Java 类org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.CombineTextInputFormat 实例源码

项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:hops    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:hardfs    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
 * Test using the gzip codec for reading
public void testGzip() throws IOException {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);
  CompressionCodec gzip = new GzipCodec();
  ReflectionUtils.setConf(gzip, job);
  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part1.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "the quick\nbrown\nfox jumped\nover\n the lazy\n dog\n");
  writeFile(localFs, new Path(workDir, "part2.txt.gz"), gzip,
            "this is a test\nof gzip\n");
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, 100);
  assertEquals("compressed splits == 1", 1, splits.length);
  List<Text> results = readSplit(format, splits[0], job);
  assertEquals("splits[0] length", 8, results.size());

  final String[] firstList =
    {"the quick", "brown", "fox jumped", "over", " the lazy", " dog"};
  final String[] secondList = {"this is a test", "of gzip"};
  String first = results.get(0).toString();
  if (first.equals(firstList[0])) {
    testResults(results, firstList, secondList);
  } else if (first.equals(secondList[0])) {
    testResults(results, secondList, firstList);
  } else {
    fail("unexpected first token!");
项目:hadoop    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());
项目:big-c    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());
项目:FlexMap    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());
项目:hops    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());
项目:hardfs    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
public void testFormat() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf);

  Random random = new Random();
  long seed = random.nextLong();"seed = "+seed);

  localFs.delete(workDir, true);
  FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

  final int length = 10000;
  final int numFiles = 10;

  createFiles(length, numFiles, random);

  // create a combined split for the files
  CombineTextInputFormat format = new CombineTextInputFormat();
  LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
  Text value = new Text();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    int numSplits = random.nextInt(length/20)+1;"splitting: requesting = " + numSplits);
    InputSplit[] splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits);"splitting: got =        " + splits.length);

    // we should have a single split as the length is comfortably smaller than
    // the block size
    assertEquals("We got more than one splits!", 1, splits.length);
    InputSplit split = splits[0];
    assertEquals("It should be CombineFileSplit",
      CombineFileSplit.class, split.getClass());

    // check the split
    BitSet bits = new BitSet(length);
    LOG.debug("split= " + split);
    RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader =
      format.getRecordReader(split, job, voidReporter);
    try {
      int count = 0;
      while (, value)) {
        int v = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
        LOG.debug("read " + v);
        if (bits.get(v)) {
          LOG.warn("conflict with " + v +
                   " at position "+reader.getPos());
        assertFalse("Key in multiple partitions.", bits.get(v));
      }"splits="+split+" count=" + count);
    } finally {
    assertEquals("Some keys in no partition.", length, bits.cardinality());