public EntityCrazyCube(World world, Vec3f pos){ super(world, getModel0(), pos); float s=Rand.f()+1; scale.set(s, s, s); // model.getMaterial(2).getDiffuse().set(177/256F, 0, 177/256F, 1); // model.getMaterial(1).getDiffuse().set(0x00C7E7); // model.getMaterial(1).getAmbient().set(0x00C7E7).a(1); // model.getMaterial(0).getDiffuse().set(0x0000FF); float massKg=0.5F*scale.x*scale.y*scale.z; if(CAM==null) CAM=this; getPhysicsObj().init(massKg, new Transform(new Matrix4f(new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1), new Vector3f(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), 0.5F)), new SphereShape(scale.x/2), Vec3f.single(0.9F)); // getPhysicsObj().init(massKg, new Transform(new Matrix4f(new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1), new Vector3f(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), 0.5F)), new BoxShape(new Vector3f(scale.x/2, scale.y/2, scale.z/2)), Vec3f.single(0.9F)); getPhysicsObj().body.setDamping(0.15F, 0.15F); getPhysicsObj().hookPos(this.pos); getPhysicsObj().hookRot(rot); }
public static Quat4f parseRotation(JsonElement e) { if (e.isJsonArray()) { if (e.getAsJsonArray().get(0).isJsonObject()) { Quat4f ret = new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1); for (JsonElement a : e.getAsJsonArray()) { ret.mul(parseAxisRotation(a)); } return ret; } else { // quaternion return new Quat4f(parseFloatArray(e, 4, "Rotation")); } } else if (e.isJsonObject()) { return parseAxisRotation(e); } else throw new JsonParseException("Rotation: expected array or object, got: " + e); }
public static Matrix4f mul(Vector3f translation, Quat4f leftRot, Vector3f scale, Quat4f rightRot) { Matrix4f res = new Matrix4f(), t = new Matrix4f(); res.setIdentity(); if(leftRot != null) { t.set(leftRot); res.mul(t); } if(scale != null) { t.setIdentity(); t.m00 = scale.x; t.m11 = scale.y; t.m22 = scale.z; res.mul(t); } if(rightRot != null) { t.set(rightRot); res.mul(t); } if(translation != null) res.setTranslation(translation); return res; }
public void applyInitTransform(List<Vector3f> helperPoints) { float shiftX = shift.getX() + initialShift.getX(); float shiftY = shift.getY() + initialShift.getY(); float shiftZ = shift.getZ() + initialShift.getZ(); Quat4f rotationQuat = new Quat4f(0,0,0,1) ; rotationQuat.mul(rotQuat,initRotQuat); for (int i = 0; i < helperPoints.size(); i++) { Vector3f vert = new Vector3f(); vert.setX(helperPoints.get(i).getX()); vert.setY(helperPoints.get(i).getY()); vert.setZ(helperPoints.get(i).getZ()); vert = rotate(vert,rotationQuat); helperPoints.get(i).setX(vert.getX() * scale.getX() + shiftX); helperPoints.get(i).setY(vert.getY() * scale.getY() + shiftY); helperPoints.get(i).setZ(vert.getZ() * scale.getZ() + shiftZ); } }
private Vector3f quaternionToEuler(Quat4f quat) { Vector3f p = new Vector3f(); double sqw = quat.w * quat.w; double sqx = quat.x * quat.x; double sqy = quat.y * quat.y; double sqz = quat.z * quat.z; double unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw; double test = quat.x * quat.y + quat.z * quat.w; if (test > 0.499 * unit) { // singularity at north pole p.y = (float) (2 * Math.atan2(quat.x, quat.w)); p.z = (float) (Math.PI * 0.5); p.x = 0; } else if (test < -0.499 * unit) { // singularity at south pole p.y = (float) (-2 * (Math.atan2(quat.x, quat.w))); p.z = (float) (-Math.PI * 0.5); p.x = 0; } else { p.y = (float) Math.toDegrees((Math.atan2(2 * quat.y * quat.w - 2 * quat.x * quat.z, sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw))); p.z = (float) Math.toDegrees((Math.asin(2 * test / unit))); p.x = (float) Math.toDegrees((Math.atan2(2 * quat.x * quat.w - 2 * quat.y * quat.z, -sqx + sqy - sqz + sqw))); } return p; }
/** * Updates position rotation and size of selected model. * * @param position new position of a model * @param rotation new rotation of a model (in case of editing both models * from pair(both eyes, ears...) new rotation of right model) * @param rotation2 in case of editing both models from pair (both eyes, * ears...) new rotation of left model * @param size new size of a model */ public void updateSelectedPart(Vector3f position, Quat4f rotation, Quat4f rotation2, Vector3f size) { if (currentPart != null && (getSelectedPart(1) != null)) { if (currentPart.equals(FacePartType.EYES) || currentPart.equals(FacePartType.EYEBROWS) || currentPart.equals(FacePartType.EARS)) { if (getSelectedPart(1).getEditMode() == BOTH) { updatePositions(getSelectedPart(1), getSelectedPart(2), position, rotation, rotation2, size); } else if (getSelectedPart(1).getEditMode() == RIGHT) { updatePositions(getSelectedPart(1), null, position, rotation, rotation2, size); } else { updatePositions(getSelectedPart(2), null, position, rotation, rotation2, size); } } else { updatePositions(getSelectedPart(1), null, position, rotation, rotation2, size); } } }
public @Nonnull Quat4f getSignRotate(final @Nonnull TileEntitySign tile) { // Vanilla Translate final Block block = tile.getBlockType(); if (block==Blocks.standing_sign) { final float f2 = tile.getBlockMetadata()*360f/16f; return RotationMath.quatDeg(-f2, 0f, 1f, 0f); } else { final int j = tile.getBlockMetadata(); float f3; switch (j) { case 2: f3 = 180f; break; case 4: f3 = 90f; break; case 5: f3 = -90f; break; default: f3 = 0f; break; } return RotationMath.quatDeg(-f3, 0f, 1f, 0f); } }
/** * Create a new Quat4f representing the yaw, pitch and roll given(applied in * that order). * * @param pitch * The pitch. * @param yaw * The yaw. * @param roll * The roll. * @return The new Quat4f. */ public static Quat4f quatFromEuler(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) { Quat4f quat = new Quat4f(); pitch = (float) Math.toRadians(pitch); yaw = (float) Math.toRadians(yaw); roll = (float) Math.toRadians(roll); final Vector3f coss = new Vector3f(); coss.x = (float) Math.cos(pitch * 0.5F); coss.y = (float) Math.cos(yaw * 0.5F); coss.z = (float) Math.cos(roll * 0.5F); final Vector3f sins = new Vector3f(); sins.x = (float) Math.sin(pitch * 0.5F); sins.y = (float) Math.sin(yaw * 0.5F); sins.z = (float) Math.sin(roll * 0.5F); quat.w = coss.x * coss.y * coss.z + sins.x * sins.y * sins.z; quat.x = sins.x * coss.y * coss.z + coss.x * sins.y * sins.z; quat.y = coss.x * sins.y * coss.z - sins.x * coss.y * sins.z; quat.z = coss.x * coss.y * sins.z - sins.x * sins.y * coss.z; return quat; }
public static Quat4f shortestArcQuat(Vector3f v0, Vector3f v1, Quat4f out) { Vector3f c = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class); c.cross(v0, v1); float d =; if (d < -1.0 + BulletGlobals.FLT_EPSILON) { // just pick any vector out.set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return out; } float s = (float) Math.sqrt((1.0f + d) * 2.0f); float rs = 1.0f / s; out.set(c.x * rs, c.y * rs, c.z * rs, s * 0.5f); return out; }
public static void setRotation(Matrix3f dest, Quat4f q) { float d = q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z + q.w * q.w; assert (d != 0f); float s = 2f / d; float xs = q.x * s, ys = q.y * s, zs = q.z * s; float wx = q.w * xs, wy = q.w * ys, wz = q.w * zs; float xx = q.x * xs, xy = q.x * ys, xz = q.x * zs; float yy = q.y * ys, yz = q.y * zs, zz = q.z * zs; dest.m00 = 1f - (yy + zz); dest.m01 = xy - wz; dest.m02 = xz + wy; dest.m10 = xy + wz; dest.m11 = 1f - (xx + zz); dest.m12 = yz - wx; dest.m20 = xz - wy; dest.m21 = yz + wx; dest.m22 = 1f - (xx + yy); }
@Override public void init() { Engine.scene.sun.direction = vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); Engine.scene.sun.color = vec3(1.2f, 1.2f, 1.2f); loadTexture("stone_tile.png", false, true); loadTexture("stone_tile_normal.png"); loadTexture("stone_tile_specular.png"); loadTexture("planks.jpg", false, true); loadTexture("planks_specular.jpg"); planeMesh = Mesh.raw(Primitives.plane(16.0f), true); boxMesh = Mesh.raw(Primitives.cube(16.0f), true); sphereMesh = ObjLoader.loadFile("sphere.obj"); Engine.scene.skybox = new Cubemap("sunset"); Engine.scene.irradiance = new Cubemap("sunset-irradiance"); Engine.scene.add(new PointLight(vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 0.42f, 0.2f)); Engine.scene.add(new MeshSphere(vec3(), new Quat4f(), new SphereShape(1.0f), 1f, sphereMesh, 1f, sphereMaterial)); Engine.scene.add(new MeshObject(vec3(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f), new Quat4f(), new BoxShape(new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)), 0f, boxMesh, 1f, boxMaterial)); Engine.scene.add(new MeshObject(vec3(0.0f, -10f, 0.0f), new Quat4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 60.0f), new BoxShape(new Vector3f(50f, 0f, 50f)), 0f, planeMesh, 100f, groundMaterial)); }
@Override public void update() { accum += Engine.deltaTime; //spawns cubes and lights, test if accum is a certain length if (Input.isButtonDown(1) && accum > 0.1f) { Camera cam =; MeshObject c = new MeshObject(cam.getPosition(), cam.front.multiply(30), new Quat4f(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 0f), new BoxShape(new Vector3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)), 1f, cubeMesh, 1f, crateMaterial); Engine.scene.add(c); accum = 0; } if (Input.isButtonDown(2) && accum > 1f) { PointLight p = new PointLight(, vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f), 5f, 10f); Engine.scene.add(p); accum = 0; } }
@Override public void render(Scene scene, Camera cam) { Shader s = getShader("pbr"); s.bind(); s.uniformMaterial(this.material); Transform trans = new Transform(); Quat4f q = new Quat4f(); rb.getMotionState().getWorldTransform(trans); trans.getRotation(q); Matrix4f mat = new Matrix4f(); trans.getMatrix(mat); s.uniformMat4("model", mat4(mat).scale(this.scale)); mesh.draw(); }
public boolean makeDomino(float mass, Vector3f inertia, Vector3f loc, float angle) { if (cntCreated >= numDominoes) return false; int i = cntCreated++; dominoOrigTransform[i] = new Transform(new Matrix4f(new Quat4f(0, sin(angle) / (float) Math.sqrt(2), 0, 1), loc, 1.0f)); DefaultMotionState dominoMotion = new DefaultMotionState( dominoOrigTransform[i]); RigidBodyConstructionInfo dominoRigidBodyCI = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo( mass, dominoMotion, dominoShape, inertia); domino[i] = new RigidBody(dominoRigidBodyCI); domino[i].setRestitution(0.5f); world.addRigidBody(domino[i]); return true; }
private Quat4f yrp2q(float roll, float pitch, float yaw) { float halfYaw = yaw * 0.5f; float halfPitch = pitch * 0.5f; float halfRoll = roll * 0.5f; float cosYaw = (float) cos(halfYaw); float sinYaw = (float) sin(halfYaw); float cosPitch = (float) cos(halfPitch); float sinPitch = (float) sin(halfPitch); float cosRoll = (float) cos(halfRoll); float sinRoll = (float) sin(halfRoll); return new Quat4f(sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw, //x cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw, //y cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw, //z cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw); //formerly yzx }
public void shootTrimesh(Vector3f destination) { if (dynamicsWorld != null) { float mass = 4f; Transform startTransform = new Transform(); startTransform.setIdentity(); Vector3f camPos = getCameraPosition(); startTransform.origin.set(camPos); RigidBody body = localCreateRigidBody(mass, startTransform, trimeshShape); Vector3f linVel = new Vector3f(destination.x - camPos.x, destination.y - camPos.y, destination.z - camPos.z); linVel.normalize(); linVel.scale(ShootBoxInitialSpeed * 0.25f); Transform tr = new Transform(); tr.origin.set(camPos); tr.setRotation(new Quat4f(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f)); body.setWorldTransform(tr); body.setLinearVelocity(linVel); body.setAngularVelocity(new Vector3f(0f, 0f, 0f)); } }
/** * Builds the appropriate quaternion to rotate around the given orthogonalAxis. */ public static Quat4f rotationForAxis(EnumFacing.Axis axis, double degrees) { Quat4f retVal = new Quat4f(); switch (axis) { case X: retVal.set(new AxisAngle4d(1, 0, 0, Math.toRadians(degrees))); break; case Y: retVal.set(new AxisAngle4d(0, 1, 0, Math.toRadians(degrees))); break; case Z: retVal.set(new AxisAngle4d(0, 0, 1, Math.toRadians(degrees))); break; } return retVal; }
/** * Takes a {@link Quaternion} and a {@link Vector3f} as input and returns a {@link Matrix4f} that represents the * rotation-translation of the passed in arguments.<br> * This handles null values as follows:<br> * - if rotation is <code>null</code> the upper left 3x3 matrix will be the identity matrix - if translation is * <code>null</code> the third column will be the identity vector * */ public static Matrix4f fromRTS(Quat4f rotation, Vector3f offset, Vector3f scale, Matrix4f out) { fromRTS(rotation, offset, 1.0f, out); float sX = scale.x, sY = scale.y, sZ = scale.z; out.m00 *= sX; out.m01 *= sX; out.m02 *= sX; out.m10 *= sY; out.m11 *= sY; out.m12 *= sY; out.m20 *= sZ; out.m21 *= sZ; out.m22 *= sZ; return out; }
public static Transform createTransform(Vector3f position, Quaternion rotation) { if (position == null) { position = new Vector3f(0); } if (rotation == null) { rotation = new Quaternion(new Matrix4f().initIdentity()); } Transform transform = new Transform(); transform.origin.set(position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ()); transform.basis.set(new Quat4f(rotation.getX(),rotation.getY(),rotation.getZ(),rotation.getW())); return transform; }
public static double staticMethod1(Quat4f q) { double angle; float dirW = q.w; if (q.w * q.w + q.y * q.y > 0.0f) { if (q.w > 0.f && q.y < 0.0f) dirW *= -1.0f; angle = 2.0f * Math.acos(dirW); } else { angle = 0.0f; } return angle / 6.283f * 100.f; }
public void move( float right , float up , float back ) { q1.conjugate( orientation ); Quat4f qright = new Quat4f( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ); Quat4f qup = new Quat4f( 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ); Quat4f qback = new Quat4f( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ); qright.mul( q1 ); qright.mul( orientation , qright ); qup.mul( q1 ); qup.mul( orientation , qup ); qback.mul( q1 ); qback.mul( orientation , qback ); position.x += qright.x * right + qup.x * up + qback.x * back; position.y += qright.y * right + qup.y * up + qback.y * back; position.z += qright.z * right + qup.z * up + qback.z * back; }
public void update(double delta) { Transform out = new Transform(); out = body.getWorldTransform(out); Quat4f rot = new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1); rot = out.getRotation(rot); Quaternion newRot = PhysicsEngine.toJGE(rot); Vector3 physicalPos = PhysicsEngine.toJGE(out.origin); org.jge.maths.Transform parentTransform = getParent().getTransform().getParent(); if(parentTransform != null) { Vector3 parentPos = parentTransform.getTransformedPos(); physicalPos = physicalPos.sub(parentPos); physicalPos = physicalPos.rotate(parentTransform.getTransformedRotation().conjugate()); newRot = newRot.mul(parentTransform.getTransformedRotation().conjugate()); } this.getParent().getTransform().setPosition(physicalPos); this.getParent().getTransform().setRotation(newRot); }
/** * Constructs a new RotPosScalePathInterpolator object that varies the * rotation, translation, and scale of the target TransformGroup's * transform. * @param alpha the alpha object for this interpolator. * @param target the TransformGroup node affected by this interpolator. * @param axisOfTransform the transform that specifies the local * coordinate system in which this interpolator operates. * @param knots an array of knot values that specify interpolation points. * @param quats an array of quaternion values at the knots. * @param positions an array of position values at the knots. * @param scales an array of scale component values at the knots. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the lengths of the * knots, quats, positions, and scales arrays are not all the same. */ public RotPosScalePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions, float[] scales) { super(alpha, target, axisOfTransform, knots); if (knots.length != quats.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("RotPosScalePathInterpolator1")); if (knots.length != positions.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("RotPosScalePathInterpolator0")); if (knots.length != scales.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("RotPosScalePathInterpolator2")); setPathArrays(quats, positions, scales); }
/** * Replaces the existing arrays of knot values, quaternion * values, position values, and scale values with the specified arrays. * The arrays of knots, quats, positions, and scales are copied * into this interpolator object. * @param knots a new array of knot values that specify * interpolation points. * @param quats a new array of quaternion values at the knots. * @param positions a new array of position values at the knots. * @param scales a new array of scale component values at the knots. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the lengths of the * knots, quats, positions, and scales arrays are not all the same. * * @since Java 3D 1.2 */ public void setPathArrays(float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions, float[] scales) { if (knots.length != quats.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("RotPosScalePathInterpolator1")); if (knots.length != positions.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("RotPosScalePathInterpolator0")); if (knots.length != scales.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("RotPosScalePathInterpolator2")); setKnots(knots); setPathArrays(quats, positions, scales); }
private void setPathArrays(Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions, float[] scales) { this.quats = new Quat4f[quats.length]; for(int i = 0; i < quats.length; i++) { this.quats[i] = new Quat4f(); this.quats[i].set(quats[i]); } this.positions = new Point3f[positions.length]; for(int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { this.positions[i] = new Point3f(); this.positions[i].set(positions[i]); } this.scales = new float[scales.length]; for(int i = 0; i < scales.length; i++) { this.scales[i] = scales[i]; } }
/** * Constructs a new interpolator that varies the rotation and translation * of the target TransformGroup's transform. * @param alpha the alpha object for this interpolator * @param target the TransformGroup node affected by this translator * @param axisOfTransform the transform that defines the local coordinate * system in which this interpolator operates * @param knots an array of knot values that specify interpolation points. * @param quats an array of quaternion values at the knots. * @param positions an array of position values at the knots. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the lengths of the * knots, quats, and positions arrays are not all the same. */ public RotPosPathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfTransform, float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions) { super(alpha, target, axisOfTransform, knots); if (knots.length != positions.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("RotPosPathInterpolator0")); if (knots.length != quats.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("RotPosPathInterpolator0")); setPathArrays(quats, positions); }
/** * Copies all RotPosPathInterpolator information from * <code>originalNode</code> into * the current node. This method is called from the * <code>cloneNode</code> method which is, in turn, called by the * <code>cloneTree</code> method.<P> * * @param originalNode the original node to duplicate. * @param forceDuplicate when set to <code>true</code>, causes the * <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> flag to be ignored. When * <code>false</code>, the value of each node's * <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> variable determines whether * NodeComponent data is duplicated or copied. * * @exception RestrictedAccessException if this object is part of a live * or compiled scenegraph. * * @see Node#duplicateNode * @see Node#cloneTree * @see NodeComponent#setDuplicateOnCloneTree */ void duplicateAttributes(Node originalNode, boolean forceDuplicate) { super.duplicateAttributes(originalNode, forceDuplicate); RotPosPathInterpolator ri = (RotPosPathInterpolator) originalNode; int len = ri.getArrayLengths(); // No API availble to set array size, so explicitly set it here positions = new Point3f[len]; quats = new Quat4f[len]; Point3f point = new Point3f(); Quat4f quat = new Quat4f(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { positions[i] = new Point3f(); ri.getPosition(i, point); setPosition(i, point); quats[i] = new Quat4f(); ri.getQuat(i, quat); setQuat(i, quat); } }
private void registerTypeHandlers(ComponentLibrary library) { library.registerTypeHandler(BlockFamily.class, new BlockFamilyTypeHandler()); library.registerTypeHandler(Color4f.class, new Color4fTypeHandler()); library.registerTypeHandler(Quat4f.class, new Quat4fTypeHandler()); library.registerTypeHandler(Mesh.class, new AssetTypeHandler(AssetType.MESH, Mesh.class)); library.registerTypeHandler(Sound.class, new AssetTypeHandler(AssetType.SOUND, Sound.class)); library.registerTypeHandler(Material.class, new AssetTypeHandler(AssetType.MATERIAL, Material.class)); library.registerTypeHandler(SkeletalMesh.class, new AssetTypeHandler(AssetType.SKELETON_MESH, SkeletalMesh.class)); library.registerTypeHandler(MeshAnimation.class, new AssetTypeHandler(AssetType.ANIMATION, MeshAnimation.class)); library.registerTypeHandler(Vector3f.class, new Vector3fTypeHandler()); library.registerTypeHandler(Vector2f.class, new Vector2fTypeHandler()); Vector3iTypeHandler vector3iHandler = new Vector3iTypeHandler(); library.registerTypeHandler(Vector3i.class, vector3iHandler); library.registerTypeHandler(CollisionGroup.class, new CollisionGroupTypeHandler()); library.registerTypeHandler(Region3i.class, new Region3iTypeHandler(vector3iHandler)); }
private void updateSkeleton(SkeletalMeshComponent skeletalMeshComp, MeshAnimationFrame frameA, MeshAnimationFrame frameB, float interpolationVal) { Vector3f newPos = new Vector3f(); Quat4f newRot = new Quat4f(); for (int i = 0; i < skeletalMeshComp.animation.getBoneCount(); ++i) { EntityRef boneEntity = skeletalMeshComp.boneEntities.get(skeletalMeshComp.animation.getBoneName(i)); if (boneEntity == null) { continue; } LocationComponent boneLoc = boneEntity.getComponent(LocationComponent.class); if (boneLoc != null) { newPos.interpolate(frameA.getPosition(i), frameB.getPosition(i), interpolationVal); boneLoc.setLocalPosition(newPos); newRot.interpolate(frameA.getRotation(i), frameB.getRotation(i), interpolationVal); newRot.normalize(); boneLoc.setLocalRotation(newRot); boneEntity.saveComponent(boneLoc); } } }
private void renderBoneOrientation(EntityRef boneEntity) { LocationComponent loc = boneEntity.getComponent(LocationComponent.class); if (loc == null) { return; } glPushMatrix(); Vector3f worldPosA = loc.getWorldPosition(); Quat4f worldRot = loc.getWorldRotation(); Vector3f offset = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0.1f); QuaternionUtil.quatRotate(worldRot, offset, offset); offset.add(worldPosA); glBegin(GL11.GL_LINES); glVertex3f(worldPosA.x, worldPosA.y, worldPosA.z); glVertex3f(offset.x, offset.y, offset.z); glEnd(); for (EntityRef child : loc.getChildren()) { renderBoneOrientation(child); } glPopMatrix(); }
public List<Vector3f> getVertexPositions(List<Vector3f> bonePositions, List<Quat4f> boneRotations) { List<Vector3f> results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(getVertexCount()); for (int i = 0; i < vertexStartWeights.size(); ++i) { Vector3f vertexPos = new Vector3f(); for (int weightIndexOffset = 0; weightIndexOffset < vertexWeightCounts.get(i); ++weightIndexOffset) { int weightIndex = vertexStartWeights.get(i) + weightIndexOffset; BoneWeight weight = weights.get(weightIndex); Vector3f current = QuaternionUtil.quatRotate(boneRotations.get(weight.getBoneIndex()), weight.getPosition(), new Vector3f()); current.add(bonePositions.get(weight.getBoneIndex())); current.scale(weight.getBias()); vertexPos.add(current); } results.add(vertexPos); } return results; }
public List<Vector3f> getVertexNormals(List<Vector3f> bonePositions, List<Quat4f> boneRotations) { List<Vector3f> results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(getVertexCount()); for (int i = 0; i < vertexStartWeights.size(); ++i) { Vector3f vertexNorm = new Vector3f(); for (int weightIndexOffset = 0; weightIndexOffset < vertexWeightCounts.get(i); ++weightIndexOffset) { int weightIndex = vertexStartWeights.get(i) + weightIndexOffset; BoneWeight weight = weights.get(weightIndex); Vector3f current = QuaternionUtil.quatRotate(boneRotations.get(weight.getBoneIndex()), weight.getNormal(), new Vector3f()); current.scale(weight.getBias()); vertexNorm.add(current); } results.add(vertexNorm); } return results; }
@Command(shortDescription = "Spawns an instance of a prefab in the world") public void spawnPrefab(@CommandParam(name = "prefabId") String prefabName) { Camera camera = CoreRegistry.get(WorldRenderer.class).getActiveCamera(); Vector3f spawnPos = camera.getPosition(); Vector3f offset = new Vector3f(camera.getViewingDirection()); offset.scale(2); spawnPos.add(offset); Vector3f dir = new Vector3f(camera.getViewingDirection()); dir.y = 0; if (dir.lengthSquared() > 0.001f) { dir.normalize(); } else { dir.set(0, 0, 1); } Quat4f rotation = QuaternionUtil.shortestArcQuat(new Vector3f(0, 0, 1), dir, new Quat4f()); Prefab prefab = CoreRegistry.get(PrefabManager.class).getPrefab(prefabName); if (prefab != null && prefab.getComponent(LocationComponent.class) != null) { CoreRegistry.get(EntityManager.class).create(prefab, spawnPos, rotation); } }
public final void readFromStream(DataInputStreamLittleEndian is) throws IOException { boneName = is.readString(15); boneIndex = -1; // for(int i=0;i<vmdFile.boneNames.size();i++) { // if (boneName.equals(vmdFile.boneNames.get(i))) { // boneIndex = (short)i; // break; // } // } boneIndex = (short)vmdFile.boneNames.indexOf(boneName); if (boneIndex < 0) { vmdFile.boneNames.add(boneName); // boneIndex = (short)(vmdFile.boneNames.size() - 1); boneIndex = (short)vmdFile.boneNames.indexOf(boneName); } frameNo = is.readInt(); location = new Point3f(); location.x = is.readFloat(); location.y = is.readFloat(); location.z = -is.readFloat(); rotation = new Quat4f(is.readFloat(), is.readFloat(), -is.readFloat(), -is.readFloat()); int pos = 0; while(pos < 64) { pos +=, pos, 64 - pos); } }