private boolean emitProgram(final FunctionNode functionNode) { enterDefault(functionNode); type("Program"); comma(); // body consists of nested functions and statements final List<Statement> stats = functionNode.getBody().getStatements(); final int size = stats.size(); int idx = 0; arrayStart("body"); for (final Node stat : stats) { stat.accept(this); if (idx != (size - 1)) { comma(); } idx++; } arrayEnd(); return leave(); }
@Override public Node leaveIfNode(final IfNode ifNode) { final Node test = ifNode.getTest(); if (test instanceof LiteralNode.PrimitiveLiteralNode) { final boolean isTrue = ((LiteralNode.PrimitiveLiteralNode<?>)test).isTrue(); final Block executed = isTrue ? ifNode.getPass() : ifNode.getFail(); final Block dropped = isTrue ? ifNode.getFail() : ifNode.getPass(); final List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<>(); if (executed != null) { statements.addAll(executed.getStatements()); // Get statements form executed branch } if (dropped != null) { extractVarNodes(dropped, statements); // Get var-nodes from non-executed branch } if (statements.isEmpty()) { return new EmptyNode(ifNode); } return BlockStatement.createReplacement(ifNode, ifNode.getFinish(), statements); } return ifNode; }
private boolean handleBlock(final Block block, final boolean sortStats) { // FIXME: revisit this! if (block.isSynthetic()) { final int statCount = block.getStatementCount(); switch (statCount) { case 0: { final EmptyNode emptyNode = new EmptyNode(-1, block.getToken(), block.getFinish()); curStat = new EmptyStatementTreeImpl(emptyNode); return false; } case 1: { curStat = translateStat(block.getStatements().get(0)); return false; } default: { // fall through break; } } } final List<? extends Statement> stats = block.getStatements(); curStat = new BlockTreeImpl(block, translateStats(sortStats? getOrderedStatements(stats) : stats)); return false; }
private void markEvalInArrowParameterList(final ParserContextBlockNode parameterBlock) { final Iterator<ParserContextFunctionNode> iter = lc.getFunctions(); final ParserContextFunctionNode current =; final ParserContextFunctionNode parent =; if (parent.getFlag(FunctionNode.HAS_EVAL) != 0) { // we might have flagged has-eval in the parent function during parsing the parameter list, // if the parameter list contains eval; must tag arrow function as has-eval. for (final Statement st : parameterBlock.getStatements()) { st.accept(new NodeVisitor<LexicalContext>(new LexicalContext()) { @Override public boolean enterCallNode(final CallNode callNode) { if (callNode.getFunction() instanceof IdentNode && ((IdentNode) callNode.getFunction()).getName().equals("eval")) { current.setFlag(FunctionNode.HAS_EVAL); } return true; } }); } // TODO: function containing the arrow function should not be flagged has-eval } }
@Override public Node leaveIfNode(final IfNode ifNode) { final Node test = ifNode.getTest(); if (test instanceof LiteralNode.PrimitiveLiteralNode) { final boolean isTrue = ((LiteralNode.PrimitiveLiteralNode<?>)test).isTrue(); final Block executed = isTrue ? ifNode.getPass() : ifNode.getFail(); final Block dropped = isTrue ? ifNode.getFail() : ifNode.getPass(); final List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<>(); if (executed != null) { statements.addAll(executed.getStatements()); // Get statements form executed branch } if (dropped != null) { extractVarNodesFromDeadCode(dropped, statements); // Get var-nodes from non-executed branch } if (statements.isEmpty()) { return new EmptyNode(ifNode); } return BlockStatement.createReplacement(ifNode, ifNode.getFinish(), statements); } return ifNode; }
/** * When we eliminate dead code, we must preserve var declarations as they are scoped to the whole * function. This method gathers var nodes from code passed to it, removing their initializers. * * @param deadCodeRoot the root node of eliminated dead code * @param statements a list that will be receiving the var nodes from the dead code, with their * initializers removed. */ static void extractVarNodesFromDeadCode(final Node deadCodeRoot, final List<Statement> statements) { deadCodeRoot.accept(new SimpleNodeVisitor() { @Override public boolean enterVarNode(final VarNode varNode) { statements.add(varNode.setInit(null)); return false; } @Override public boolean enterFunctionNode(final FunctionNode functionNode) { // Don't descend into nested functions return false; } }); }
public final void insert(String table, String[] parameters){ try { Statement select = ds.createStatement(); select.executeUpdate(" "); } catch (SQLException sqle) { System.out.println("Erreur : "+sqle.getMessage()); } }
public void remove(String table, String idName, String idValue){ try { Statement select = ds.createStatement(); select.executeUpdate("delete from "+table+" where id_name = "+idName+" and id_value = "+idValue); } catch (SQLException sqle) { System.out.println("Erreur : "+sqle.getMessage()); } }
public void update(String table, HashMap<Integer, Integer> parameters){ try { Statement select = ds.createStatement(); select.executeUpdate(" "); } catch (SQLException sqle) { System.out.println("Erreur : "+sqle.getMessage()); } }
private void addFunctionDeclarations(final FunctionNode functionNode) { VarNode lastDecl = null; for (int i = functionDeclarations.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Statement decl = functionDeclarations.get(i); if (lastDecl == null && decl instanceof VarNode) { decl = lastDecl = ((VarNode)decl).setFlag(VarNode.IS_LAST_FUNCTION_DECLARATION); lc.setFlag(functionNode, FunctionNode.HAS_FUNCTION_DECLARATIONS); } prependStatement(decl); } }
private FunctionNode createSyntheticInitializers(final FunctionNode functionNode) { final List<VarNode> syntheticInitializers = new ArrayList<>(2); // Must visit the new var nodes in the context of the body. We could also just set the new statements into the // block and then revisit the entire block, but that seems to be too much double work. final Block body = functionNode.getBody(); lc.push(body); try { if (functionNode.usesSelfSymbol()) { // "var fn = :callee" syntheticInitializers.add(createSyntheticInitializer(functionNode.getIdent(), CALLEE, functionNode)); } if (functionNode.needsArguments()) { // "var arguments = :arguments" syntheticInitializers.add(createSyntheticInitializer(createImplicitIdentifier(ARGUMENTS_VAR.symbolName()), ARGUMENTS, functionNode)); } if (syntheticInitializers.isEmpty()) { return functionNode; } for(final ListIterator<VarNode> it = syntheticInitializers.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { it.set((VarNode); } } finally { lc.pop(body); } final List<Statement> stmts = body.getStatements(); final List<Statement> newStatements = new ArrayList<>(stmts.size() + syntheticInitializers.size()); newStatements.addAll(syntheticInitializers); newStatements.addAll(stmts); return functionNode.setBody(lc, body.setStatements(lc, newStatements)); }
private static void extractVarNodes(final Block block, final List<Statement> statements) { final LexicalContext lc = new LexicalContext(); block.accept(lc, new NodeVisitor<LexicalContext>(lc) { @Override public boolean enterVarNode(final VarNode varNode) { statements.add(varNode.setInit(null)); return false; } }); }
private static List<Statement> copyFinally(final Block finallyBody) { final List<Statement> newStatements = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Statement statement : finallyBody.getStatements()) { newStatements.add((Statement)ensureUniqueNamesIn(statement)); if (statement.hasTerminalFlags()) { return newStatements; } } return newStatements; }
private void addStatementEnclosedInBlock(final Statement stmt) { BlockStatement b = BlockStatement.createReplacement(stmt, Collections.<Statement>singletonList(stmt)); if(stmt.isTerminal()) { b = b.setBlock(b.getBlock().setIsTerminal(null, true)); } addStatement(b); }
private static FunctionNode removeInnerFunctionBodies(final FunctionNode fn) { return (FunctionNode)fn.accept(new NodeVisitor<LexicalContext>(new LexicalContext()) { @Override public Node leaveBlock(final Block block) { if (lc.isFunctionBody() && lc.getFunction(block) != lc.getOutermostFunction()) { return block.setStatements(lc, Collections.<Statement>emptyList()); } return super.leaveBlock(block); } }); }
/** * Split a block into sub methods. * * @param block Block or function to split. * * @return new weight for the resulting block. */ private Block splitBlock(final Block block, final FunctionNode function) { final List<Statement> splits = new ArrayList<>(); List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<>(); long statementsWeight = 0; for (final Statement statement : block.getStatements()) { final long weight = WeighNodes.weigh(statement, weightCache); if (statementsWeight + weight >= SPLIT_THRESHOLD || statement.isTerminal()) { if (!statements.isEmpty()) { splits.add(createBlockSplitNode(block, function, statements, statementsWeight)); statements = new ArrayList<>(); statementsWeight = 0; } } if (statement.isTerminal()) { splits.add(statement); } else { statements.add(statement); statementsWeight += weight; } } if (!statements.isEmpty()) { splits.add(createBlockSplitNode(block, function, statements, statementsWeight)); } return block.setStatements(lc, splits); }
/** * Create a new split node from statements contained in a parent block. * * @param parent Parent block. * @param statements Statements to include. * * @return New split node. */ private SplitNode createBlockSplitNode(final Block parent, final FunctionNode function, final List<Statement> statements, final long weight) { final long token = parent.getToken(); final int finish = parent.getFinish(); final String name = function.uniqueName(SPLIT_PREFIX.symbolName()); final Block newBlock = new Block(token, finish, statements); return new SplitNode(name, newBlock, compiler.findUnit(weight + WeighNodes.FUNCTION_WEIGHT)); }
@Override protected Node leaveDefault(final Node node) { if (node instanceof Statement) { appendStatement((Statement)node); } return node; }
private static IfNode makeIfStateEquals(final int lineNumber, final long token, final int finish, final int value, final Block pass, final Statement fail) { return new IfNode(lineNumber, token, finish, new BinaryNode(Token.recast(token, TokenType.EQ_STRICT), GetSplitState.INSTANCE, intLiteral(value)), pass, fail == null ? null : new Block(NO_TOKEN, NO_FINISH, fail)); }
private void createSyntheticReturn(final Block body) { final FunctionNode functionNode = lc.getCurrentFunction(); final long token = functionNode.getToken(); final int finish = functionNode.getFinish(); final List<Statement> statements = body.getStatements(); final int lineNumber = statements.isEmpty() ? functionNode.getLineNumber() : statements.get(statements.size() - 1).getLineNumber(); final IdentNode returnExpr; if(functionNode.isProgram()) { returnExpr = new IdentNode(token, finish, RETURN.symbolName()).setSymbol(getCompilerConstantSymbol(functionNode, RETURN)); } else { returnExpr = null; } syntheticReturn = new ReturnNode(lineNumber, token, finish, returnExpr); syntheticReturn.accept(this); }
private List<? extends StatementTree> translateStats(final List<? extends Statement> stats) { if (stats == null) { return null; } final List<StatementTreeImpl> statTrees = new ArrayList<>(stats.size()); for (final Statement stat : stats) { curStat = null; stat.accept(this); assert curStat != null; statTrees.add(curStat); } return statTrees; }
private StatementTreeImpl translateStat(final Statement stat) { if (stat == null) { return null; } curStat = null; stat.accept(this); assert curStat != null : "null for " + stat; return curStat; }
/** * The last statement added to the context * @return The last statement added to the context */ public Statement getLastStatement() { if (sp == 0) { return null; } final ParserContextNode top = stack[sp - 1]; final int s = top.getStatements().size(); return s == 0 ? null : top.getStatements().get(s - 1); }
private void addFunctionDeclarations(final ParserContextFunctionNode functionNode) { VarNode lastDecl = null; for (int i = functionDeclarations.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Statement decl = functionDeclarations.get(i); if (lastDecl == null && decl instanceof VarNode) { decl = lastDecl = ((VarNode)decl).setFlag(VarNode.IS_LAST_FUNCTION_DECLARATION); functionNode.setFlag(FunctionNode.HAS_FUNCTION_DECLARATIONS); } prependStatement(decl); } }
private static Block createFinallyBlock(final Block finallyBody) { final List<Statement> newStatements = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Statement statement : finallyBody.getStatements()) { newStatements.add(statement); if (statement.hasTerminalFlags()) { break; } } return finallyBody.setStatements(null, newStatements); }