Java 类org.apache.catalina.mbeans.MBeanFactory 实例源码

项目:WBSAirback    文件   
 * Invoke a pre-startup initialization. This is used to allow connectors
 * to bind to restricted ports under Unix operating environments.
protected void initInternal() throws LifecycleException {


    // Register global String cache
    // Note although the cache is global, if there are multiple Servers
    // present in the JVM (may happen when embedding) then the same cache
    // will be registered under multiple names
    onameStringCache = register(new StringCache(), "type=StringCache");

    // Register the MBeanFactory
    MBeanFactory factory = new MBeanFactory();
    onameMBeanFactory = register(factory, "type=MBeanFactory");

    // Register the naming resources

    // Initialize our defined Services
    for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {
项目    文件   
public void run() {
    new MBeanFactory();
项目:spring-boot-concourse    文件   
public void run() {
    new MBeanFactory();