Java 类java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float 实例源码

项目:jaer    文件   
 * Construct an LIF neuron with index.
 * @param cellNumber : cell number
 * @param index : cell index
 * @param location : location on DVS pixels (x,y)
 * @param receptiveFieldSize : size of the receptive field
 * @param tauMP : RC time constant of the membrane potential
 * @param thresholdMP : threshold of the membrane potential to fire a spike
 * @param MPDecreaseArterFiringPercentTh : membrane potential jump after the spike in the percents of thresholdMP
public LIFNeuron(int cellNumber, Point2D.Float index, Point2D.Float location, int receptiveFieldSize, float tauMP, float thresholdMP, float MPDecreaseArterFiringPercentTh) {
    // sets invariable parameters
    this.cellNumber = cellNumber;
    this.index.x = index.x;
    this.index.y = index.y;
    this.location.x = location.x;
    this.location.y = location.y;
    this.receptiveFieldSize = receptiveFieldSize;
    this.tauMP = tauMP;
    this.thresholdMP = thresholdMP;
    this.MPDecreaseArterFiringPercentTh = MPDecreaseArterFiringPercentTh;

    // resets initially variable parameters
项目:jaer    文件   
private float adc01normalized(int count) {
            float v;
            if (!agcEnabled) {
                v = (float) ((apsIntensityGain*count)+apsIntensityOffset) / (float) 256;
            } else {
                Float filter2d = agcFilter.getValue2D();
                float offset = filter2d.x;
                float range = (filter2d.y - filter2d.x);
                v = ((count - offset)) / range;
//                System.out.println("offset="+offset+" range="+range+" count="+count+" v="+v);
            if (v < 0) {
                v = 0;
            } else if (v > 1) {
                v = 1;
            return v;
项目:swingx    文件   
private void paintRotatedCenteredShapeAtPoint(Float p, Float c, Graphics2D g) {
    Shape s = getPointShape();
    double hh = s.getBounds().getHeight() / 2;
    double wh = s.getBounds().getWidth() / 2;
    double t, x, y;
    double a = c.y - p.y;
    double b = p.x - c.x;
    double sa = Math.signum(a);
    double sb = Math.signum(b);
    sa = sa == 0 ? 1 : sa;
    sb = sb == 0 ? 1 : sb;
    a = Math.abs(a);
    b = Math.abs(b);
    t = Math.atan(a / b);
    t = sa > 0 ? sb > 0 ? -t : -Math.PI + t : sb > 0 ? t : Math.PI - t;
    x = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b) - wh;
    y = -hh;
    g.translate(x, y);
    g.translate(-x, -y);

项目:swingx    文件   
 * Claclulates length of the cubic segment.
 * @param coords Segment coordinates.
 * @param cp Start point.
 * @return Length of the segment.
private float calcCube(float[] coords, Float cp) {
    float x = Math.abs(cp.x - coords[4]);
    float y = Math.abs(cp.y - coords[5]);

    // trans coords from abs to rel
    float c1rx = Math.abs(cp.x - coords[0]) / x;
    float c1ry = Math.abs(cp.y - coords[1]) / y;
    float c2rx = Math.abs(cp.x - coords[2]) / x;
    float c2ry = Math.abs(cp.y - coords[3]) / y;
    float prevLength = 0, prevX = 0, prevY = 0;
    for (float t = 0.01f; t <= 1.0f; t += .01f) {
        Point2D.Float xy = getXY(t, c1rx, c1ry, c2rx, c2ry);
        prevLength += (float) Math.sqrt((xy.x - prevX) * (xy.x - prevX)
                + (xy.y - prevY) * (xy.y - prevY));
        prevX = xy.x;
        prevY = xy.y;
    // prev len is a fraction num of the real path length
    float z = ((Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y)) / 2) * prevLength;
    return z;
项目:swingx    文件   
 * Calculates relative position of the point on the quad curve in time t&lt;0,1&gt;.
 * @param t distance on the curve
 * @param ctrl Control point in rel coords
 * @param end End point in rel coords
 * @return Solution of the quad equation for time T in non complex space in rel coords.
public static Point2D.Float getXY(float t, Point2D.Float begin, Point2D.Float ctrl, Point2D.Float end) {
     *     P1 = (x1, y1) - start point of curve
     *     P2 = (x2, y2) - end point of curve
     *     Pc = (xc, yc) - control point
     *     Pq(t) = P1*(1 - t)^2 + 2*Pc*t*(1 - t) + P2*t^2 =
     *           = (P1 - 2*Pc + P2)*t^2 + 2*(Pc - P1)*t + P1
     *     t = [0:1]
     *     // thx Jim ...
     *     b0 = (1 -t)^2, b1 = 2*t*(1-t), b2 = t^2
    Point2D.Float xy;
    float invT = (1 - t);
    float b0 = invT * invT;
    float b1 = 2 * t * invT ;
    float b2 = t * t;
    xy = new Point2D.Float(b0 * begin.x + (b1 * ctrl.x) + b2* end.x, b0 * begin.y +  (b1 * ctrl.y) + b2* end.y);

    return xy;
项目:CONRAD    文件   
 * @param ptTopL Top Left corner points for a polygon
 * @param ptTopR Top Right corner points for a polygon
 * @param ptBtmL Bottom Left corner points for a polygon
 * @param ptBtmR Bottom Right corner points for a polygon
 * @param p the point to test if its inside the polygon
 * @return true if it is inside the polygon 
private boolean InsidePolygon(Point2D.Float ptTopL,
        Point2D.Float ptTopR,
        Point2D.Float ptBtmL,
        Point2D.Float ptBtmR,
        Point2D.Float p)
    //if the p point is inside the polygon, then the areas of the four triangles should not be negative
    if (AreaTriangle(ptTopL,ptTopR,p)<0) 
        return false;
    if (AreaTriangle(ptTopR,ptBtmR,p)<0)
        return false;
    if (AreaTriangle(ptBtmR,ptBtmL,p)<0)
        return false;
    if (AreaTriangle(ptBtmL,ptTopL,p)<0)
        return false;

    return true;
项目:aibench-project    文件   
private void paintRotatedCenteredShapeAtPoint(Float p, Float c, Graphics2D g) {
    Shape s = getPointShape();
    double hh = s.getBounds().getHeight() / 2;
    double wh = s.getBounds().getWidth() / 2;
    double t, x, y;
    double a = c.y - p.y;
    double b = p.x - c.x;
    double sa = Math.signum(a);
    double sb = Math.signum(b);
    sa = sa == 0 ? 1 : sa;
    sb = sb == 0 ? 1 : sb;
    a = Math.abs(a);
    b = Math.abs(b);
    t = Math.atan(a / b);
    t = sa > 0 ? sb > 0 ? -t : -Math.PI + t : sb > 0 ? t : Math.PI - t;
    x = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b) - wh;
    y = -hh;
    g.translate(x, y);
    g.translate(-x, -y);

项目:aibench-project    文件   
 * Claclulates length of the cubic segment.
 * @param coords Segment coordinates.
 * @param cp Start point.
 * @return Length of the segment.
private float calcCube(float[] coords, Float cp) {
    float x = Math.abs(cp.x - coords[4]);
    float y = Math.abs(cp.y - coords[5]);

    // trans coords from abs to rel
    float c1rx = Math.abs(cp.x - coords[0]) / x;
    float c1ry = Math.abs(cp.y - coords[1]) / y;
    float c2rx = Math.abs(cp.x - coords[2]) / x;
    float c2ry = Math.abs(cp.y - coords[3]) / y;
    float prevLength = 0, prevX = 0, prevY = 0;
    for (float t = 0.01f; t <= 1.0f; t += .01f) {
        Point2D.Float xy = getXY(t, c1rx, c1ry, c2rx, c2ry);
        prevLength += (float) Math.sqrt((xy.x - prevX) * (xy.x - prevX)
                + (xy.y - prevY) * (xy.y - prevY));
        prevX = xy.x;
        prevY = xy.y;
    // prev len is a fraction num of the real path length
    float z = ((Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y)) / 2) * prevLength;
    return z;
项目:aibench-project    文件   
 * Calculates relative position of the point on the quad curve in time t&lt;0,1&gt;.
 * @param t distance on the curve
 * @param ctrl Control point in rel coords
 * @param end End point in rel coords
 * @return Solution of the quad equation for time T in non complex space in rel coords.
public static Point2D.Float getXY(float t, Point2D.Float begin, Point2D.Float ctrl, Point2D.Float end) {
     *     P1 = (x1, y1) - start point of curve
     *     P2 = (x2, y2) - end point of curve
     *     Pc = (xc, yc) - control point
     *     Pq(t) = P1*(1 - t)^2 + 2*Pc*t*(1 - t) + P2*t^2 =
     *           = (P1 - 2*Pc + P2)*t^2 + 2*(Pc - P1)*t + P1
     *     t = [0:1]
     *     // thx Jim ...
     *     b0 = (1 -t)^2, b1 = 2*t*(1-t), b2 = t^2
    Point2D.Float xy;
    float invT = (1 - t);
    float b0 = invT * invT;
    float b1 = 2 * t * invT ;
    float b2 = t * t;
    xy = new Point2D.Float(b0 * begin.x + (b1 * ctrl.x) + b2* end.x, b0 * begin.y +  (b1 * ctrl.y) + b2* end.y);

    return xy;
项目:TerrainViewer    文件   
private void shear(MouseEvent e){

    Point2D.Float startPosition = this.map3DViewer.mouseXYtoModelXY(startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
    Point2D.Float currentPosition = this.map3DViewer.mouseXYtoModelXY(e.getX(),e.getY());
    float distanceX = currentPosition.x - startPosition.x;
    float distanceY = currentPosition.y - startPosition.y;

    //Shear in X and Y so the clicked point stays under the mouse.
    if(startZ > 0 && startZ < 1){
          //shear in the positive direction for high points
          map3DViewer.setShearX(SHEAR_COEFFICIENT * distanceX / startZ);
          map3DViewer.setShearY(SHEAR_COEFFICIENT * distanceY / startZ);
          //shear in the negative direction for other points
          map3DViewer.setShearX(-SHEAR_COEFFICIENT * distanceX / startZ);
          map3DViewer.setShearY(-SHEAR_COEFFICIENT * distanceY / startZ);
          map3DViewer.setShift(startShiftX + 2*distanceX, 
                               startShiftY + 2*distanceY);
项目:TerrainViewer    文件   
public static float localRelativeHeight(Map3DModel model, Rectangle2D.Float view, Point2D.Float position) {

  //number of samples across the current view
  int effectiveResolution = 100;
  //radius around which to sample for current view
  int radius = 10;

  float stepSizeX = view.width / effectiveResolution;
  float stepSizeY = view.height / effectiveResolution;

  float positionZ = model.z(position.x, position.y);
  int sampledPoints = 0;
  float sampledDiff = 0;

  for(int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++){
    for(int j = -radius; j <= radius; j++){
      if(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(i,2) + Math.pow(j,2)) > radius) continue;
      float sampleZ = model.z(position.x + stepSizeX * i,
                              position.y + stepSizeY * j);
      if(sampleZ == 0) continue; //typically out-of-bounds
      sampledDiff += (positionZ - sampleZ);
  return (float) sampledDiff / sampledPoints;
项目:TerrainViewer    文件   
public static float localRelativeHeight(Map3DModel model, Point2D.Float position, int radius) {
  float s = (Math.max(model.getCols(), model.getRows()) - 1);
  int col = (int)Math.round(position.x * s);
  int row = (int)Math.round(position.y * s);
  float positionZ = model.z(col, row);
  int sampledPoints = 0;
  float sampledDiff = 0;
  int gtPoints = 0;
  int ltPoints = 0;

  for(int i=col - radius; i < col + radius; i++){
    for(int j=row - radius; j < row + radius; j++){
      if(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(col - i,2) + Math.pow(row - j,2)) > radius) continue;
      float sampleZ = model.z(i,j);
      if(sampleZ == 0) continue; //typically out-of-bounds
      if(sampleZ > positionZ) gtPoints++;
      if(sampleZ < positionZ) ltPoints++;
      sampledDiff += (positionZ - sampleZ);
  return (float) sampledDiff / sampledPoints;
项目:jaer    文件   
 * checks if the targer location is within the inner radius of the group.
 * @param targetLoc
 * @return
public boolean isWithinInnerRadius(Float targetLoc) {
    boolean ret = false;
    float innerRaidus = getInnerRadiusPixels();

    if ((Math.abs(location.x - targetLoc.x) <= innerRaidus) && (Math.abs(location.y - targetLoc.y) <= innerRaidus)) {
        ret = true;

    return ret;
项目:jaer    文件   
 * checks if the targer location is within the outter radius of the group.
 * @param targetLoc
 * @return
public boolean isWithinOuterRadius(Float targetLoc) {
    boolean ret = false;
    float outterRaidus = getOutterRadiusPixels();

    if ((Math.abs(location.x - targetLoc.x) <= outterRaidus) && (Math.abs(location.y - targetLoc.y) <= outterRaidus)) {
        ret = true;

    return ret;
项目:jaer    文件   
 * checks if the targer location is within the area radius of the group.
 * @param targetLoc
 * @return
public boolean isWithinAreaRadius(Float targetLoc) {
    boolean ret = false;
    float areaRaidus = getAreaRadiusPixels();

    if ((Math.abs(location.x - targetLoc.x) <= areaRaidus) && (Math.abs(location.y - targetLoc.y) <= areaRaidus)) {
        ret = true;

    return ret;
项目:jaer    文件   
private int agcGain() {
    Float f = agcFilter.getValue2D();
    float diff = f.y - f.x;
    if (diff < 1) {
        return 1;
    int gain = (int) (256 / (f.y - f.x));
    return gain;
项目:synergynet3.1    文件   
 * Gets the size from shape bounds.
 * @return the size from shape bounds
public Float getSizeFromShapeBounds()
    Rectangle2D rectangle = shape.getLogicalAnchor2D();
    Point2D.Float size = new Point2D.Float((float) rectangle.getWidth(), (float) rectangle.getHeight());
    return convertFloatToScaleZeroToOne(size.x, size.y);
项目:synergynet3.1    文件   
 * Gets the position from shape bounds.
 * @return the position from shape bounds
protected Float getPositionFromShapeBounds()
    Rectangle2D rectangle = shape.getAnchor2D();
    float xMiddle = (float) (rectangle.getX() + (rectangle.getWidth() / 2.0));
    float yMiddle = (float) (rectangle.getY() + (rectangle.getHeight() / 2.0));
    Point2D.Float positionZeroToOne = convertFloatToScaleZeroToOne(xMiddle, yMiddle);
    return positionZeroToOne;
项目:swingx    文件   
 * Calculates length of the linear segment.
 * @param coords Segment coordinates.
 * @param cp Start point.
 * @return Length of the segment.
private float calcLine(float[] coords, Float cp) {
    float a = cp.x - coords[0];
    float b = cp.y - coords[1];
    float c = (float) Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
    return c;
项目:swingx    文件   
 * Calculates length of the quadratic segment
 * @param coords Segment coordinates
 * @param cp Start point.
 * @return Length of the segment.
private float calcLengthOfQuad(float[] coords, Point2D.Float cp) {
    Float ctrl = new Point2D.Float(coords[0], coords[1]);
    Float end = new Point2D.Float(coords[2], coords[3]);
    // get abs values
    // ctrl1
    float c1ax = Math.abs(cp.x - ctrl.x) ;
    float c1ay = Math.abs(cp.y - ctrl.y) ;
    // end1
    float e1ax = Math.abs(cp.x - end.x) ;
    float e1ay = Math.abs(cp.y - end.y) ;
    // get max value on each axis
    float maxX = Math.max(c1ax, e1ax);
    float maxY = Math.max(c1ay, e1ay);

    // trans coords from abs to rel
    // ctrl1
    ctrl.x = c1ax / maxX;
    ctrl.y = c1ay / maxY;
    // end1
    end.x = e1ax / maxX;
    end.y = e1ay / maxY;

    // claculate length
    float prevLength = 0, prevX = 0, prevY = 0;
    for (float t = 0.01f; t <= 1.0f; t += .01f) {
        Point2D.Float xy = getXY(t, new Float(0,0), ctrl, end);
        prevLength += (float) Math.sqrt((xy.x - prevX) * (xy.x - prevX)
                + (xy.y - prevY) * (xy.y - prevY));
        prevX = xy.x;
        prevY = xy.y;
    // prev len is a fraction num of the real path length
    float a = Math.abs(coords[2] - cp.x);
    float b = Math.abs(coords[3] - cp.y);
    float dist = (float) Math.sqrt(a*a+b*b);
    return prevLength * dist;
项目:pancakes    文件   
private final void updateCenter(final LocalPosePacket targ) {
    Point2D.Float target = new Point2D.Float(targ.getPositionX(), targ.getPositionY());
    if(target.x > (center.x + 10.0f) || target.x < (center.x - 10.0f)) {
        Kernel.getInstance().getSyslog().debug("*** Received a new target! ***");
        center = target;
    } else if(target.y > (center.y + 10.0f) || target.y < (center.y - 10.0f)) {
        Kernel.getInstance().getSyslog().debug("*** Received a new target! ***");
        center = target;
    Kernel.getInstance().getSyslog().debug("*** Target location: " + center.toString() + "***");
项目:pancakes    文件   
private final void updateCenter(LocalPosePacket t) {
    Point2D.Float target = new Point2D.Float(t.getPositionX(), t.getPositionY());
    if(target.x > (center.x + 10.0f) || target.x < (center.x - 10.0f)) {
        Kernel.getInstance().getSyslog().debug("*** Received a new target! ***");
        center = target;
    } else if(target.y > (center.y + 10.0f) || target.y < (center.y - 10.0f)) {
        Kernel.getInstance().getSyslog().debug("*** Received a new target! ***");
        center = target;
    Kernel.getInstance().getSyslog().debug("*** Target location: " + center.toString() + "***");
项目:aibench-project    文件   
 * Calculates length of the linear segment.
 * @param coords Segment coordinates.
 * @param cp Start point.
 * @return Length of the segment.
private float calcLine(float[] coords, Float cp) {
    float a = cp.x - coords[0];
    float b = cp.y - coords[1];
    float c = (float) Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
    return c;
项目:aibench-project    文件   
 * Calculates length of the quadratic segment
 * @param coords Segment coordinates
 * @param cp Start point.
 * @return Length of the segment.
private float calcLengthOfQuad(float[] coords, Point2D.Float cp) {
    Float ctrl = new Point2D.Float(coords[0], coords[1]);
    Float end = new Point2D.Float(coords[2], coords[3]);
    // get abs values
    // ctrl1
    float c1ax = Math.abs(cp.x - ctrl.x) ;
    float c1ay = Math.abs(cp.y - ctrl.y) ;
    // end1
    float e1ax = Math.abs(cp.x - end.x) ;
    float e1ay = Math.abs(cp.y - end.y) ;
    // get max value on each axis
    float maxX = Math.max(c1ax, e1ax);
    float maxY = Math.max(c1ay, e1ay);

    // trans coords from abs to rel
    // ctrl1
    ctrl.x = c1ax / maxX;
    ctrl.y = c1ay / maxY;
    // end1
    end.x = e1ax / maxX;
    end.y = e1ay / maxY;

    // claculate length
    float prevLength = 0, prevX = 0, prevY = 0;
    for (float t = 0.01f; t <= 1.0f; t += .01f) {
        Point2D.Float xy = getXY(t, new Float(0,0), ctrl, end);
        prevLength += (float) Math.sqrt((xy.x - prevX) * (xy.x - prevX)
                + (xy.y - prevY) * (xy.y - prevY));
        prevX = xy.x;
        prevY = xy.y;
    // prev len is a fraction num of the real path length
    float a = Math.abs(coords[2] - cp.x);
    float b = Math.abs(coords[3] - cp.y);
    float dist = (float) Math.sqrt(a*a+b*b);
    return prevLength * dist;
项目:selenium-utils    文件   
/** This method must be called by the subclass in the constructor.
 * @param N 
protected void updateFractions(int N) {
    fractions = new LengthItem[N];
    Float p = new Float();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        float t = (float) i / (N - 1);
        fractions[i] = new LengthItem(getXY(t, p), t);
项目:TerrainViewer    文件   
 * Remember the point where the dragging starts.
 * @param e
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    this.startPoint = e.getPoint();
    this.lastPoint = e.getPoint();
    this.shearIsAnimating = false;

    if(shearAnimationOn && 
        map3DViewer.getCamera() == Map3DViewer.Camera.planOblique && 
        !e.isMetaDown() && !e.isAltDown() && !e.isShiftDown()){
        this.shearIsAnimating = true;
        this.currentVelocityX = 0;
        this.currentVelocityY = 0;
    this.startShiftX = map3DViewer.getShiftX();
    this.startShiftY = map3DViewer.getShiftY();

    //FIXME: A few shearing experiments
    if(map3DViewer.getCamera() == Map3DViewer.Camera.planOblique && e.isMetaDown()){
        Point2D.Float startPosition = this.map3DViewer.mouseXYtoModelXY(lastPoint.x, lastPoint.y);
        startZ = map3DViewer.getModel().z(startPosition.x, startPosition.y);
        //(1) shearing centered around a set elevation
        //((Map3DModelVBOShader) map3DViewer.getModel()).setShearBaseline(startZ);

        //(2) shear reversal based on local max/min detector
        //shearReversed = isLocalMinMax(this.map3DViewer.getModel(), startPosition,100,0.6f) != -1;
        Rectangle2D.Float view = this.map3DViewer.getViewBounds();
        shearReversed = (localRelativeHeight(this.map3DViewer.getModel(), view, startPosition) <= 0);
            System.out.println("Using reverse shear.");
            System.out.println("Using normal shear.");
项目:TerrainViewer    文件   
 * FIXME: Hackish method for determining whether the specified point is
 * a local minimum or maximum. Samples z values for all points in a radius
 * around some position. If more than the fraction specified in 'threshold'
 * are greater than the z value at the point, return -1 (local min). If more
 * than that fraction are below the point, return 1 (local max). Otherwise
 * return 0;
 * @param position
 * @param radius
 * @param threshold
 * @return
public static int isLocalMinMax(Map3DModel model, Point2D.Float position, int radius, float threshold) {

  //FIXME: Naive first stab - ACTUALLY DOESN'T WORK
  float s = (Math.max(model.getCols(), model.getRows()) - 1);
  int col = (int)Math.round(position.x * s);
  int row = (int)Math.round(position.y * s);
  float positionZ = model.z(col, row);
  int sampledPoints = 0;
  int gtPoints = 0;
  int ltPoints = 0;

  for(int i=col - radius; i < col + radius; i++){
    for(int j=row - radius; j < row + radius; j++){
      float sampleZ = model.z(i,j);
      if(sampleZ == 0) continue; //typically out-of-bounds
      if(sampleZ > positionZ) gtPoints++;
      if(sampleZ < positionZ) ltPoints++;
  float gtFraction = (float) gtPoints / sampledPoints;
  float ltFraction = (float) ltPoints / sampledPoints;
  //System.out.println(gtFraction + " : " + ltFraction);
  if(ltFraction >= threshold && gtFraction < threshold) return 1;
  if(gtFraction >= threshold && ltFraction < threshold) return -1;
  else return 0;
项目:morenaments-euc    文件   
public void createGrid() {
/* 249 */     this.grid.reset();
/* 250 */     Point2D.Float tmp = new Point2D.Float();
/* 251 */     for (int t = 0; t <; ++t) {
/* 252 */       AffineTransform tr =;
/* 253 */       tr.transform((Point2D)this.cell.get(0), tmp);
/* 254 */       this.grid.moveTo(tmp.x, tmp.y);
/* 255 */       for (int i = 1; i < this.cell.size(); ++i) {
/* 256 */         tr.transform((Point2D)this.cell.get(i), tmp);
/* 257 */         this.grid.lineTo(tmp.x, tmp.y);
/*     */       }
/* 259 */       this.grid.closePath();
/*     */     }
/*     */   }
项目:morenaments-euc    文件   
private void createCompactGrid() {
/* 273 */     this.compactGrid.reset();
/* 274 */     PathIterator pi = getGrid().getPathIterator(null);
/* 275 */     float a = 0.0F; float b = 0.0F; float a0 = 0.0F; float b0 = 0.0F;
/* 276 */     float[] coords = new float[6];
/* 277 */     Point2D.Float pos = new Point2D.Float(-1.0F, -1.0F);
/* 278 */     while (!(pi.isDone())) {
/* 279 */       switch (pi.currentSegment(coords))
/*     */       {
/*     */       case 0:
/* 281 */         a0 = a = coords[0];
/* 282 */         b0 = b = coords[1];
/* 283 */         break;
/*     */       case 1:
/* 285 */         addCompactLine(pos, a, b, coords[0], coords[1]);
/* 286 */         a = coords[0];
/* 287 */         b = coords[1];
/* 288 */         break;
/*     */       case 4:
/* 290 */         addCompactLine(pos, a, b, a0, b0);
/* 291 */         a = a0;
/* 292 */         b = b0;
/* 293 */         break;
/*     */       case 2:
/*     */       case 3:
/*     */       default:
/* 295 */         throw new IllegalStateException("non-linear grid path");
/*     */       }
/* 297 */;
/*     */     }
/*     */   }
项目:sejda    文件   
private static COSArray transformPoints(float[] points, Matrix transform) {
    COSArray newPoints = new COSArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
        Float newPoint = transform.transformPoint(points[i], points[++i]);
        newPoints.add(new COSFloat(newPoint.x));
        newPoints.add(new COSFloat(newPoint.y));
    return newPoints;
项目:jaer    文件   
synchronized public void initFilter() {
    int prev_numOfNeuronsX = numOfNeuronsX;
    int prev_numOfNeuronsY = numOfNeuronsY;

    if(receptiveFieldSizePixels < 2) {
        receptiveFieldSizePixels = 2;
    halfReceptiveFieldSizePixels = receptiveFieldSizePixels/2;

    // calculate the required number of neurons
    if ((mychip.getSizeX() % halfReceptiveFieldSizePixels) == 0) {
        numOfNeuronsX = mychip.getSizeX() / halfReceptiveFieldSizePixels - 1;
    } else {
        numOfNeuronsX = mychip.getSizeX() / halfReceptiveFieldSizePixels;

    if ((mychip.getSizeY() % halfReceptiveFieldSizePixels) == 0) {
        numOfNeuronsY = mychip.getSizeY() / halfReceptiveFieldSizePixels - 1;
    } else {
        numOfNeuronsY = mychip.getSizeY() / halfReceptiveFieldSizePixels;

    lastTime = 0;
    //        firingNeurons.clear();
    numOfGroup = 0;

    // initialize all neurons
    if (((numOfNeuronsX > 0) && (numOfNeuronsY > 0)) &&
        ((prev_numOfNeuronsX != numOfNeuronsX) || (prev_numOfNeuronsY != numOfNeuronsY))) {
        if (!lifNeurons.isEmpty()) {

        for (int j = 0; j < numOfNeuronsY; j++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfNeuronsX; i++) {

                // creates a new neuron
                int neuronNumber = i+(j*numOfNeuronsX);
                Point2D.Float neuronIndex = new Point2D.Float(i, j);
                Point2D.Float neuronLocationPixels = new Point2D.Float((i+1)*halfReceptiveFieldSizePixels, (j+1)*halfReceptiveFieldSizePixels);
                LIFNeuron newNeuron = new LIFNeuron(neuronNumber, neuronIndex, neuronLocationPixels,
                    receptiveFieldSizePixels, MPTimeConstantUs, MPThreshold,

                if (i == 0) {
                    if (j == 0) {
                    } else if (j == (numOfNeuronsY - 1)) {
                    } else {
                } else if (i == (numOfNeuronsX - 1)) {
                    if (j == 0) {
                    } else if (j == (numOfNeuronsY - 1)) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    if (j == 0) {
                    } else if (j == (numOfNeuronsY - 1)) {
                    } else {

                lifNeurons.add(newNeuron.getCellNumber(), newNeuron);
项目:jaer    文件   
void applyAGCValues() {
    Float f = agcFilter.getValue2D();
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
Float getCharMetrics(char ch){
    return new Float(getCodePointAdvance(ch), 0);
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
void getGlyphImageBounds(int glyphcode, Float pt, Rectangle result){
    throw new NotYetImplementedError();
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
Float getGlyphMetrics(int glyphcode){
    return getCharMetrics((char)glyphcode);
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float getGlyphOutlineBounds(int glyphCode){
    throw new NotYetImplementedError();
项目:scelight    文件   
public Float getPos() {
    return pos;
项目:scelight    文件   
public List< Float > getStartLocationList() {
    return startLocationList;
项目:scelight    文件   
public Float getStartLocation() {
    return startLocation;
项目:swingx    文件   
protected static Shape getScaledDefaultTrajectory(int height) {
    return new Ellipse2D.Float(((height * 8) / 26) / 2, ((height * 8) / 26) / 2, height
            - ((height * 8) / 26), height - ((height * 8) / 26));