrayLength(final SignatureAlgorithm alg) throws JwtException { switch (alg) { case ES256: return 64; case ES384: return 96; case ES512: return 132; default: throw new JwtException("Unsupported Algorithm: " +; } }
protected byte[] doSign(byte[] data) throws InvalidKeyException,, JwtException { PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey)key; Signature sig = createSignatureInstance(); sig.initSign(privateKey); sig.update(data); return transcodeSignatureToConcat(sig.sign(), getSignatureByteArrayLength(alg)); }
@POST @PermitAll @Path("/refresh") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response refresh(RestRefreshTokenRequest refreshTokenRequest) throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { RestAuthorizationResponse authorizationResponse = new RestAuthorizationResponse(); // Check if username and password are defined in request if (refreshTokenRequest == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(refreshTokenRequest.getRefreshToken())) { authorizationResponse.setMessage(RestAuthorizationResponse.getFaultLoginEmptyMsg()); return Responses.ok(authorizationResponse); } ApiSecuritySettings settings = settingsDao.getSettings(ApiSecuritySettings.class); // Decode refresh token Claims claims; try { claims = jwtGenerator.validateToken(settings.getSecret(), refreshTokenRequest.getRefreshToken(), TokenType.REFRESH); } catch (JwtException e) { authorizationResponse.setMessage(e.getMessage()); return Responses.ok(authorizationResponse); } // Search for credentials by token subject (user display name, exact) User user = settings.getLogins().stream() .filter(apiLogin -> apiLogin.getUser().getUsername().equals(claims.getSubject())) .map(ApiLogin::getUser) .findFirst() .orElse(null); // Check if user was found within credentialsSets if (user == null) { authorizationResponse.setMessage(RestAuthorizationResponse.getFaultInvalidTokenMsg()); return Responses.ok(authorizationResponse); } String token = jwtGenerator.generateAuthorizationToken(settings.getSecret(), user); String refreshToken = jwtGenerator.generateRefreshToken(settings.getSecret(), user); authorizationResponse.setMessage(RestAuthorizationResponse.getLoginOkMsg()); authorizationResponse.setAuthorizationToken(token); authorizationResponse.setRefreshToken(refreshToken); return Responses.ok(authorizationResponse); }
@ExceptionHandler(JwtException.class) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN) @ResponseBody public ApiError jwtException(JwtException exception) { String message; if (exception instanceof ExpiredJwtException) { message = "Expired token"; } else { message = "Invalid token"; } return new ApiError(message); }
public static String getSubject(String jwt) throws JwtException { return getBody(jwt).getSubject(); }
/** * Transcodes the JCA ASN.1/DER-encoded signature into the concatenated * R + S format expected by ECDSA JWS. * * @param derSignature The ASN1./DER-encoded. Must not be {@code null}. * @param outputLength The expected length of the ECDSA JWS signature. * * @return The ECDSA JWS encoded signature. * * @throws JwtException If the ASN.1/DER signature format is invalid. */ public static byte[] transcodeSignatureToConcat(final byte[] derSignature, int outputLength) throws JwtException { if (derSignature.length < 8 || derSignature[0] != 48) { throw new JwtException("Invalid ECDSA signature format"); } int offset; if (derSignature[1] > 0) { offset = 2; } else if (derSignature[1] == (byte) 0x81) { offset = 3; } else { throw new JwtException("Invalid ECDSA signature format"); } byte rLength = derSignature[offset + 1]; int i = rLength; while ((i > 0) && (derSignature[(offset + 2 + rLength) - i] == 0)) i--; byte sLength = derSignature[offset + 2 + rLength + 1]; int j = sLength; while ((j > 0) && (derSignature[(offset + 2 + rLength + 2 + sLength) - j] == 0)) j--; int rawLen = Math.max(i, j); rawLen = Math.max(rawLen, outputLength / 2); if ((derSignature[offset - 1] & 0xff) != derSignature.length - offset || (derSignature[offset - 1] & 0xff) != 2 + rLength + 2 + sLength || derSignature[offset] != 2 || derSignature[offset + 2 + rLength] != 2) { throw new JwtException("Invalid ECDSA signature format"); } final byte[] concatSignature = new byte[2 * rawLen]; System.arraycopy(derSignature, (offset + 2 + rLength) - i, concatSignature, rawLen - i, i); System.arraycopy(derSignature, (offset + 2 + rLength + 2 + sLength) - j, concatSignature, 2 * rawLen - j, j); return concatSignature; }
/** * Transcodes the ECDSA JWS signature into ASN.1/DER format for use by * the JCA verifier. * * @param jwsSignature The JWS signature, consisting of the * concatenated R and S values. Must not be * {@code null}. * * @return The ASN.1/DER encoded signature. * * @throws JwtException If the ECDSA JWS signature format is invalid. */ public static byte[] transcodeSignatureToDER(byte[] jwsSignature) throws JwtException { int rawLen = jwsSignature.length / 2; int i = rawLen; while((i > 0) && (jwsSignature[rawLen - i] == 0)) i--; int j = i; if (jwsSignature[rawLen - i] < 0) { j += 1; } int k = rawLen; while ((k > 0) && (jwsSignature[2 * rawLen - k] == 0)) k--; int l = k; if (jwsSignature[2 * rawLen - k] < 0) { l += 1; } int len = 2 + j + 2 + l; if (len > 255) { throw new JwtException("Invalid ECDSA signature format"); } int offset; final byte derSignature[]; if (len < 128) { derSignature = new byte[2 + 2 + j + 2 + l]; offset = 1; } else { derSignature = new byte[3 + 2 + j + 2 + l]; derSignature[1] = (byte) 0x81; offset = 2; } derSignature[0] = 48; derSignature[offset++] = (byte) len; derSignature[offset++] = 2; derSignature[offset++] = (byte) j; System.arraycopy(jwsSignature, rawLen - i, derSignature, (offset + j) - i, i); offset += j; derSignature[offset++] = 2; derSignature[offset++] = (byte) l; System.arraycopy(jwsSignature, 2 * rawLen - k, derSignature, (offset + l) - k, k); return derSignature; }
/** * 生成Token * * @param claims * @param expiration * @param secretKey * @return */ public static String generateToken(Claims claims, Long expiration, String secretKey) throws JwtException { return Jwts.builder() .setClaims(claims) .setExpiration(generateExpirationDate(expiration)) .signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, secretKey) .compact(); }
/** * 从Token获取信息 * * @param token * @param secretKey * @return */ public static Claims getClaims(String token, String secretKey) throws JwtException { return Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(secretKey) .parseClaimsJws(token) .getBody(); }
/** * 从Token获取受众 * * @param token * @param secretKey * @return */ public static String getAudience(String token, String secretKey) throws JwtException { return getClaims(token, secretKey).getAudience(); }
/** * 从Token获取受众 * * @param claims * @return */ public static String getAudience(Claims claims) throws JwtException { return claims.getAudience(); }
/** * 有效期是否期满,过期为true * * @param token * @param secretKey * @return */ public static Boolean isTokenExpired(String token, String secretKey) throws JwtException { Claims claims = getClaims(token, secretKey); Date expiration = claims.getExpiration(); return expiration.before(new Date()); }
/** * 有效期是否期满,过期为true * * @param claims * @return */ public static Boolean isTokenExpired(Claims claims) throws JwtException { Date expiration = claims.getExpiration(); return expiration.before(new Date()); }