Java 类 实例源码

项目:netty4study    文件   
 * Create a new instance
 * @param parent    the {@link Channel} which created this instance or {@code null} if it was created by the user
 * @param socket    the {@link SocketChannel} which will be used
public NioSocketChannel(Channel parent, SocketChannel socket) {
    super(parent, socket);
    config = new DefaultSocketChannelConfig(this, socket.socket());
项目:netty-netty-5.0.0.Alpha1    文件   
 * Create a new instance
 * @param parent    the {@link Channel} which created this instance or {@code null} if it was created by the user
 * @param socket    the {@link SocketChannel} which will be used
public NioSocketChannel(Channel parent, EventLoop eventLoop, SocketChannel socket) {
    super(parent, eventLoop, socket);
    config = new DefaultSocketChannelConfig(this, socket.socket());