public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack stack) { if (stack.getMetadata() == 3 && stack.hasTagCompound()) { if (stack.getTagCompound().hasKey("SkullOwner", 8)) { return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("", new Object[] {stack.getTagCompound().getString("SkullOwner")}); } if (stack.getTagCompound().hasKey("SkullOwner", 10)) { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = stack.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("SkullOwner"); if (nbttagcompound.hasKey("Name", 8)) { return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("", new Object[] {nbttagcompound.getString("Name")}); } } } return super.getItemStackDisplayName(stack); }
@Override public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { if(mc == null) { mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); fontRenderer = mc.fontRenderer; } drawDefaultBackground(); GlStateManager.color(1F, 1F, 1F, 1F);; this.drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft, guiTop, 0, 0, xSize, ySize); trackList.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.scale(0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F); fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("glass.gui.availableProjectors"), (guiLeft + 5) / 0.5F, (guiTop + 5) / 0.5F, 16777215, true); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); }
@Override protected void drawSlot(int idx, int right, int top, int height, Tessellator tess) { if(idx >= 0 && idx < channels.size()) { FontRenderer font = this.parent.getFontRenderer(); String channel = channels.get(idx); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.scale(0.5F, 0.5F, 1F); String name = font.trimStringToWidth(channel.substring(channel.indexOf(":") + 1), (listWidth - 10) * 2); if(channel.startsWith("public:")) { name = I18n.translateToLocal("glass.gui.public") + " " + name; } font.drawString(name, (this.left + 2) * 2, top * 2, idx % 2 == 0 ? 0xFFFFFF : 0xAAAAAA); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } }
/** * Returns the message to be displayed on player death. */ @Override public ITextComponent getDeathMessage(EntityLivingBase p_151519_1_) { // ItemStack itemstack = this.damageSourceEntity instanceof // EntityLivingBase ? // ((EntityLivingBase)this.damageSourceEntity).getHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND) // : null; if (this.getTrueSource() == TF2weapons.dummyEnt) return new TextComponentTranslation("death.attack.explosion", p_151519_1_.getDisplayName()); String s = "death.attack." + this.damageType; String s1 = s + ".item"; return weapon != null && I18n.canTranslate(s1) ? new TextComponentTranslation(s1, new Object[] { p_151519_1_.getDisplayName(), this.getTrueSource().getDisplayName(), weapon.getDisplayName() }) : new TextComponentTranslation(s, new Object[] { p_151519_1_.getDisplayName(), this.getTrueSource().getDisplayName() }); }
@Override public ItemStack getCraftingResult(InventoryCrafting inv) { ItemStack outputStack = ItemStack.EMPTY; if (countSlotsNotEmpty(inv) <= 1) return outputStack; Collection<PotionEffect> effects = new ArrayList<PotionEffect>(); for (int i = 0; i < inv.getSizeInventory(); i++) { ItemStack stack = inv.getStackInSlot(i); if (!stack.isEmpty()) { if (outputStack.isEmpty()) outputStack = getOutputStack(stack); if (outputStack.isEmpty()) return outputStack; effects.addAll(getEffectsFromStack(stack)); } } outputStack = PotionUtils.appendEffects(outputStack, effects); outputStack.setStackDisplayName(I18n.translateToLocal("item.combined_" + outputStack.getItem().getUnlocalizedName().substring(5) + ".name")); return outputStack; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack p_77653_1_) { // (I18n.translateToLocal(this.getUnlocalizedName()+".name")).trim(); int i = p_77653_1_.getItemDamage() / 2; String s1 = "sentry"; switch (i) { case 10: s1 = "dispenser"; break; case 11: s1 = "teleporter"; break; } return I18n.translateToLocal(this.getUnlocalizedName() + "." + s1 + ".name"); }
/** * allows items to add custom lines of information to the mouseover description */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer playerIn, List<String> tooltip, boolean advanced) { if (stack.hasTagCompound()) { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = stack.getTagCompound(); String s = nbttagcompound.getString("author"); if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(s)) { tooltip.add(TextFormatting.GRAY + I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("book.byAuthor", new Object[] {s})); } tooltip.add(TextFormatting.GRAY + I18n.translateToLocal("book.generation." + nbttagcompound.getInteger("generation"))); } }
@Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); trackListBottom -= 22; trackList = new GuiTrackList(this, 158, ySize - 22, guiTop + 17, trackListBottom, guiLeft + 7, 8, playlistView ? playlist : tracks); = this.containerInstrumentPlayer; for(GuiButton btn : buttonList) { if( == ID_CONFIRM) { btn.displayString = I18n.translateToLocal("gui.done"); } } }
@Override public void addButtons() { if(!playlistView) { super.addButtons(); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_ADD_PLAYLIST, guiLeft + 116 - 55, guiTop + 205, 50, 20, I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.block.addPlaylist"))); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_VIEW_PLAYLIST, guiLeft + 116, guiTop + 205, 50, 20, I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.block.viewPlaylist"))); } else { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_REPEAT, guiLeft + 179, guiTop + 51, 72, 20, I18n.translateToLocal(repeat == 0 ? "clef.gui.block.repeatNone" : repeat == 1 ? "clef.gui.block.repeatAll" :"clef.gui.block.repeatOne"))); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_SHUFFLE, guiLeft + 179, guiTop + 94, 72, 20, I18n.translateToLocal(shuffle == 1 ? "gui.yes" : ""))); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_VIEW_ALL, guiLeft + 116, guiTop + 205, 50, 20, I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.block.viewAll"))); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_ORDER_UP, guiLeft + 6, guiTop + 205, 20, 20, "")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_ORDER_DOWN, guiLeft + 30, guiTop + 205, 20, 20, "")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(ID_DELETE, guiLeft + 54, guiTop + 205, 20, 20, "")); } }
/** * Returns the message to be displayed on player death. */ @Override public ITextComponent getDeathMessage(EntityLivingBase p_151519_1_) { // ItemStack itemstack = this.damageSourceEntity instanceof // EntityLivingBase ? // ((EntityLivingBase)this.damageSourceEntity).getHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND) // : null; String s = "death.attack." + this.damageType; String s1 = s + ".item"; return !weapon.isEmpty() && I18n.canTranslate(s1) ? new TextComponentTranslation(s1, new Object[] { p_151519_1_.getDisplayName(), this.getTrueSource().getDisplayName(), weapon.getDisplayName() }) : new TextComponentTranslation(s, new Object[] { p_151519_1_.getDisplayName(), this.getTrueSource().getDisplayName() }); }
@Override @Nonnull public String getItemStackDisplayName(@Nonnull ItemStack stack) { FluidStack fluidStack = getFluid(stack); if (fluidStack == null) { return super.getItemStackDisplayName(stack); } String unloc = this.getUnlocalizedNameInefficiently(stack); if (I18n.canTranslate(unloc + "." + fluidStack.getFluid().getName())) { return I18n.translateToLocal(unloc + "." + fluidStack.getFluid().getName()); } return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(unloc + "", fluidStack.getLocalizedName()); }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @SubscribeEvent public void onItemTooltip(ItemTooltipEvent ev) { ItemStack itemStack = ev.getItemStack(); if (itemStack.getItem() instanceof IClassifiedItem) { IClassifiedItem classifiedItem = (IClassifiedItem)itemStack.getItem(); String transItemClass = I18n.translateToLocal("compositegear.itemclass"); ev.getToolTip().add(1, transItemClass + ": " + classifiedItem.getItemClass().getLocalized()); if (itemStack.getItem() instanceof ItemCGArmor) { String transItemDesc = I18n.translateToLocal("compositegear.itemdesc"); if (((ItemCGArmor)itemStack.getItem()).hasDescription()) { String descriptionString = I18n.translateToLocal(itemStack.getItem().getUnlocalizedName() + ".description"); ev.getToolTip().add(2, transItemDesc + ": " + descriptionString); } } } }
/** * Get the name of this object. For players this returns their username */ public String getName() { if (this.hasCustomName()) { return this.getCustomNameTag(); } else { String s = EntityList.getEntityString(this); if (s == null) { s = "generic"; } return I18n.translateToLocal("entity." + s + ".name"); } }
public void setRabbitType(int rabbitTypeId) { if (rabbitTypeId == 99) { this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.ARMOR).setBaseValue(8.0D); this.tasks.addTask(4, new EntityRabbit.AIEvilAttack(this)); this.targetTasks.addTask(1, new EntityAIHurtByTarget(this, false, new Class[0])); this.targetTasks.addTask(2, new EntityAINearestAttackableTarget(this, EntityPlayer.class, true)); this.targetTasks.addTask(2, new EntityAINearestAttackableTarget(this, EntityWolf.class, true)); if (!this.hasCustomName()) { this.setCustomNameTag(I18n.translateToLocal("")); } } this.dataManager.set(RABBIT_TYPE, Integer.valueOf(rabbitTypeId)); }
public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack stack) { String s = ("" + I18n.translateToLocal(this.getUnlocalizedName() + ".name")).trim(); String s1 = EntityList.func_191302_a(func_190908_h(stack)); if (s1 != null) { s = s + " " + I18n.translateToLocal("entity." + s1 + ".name"); } return s; }
@Override public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack stack) { FluidStack fluid = FluidUtil.getFluidContained(stack); if(fluid != null) return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("",fluid.getLocalizedName()); else return I18n.translateToLocal(""); }
public ITextComponent getDeathMessage(EntityLivingBase entityLivingBaseIn) { EntityLivingBase entitylivingbase = entityLivingBaseIn.getAttackingEntity(); String s = "death.attack." + this.damageType; String s1 = s + ".player"; return entitylivingbase != null && I18n.canTranslate(s1) ? new TextComponentTranslation(s1, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName(), entitylivingbase.getDisplayName()}) : new TextComponentTranslation(s, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName()}); }
@Override public void breakBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { BaseTileEntityHarshenSingleItemInventory te = (BaseTileEntityHarshenSingleItemInventory) worldIn.getTileEntity(pos); IItemHandler handler = te.getCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, null); if(!worldIn.isRemote) if(isBreakNBT(handler.getStackInSlot(0))) { ItemStackHandler handlerStack = new ItemStackHandler(1); handlerStack.setStackInSlot(0, handler.getStackInSlot(0)); ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(this); String stackName = ""; NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound(); if(handlerStack.getStackInSlot(0).getItem() != Items.AIR) { nbttagcompound.setTag("ItemStackHandler", handlerStack.serializeNBT()); stackName += I18n.translateToLocal(handlerStack.getStackInSlot(0).getItem().getUnlocalizedName() + ".name"); } addNBT(handler.getStackInSlot(0), nbttagcompound, worldIn, pos); if(!nbttagcompound.getKeySet().isEmpty() || !handlerStack.getStackInSlot(0).isEmpty()) { stack.setTagCompound(nbttagcompound); stackName += extraName(nbttagcompound, handlerStack.getStackInSlot(0).getItem() != Items.AIR); stackName = stackName.equals("")? "�r" + getLocalizedName() : "�r" + getLocalizedName() + " (" + stackName + ")"; stack.setStackDisplayName(stackName); } if(!creativeBreakMap.containsKey(pos) || !creativeBreakMap.get(pos)) worldIn.spawnEntity(new EntityItem(worldIn, pos.getX() + 0.5, pos.getY() + 0.5, pos.getZ() + 0.5, stack)); creativeBreakMap.remove(pos); } else InventoryHelper.spawnItemStack(worldIn, pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), handler.getStackInSlot(0)); super.breakBlock(worldIn, pos, state); }
@VisibleForTesting /** * ensures that our children are initialized from the most recent string translation mapping. */ synchronized void ensureInitialized() { synchronized (this.syncLock) { long i = I18n.getLastTranslationUpdateTimeInMilliseconds(); if (i == this.lastTranslationUpdateTimeInMilliseconds) { return; } this.lastTranslationUpdateTimeInMilliseconds = i; this.children.clear(); } try { this.initializeFromFormat(I18n.translateToLocal(this.key)); } catch (TextComponentTranslationFormatException textcomponenttranslationformatexception) { this.children.clear(); try { this.initializeFromFormat(I18n.translateToFallback(this.key)); } catch (TextComponentTranslationFormatException var5) { throw textcomponenttranslationformatexception; } } }
@Override public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { // initGui(); if(mc == null) { mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); fontRenderer = mc.fontRenderer; } drawDefaultBackground(); GlStateManager.color(1F, 1F, 1F, 1F);; this.drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft, guiTop, 0, 0, xSize, ySize); if(channelName.getVisible()) { channelName.drawTextBox(); } super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("glass.gui.channelName"), guiLeft + 8, guiTop + 6, 16777215, true); fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("glass.gui.publicChannel"), guiLeft + 8, guiTop + 37, 16777215, true); }
@Override protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton btn) { if( == ID_PUBLIC_CHANNEL) { isPublicChannel = !isPublicChannel; btn.displayString = I18n.translateToLocal(isPublicChannel ? "gui.yes" : ""); } else if( == ID_CONFIRM) { confirm(); } }
/** * Gets the death message that is displayed when the player dies */ public ITextComponent getDeathMessage(EntityLivingBase entityLivingBaseIn) { ITextComponent itextcomponent = this.indirectEntity == null ? this.damageSourceEntity.getDisplayName() : this.indirectEntity.getDisplayName(); ItemStack itemstack = this.indirectEntity instanceof EntityLivingBase ? ((EntityLivingBase)this.indirectEntity).getHeldItemMainhand() : ItemStack.field_190927_a; String s = "death.attack." + this.damageType; String s1 = s + ".item"; return !itemstack.func_190926_b() && itemstack.hasDisplayName() && I18n.canTranslate(s1) ? new TextComponentTranslation(s1, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName(), itextcomponent, itemstack.getTextComponent()}): new TextComponentTranslation(s, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName(), itextcomponent}); }
/** * Gets the death message that is displayed when the player dies */ public ITextComponent getDeathMessage(EntityLivingBase entityLivingBaseIn) { ItemStack itemstack = this.damageSourceEntity instanceof EntityLivingBase ? ((EntityLivingBase)this.damageSourceEntity).getHeldItemMainhand() : null; String s = "death.attack." + this.damageType; String s1 = s + ".item"; return itemstack != null && itemstack.hasDisplayName() && I18n.canTranslate(s1) ? new TextComponentTranslation(s1, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName(), this.damageSourceEntity.getDisplayName(), itemstack.getTextComponent()}): new TextComponentTranslation(s, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName(), this.damageSourceEntity.getDisplayName()}); }
public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack stack) { String s = "item.banner."; EnumDyeColor enumdyecolor = getBaseColor(stack); s = s + enumdyecolor.getUnlocalizedName() + ".name"; return I18n.translateToLocal(s); }
public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack stack) { String s = ("" + I18n.translateToLocal(this.getUnlocalizedName() + ".name")).trim(); String s1 = getEntityIdFromItem(stack); if (s1 != null) { s = s + " " + I18n.translateToLocal("entity." + s1 + ".name"); } return s; }
private static BakedModelKnowledgeBook rebake(ModelKnowledgeBook model, String name) { Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f(); m.m20 = 1f / 128f; m.m01 = m.m12 = -m.m20; m.m33 = 1; Matrix3f rotation = new Matrix3f(); m.getRotationScale(rotation); Matrix3f angleZ = new Matrix3f(); angleZ.rotZ(-1.5708F); rotation.mul(rotation, angleZ); m.setRotationScale(rotation); m.setScale(0.66666666667F * m.getScale()); m.setTranslation(new Vector3f(0.1875F, 0.2505F, 0.125F)); SimpleModelFontRenderer fontRenderer = new SimpleModelFontRenderer(Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings, font, Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager(), false, m, DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM) { @Override protected float renderUnicodeChar(char c, boolean italic) { return super.renderDefaultChar(126, italic); } }; int maxLineWidth = 96; TextureAtlasSprite fontSprite = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite(font2.toString()); List<BakedQuad> textQuads = new ArrayList<BakedQuad>(); fontRenderer.setSprite(fontSprite); fontRenderer.setFillBlanks(false); int yOffset = 2; String title = I18n.translateToLocal(name); List<String> lines = fontRenderer.listFormattedStringToWidth(title, maxLineWidth); for (int line = 0; line < lines.size(); line++) { int offset = ((maxLineWidth - fontRenderer.getStringWidth(lines.get(line))) / 2); fontRenderer.drawString(lines.get(line), offset, yOffset, 0x00000000); yOffset += (fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT - 1 + 4); } textQuads.addAll(; return new BakedModelKnowledgeBook(model, textQuads); }
@Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer playerIn, List<String> tooltip, boolean advanced) { if (!getSpell(stack).equals(Spell.EMPTY_SPELL)) { tooltip.add(TextFormatting.DARK_RED + "" + TextFormatting.ITALIC + I18n.translateToLocal(getSpell(stack).getUnlocalizedName() + ".name")); } }
public GuiBase(Container container, TileEntity tile, EntityPlayer player, String name) { super(container); this.container = container; this.tile = tile; = I18n.translateToLocal(name); this.player = player; }
@Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void drawInformation(int startX, int startY) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); ItemStack drawStack = new ItemStack(getBlockType()); int dX = startX + 12; int dY = startY - 12; mc.getRenderItem().renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(drawStack, dX, dY); dY += 5; mc.fontRenderer.drawString(getBlockType().getLocalizedName(), dX + 20, dY, 0xFFFFFF); dY += 16; boolean canSendPower = canSendEnergy(); boolean canSendItems = canSendItems(); String canPower = canSendPower ? "" : ""; String canItems = canSendItems ? "" : ""; int canPowerColour = canSendPower ? 0x00FF00 : 0xFF0000; int canItemColour = canSendItems ? 0x00FF00 : 0xFF0000; mc.fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal(canPower), dX, dY, canPowerColour); dY += 12; mc.fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal(canItems), dX, dY, canItemColour); dY += 12; mc.fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("") + " " + animaStorage.getEnergyStored(), dX, dY, 0x77af6e); dY += 12; mc.fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("") + " " + animaStorage.getMaxEnergyStored(), dX, dY, 0x77af6e); dY += 12; mc.fontRenderer.drawString(getLinkAmount() + "/" + getMaxLinks() + " " + I18n.translateToLocal(""), dX, dY, 0x4286f4); }
@Override public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack stack) { HeadMaterial mat = meta_map.get(stack.getMetadata()); if (mat == null) { return super.getItemStackDisplayName(stack); } return I18n.translateToLocal(mat.getName() + ".name") + " " + super.getItemStackDisplayName(stack); }
public EntityCurse(World world, EntityLivingBase victim) { super(world); this.lifetime = 1200; this.orbital = this.rand.nextFloat() * 360.0F; this.noClip = true; this.setSize(0.25F, 0.25F); this.victim = victim; if (this.victim == null) { this.setPosition(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ); } else { if (! { this.dataManager.set(VICTIM_ID, (this.victim == null ? 0 : this.victim.getEntityId())); } if (this.victim instanceof EntityPlayer) { ((EntityPlayer)this.victim).sendMessage(new TextComponentString(String.format(I18n.translateToLocal("chat.curse.struck"), this.getCurseType().getDisplayName()))); } this.setPosition(this.victim.posX, this.victim.posY + this.victim.getEyeHeight(), this.victim.posZ); } }
/** * Gets the death message that is displayed when the player dies */ @Override public ITextComponent getDeathMessage(EntityLivingBase entityLivingBaseIn) { ITextComponent itextcomponent = this.indirectEntity == null ? this.damageSourceEntity.getDisplayName() : this.indirectEntity.getDisplayName(); ItemStack itemstack = this.indirectEntity instanceof EntityLivingBase ? ((EntityLivingBase)this.indirectEntity).getHeldItemMainhand() : null; String s = "death.attack." + this.damageType; String s1 = s + ".item"; return itemstack != null && itemstack.hasDisplayName() && I18n.canTranslate(s1) ? new TextComponentTranslation(s1, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName(), itextcomponent, itemstack.getTextComponent()}): new TextComponentTranslation(s, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName(), itextcomponent}); }
public String getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack stack) { if(!stack.hasTagCompound()) return super.getItemStackDisplayName(stack); if(!stack.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("Statue").getBoolean("Player")) return I18n.translateToLocal("entity." + EntityList.getTranslationName (new ResourceLocation(stack.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("Statue").getCompoundTag("Entity").getString("id")))+".name")+" "+ I18n.translateToLocal(this.getUnlocalizedName() + ".name"); else return I18n.translateToLocal(this.getUnlocalizedName() + ""); }
public void drawText() { fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.chooseSong") + " (" + tracks.size() + ")", guiLeft + 6, guiTop + 5, 16777215, true); fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.syncPlayTime"), guiLeft + 179, guiTop + 40, 16777215, true); fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.syncTrack"), guiLeft + 179, guiTop + 83, 16777215, true); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); int length = fontRenderer.getStringWidth(I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.moreSongs")); GlStateManager.translate(guiLeft - 4, guiTop + length + 3, 0); GlStateManager.scale(0.5F, 0.5F, 1F); GlStateManager.rotate(-90F, 0F, 0F, 1F); fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.moreSongs"), 0, 0, 16777215, true); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); }
/** * Returns the correct traslated name of the enchantment and the level in roman numbers. */ public String getTranslatedName(int level) { String s = I18n.translateToLocal(this.getName()); if (this.func_190936_d()) { s = TextFormatting.RED + s; } return level == 1 && this.getMaxLevel() == 1 ? s : s + " " + I18n.translateToLocal("enchantment.level." + level); }
@Override public void drawText() { if(!playlistView) { fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.block.playlist") + ":", guiLeft + 9, guiTop + 211, 16777215, true); super.drawText(); } else { fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.block.playlist") + " (" + playlist.size() + ")", guiLeft + 6, guiTop + 5, 16777215, true); fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.block.repeat"), guiLeft + 179, guiTop + 40, 16777215, true); fontRenderer.drawString(I18n.translateToLocal("clef.gui.block.shuffle"), guiLeft + 179, guiTop + 83, 16777215, true); } }
private static String getTitle() { String titleFormatKey = "config.itemzoom.title"; String titleFormat; if (I18n.canTranslate(titleFormatKey)) { titleFormat = I18n.translateToLocal(titleFormatKey); } else { titleFormat = I18n.translateToFallback(titleFormatKey); } return titleFormat.replace("%MODNAME", ItemZoom.MOD_NAME); }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, List<String> tooltip, ITooltipFlag flagIn) { tooltip.add(I18n.translateToLocal("item.thermionics.chunkunloader.tip")); int loadedState = stack.getItemDamage(); switch(loadedState) { default: //Default to unattuned case 0: tooltip.add(I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("")); break; case 1: tooltip.add(I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("")); break; case 2: tooltip.add(I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("")); break; } }
/** * Gets the death message that is displayed when the player dies */ public ITextComponent getDeathMessage(EntityLivingBase entityLivingBaseIn) { ItemStack itemstack = this.damageSourceEntity instanceof EntityLivingBase ? ((EntityLivingBase)this.damageSourceEntity).getHeldItemMainhand() : ItemStack.field_190927_a; String s = "death.attack." + this.damageType; String s1 = s + ".item"; return !itemstack.func_190926_b() && itemstack.hasDisplayName() && I18n.canTranslate(s1) ? new TextComponentTranslation(s1, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName(), this.damageSourceEntity.getDisplayName(), itemstack.getTextComponent()}): new TextComponentTranslation(s, new Object[] {entityLivingBaseIn.getDisplayName(), this.damageSourceEntity.getDisplayName()}); }