Java 类net.minecraft.client.resources.FileResourcePack 实例源码

项目:EnderCore    文件   
 * Inserts the resource pack into the game. Enabling the resource pack will
 * not be required, it will load automatically.
 * <p>
 * A cache of the pack zip will be kept in "resourcepack/[pack name].zip"
 * where "resourcepack" is a folder at the same level as the directory passed
 * into the constructor.
public void inject() {
  if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide().isClient()) {
    try {
      if (defaultResourcePacks == null) {
        defaultResourcePacks = ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(Minecraft.class, Minecraft.getMinecraft(), "defaultResourcePacks", "field_110449_ao", "ap");

      File dest = new File(dir.getParent() + "/resourcepack/" + zip.getName());
      FileUtils.copyFile(zip, dest);
      writeNewFile(new File(dest.getParent() + "/readme.txt"),
          EnderCore.lang.localize("resourcepack.readme") + "\n\n" + EnderCore.lang.localize("resourcepack.readme2"));
      defaultResourcePacks.add(new FileResourcePack(dest));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      EnderCore.logger.error("Failed to inject resource pack for mod {}", modid, e);
  } else {"Skipping resource pack, we are on a dedicated server.");
项目:NOVA-Core    文件   
 * Dynamically generates a sound JSON file based on a resource pack's file structure.
 * If it's a folder, then load it as a sound collection.
 * A sound collection falls under the same resource name. When called to play, it will pick a random sound from the collection to play it.
 * If it's just a sound file, then load the sound file
 * @param pack The resource pack to generate the sound JSON for.
 * @return The generated sound JSON.
public static String generateSoundJSON(AbstractResourcePack pack) {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    try (JsonGenerator json = Json.createGenerator(sw);) {
        if (pack instanceof FileResourcePack) {
            //For zip resource packs
            try {
                generateSoundJSON((FileResourcePack) pack, json);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Error error = new ExceptionInInitializerError("Error generating fake sound JSON file.");
                throw error;
        } else if (pack instanceof FolderResourcePack) {
            //For folder resource packs
            generateSoundJSON((FolderResourcePack) pack, json);
        return sw.toString();
项目:NOVA-Core    文件   
 * Dynamically generates a sound JSON file based on a resource pack's file structure.
 * If it's a folder, then load it as a sound collection.
 * A sound collection falls under the same resource name. When called to play, it will pick a random sound from the collection to play it.
 * If it's just a sound file, then load the sound file
 * @param pack The resource pack to generate the sound JSON for.
 * @return The generated sound JSON.
public static String generateSoundJSON(AbstractResourcePack pack) {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    try (JsonGenerator json = Json.createGenerator(sw);) {
        if (pack instanceof FileResourcePack) {
            //For zip resource packs
            try {
                generateSoundJSON((FileResourcePack) pack, json);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Error error = new ExceptionInInitializerError("Error generating fake sound JSON file.");
                throw error;
        } else if (pack instanceof FolderResourcePack) {
            //For folder resource packs
            generateSoundJSON((FolderResourcePack) pack, json);
        return sw.toString();
项目:RuneCraftery    文件   
public void func_110516_a() throws IOException {
   this.field_110524_c = (ResourcePack)(this.field_110523_b.isDirectory()?new FolderResourcePack(this.field_110523_b):new FileResourcePack(this.field_110523_b));
   this.field_110521_d = (PackMetadataSection)this.field_110524_c.func_135058_a(this.field_110525_a.field_110621_c, "pack");

   try {
      this.field_110522_e = this.field_110524_c.func_110586_a();
   } catch (IOException var2) {

   if(this.field_110522_e == null) {
      this.field_110522_e = this.field_110525_a.field_110620_b.func_110586_a();

项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
private static IResourcePack createResourcePack(File file)
        return new FolderResourcePack(file);
        return new FileResourcePack(file);
项目:TRHS_Club_Mod_2016    文件   
private static IResourcePack createResourcePack(File file)
        return new FolderResourcePack(file);
        return new FileResourcePack(file);
项目:NOVA-Core    文件   
private static JsonGenerator generateSoundJSON(FileResourcePack pack, JsonGenerator json) throws IOException {
    try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(pack.resourcePackFile)) {
        for (String domain : (Set<String>) pack.getResourceDomains()) {
            //Load all sounds in the assets/domain/sounds/*
            if (getZipEntryForResourcePack(pack, "assets/" + domain + "/sounds/") != null) {
                String prefix = "assets/" + domain + "/sounds/";
                    .filter(e -> e.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase()) && !e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(prefix))
                    .forEach(e -> {
                        String soundName = e.getName().replaceFirst(prefix, "").replaceFirst("\\.[^\\.]+$", "");
                        if (soundName.contains("/"))

                        json.write("category", "ambient");

                        if (e.isDirectory()) {
                                .filter(e2 -> e2.getName().startsWith(prefix + soundName + "/") && !e2.isDirectory())
                                .map(s -> s.replaceFirst(prefix + soundName + "/", "").replaceFirst("\\.[^\\.]+$", ""))
                                .forEach(s -> json.write(soundName + "/" + s));
                        } else {

    return json;
项目:NOVA-Core    文件   
public static ZipEntry getZipEntryForResourcePack(FileResourcePack pack, String path) throws IOException {
    if (pack instanceof NovaFileResourcePack) {
        Optional<ZipEntry> entry = ((NovaFileResourcePack) pack).findFileCaseInsensitive(path);
        if (entry.isPresent())
            return entry.get();

    try (ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(pack.resourcePackFile)) {
        return zf.getEntry(path);
项目:NOVA-Core    文件   
private static JsonGenerator generateSoundJSON(FileResourcePack pack, JsonGenerator json) throws IOException {
    try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(pack.resourcePackFile)) {
        for (String domain : (Set<String>) pack.getResourceDomains()) {
            //Load all sounds in the assets/domain/sounds/*
            if (getZipEntryForResourcePack(pack, "assets/" + domain + "/sounds/") != null) {
                String prefix = "assets/" + domain + "/sounds/";
                    .filter(e -> e.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase()) && !e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(prefix))
                    .forEach(e -> {
                        String soundName = e.getName().replaceFirst(prefix, "").replaceFirst("\\.[^\\.]+$", "");
                        if (soundName.contains("/"))

                        json.write("category", "ambient");

                        if (e.isDirectory()) {
                                .filter(e2 -> e2.getName().startsWith(prefix + soundName + "/") && !e2.isDirectory())
                                .map(s -> s.replaceFirst(prefix + soundName + "/", "").replaceFirst("\\.[^\\.]+$", ""))
                                .forEach(s -> json.write(soundName + "/" + s));
                        } else {

    return json;
项目:NOVA-Core    文件   
public static ZipEntry getZipEntryForResourcePack(FileResourcePack pack, String path) throws IOException {
    if (pack instanceof NovaFileResourcePack) {
        Optional<ZipEntry> entry = ((NovaFileResourcePack) pack).findFileCaseInsensitive(path);
        if (entry.isPresent())
            return entry.get();

    try (ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(pack.resourcePackFile)) {
        return zf.getEntry(path);
项目:Metallurgy4    文件   
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public void injectZipAsResource(String zipDir)

    Object value = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(Minecraft.class, FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient(), "field_110449_ao", "defaultResourcePacks");

    if (value instanceof List)
        FileResourcePack pack = new FileResourcePack(new File(zipDir));

        ((List) value).add(pack);