Java 类org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix.RoundRobinUserResolver 实例源码

项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Generate the data in a REPLAY submission policy with RoundRobinUserResolver
 * mode and verify whether the generated data matches with the given 
 * input size or not.
 * @throws Exception
public void testGenerateDataWithREPLAYSubmission() throws Exception {
  conf = rtClient.getDaemonConf();
  final long inputSize = cSize * 300;
  String [] runtimeValues ={"LOADJOB",
     inputSize +"m",
     "file://" + cluster.getProxyUsersFilePath(),

  int exitCode = UtilsForGridmix.runGridmixJob(gridmixDir, 
     conf,GridMixRunMode.DATA_GENERATION, runtimeValues);
  Assert.assertEquals("Data generation has failed.", 0 , exitCode);
项目:hadoop-on-lustre    文件   
 * Generate the data in a REPLAY submission policy with RoundRobinUserResolver
 * mode and verify whether the generated data matches with the given 
 * input size or not.
 * @throws Exception
public void testGenerateDataWithREPLAYSubmission() throws Exception {
  conf = rtClient.getDaemonConf();
  final long inputSize = cSize * 300;
  String [] runtimeValues ={"LOADJOB",
     inputSize +"m",
     "file://" + UtilsForGridmix.getProxyUsersFile(cluster.getHadoopProxyUsers()),

  int exitCode = UtilsForGridmix.runGridmixJob(gridmixDir, 
     conf,GridMixRunMode.DATA_GENERATION, runtimeValues);
  Assert.assertEquals("Data generation has failed.", 0 , exitCode);
项目:hanoi-hadoop-2.0.0-cdh    文件   
 * Generate the data in a REPLAY submission policy with RoundRobinUserResolver
 * mode and verify whether the generated data matches with the given 
 * input size or not.
 * @throws Exception
public void testGenerateDataWithREPLAYSubmission() throws Exception {
  conf = rtClient.getDaemonConf();
  final long inputSize = cSize * 300;
  String [] runtimeValues ={"LOADJOB",
     inputSize +"m",
     "file://" + cluster.getProxyUsersFilePath(),

  int exitCode = UtilsForGridmix.runGridmixJob(gridmixDir, 
     conf,GridMixRunMode.DATA_GENERATION, runtimeValues);
  Assert.assertEquals("Data generation has failed.", 0 , exitCode);
项目:mapreduce-fork    文件   
 * Generate the data in a REPLAY submission policy with RoundRobinUserResolver
 * mode and verify whether the generated data matches with the given 
 * input size or not.
 * @throws Exception
public void testGenerateDataWithREPLAYSubmission() throws Exception {
  conf = rtClient.getDaemonConf();
  final long inputSizeInMB = cSize * 300;
  String [] runtimeValues = 
              inputSizeInMB +"m",
              "file://" + UtilsForGridmix.getProxyUsersFile(conf),

  String [] otherArgs = {
      "-D", GridMixConfig.GRIDMIX_DISTCACHE_ENABLE + "=false", 
      "-D", GridMixConfig.GRIDMIX_COMPRESSION_ENABLE + "=false"

  int exitCode = 
      UtilsForGridmix.runGridmixJob(gridmixDir, conf, 
          runtimeValues, otherArgs);
  Assert.assertEquals("Data generation has failed.", 0 , exitCode);
项目:hortonworks-extension    文件   
 * Generate the data in a REPLAY submission policy with RoundRobinUserResolver
 * mode and verify whether the generated data matches with the given 
 * input size or not.
 * @throws Exception
public void testGenerateDataWithREPLAYSubmission() throws Exception {
  conf = rtClient.getDaemonConf();
  final long inputSize = cSize * 300;
  String [] runtimeValues ={"LOADJOB",
     inputSize +"m",
     "file://" + UtilsForGridmix.getProxyUsersFile(cluster.getHadoopProxyUsers()),

  int exitCode = UtilsForGridmix.runGridmixJob(gridmixDir, 
     conf,GridMixRunMode.DATA_GENERATION, runtimeValues);
  Assert.assertEquals("Data generation has failed.", 0 , exitCode);
项目:hortonworks-extension    文件   
 * Generate the data in a REPLAY submission policy with RoundRobinUserResolver
 * mode and verify whether the generated data matches with the given 
 * input size or not.
 * @throws Exception
public void testGenerateDataWithREPLAYSubmission() throws Exception {
  conf = rtClient.getDaemonConf();
  final long inputSize = cSize * 300;
  String [] runtimeValues ={"LOADJOB",
     inputSize +"m",
     "file://" + UtilsForGridmix.getProxyUsersFile(cluster.getHadoopProxyUsers()),

  int exitCode = UtilsForGridmix.runGridmixJob(gridmixDir, 
     conf,GridMixRunMode.DATA_GENERATION, runtimeValues);
  Assert.assertEquals("Data generation has failed.", 0 , exitCode);