Java 类javax.persistence.SecondaryTables 实例源码

项目:lams    文件   
public void firstLevelSecondaryTablesBinding(
        SecondaryTable secTable, SecondaryTables secTables
) {
    if ( secTables != null ) {
        //loop through it
        for (SecondaryTable tab : secTables.value()) {
            addJoin( tab, null, null, false );
    else {
        if ( secTable != null ) addJoin( secTable, null, null, false );
项目:cosmic    文件   
public static final SecondaryTable[] getSecondaryTables(final AnnotatedElement clazz) {
    SecondaryTable[] sts = null;
    final SecondaryTable stAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(SecondaryTable.class);
    if (stAnnotation == null) {
        final SecondaryTables stsAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(SecondaryTables.class);
        sts = stsAnnotation != null ? stsAnnotation.value() : new SecondaryTable[0];
    } else {
        sts = new SecondaryTable[]{stAnnotation};

    return sts;
项目:hyperjaxb3    文件   
public XAnnotation<?> createSecondaryTables(
        List<SecondaryTable> cSecondaryTables) {
    return transform(
            new Transformer<SecondaryTable, XAnnotation<javax.persistence.SecondaryTable>>() {
                public XAnnotation<javax.persistence.SecondaryTable> transform(
                        SecondaryTable input) {
                    return createSecondaryTable(input);
项目:cloudstack    文件   
public static final SecondaryTable[] getSecondaryTables(AnnotatedElement clazz) {
    SecondaryTable[] sts = null;
    SecondaryTable stAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(SecondaryTable.class);
    if (stAnnotation == null) {
        SecondaryTables stsAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(SecondaryTables.class);
        sts = stsAnnotation != null ? stsAnnotation.value() : new SecondaryTable[0];
    } else {
        sts = new SecondaryTable[] {stAnnotation};

    return sts;
项目:lams    文件   
private SecondaryTables getSecondaryTables(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
    List<Element> elements = tree == null ?
            new ArrayList<Element>() :
            (List<Element>) tree.elements( "secondary-table" );
    List<SecondaryTable> secondaryTables = new ArrayList<SecondaryTable>( 3 );
    for ( Element element : elements ) {
        AnnotationDescriptor annotation = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTable.class );
        copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "name", false );
        copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "catalog", false );
        if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getCatalog() )
                && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "catalog" ) ) ) {
            annotation.setValue( "catalog", defaults.getCatalog() );
        copyStringAttribute( annotation, element, "schema", false );
        if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( defaults.getSchema() )
                && StringHelper.isEmpty( (String) annotation.valueOf( "schema" ) ) ) {
            annotation.setValue( "schema", defaults.getSchema() );
        buildUniqueConstraints( annotation, element );
        buildIndex( annotation, element );
        annotation.setValue( "pkJoinColumns", buildPrimaryKeyJoinColumns( element ) );
        secondaryTables.add( (SecondaryTable) AnnotationFactory.create( annotation ) );
     * You can't have both secondary table in XML and Java,
     * since there would be no way to "remove" a secondary table
    if ( secondaryTables.size() == 0 && defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
        SecondaryTable secTableAnn = getPhysicalAnnotation( SecondaryTable.class );
        overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable( secTableAnn, defaults, secondaryTables );
        SecondaryTables secTablesAnn = getPhysicalAnnotation( SecondaryTables.class );
        if ( secTablesAnn != null ) {
            for ( SecondaryTable table : secTablesAnn.value() ) {
                overridesDefaultInSecondaryTable( table, defaults, secondaryTables );
    if ( secondaryTables.size() > 0 ) {
        AnnotationDescriptor descriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( SecondaryTables.class );
        descriptor.setValue( "value", secondaryTables.toArray( new SecondaryTable[secondaryTables.size()] ) );
        return AnnotationFactory.create( descriptor );
    else {
        return null;