@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { super.checkConfiguration(issues); boolean _isSet = this.framework.isSet(); boolean _not = (!_isSet); if (_not) { issues.addError("The property \'framework\' is required."); } final Function1<String, Boolean> _function = (String it) -> { return Boolean.valueOf(this.suppressedPatterns.contains(it)); }; Iterable<String> _filter = IterableExtensions.<String>filter(this.enabledPatterns, _function); for (final String pattern : _filter) { issues.addError((("The pattern \'" + pattern) + "\' cannot be enabled and suppressed.")); } }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { if ((this.naming == null)) { this.naming = this.createNaming(); } if ((this.fragment == null)) { issues.addError("The property \'fragment\' must be set.", this); } else { this.fragment.checkConfiguration(((MweIssues) issues).getDelegate()); } }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { if ((this.generateJavaMain && this.generateXtendMain)) { issues.addWarning( "Options \'generateJavaMain\' and \'generateXtendMain\' are mutually exclusive. Generating Xtend only.", this); this.generateJavaMain = false; } }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { super.checkConfiguration(issues); boolean _isWorkable = this.antlrTool.isWorkable(); boolean _not = (!_isWorkable); if (_not) { issues.addError("\n\n*ATTENTION*\nIt is highly recommended to use ANTLR\'s parser generator (get it from \'http://xtext.itemis.com/\'). \nAs an alternative to ANTLR you could also use the alternative implementation shipped with Xtext.\nTo do so use the generator fragment \'org.eclipse.xtext.generator.parser.packrat.PackratParserFragment\' in your mwe2 file instead."); } }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { super.checkConfiguration(issues); if ((this.getOptions().isBacktrackLexer() && this.isCombinedGrammar())) { issues.addError("A combined grammar cannot have a backtracking lexer"); } if ((this.getOptions().isIgnoreCase() && this.isCombinedGrammar())) { issues.addError("A combined grammar cannot have an ignorecase lexer"); } if ((this.getOptions().isBacktrackLexer() && this.getOptions().isIgnoreCase())) { issues.addError("Backtracking lexer and ignorecase cannot be combined for now."); } }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { super.checkConfiguration(issues); if ((this.rootPath == null)) { issues.addError("The property \'rootPath\' must be set", this); } if ((this.baseName == null)) { issues.addError("The property \'baseName\' must be set", this); } }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { super.checkConfiguration(issues); if (((this.manifest != null) && (this.getMetaInf() == null))) { issues.addError("The \'metaInf\' outlet must be configured for projects with a manifest", this); } if (((this.pluginXml != null) && (this.getRoot() == null))) { issues.addError("The \'root\' outlet must be configured for projects with a plugin.xml", this); } }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { if ((this.fragment == null)) { issues.addError("The property \'fragment\' must be set.", this); } else { this.fragment.checkConfiguration(issues); } }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { super.checkConfiguration(issues); if ((this.useJdtRefactoring.isSet() && this.useChangeSerializer.isSet())) { issues.addError("IChangeSerializer-based refactoring doesn\'t work with JDT"); } }
/** * Deactivate the super class' initialization check. */ @Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { }
public MweIssues(final XtextGenerator owner, final org.eclipse.emf.mwe.core.issues.Issues delegate) { super(); this.owner = owner; this.delegate = delegate; }
@Pure public org.eclipse.emf.mwe.core.issues.Issues getDelegate() { return this.delegate; }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { for (final IXtextGeneratorFragment fragment : this.fragments) { fragment.checkConfiguration(issues); } }
public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { final Consumer<SubProjectConfig> _function = (SubProjectConfig it) -> { it.checkConfiguration(issues); }; this.getEnabledProjects().forEach(_function); }
public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { }
protected void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues) { this.project.checkConfiguration(issues); }
@Override public void checkConfiguration(Issues issues) { fragmentInstances.forEach(fragment -> fragment.checkConfiguration(issues)); }
public abstract void checkConfiguration(final Issues issues);