Java 类javax.persistence.EntityGraph 实例源码

项目:xm-ms-entity    文件   
private static void addAttributeNodes(String fieldName, EntityGraph<?> graph) {
    int pos = fieldName.indexOf(GRAPH_DELIMETER);
    if (pos < 0) {

    String subgraphName = fieldName.substring(0, pos);
    Subgraph<?> subGraph = graph.addSubgraph(subgraphName);
    String nextFieldName = fieldName.substring(pos + 1);
    pos = nextFieldName.indexOf(GRAPH_DELIMETER);

    while (pos > 0) {
        subgraphName = nextFieldName.substring(0, pos);
        subGraph = graph.addSubgraph(subgraphName);
        nextFieldName = nextFieldName.substring(pos + 1);
        pos = nextFieldName.indexOf(GRAPH_DELIMETER);

项目:dungeonstory-java    文件   
public List<E> findAllWithAttributes(String... attributes) {
    //        String sql = "SELECT o FROM " + getTableName() + " o";

    EntityGraph<E> graph = entityManager.createEntityGraph(getEntityClass());

    //        TypedQuery<E> query = entityManager.createQuery(sql, getEntityClass());
    //        query.setHint("javax.persistence.loadgraph", graph);

    //        TypedQuery<E> query = entityManager.createQuery(sql, getEntityClass());
    //        LoadGroup lg = new LoadGroup();
    //        lg.addAttributes(Arrays.asList(attributes));
    //        query.setHint(QueryHints.LOAD_GROUP, lg);
    //        for (String att : attributes) {
    //            query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "o." + att);
    //        }

    //        List<E> result = query.getResultList();
    List<E> result = findAllWithGraph(graph);
    return result;
项目:HibernateTips    文件   
public void selectWithEntityGraph() {"... selectWithEntityGraph ...");

    EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

    EntityGraph<Author> graph = em.createEntityGraph(Author.class);

    TypedQuery<Author> q = em.createQuery("SELECT a FROM Author a WHERE = 1", Author.class);
    q.setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", graph);
    Author a = q.getSingleResult();

    em.close();" "+a.getLastName()+" wrote "+a.getBooks().size()+" books.");
项目:HibernateTips    文件   
public void selectWithNamedEntityGraph() {"... selectWithNamedEntityGraph ...");

    EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

    EntityGraph<?> graph = em.createEntityGraph("graph.AuthorBooks");
    TypedQuery<Author> q = em.createQuery("SELECT a FROM Author a WHERE = 1", Author.class);
    q.setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", graph);
    Author a = q.getSingleResult();

    em.close();" "+a.getLastName()+" wrote "+a.getBooks().size()+" books.");
项目:kc-rice    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
public DocumentRouteHeaderValue getMinimalRouteHeader(String documentId) {
    // This graph is defined on the DocumentRouteHeaderValue class.
    EntityGraph<DocumentRouteHeaderValue> entityGraph =
            (EntityGraph<DocumentRouteHeaderValue>) entityManager.createEntityGraph("DocumentRouteHeaderValue.ActionListAttributesOnly");
    TypedQuery<DocumentRouteHeaderValue> query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT rh FROM DocumentRouteHeaderValue rh WHERE rh.documentId = :documentId", DocumentRouteHeaderValue.class );
    // By using the graph - all properties but those on the graph should have
    // a lazy proxy in place.  Attempting to access any of those *should* cause the
    // rest of the properties to load.
    query.setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", entityGraph);
    query.setParameter("documentId", documentId);
    List<DocumentRouteHeaderValue> result = query.getResultList();
    if ( result.isEmpty() ) {
        return null;
    return result.get(0);
项目:jpa-addressbook    文件   
 * Fetches an instance of given PhoneBookEntry with all lazy 
 * loaded properties loaded.
 * @param entry
 * @return the fully loaded instance
public PhoneBookEntry loadFully(PhoneBookEntry entry) {
    // To get lazy loaded fields initialized, you have couple of options,
    // all with pros and cons, 3 of them presented here.

    // 1) use an explicit join query (with EntityManager or @Query annotation
    //    in repository method.
    //    em.createQuery("select e from PhoneBookEntry e LEFT JOIN FETCH e.groups where = :id", PhoneBookEntry.class);
    //    ...
    // 2) use EntityGraph's introduced in JPA 2.1, here constructed dynamically
    //    and passed via QueryResult object from DeltaSpike Data. You can 
    //    also use entity graphs with @Query annotation in repositories or
    //    with raw EntityManager API.
    EntityGraph<PhoneBookEntry> graph = this.em.createEntityGraph(
    entry = entryRepo.findById(entry.getId())
            .hint("javax.persistence.loadgraph", graph)

    // 3) ..or use the infamous size() hack that all of us actually do :-)

    return entry;
项目:rice    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
public DocumentRouteHeaderValue getMinimalRouteHeader(String documentId) {
    // This graph is defined on the DocumentRouteHeaderValue class.
    EntityGraph<DocumentRouteHeaderValue> entityGraph =
            (EntityGraph<DocumentRouteHeaderValue>) entityManager.createEntityGraph("DocumentRouteHeaderValue.ActionListAttributesOnly");
    TypedQuery<DocumentRouteHeaderValue> query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT rh FROM DocumentRouteHeaderValue rh WHERE rh.documentId = :documentId", DocumentRouteHeaderValue.class );
    // By using the graph - all properties but those on the graph should have
    // a lazy proxy in place.  Attempting to access any of those *should* cause the
    // rest of the properties to load.
    query.setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", entityGraph);
    query.setParameter("documentId", documentId);
    List<DocumentRouteHeaderValue> result = query.getResultList();
    if ( result.isEmpty() ) {
        return null;
    return result.get(0);
项目:shop-repo    文件   
 * Suche nach Kunden �ber Nachnamen
 * @param name Der angegebene Nachname
 * @return Liste der Kunden, die den angegebenen Nachnamen besitzen
@NotNull(message = "{}")
public List<Kunde> findKundenByNachname(String name, FetchType fetchType) {
    final TypedQuery<Kunde> query = em.createNamedQuery(Kunde.FIND_KUNDEN_BY_NACHNAME, Kunde.class)
                                      .setParameter(Kunde.PARAM_KUNDE_NACHNAME, name);

    EntityGraph<?> entityGraph;
    switch(fetchType) {
        case NUR_KUNDE:

        case MIT_BESTELLUNGEN:
            entityGraph = em.getEntityGraph(Kunde.GRAPH_BESTELLUNGEN);
            query.setHint(LOADGRAPH, entityGraph);

    return query.getResultList();
项目:shop-repo    文件   
 * Suche nach Liste aller Kunden
 * @return Gibt alle vorhandenen Kunden zur�ck
public List<Kunde> findAllKunden(FetchType fetchType, OrderType orderType) {
    final TypedQuery<Kunde> query = OrderType.ID.equals(orderType)
                                    ? em.createNamedQuery(Kunde.FIND_KUNDEN_ORDER_BY_ID, Kunde.class)
                                    : em.createNamedQuery(Kunde.FIND_KUNDEN, Kunde.class);

    EntityGraph<?> entityGraph;
    switch(fetchType) {
        case NUR_KUNDE:

        case MIT_BESTELLUNGEN:
            entityGraph = em.getEntityGraph(Kunde.GRAPH_BESTELLUNGEN);
            query.setHint(LOADGRAPH, entityGraph);

    return query.getResultList();
项目:stdlib    文件   
 * Build or return the default Entity Graph that represents defaultExpand
 * @param session
 * @return
public EntityGraph getDefaultGraph(final Session session)
    if (this.defaultExpandGraph == null)
        final EntityGraph<?> graph = session.createEntityGraph(clazz);

        populateGraph(graph, getEagerFetch());

        this.defaultExpandGraph = graph;

        return graph;
        return this.defaultExpandGraph;
项目:javaee7-developer-handbook    文件   
public void shouldLoadArtistWithLiveConcertsAndContracts()
    throws Exception{
    EntityGraph artistGraph = em.getEntityGraph("Artist.WithConcertsAndContracts");
    PersistenceUnitUtil util =
    Artist artist = getArtistWithEntityGraph(
    System.out.printf("++++ artist=%s\n", artist);
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "id"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "name"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "events"));
    ConcertEvent event = artist.getEvents().values().iterator().next();
    System.out.printf("++++ concert event=%s\n", event );
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "id"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "name"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "eventType"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "contracts"));
项目:javaee7-developer-handbook    文件   
public void shouldLoadArtistWithoutConcerts() throws Exception{
    PersistenceUnitUtil util =
    EntityGraph artistGraph = em.getEntityGraph("Artist.NoConcerts");
    Artist artist = (Artist) em.createQuery("Select a from Artist a")
        .setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", artistGraph)
    System.out.printf("++++ artist=%s\n", artist);
    System.out.printf(">> loaded = %s\n", util.isLoaded(artist, "id"));
    System.out.printf(">> loaded = %s\n", util.isLoaded(artist, "name"));
    System.out.printf(">> loaded = %s\n", util.isLoaded(artist, "events"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "id"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "name"));
    assertFalse(util.isLoaded(artist, "events"));
项目:javaee7-developer-handbook    文件   
public void shouldLoadArtistWithConcerts() throws Exception{
    PersistenceUnitUtil util =
    EntityGraph artistGraph = em.getEntityGraph("Artist.WithConcerts");
    Artist artist = (Artist)
        em.createQuery("Select a from Artist a")
        .setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", artistGraph)
    System.out.printf("++++ artist=%s\n", artist);
    System.out.printf("artist=%s\n", artist);
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "id"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "name"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "events"));
项目:javaee7-developer-handbook    文件   
public void shouldLoadArtistWithLiveConcertsAndNoContracts()
    throws Exception {
    PersistenceUnitUtil util =
    EntityGraph artistGraph = em.getEntityGraph(
    Artist artist = (Artist)
        em.createQuery("Select a from Artist a")
        .setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", artistGraph)
    System.out.printf("++++ artist=%s\n", artist);
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "id"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "name"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "events"));
    ConcertEvent event = artist.getEvents().values().iterator().next();
    System.out.printf("++++ concert event=%s\n", event );
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "id"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "name"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "eventType"));
    assertFalse(util.isLoaded(event, "contracts"));
项目:javaee7-developer-handbook    文件   
public void shouldLoadArtistWithLiveConcertsAndContracts()
    throws Exception{
    PersistenceUnitUtil util =
    EntityGraph artistGraph = em.getEntityGraph("Artist.WithConcertsAndContracts");
    Artist artist = (Artist)
        em.createQuery("Select a from Artist a")
        .setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", artistGraph)
    System.out.printf("++++ artist=%s\n", artist);
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "id"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "name"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(artist, "events"));
    ConcertEvent event = artist.getEvents().values().iterator().next();
    System.out.printf("++++ concert event=%s\n", event );
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "id"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "name"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "eventType"));
    assertTrue(util.isLoaded(event, "contracts"));
项目:crnk-framework    文件   
public <T> void build(EntityManager em, Query criteriaQuery, Class<T> entityClass,
                      Set<MetaAttributePath> fetchPaths) {
    EntityGraph<T> graph = em.createEntityGraph(entityClass);
    for (MetaAttributePath fetchPath : fetchPaths) {
        applyFetchPaths(graph, fetchPath);
    criteriaQuery.setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", graph);
项目:crnk-framework    文件   
private <T> Subgraph<Object> applyFetchPaths(EntityGraph<T> graph, MetaAttributePath fetchPath) {
    if (fetchPath.length() >= 2) {
        // ensure parent is fetched
        MetaAttributePath parentPath = fetchPath.subPath(0, fetchPath.length() - 1);
        Subgraph<Object> parentGraph = applyFetchPaths(graph, parentPath);
        return parentGraph.addSubgraph(fetchPath.toString());
    } else {
        return graph.addSubgraph(fetchPath.toString());
项目:code-examples    文件   
public void testInitDynamicEntityGraph() {
    EntityGraph<User> graph = entityManager.createEntityGraph(User.class);
    User user = entityManager.find(User.class, 1L, Collections.singletonMap("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", graph));
项目:dungeonstory-java    文件   
public List<E> findAllWithGraph(EntityGraph<E> graph) {
    String sql = "SELECT o FROM " + getTableName() + " o";

    TypedQuery<E> query = entityManager.createQuery(sql, getEntityClass());

    query.setHint(QueryHints.JPA_LOAD_GRAPH, graph);
    return query.getResultList();
项目:katharsis-framework    文件   
protected void applyFetchPaths(Query criteriaQuery) {
    EntityGraph<T> graph = em.createEntityGraph(getEntityClass());
    for (MetaAttributePath fetchPath : fetchPaths) {
        applyFetchPaths(graph, fetchPath);
    criteriaQuery.setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", graph);
项目:katharsis-framework    文件   
private Subgraph<Object> applyFetchPaths(EntityGraph<T> graph, MetaAttributePath fetchPath) {
    if (fetchPath.length() >= 2) {
        // ensure parent is fetched
        MetaAttributePath parentPath = fetchPath.subPath(0, fetchPath.length() - 1);
        Subgraph<Object> parentGraph = applyFetchPaths(graph, parentPath);
        return parentGraph.addSubgraph(fetchPath.toString());
    else {
        return graph.addSubgraph(fetchPath.toString());
项目:specification-with-projection    文件   
public <R> Page<R> findAll(Specification<T> spec, Class<R> projectionType, String namedEntityGraph, type, Pageable pageable) {
    EntityGraph<?> entityGraph = this.entityManager.getEntityGraph(namedEntityGraph);
    if (entityGraph == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found named entity graph -> " + namedEntityGraph);
    TypedQuery<T> query = getQuery(spec, pageable);
    query.setHint(type.getKey(), entityGraph);
    return readPageWithProjection(spec, projectionType, pageable, query);
项目:springJpaKata    文件   
public void shouldLazyInitializationSolution5() { //encji
    Map<String, Object> hints = newHashMap();
    EntityGraph<Item> itemGraph = em.createEntityGraph(Item.class); //<13>
    itemGraph.addAttributeNodes("offers"); //<14>
    hints.put("javax.persistence.loadgraph", itemGraph); //<15>
    Item one = em.find(Item.class, 1l,hints);
项目:springJpaKata    文件   

    public void shouldEntityGraphWork() {

        Map<String, Object> props = newHashMap();
        EntityGraph<Skill> skillGraph = em.createEntityGraph(Skill.class);
        props.put("javax.persistence.loadgraph", skillGraph);

        Skill one = em.find(Skill.class, 1l, props);

项目:jEDM    文件   
 * Combines using an entityGraph for accessing data from a database with
 * dozer mapping and returns a decoupled data object
 * @param em
 *            entity manager for database access
 * @param classTypeBE
 *            source object type
 * @param classTypeDO
 *            destination object type
 * @param entityGraphName
 *            name of the entity graph
 * @param id
 *            identification number for accessed entity
 * @return data object of type classTypeDO
public <BE, DO> DO useJEntityGraphDataMapper(final EntityManager em, final Class<BE> classTypeBE,
        final Class<DO> classTypeDO, final String entityGraphName, final int id) {
    final BuildDozerMapping dozerMappingBuilder = new BuildDozerMapping();
    final BuildEntityGraph entityGraphBuilder = new BuildEntityGraph();

    BE businessEntity = null;
    DO dataObject = null;
    try {
        dataObject = classTypeDO.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {

    final EntityGraph<BE> xmlGraph = (EntityGraph<BE>) entityGraphBuilder.generateEntityGraphXPath(em,
            entityGraphName, classTypeBE);

    final Map<String, Object> hints = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    hints.put("javax.persistence.loadgraph", xmlGraph);

    businessEntity = em.find(classTypeBE, id, hints);

    final DozerBeanMapper mapper = dozerMappingBuilder.generateMappingRulesXPath(entityGraphName);, dataObject);

    return dataObject;
项目:jee-user-auth    文件   
public List<User> findAllUsersWithPermissions() {
    CriteriaBuilder builder = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<User> query = builder.createQuery(User.class);
    CriteriaQuery<User> all =;

    EntityGraph<User> entityGraph = getEntityManager().createEntityGraph(User.class);

    return getEntityManager().createQuery(all).setHint("javax.persistence.loadgraph", entityGraph).getResultList();
项目:shop-repo    文件   
 * Suche einen Kunden zu gegebener ID
 * @param id Angegebene ID
 * @return Der Kunde, zu dem die gegebene ID geh�rt.
@NotNull(message = "{}")
public Kunde findKundeById(Long id, FetchType fetchType) {
    if (id == null)
        return null;

    EntityGraph<?> entityGraph;
    Map<String, Object> props;
    Kunde kunde;

    switch (fetchType) {
        case NUR_KUNDE:
            kunde = em.find(Kunde.class, id);

        case MIT_BESTELLUNGEN:
            entityGraph = em.getEntityGraph(Kunde.GRAPH_BESTELLUNGEN);
            props = ImmutableMap.of(LOADGRAPH, (Object) entityGraph);
            kunde = em.find(Kunde.class, id, props);

            kunde = em.find(Kunde.class, id);
    return kunde;
项目:tomee    文件   
public <T> EntityGraph<T> createEntityGraph(final Class<T> rootType) {
    final Timer timer = Op.createEntityGraph.start(this.timer, this);
    try {
        return getEntityManager().createEntityGraph(rootType);
    } finally {
项目:tomee    文件   
public EntityGraph<?> createEntityGraph(final String graphName) {
    final Timer timer = Op.createEntityGraph.start(this.timer, this);
    try {
        return getEntityManager().createEntityGraph(graphName);
    } finally {
项目:tomee    文件   
public EntityGraph<?> getEntityGraph(final String graphName) {
    final Timer timer = Op.getEntityGraph.start(this.timer, this);
    try {
        return getEntityManager().getEntityGraph(graphName);
    } finally {
项目:tomee    文件   
public <T> List<EntityGraph<? super T>> getEntityGraphs(final Class<T> entityClass) {
    final Timer timer = Op.getEntityGraphs.start(this.timer, this);
    try {
        return getEntityManager().getEntityGraphs(entityClass);
    } finally {
项目:VaadinUtils    文件   
public <T> EntityGraph<T> createEntityGraph(Class<T> rootType)
    logger.error("Thread: {} using entity Manager {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), emid);

    return em.createEntityGraph(rootType);
项目:VaadinUtils    文件   
public EntityGraph<?> createEntityGraph(String graphName)
    logger.error("Thread: {} using entity Manager {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), emid);

    return em.createEntityGraph(graphName);
项目:VaadinUtils    文件   
public EntityGraph<?> getEntityGraph(String graphName)
    logger.error("Thread: {} using entity Manager {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), emid);

    return em.getEntityGraph(graphName);
项目:VaadinUtils    文件   
public <T> List<EntityGraph<? super T>> getEntityGraphs(Class<T> entityClass)
    logger.error("Thread: {} using entity Manager {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), emid);

    return em.getEntityGraphs(entityClass);
项目:javaee7-developer-handbook    文件   
private Artist getArtistWithEntityGraph( String entityGraph) {
    EntityGraph artistGraph = em.getEntityGraph(entityGraph);
    return (Artist) em.createQuery("Select a from Artist a")
            .setHint("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", artistGraph)
项目:xm-ms-entity    文件   
private EntityGraph<T> createEnitityGraph(List<String> embed) {
    EntityGraph<T> graph = entityManager.createEntityGraph(domainClass);
    embed.forEach(f -> addAttributeNodes(f, graph));
    return graph;
项目:lams    文件   
public EntityGraphQueryHint(EntityGraph<?> originEntityGraph) {
    this.originEntityGraph = originEntityGraph;
项目:lams    文件   
public EntityGraph getFetchGraph() {
    return fetchGraph;