Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.actions.RestartRsHoldingMetaAction 实例源码

项目:HIndex    文件   
private static void setupActions() throws IOException {
  // Set up the action that will restart a region server holding a region from our table
  // because this table should only have one region we should be good.
  restartRSAction = new RestartRsHoldingTableAction(sleepTime, tableName.getNameAsString());

  // Set up the action that will kill the region holding meta.
  restartMetaAction = new RestartRsHoldingMetaAction(sleepTime);

  // Set up the action that will move the regions of our table.
  moveRegionAction = new MoveRegionsOfTableAction(sleepTime, tableName.getNameAsString());

  // Kill the master
  restartMasterAction = new RestartActiveMasterAction(1000);

  // Give the action the access to the cluster.
  Action.ActionContext actionContext = new Action.ActionContext(util);
项目:PyroDB    文件   
private static void setupActions() throws IOException {
  // Set up the action that will restart a region server holding a region from our table
  // because this table should only have one region we should be good.
  restartRSAction = new RestartRsHoldingTableAction(sleepTime, tableName.getNameAsString());

  // Set up the action that will kill the region holding meta.
  restartMetaAction = new RestartRsHoldingMetaAction(sleepTime);

  // Set up the action that will move the regions of our table.
  moveRegionAction = new MoveRegionsOfTableAction(sleepTime, tableName.getNameAsString());

  // Kill the master
  restartMasterAction = new RestartActiveMasterAction(1000);

  // Give the action the access to the cluster.
  Action.ActionContext actionContext = new Action.ActionContext(util);
项目:ditb    文件   
private static void setupActions() throws IOException {
  // allow a little more time for RS restart actions because RS start depends on having a master
  // to report to and the master is also being monkeyed.
  util.getConfiguration().setLong(Action.START_RS_TIMEOUT_KEY, 3 * 60 * 1000);

  // Set up the action that will restart a region server holding a region from our table
  // because this table should only have one region we should be good.
  restartRSAction = new RestartRsHoldingTableAction(sleepTime, tableName.getNameAsString());

  // Set up the action that will kill the region holding meta.
  restartMetaAction = new RestartRsHoldingMetaAction(sleepTime);

  // Set up the action that will move the regions of meta.
  moveMetaRegionsAction = new MoveRegionsOfTableAction(sleepTime,

  // Set up the action that will move the regions of our table.
  moveRegionAction = new MoveRegionsOfTableAction(sleepTime,
      MonkeyConstants.DEFAULT_MOVE_REGIONS_MAX_TIME, tableName);

  // Kill the master
  restartMasterAction = new RestartActiveMasterAction(1000);

  // Give the action the access to the cluster.
  Action.ActionContext actionContext = new Action.ActionContext(util);
项目:hbase    文件   
private static void setupActions() throws IOException {
  // allow a little more time for RS restart actions because RS start depends on having a master
  // to report to and the master is also being monkeyed.
  util.getConfiguration().setLong(Action.START_RS_TIMEOUT_KEY, 3 * 60 * 1000);

  // Set up the action that will restart a region server holding a region from our table
  // because this table should only have one region we should be good.
  restartRSAction = new RestartRsHoldingTableAction(sleepTime,

  // Set up the action that will kill the region holding meta.
  restartMetaAction = new RestartRsHoldingMetaAction(sleepTime);

  // Set up the action that will move the regions of meta.
  moveMetaRegionsAction = new MoveRegionsOfTableAction(sleepTime,

  // Set up the action that will move the regions of our table.
  moveRegionAction = new MoveRegionsOfTableAction(sleepTime,
      MonkeyConstants.DEFAULT_MOVE_REGIONS_MAX_TIME, tableName);

  // Kill the master
  restartMasterAction = new RestartActiveMasterAction(1000);

  // Give the action the access to the cluster.
  Action.ActionContext actionContext = new Action.ActionContext(util);
项目:HIndex    文件   
public ChaosMonkey build() {

  // Actions such as compact/flush a table/region,
  // move one region around. They are not so destructive,
  // can be executed more frequently.
  Action[] actions1 = new Action[] {
      new CompactTableAction(tableName, 0.5f),
      new CompactRandomRegionOfTableAction(tableName, 0.6f),
      new FlushTableAction(tableName),
      new FlushRandomRegionOfTableAction(tableName),
      new MoveRandomRegionOfTableAction(tableName)

  // Actions such as split/merge/snapshot.
  // They should not cause data loss, or unreliability
  // such as region stuck in transition.
  Action[] actions2 = new Action[] {
      new SplitRandomRegionOfTableAction(tableName),
      new MergeRandomAdjacentRegionsOfTableAction(tableName),
      new SnapshotTableAction(tableName),
      new AddColumnAction(tableName),
      new RemoveColumnAction(tableName, columnFamilies),
      new ChangeEncodingAction(tableName),
      new ChangeCompressionAction(tableName),
      new ChangeBloomFilterAction(tableName),
      new ChangeVersionsAction(tableName)

  // Destructive actions to mess things around.
  Action[] actions3 = new Action[] {
      new MoveRegionsOfTableAction(800, tableName),
      new MoveRandomRegionOfTableAction(800, tableName),
      new RestartRandomRsAction(60000),
      new BatchRestartRsAction(5000, 0.5f),
      new RestartActiveMasterAction(5000),
      new RollingBatchRestartRsAction(5000, 1.0f),
      new RestartRsHoldingMetaAction(35000)

  // Action to log more info for debugging
  Action[] actions4 = new Action[] {
      new DumpClusterStatusAction()

  return new PolicyBasedChaosMonkey(util,
      new PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(60 * 1000, actions1),
      new PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(90 * 1000, actions2),
      new CompositeSequentialPolicy(
          new DoActionsOncePolicy(150 * 1000, actions3),
          new PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(150 * 1000, actions3)),
      new PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(90 * 1000, actions4));
项目:PyroDB    文件   
public ChaosMonkey build() {

  // Actions such as compact/flush a table/region,
  // move one region around. They are not so destructive,
  // can be executed more frequently.
  Action[] actions1 = new Action[] {
      new CompactTableAction(tableName, 0.5f),
      new CompactRandomRegionOfTableAction(tableName, 0.6f),
      new FlushTableAction(tableName),
      new FlushRandomRegionOfTableAction(tableName),
      new MoveRandomRegionOfTableAction(tableName)

  // Actions such as split/merge/snapshot.
  // They should not cause data loss, or unreliability
  // such as region stuck in transition.
  Action[] actions2 = new Action[] {
      new SplitRandomRegionOfTableAction(tableName),
      new MergeRandomAdjacentRegionsOfTableAction(tableName),
      new SnapshotTableAction(tableName),
      new AddColumnAction(tableName),
      new RemoveColumnAction(tableName, columnFamilies),
      new ChangeEncodingAction(tableName),
      new ChangeCompressionAction(tableName),
      new ChangeBloomFilterAction(tableName),
      new ChangeVersionsAction(tableName)

  // Destructive actions to mess things around.
  Action[] actions3 = new Action[] {
      new MoveRegionsOfTableAction(800, tableName),
      new MoveRandomRegionOfTableAction(800, tableName),
      new RestartRandomRsAction(60000),
      new BatchRestartRsAction(5000, 0.5f),
      new RestartActiveMasterAction(5000),
      new RollingBatchRestartRsAction(5000, 1.0f),
      new RestartRsHoldingMetaAction(35000)

  // Action to log more info for debugging
  Action[] actions4 = new Action[] {
      new DumpClusterStatusAction()

  return new PolicyBasedChaosMonkey(util,
      new PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(60 * 1000, actions1),
      new PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(90 * 1000, actions2),
      new CompositeSequentialPolicy(
          new DoActionsOncePolicy(150 * 1000, actions3),
          new PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(150 * 1000, actions3)),
      new PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(90 * 1000, actions4));