Java 类 实例源码

项目:salab    文件   
public static void writeMultiValueMapFile(MultiValueMap mapping, String path)
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path);
        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);

        Set<Integer> keys = new TreeSet(mapping.keySet());
        for(Integer key : keys)
            Set<Integer> values = new TreeSet(mapping.getCollection(key));
            for(Integer value : values)
      catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
项目:osa    文件   
public Gui(File xmlConfiguration, OsaActionBeanContext context) {

    mapDataStreams = new MultiValueMap();
    searchConfiguration = new SearchConfiguration();

    try {
        DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document doc = docBuilder.parse(xmlConfiguration);
        getLayout(doc, context);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Failed to load configuration file: " + xmlConfiguration+", "+ e);
项目:osa    文件   
public Gui(File xmlConfiguration, OsaActionBeanContext context) {

    mapDataStreams = new MultiValueMap();
    searchConfiguration = new SearchConfiguration();

    try {
        DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document doc = docBuilder.parse(xmlConfiguration);
        getLayout(doc, context);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Failed to load configuration file: " + xmlConfiguration+", "+ e);
项目:AmadeusLMS    文件   
public Map<String,Integer> engagementStudentsValued(ArrayList<String> actors, MultiMap interac){

    MultiValueMap interactions = (MultiValueMap)interac;
    Map<String,Integer> engagement = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
    int cont = 0;

    for (String i:actors){
        cont = interactions.size(i);
        engagement.put(i, cont);
        cont = 0;
        //System.out.println("Engajamento: " + engagement);

    return engagement;

项目:AmadeusLMS    文件   
public MultiMap noDuplicatedInteractions(ArrayList<String> actors, MultiMap interactions){

    MultiMap clone = new MultiValueMap();
    ArrayList<String> edges = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (String j:actors){
        edges = (ArrayList<String>)interactions.get(j);
        if (edges != null){
            for (String i:edges){
                if (!(tuplaExist(i,(ArrayList<String>)clone.get(j)))){
                    clone.put(j, i);



    return clone;

项目:screensaver    文件   
private MultiMap getSourcePlateTypesForEachAssayPlate(CherryPickRequest cherryPickRequest)
  MultiMap assayPlateName2PlateTypes = MultiValueMap.decorate(new HashMap(),
                                                           new Factory()
    public Object create() { return new HashSet(); }

  for (LabCherryPick cherryPick : cherryPickRequest.getLabCherryPicks()) {
    if (cherryPick.isAllocated() && cherryPick.isMapped()) {
  return assayPlateName2PlateTypes;
项目:bigstreams    文件   
public FileLogActionManager(AgentStatus agentStatus,
        ExecutorService threadService, FileTrackerMemory fileMemory,
        FileLogManagerMemory memory,
        Collection<? extends FileLogManageAction> actions) {
    this.agentStatus = agentStatus;
    this.threadService = threadService;
    this.fileMemory = fileMemory;
    this.memory = memory;


    // build an index of actions by log type
    if (actions != null) {

        actionsByLogTypeMap = new MultiValueMap();
        for (FileLogManageAction action : actions) {
            actionsByLogTypeMap.put(action.getLogType(), action);
            actionsByNameMap.put(action.getLogType() + action.getStatus()
                    + action.getName(), action);


    // create a schedule service
    // expired events are checked every X seconds. X == eventParkThreshold
    scheduledService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);

    scheduledService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                LOG.error(t.toString(), t);
    }, 1000L, getEventParkThreshold() * 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

项目:salab    文件   
public static MultiValueMap readMultiValueMapFile(String path)
    MultiValueMap mapping = new MultiValueMap();

        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path);
        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);

        int len, key, tmp;
        while(dis.available() != 0)
            key = dis.readInt();
            if(dis.available() != 0)
                len = dis.readInt();
            while(dis.available() != 0 && len > 0)
                tmp = dis.readInt();
                mapping.put(key, tmp);
    catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

    return mapping;
项目:salab    文件   
public PerturbData(MyBaseGraph src, MyBaseGraph tar, MultiValueMap mvm, MultiValueMap all_mvm)
    g_src = src;
    g_tar = tar;
    mapping = mvm;
    all_mapping = all_mvm;
    common_vertices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    model_choices = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    lta_dict = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
项目:salab    文件   
public PerturbData(MyBaseGraph src, MyBaseGraph tar, List<Integer> cvs, MultiValueMap mvm, MultiValueMap all_mvm)
    g_src = src;
    g_tar = tar;
    common_vertices = cvs;
    mapping = mvm;
    all_mapping = all_mvm;
    model_choices = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    lta_dict = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
项目:sqlpower-library    文件   
 * Creates a {@link MultiValueMap} of {@link SPVariableResolver} user
 * friendly names to their respective namespace.
 * @param treeMember
 *            The {@link SPObject} whose root to get the namespaces from.
 * @return The created {@link MultiValueMap}.
public static MultiValueMap getNamespaces(SPObject treeMember) {
    if (treeMember == null) {
        return new MultiValueMap();

    synchronized (resolvers) {
        MultiValueMap results = new MultiValueMap();
        SPObject root = init(treeMember);
        for (SPVariableResolver resolver: resolvers.get(root.getUUID())) {
            results.put(resolver.getUserFriendlyName(), resolver.getNamespace());
        return results;
项目:rest    文件   
 * 여러개의 메일을 백업 안남기고 삭제한다.
 * @param userId 로그인 이메일
 * @param multiMap 메일함 경로와 uid 목록
 * @throws javax.mail.MessagingException
 * @throws
 * @throws org.apache.james.mailbox.exception.MailboxException
public void expungeWithoutBackup(String userId, MultiValueMap multiMap) throws IOException,
    MessagingException, MailboxException {
    MailboxSession session = null;
    try {
        session = loginMailboxByUserId(userId);
        String userKey = session.getUser().getUserName();

        for (Object mailInfo : multiMap.keySet()) {
            String mailboxPath = mailInfo.toString();
            //기존 메일함
            MailboxPath existMailboxPath = new MailboxPath(session.getPersonalSpace(), userKey, mailboxPath);
            MessageManager messageManager = mailboxmanager.getMailbox(existMailboxPath, session);
            List<MessageRange> ranges = MessageRange.toRanges((List<Long>) multiMap.get(mailboxPath));
            expungeWithoutBackup(messageManager, session, ranges); //백업안남기고 완전 삭제
    } finally {
         if (session != null) {
             try {
                 mailboxmanager.logout(session, true);
             } catch (MailboxException e) {
项目:Portofino    文件   
public MultiMap initEmbeddedPageActions() {
    if(embeddedPageActions == null) {
        MultiMap mm = new MultiValueMap();
        Layout layout = pageInstance.getLayout();
        for(ChildPage childPage : layout.getChildPages()) {
            String layoutContainerInParent = childPage.getContainer();
            if(layoutContainerInParent != null) {
                String newPath = context.getActionPath() + "/" + childPage.getName();
                newPath = ServletUtils.removePathParameters(newPath); //#PRT-1650 Path parameters mess with include
                File pageDir = new File(pageInstance.getChildrenDirectory(), childPage.getName());
                try {
                    Page page = DispatcherLogic.getPage(pageDir);
                    EmbeddedPageAction embeddedPageAction =
                        new EmbeddedPageAction(

                    mm.put(layoutContainerInParent, embeddedPageAction);
                } catch (PageNotActiveException e) {
                    logger.warn("Embedded page action is not active, skipping! " + pageDir, e);
        for(Object entryObj : mm.entrySet()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entryObj;
            List pageActionContainer = (List) entry.getValue();
        embeddedPageActions = mm;
    return embeddedPageActions;
项目:imcms    文件   
private MultiMap getParameterMap(HttpServletRequest request) {
    MultiMap parameters = new MultiValueMap();
    Page page = Page.fromRequest(request);
    String pageSessionNameFromRequest = page.getSessionAttributeName();
    if (null != pageSessionNameFromRequest) {
        parameters.put(Page.IN_REQUEST, pageSessionNameFromRequest);
    return parameters;
项目:commandline-hero    文件   
@RequestMapping(value = "/programs.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String programs(final Model model) {
    final List<Meta> knownClasses = executionService.getKnownClasses();

    final Map map = TransformedMap.decorate(new MultiValueMap(),
    for (final Meta meta : knownClasses) {
        map.put(meta, meta);
    model.addAttribute("programmap", map);
    return "programs";

项目:AmadeusLMS    文件   
 * M�todo que retorna as intera��es sociais referentes a ferramenta de mensagens ass�ncronas.
 * @return Um multimap<Person,Person> que representa as intera��es sociais.
 *         Dessa forma Person "key" interage com os Persons "values"
 * @throws Exception Lancada caso a data de fim venha antes da data de in�cio 
public static MultiValueMap getSocialInteractionsFromMessenger(Course course, Date inicio, Date fim) throws Exception {

        throw new Exception("Data fim menor que a Data in�cio.");

    MultiMap interactions = new MultiValueMap();
    Facade facade = Facade.getInstance();

    List<Person> teachers = facade.getTeachersByCourse(course);
    List<Person> persons = facade.listStudentsByCourse(course);

    for (Person p : persons) {
        for (MessengerMessage m : p.getSent()) {
            if( (isBetweenDates(m, inicio, fim)) && ( persons.contains(m.getReceiver()) || teachers.contains(m.getReceiver()) ) )
                interactions.put(p.getName(), m.getReceiver().getName());

    Set keys = interactions.keySet();
    for(Object k : keys){
        System.out.println(k + " : " + interactions.get(k));

    return (MultiValueMap) interactions;
项目:AmadeusLMS    文件   
 * M�todo que retorna as intera��es sociais referentes a ferramenta de monitoramento
 * do twitter.
 * @param inicio
 * @param fim
 * @return
public static MultiMap getSocialInteractionsFromTwitterTool(Date inicio, Date fim){
    Facade facade = Facade.getInstance();
    List<Tweet> tweets = facade.getTweetBetweenDates(inicio, fim);
    MultiMap map = new MultiValueMap();
    for(Tweet t : tweets){
        if(t.getDateOfTweet().after(inicio) && t.getDateOfTweet().before(fim))
            map.put(t.getUserSender().getName(), t.getUserTarget().getName());
    Set keys = map.keySet();
    for(Object k : keys){
        System.out.println(k + " : " + map.get(k));
    return map;
项目:AmadeusLMS    文件   
 * M�todo que retorna as intera��es sociais referentes a ferramenta de forum.
 * @return Um multimap<Person,Person> que representa as intera��es sociais.
 *         Dessa forma Person "key" interage com os Persons "values" paramterizado pelas datas iniciais e finais.
public static MultiValueMap getSocialInteractionsFromForumsByCourseAndData(Course course, Date dataini, Date datafim) {
    MultiMap mhm = new MultiValueMap();
    Facade facade = Facade.getInstance();

    Course crs = facade.getCoursesById(course.getId());
    List<Module> mdls = crs.getModules();
    for (Module m : mdls) {
        for(Forum f: m.getForums()){
            for(Message msg: f.getMessages()){
                if(msg.getMessageReply()!=null &&msg.getDate().after(dataini)&&msg.getDate().before(datafim)&&!msg.getAuthor().equals(msg.getMessageReply().getAuthor())){
                    mhm.put(msg.getAuthor().getName(), msg.getMessageReply().getAuthor().getName());
                }else if(msg.getMessageReply() == null && msg.getDate().after(dataini) && msg.getDate().before(datafim)){
                    mhm.put(msg.getAuthor().getName(), "EmptyUserReply");




    Iterator it2 = mhm.keySet().iterator();
        System.out.println("Retornando chaves:";

    Iterator it = mhm.values().iterator();
        System.out.println("Retornando valores:";

    return (MultiValueMap) mhm;
项目:hypersocket-framework    文件   
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
public List<String> getAllExportableClasses() {
       List<String> exportable = new ArrayList<>();
       Set<Short> keys = migrationOrderMap.keySet();
       for (Short key : keys) {
           Collection<?> migrationClassesList = ((MultiValueMap) migrationOrderMap).getCollection(key);
           for (Object migrationClasses : migrationClassesList) {
               for (Class<? extends AbstractEntity<Long>> aClass : (List<Class<? extends AbstractEntity<Long>>>) migrationClasses) {
       return exportable;
项目:hypersocket-framework    文件   
private void addMigrationMixIn() {
    MultiValueMap entityMap = applicationMetaSource.getEntityMap();
    for (Object object : entityMap.values()) {
        Class aClass = (Class) object;
        objectMapper.addMixIn(aClass, MigrationMixIn.class);
        String migrationMixInKey = String.format("%sMigrationMixIn", aClass.getSimpleName());
        if(customMixInMap.containsKey(migrationMixInKey)) {
            objectMapper.addMixIn(aClass, customMixInMap.get(migrationMixInKey));
项目:fxutils    文件   
public <T> BaseController() {
    listeners = MultiValueMap.decorate(new HashMap<String,ViewEventCallback<T>>());
项目:yajsw    文件   
 * Gets the process maps.
 * @param pid
 *            the pid
 * @return the process maps
public static Map[] getProcessMaps(int pid)
    Map processMap = new HashMap();
    Map childrenMap = new MultiValueMap();
    Map[] result = new Map[] { processMap, childrenMap };

    Pointer processes = MyKernel32.INSTANCE.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(
            MyKernel32.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
    if (processes == null)
        System.out.println("note: task list is empty ");
        return result;

    me.szExeFile = new char[MyKernel32.MAX_PATH];
    int size = me.size();
    // System.out.println("size: " + size);
    me.dwSize = size;
    if (MyKernel32.INSTANCE.Process32First(processes, me))
        // System.out.println("ProcessList:");
            // System.out.println(/* new String(next.szExeFile) + */" " +
            // me.th32ModuleID + " " + me.th32DefaultHeapID + " " +
            // me.th32ProcessID
            // + " -> " + me.th32ParentProcessID);
            if (me.th32ProcessID > 0)
                processMap.put(new Integer(me.th32ProcessID), me);
            if (me.th32ParentProcessID > 0
                    && processMap.get(new Integer(me.th32ParentProcessID)) != null)
                childrenMap.put(new Integer(me.th32ParentProcessID),
                        new Integer(me.th32ProcessID));
            // System.out.println("\tProcessID=" + me.th32ProcessID +
            // "\t\t -> ParentProcessID=" + me.th32ParentProcessID);

            // else
            // System.out.println("not added");

        while (MyKernel32.INSTANCE.Process32Next(processes, me));
                .println("get process list: cannot access first process in list ");


    return result;
项目:ChatServer    文件   
public MultiValueMap getRoomIdUserIdMap() {
    return roomIdUserIdMap;
项目:salab    文件   
public static MultiValueMap getPathsFromV(MyBaseGraph g, Integer v)
    Set<Integer> visitedBefore = new TreeSet<Integer>(), visitedNow = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>(), toBeQueued = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    MultiValueMap paths = new MultiValueMap();
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> min_lengths = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    ArrayList<Integer> firstPath = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    paths.put(v, firstPath);
    min_lengths.put(v, firstPath.size());
    while(queue.size() > 0 || toBeQueued.size() > 0)
        Integer node = null;
        // Init a new round if queue is empty
        // (length +1 for all new paths)
        if(queue.size() == 0)

        // Get a node from the Queue
        node = queue.poll();

        // Crawl node neighborhood
        if(!visitedBefore.contains(node) && !visitedNow.contains(node))
        List<Integer> nbrs = new ArrayList<Integer>(g.neighborsOf(node));
        for(Integer nbr : nbrs)
                if(!queue.contains(nbr) && !toBeQueued.contains(nbr))

            // Register short paths to nbr (vita all short paths to node)
            ArrayList paths_to_node = new ArrayList(paths.getCollection(node));
            int min_length = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                min_length = min_lengths.get(nbr);
            for(int i = 0; i < paths_to_node.size(); i++)
                ArrayList<Integer> path = (ArrayList<Integer>) paths_to_node.get(i);

                if(path.size() + 1 > min_length)

                ArrayList<Integer> new_path = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                paths.put(nbr, new_path);
                    min_lengths.put(nbr, new_path.size());



    return paths;
项目:dbvim    文件   
public AnnotationProcessor(Object target) { = target;
    events = new MultiValueMap();

项目:dbvim    文件   
public FormEventProcessor() {
    events = new MultiValueMap();
项目:rest    文件   
 public String bookMail(EmlMailFormVo emlMailFormVo) throws Exception {

     // 예약 시각 검사

     if (emlMailFormVo.getReservDt() == null) {
         // "받는 사람이 정상적으로 지정되지 않았습니다."
         throw new AppException(messageSource.getMessage("mail.desc.notAssignReceiverPlz", null, "",

     // 발신자 검사

     if (emlMailFormVo.getMailFrom() == null) {
/*"발송자 이메일은 필수값입니다."*/
         throw new AppException(messageSource.getMessage("mail.desc.essentialSenderMailPlz", null, "",

     // 발신자 이름 검사

     String mailFromName = StringUtils.defaultString(emlMailFormVo.getMailFrom().get(0).getPersonal()); //보내는 사람 이름

     if (StringUtils.contains(mailFromName, "\"")) {
         //throw new AppException("보내는 이름에 입력할 수 없는 특수문자가 포함되어 있습니다.");

     // 수신자 검사

     if (emlMailFormVo.getMailTo() == null || emlMailFormVo.getMailTo().size() == 0) {
         // "받는 사람이 정상적으로 지정되지 않았습니다."
         throw new AppException(messageSource.getMessage("mail.desc.notAssignReceiverPlz", null, "",

     // 제목 보정

     if (StringUtils.isEmpty(emlMailFormVo.getSubject())) {
         // "제목 없음"
         emlMailFormVo.setSubject(messageSource.getMessage("mail.label.noTitle", null, "",

     String result = "SUCCESS";
     String mode = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(emlMailFormVo.getMode(), "write"); //작성 모드
     String massMailId = IdGenerator.generateUniqueId(); //대용량 메일 고유 번호

     // 최근 수신자로 저장할 주소 추출
     // 사용자가 입력한 주소 그대로 최근 수신자로 추출

     List<String> mailToList = gatherRecentlyUsedRecipients(emlMailFormVo.getMailTo(), emlMailFormVo.getMailCc(), emlMailFormVo.getMailBcc());

     //최근 수신자 저장
     updateRecentlyUsedRecipient(emlMailFormVo.getUserId(), mailToList);

     //예약 메일 등록/수정 모드일 경우

     //기존 메일 정보 완전 삭제
     List<EmlMailKeyVo> emlMailKeyVoList = emlMailFormVo.getMailIdList();
     if (emlMailKeyVoList != null) {
         MultiValueMap multiMap = new MultiValueMap();
         for (EmlMailKeyVo emlMailKeyVo : emlMailKeyVoList) {
             multiMap.put(emlMailKeyVo.getMailboxName(), emlMailKeyVo.getUid());
         // 로그인용 주소, 메일박스, uid 목록
         emlMailboxUtilService.expungeWithoutBackup(emlMailFormVo.getUserId(), multiMap);

     //예약 메일함에 저장
     emlMailFormDao.insert(new EmlMailForm(emlMailFormVo));

     return null; //result;
项目:jenkins-filesize-monitor    文件   
public MultiValueMap getFilterFiles() {
    return filterFiles;
项目:jenkins-filesize-monitor    文件   
public void setFilterFiles(MultiValueMap filterFiles) {
    this.filterFiles = filterFiles;
项目:hypersocket-framework    文件   
public MultiValueMap getEntityMap() {
    return entityMap;
项目:cananolab    文件   
protected void transferExperimentConfigurations(Map<String, Object> charBeanMap, List<SimpleCharacterizationUnitBean> charBeanUnits, CharacterizationBean charBean) {
    if (charBean.getExperimentConfigs().size() == 0) {
        //SimpleCharacterizationUnitBean aUnit = new SimpleCharacterizationUnitBean("Experiment Configurations", "N/A");

    logger.debug("Experiment Configurations size: " + charBean.getExperimentConfigs().size());
    List<ExperimentConfigBean> expConfigBeans = charBean.getExperimentConfigs();

    MultiMap technique = new MultiValueMap();
    MultiMap instruments = new MultiValueMap();
    MultiMap description = new MultiValueMap();

    List<MultiMap> expConfigTable = new ArrayList<MultiMap>();

    for (ExperimentConfigBean aBean : expConfigBeans) {
        String techDisplayName = (aBean.getTechniqueDisplayName() == null) ? "" : aBean.getTechniqueDisplayName();

        //String instrDisplayNames = (aBean.getInstrumentDisplayNames() == null) ? "" : aBean.getInstrumentDisplayNames();
        String desc = (aBean.getDomain().getDescription() == null) ? "" : aBean.getDomain().getDescription();

        String[] instNames = aBean.getInstrumentDisplayNames();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (instNames != null)  {

            for (String instName : instNames) {
                if (sb.length() > 0)

        technique.put("Technique", techDisplayName);
        instruments.put("Instruments", sb.toString());
        description.put("Description", desc);

        logger.debug("Tech display name: " + aBean.getTechniqueDisplayName());


    charBeanMap.put("Experiment Configurations", expConfigTable);

    SimpleCharacterizationUnitBean aUnit = new SimpleCharacterizationUnitBean("Experiment Configurations", expConfigTable);

项目:screensaver    文件   
 * Normally, we create 1 file per assay plate. However, in the case where an
 * assay plate is comprised of wells from library copy plates that have
 * different plate types, we need to generate a separate file for each source
 * plate type (i.e., the assay plate will be defined over multiple files).
 * @return a MultiMap that partitions the cherry picks by file,
 * ordering both the file names and cherry picks for each file.
private MultiMap/*<String,SortedSet<CherryPick>>*/ buildCherryPickFiles(CherryPickRequest cherryPickRequest,
                                                                        Set<CherryPickAssayPlate> forPlates)
  MultiMap assayPlate2SourcePlateTypes = getSourcePlateTypesForEachAssayPlate(cherryPickRequest);

  MultiMap result = MultiValueMap.decorate(new TreeMap<String,SortedSet<LabCherryPick>>(),
                                           new Factory()
    public Object create() { return new TreeSet<LabCherryPick>(PlateMappingCherryPickComparator.getInstance()); }

  // HACK: transform set of CPAP into a set of IDs, for purpose of checking
  // set membership; we can't rely upon CPAP.equals(), since we're comparing
  // non-managed entities with managed entities, and therefore we do not have
  // the guarantee of instance equality for entities with the same ID
  Set<Serializable> forPlateIds = new HashSet<Serializable>( forPlates .size());
  for (CherryPickAssayPlate cpap : forPlates) {
    if (cpap.getEntityId() == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("all members of 'forPlates' must already be persisted and have a database identifier");

  for (LabCherryPick cherryPick : cherryPickRequest.getLabCherryPicks()) {
    if (cherryPick.isAllocated()) {
      CherryPickAssayPlate assayPlate = cherryPick.getAssayPlate();
      if (forPlates == null || (assayPlate != null && forPlateIds.contains(assayPlate.getEntityId()))) {
        Set<PlateType> sourcePlateTypes = (Set<PlateType>) assayPlate2SourcePlateTypes.get(assayPlate.getName());
        String fileName = makeFilename(cherryPick, sourcePlateTypes.size());
        result.put(fileName, cherryPick);
  return result;
项目:Minecraft-ID-Resolver    文件   
 * Returns the name of the block/item that corresponds to its ID.
 * @author SS111
 * @param map a <a href="">MultiValueMap</a> populated by ConfigHelper
 * @param key the block/item ID
 * @return String
 * @see <a href="">MultiValueMap</a>
 * @see com.github.ss111.ConfigHelper
public static String getName(MultiValueMap map, Integer key) {

    Collection<ArrayList<String>> names = map.getCollection(key);

    String name = new String();

    for (ArrayList<String> combo : names) {

        name = combo.toArray()[0].toString();

    return name;

项目:Minecraft-ID-Resolver    文件   
 * Determines if a block/item is has a conflicting ID.
 * <p>
 * Optionally, by passing the type argument (either BLOCK or ITEM), ConflictHelper will store conflicting block/item IDs in their respective ArrayLists which can then be retrieved by calling ConfigHelper.getConflictingBlocks() or ConfigHelper.getConflictingItems().
 * @author SS111
 * @param map a <a href="">MultiValueMap</a> populated by ConfigHelper
 * @param key the block/item ID
 * @param type the map type (BLOCK or ITEM)
 * @return Boolean
 * @see <a href="">MultiValueMap</a>
 * @see com.github.ss111.ConfigHelper
 * @see ConflictHelper#getConflictingBlocks()
 * @see ConflictHelper#getConflictingItems()
public static Boolean isConflicting(MultiValueMap map, Integer key, String type) {

    Collection<ArrayList<String>> names = map.getCollection(key);

    if (names.size() == 1) {

        return false;

    } else {

        ArrayList<String> namesArray = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (ArrayList<String> combo : names) {


        if (namesArray.toArray()[0].toString().equals(namesArray.toArray()[1].toString())) {

            return false;

        } else {

            if (type == "BLOCK") {


            } else if (type == "ITEM") {


            return true;
项目:Minecraft-ID-Resolver    文件   
 * Determines if a block/item is has a conflicting ID.
 * @author SS111
 * @param map a <a href="">MultiValueMap</a> populated by ConfigHelper
 * @param key the block/item ID
 * @return Boolean
 * @see <a href="">MultiValueMap</a>
 * @see com.github.ss111.ConfigHelper
public static Boolean isConflicting(MultiValueMap map, Integer key) {

    Collection<ArrayList<String>> names = map.getCollection(key);

    if (names.size() == 1) {

        return false;

    } else {

        ArrayList<String> namesArray = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (ArrayList<String> combo : names) {


        if (namesArray.toArray()[0].toString().equals(namesArray.toArray()[1].toString())) {

            return false;

        } else {

            return true;
项目:Minecraft-ID-Resolver    文件   
 * Returns a sentence that tells what each block/item conflicts with.
 * @author SS111
 * @param map a <a href="">MultiValueMap</a> populated by ConfigHelper
 * @param key key the block/item ID
 * @return String
 * @see <a href="">MultiValueMap</a>
 * @see com.github.ss111.ConfigHelper
public static String getConflictString(MultiValueMap map, Integer key) {

    Collection<ArrayList<String>> names = map.getCollection(key);

    String conflictString = "";

    ArrayList<String> namesArray = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (ArrayList<String> combo : names) {


    for (int i = 0; i <= names.size() - 1; i++) {

        if (i == 0) {

            conflictString += namesArray.toArray()[i] + " conflicts with ";

        } else if (i == names.size() - 1) {

            conflictString += namesArray.toArray()[i] + ".";

        } else if (i == names.size() - 2) {

            conflictString += namesArray.toArray()[i] + ", and ";

        } else {

            conflictString += namesArray.toArray()[i] + ", ";

    return conflictString;
项目:Minecraft-ID-Resolver    文件   
 * Returns a sentence that states the configuration files that have conflicts
 * <p>
 * This is to be used in conjunction with ConfigHelper.getConflictString(MultiValueMap map, Integer key)
 * @author SS111
 * @param map a <a href="">MultiValueMap</a> populated by ConfigHelper
 * @param key the block/item ID
 * @param type the map type (BLOCK or ITEM)
 * @return String
 * @see <a href="">MultiValueMap</a>
 * @see com.github.ss111.ConfigHelper
 * @see ConifgHelper#getConflictString(MultiValueMap map, Integer key) getConflictString
public static String getConfigConflictString(MultiValueMap map, Integer key) {

    Collection<ArrayList<String>> names = map.getCollection(key);

    String conflictString = "These conflicts are located in ";

    ArrayList<String> namesArray = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (ArrayList<String> combo : names) {


    for (int i = 0; i <= names.size() - 1; i++) {

        if (i == names.size() - 1) {

            conflictString += namesArray.toArray()[i] + ".";

        } else if (i == names.size() - 2) {

            conflictString += namesArray.toArray()[i] + ", and ";

        } else {

            conflictString += namesArray.toArray()[i] + ", ";

    return conflictString;
项目:sqlpower-library    文件   
 * Creates a list of user friendly names->namespaces.
 * If you want only the namespaces, do {@link MultiValueMap#values()}
 * @return
public MultiValueMap getNamespaces() {
    return SPResolverRegistry.getNamespaces(this.contextSource);
项目:Minecraft-ID-Resolver    文件   
 * Returns a <a href="">MultiValueMap</a> of all the block IDs and their corresponding name(s) and configuration file(s).
 * @return <a href="">MultiValueMap</a>
 * @see <a href="">MultiValueMap</a>
public static MultiValueMap getBlockIDs() {

    return blockIDs;
项目:Minecraft-ID-Resolver    文件   
 * Returns a <a href="">MultiValueMap</a> of all the item IDs and their corresponding name(s) and configuration file(s).
 * @return <a href="">MultiValueMap</a>
 * @see <a href="">MultiValueMap</a>
public static MultiValueMap getItemIDs() {

    return itemIDs;