Java 类it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap 实例源码

项目:s2tbx    文件   
public void testRemoveUselessNodes() {
    int imageWidth = 10;
    int imageHeight = 10;
    int tileLeftX = 0;
    int tileTopY = 0;
    int tileSizeX = 3;
    int tileSizeY = 3;
    int tileMargin = 1;

    Graph graph = checkGraph(imageWidth);

    ProcessingTile tile = AbstractTileSegmenter.buildTile(tileLeftX, tileTopY, tileSizeX, tileSizeY, tileMargin, imageWidth, imageHeight);

    Int2ObjectMap<Node> borderNodes = new Int2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<Node>(1);
    Node node = graph.getNodeAt(0);
    borderNodes.put(node.getId(), node);
    graph.removeUselessNodes(borderNodes, tile);

    assertEquals(1, graph.getNodeCount());
项目:pinot    文件   
 * Group all documents based on a dimension's value.
 * @param startDocId Start document id of the range to be grouped
 * @param endDocId End document id (exclusive) of the range to be grouped
 * @param dimensionId Index of the dimension to group on
 * @return Map from dimension value to a pair of start docId and end docId (exclusive)
public Int2ObjectMap<IntPair> groupOnDimension(int startDocId, int endDocId, int dimensionId) {
  int startDocIdOffset = startDocId - _startDocId;
  int endDocIdOffset = endDocId - _startDocId;
  Int2ObjectMap<IntPair> rangeMap = new Int2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<>();
  int dimensionOffset = dimensionId * V1Constants.Numbers.INTEGER_SIZE;
  int currentValue = _dataBuffer.getInt(startDocIdOffset * _docSize + dimensionOffset);
  int groupStartDocId = startDocId;
  for (int i = startDocIdOffset + 1; i < endDocIdOffset; i++) {
    int value = _dataBuffer.getInt(i * _docSize + dimensionOffset);
    if (value != currentValue) {
      int groupEndDocId = i + _startDocId;
      rangeMap.put(currentValue, new IntPair(groupStartDocId, groupEndDocId));
      currentValue = value;
      groupStartDocId = groupEndDocId;
  rangeMap.put(currentValue, new IntPair(groupStartDocId, endDocId));
  return rangeMap;
项目:monarch    文件   
private void updateFTable(final String tableName, final Filter filter,
    Map<byte[], Object> colValues, final TableDescriptor td) {
   * Truncate from in memory Truncate from WAL Truncate from Tiers 1 to N
  Map<Integer, Object> columnIdxToValueMap = new Int2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<>(colValues.size());
  for (Map.Entry<byte[], Object> entry : colValues.entrySet()) {
    final int idx = td.getColumnByName(Bytes.toString(entry.getKey())).getIndex();
    columnIdxToValueMap.put(idx, entry.getValue());
  try {
    updateInMemory(tableName, filter, columnIdxToValueMap, td);
     * To keep it simple, instead of truncating from the WAL flush the WAL and truncate the tier
     * stores truncating WAL has the following complexities 1. WAL stores full blocks, truncation
     * will need the blocks to be exploded and rewritten to new files. 2. More thread sync issues
     * between truncate, scan, WAL monitor and eviction threads.
     * As a side effect some WAL records which are not yet ready to go to tiers (time based
     * eviction from memory(future)) will be pushed to tier.
    flushWALDataToTiers(tableName, td);
    updateInTiers(tableName, filter, columnIdxToValueMap, td);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    logger.error("Exception while truncating table data", e);
    throw new TruncateTableException(e.getMessage());